Chapter 242 Ye Fan’s heart is moved, and the rich woman asks for a cover!!

This time, it was still Ye Qincheng, the fierce emperor. And as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone was shocked.

No one expected that Ye Qiancheng would be so atmospheric, and as soon as he opened his mouth, it was thirty million value points.

If that’s all there is to it, the point is that she just threw out a hundred million worth points.

Coupled with the current 30 million value points, this has reached 130 million value points before and after. How many heavenly treasures does this woman have in her hands?

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, not understanding what this beautiful woman really was, and there were so many heavenly treasures for her to squander.

“Could this woman be the heir of some superpower?” Otherwise, how could there be such a huge amount of heaven and earth treasures. ”

“This is also too strong, this has already thrown out something worth 130 million points before and after, how many good things does this woman have in her hands?”

“Lao Tzu has lived for so many years, and he has never seen such a rich woman.”

“It’s true that people have to die more than people, and goods have to be thrown away, and I think I have lived in vain all these years.”

Ye Qingcheng’s offer made countless people have all kinds of thoughts in their hearts. In particular, the resources in Ye Qiancheng’s hands made everyone interested.

Such a beautiful woman, with so many resources in her hands, and more importantly, this woman’s strength does not seem to be very strong.

It’s just a fat sheep, and it’s the kind that can’t be fattened anymore. For a moment, all the eyes looking at Ye Qiancheng changed, from amazement to greed.

Some people have even begun to fight hard, whether to rob Ye Qicheng after this auction meeting.

A woman who is not very proficient in cultivation and holds so many resources in her hands, if such a person does not rob, it is simply unreasonable.

Fortunately, these people did not know Ye Qiancheng’s true identity, if I knew, I estimated that I would directly frighten the fart and, then I would dare to have any idea of robbery.

Unfortunately, no one at the scene knew Ye Qingcheng’s identity except Qin Yu, and even Ye Fan, who was sitting next to Ye Qingcheng, did not know anything about Ye Qingcheng’s identity.

However, after seeing Ye Qingcheng’s successive shots and offers, he already had an incomparably admiring heart for Ye Qincheng.

Rich man, super rich man.

I can’t imagine that I can actually be friends with such a super tycoon one day, which is simply refreshing to think about.

“Rich girl paper, we are good friends, right?”

Looking at Ye Qiancheng, who was sitting next to him, Ye Fan had a flattering smile on his face.

Now Ye Fan had almost thrown his face out of the Nine Clouds.

What a joke, now sitting next to such a local tycoon girl, if you don’t hug your thighs quickly, then what are you waiting for?

As for face, can face be eaten as a meal? Can face be used as a treasure?

Without the strength to say face, it is a castle in the air.

What’s more, Ye Fan was not a fool, he could clearly feel that this Ye Qicheng around him had more or less a different kind of emotion for himself, which made Ye Fan feel very cool.

A beautiful girl, a local tycoon girl, a rich and beautiful girl.

This girl still has some meaning to herself.

If you can hook up such a girl at that time, it will not be cool?

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

Looking at Ye Fan’s expression, Ye Qiancheng couldn’t help but feel a little strange, not understanding why Ye Fan would show such an expression.

At the same time, Ye Qingcheng is that you also have some doubts.

Is it true that after his brother was reincarnated, the true spirit went wrong, otherwise how could he have become like this after reincarnation?

Ye Fan didn’t know what Ye Qiancheng was thinking in his heart? After he heard Ye Qiancheng’s words, he immediately smiled.

“Hey, hey, that’s good, that’s good, it’s cool to have a local tycoon girl as a friend.”


Just now, when Ye Qincheng was making an offer, many people present had already paid attention to her.

In addition, the conversation between the two did not avoid the people around them, so the words of the two were naturally heard by others, which made everyone can’t help but scold in their hearts.

They could see that this boy who looked twelve or thirteen years old was just a licking dog.

The little boy was so good at licking.

And the other party is still a beautiful woman in her twenties.

What’s even more infuriating is that you, a beautiful woman, actually eat his set very much. The strength of the two is still very good.

The teenager next to the woman was a little stronger.

A waste wood in the hands of a huge amount of resources is not to mention, the key is that next to this waste wood actually stands a teenager licking dogs…

What kind of world is this?

Is it true that this waste wood woman likes to eat this set? Everyone’s heart was full of wonders.

“I’m out thirty-five million points.”

When Ye Fan and Ye Qincheng were talking, Qin Shi Huang looked at both of them and then began to make quotations.

He was very interested in the Cataclysm.

Not only because the power of the Great Cataclysm Technique was very powerful, but also because the Great Cataclysm Technique could replace his current practice.

After all, Qin Shi Huang had gradually felt that the power of his cultivation method was a little weak during this long-term cultivation.

If you put it in the past, this set of exercises is naturally no problem.

The point is that the person who appears now is getting stronger and stronger, if his strength can no longer improve rapidly in a short period of time.

The future is likely to be a hopeless situation.

It was precisely because of this precautionary Qin Shi Huang that he decided to buy the Great Tribulation Technique, this seventh-order magic art.

“Thirty-five million worth points.”

Those who were interested in the Great Cataclysm Technique were not only Qin Shi Huang. Everyone knows that in the cultivation world, the Gong Fa is far more useful than the Dan Medicine.

Therefore, the group of people who came from the Fighting Qi Continent were also determined to achieve this skill.

Qin Shi Huang’s words had just fallen, and the Soul Heavenly Emperor quickly made an offer.

“I’m out thirty-seven million points.”

After Gu Yuan heard the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, he immediately began to fight.

“Thirty-seven million value points, thirty-seven million value points, Mr. Gu Yuan has bid to thirty-seven million value points, is there anything higher than this?”

The concubine on the stage was immediately excited after hearing Gu Yuan’s offer.

“Forty million value points, forty million value points, Mr. Gu Yuan bid 40 million value points.”

As she spoke, Yafei used her gaze to constantly scan the faces of everyone in the audience

She said the offer over and over again, afraid that no one present would hear it.

“Forty-five million worth points!”

Not to be outdone, Huang Tian also quoted his current price after Yafei’s second offer.

“Forty-five million worth points, and now the offer of cataclysm comes to forty-five million worth points.”

“I’m out of fifty million worth points.”

It was at this time that Ye Qiancheng made another offer. This made everyone look at each other in unison.

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