Chapter 243 Win the Politics to Win the Ma!!

Involuntarily, he raised his eyes to look at Ye Qiancheng again.

Can’t figure out how many resources this beautiful woman has in her hands?

Just now directly burst out thirty million value points, then it will already be surprising, and now it is actually directly quoted the price of fifty million value points.

Such a strong financial strength is really stunning.

“, where the hell did this woman jump out?” Lao Tzu will definitely rob her. ”

“Right, right, we must find a way to rob him.”

“A waste woman with a twelve- or thirteen-year-old child by her side, if this fat sheep is not slaughtered, it will be a pity for the gods of heaven and earth.”

“That is, what is even more infuriating is that little fart child is actually a licking dog.”

There are many people who keep muttering in private.

While speaking, he also raised his eyes, looking at Ye Fan and Ye Qincheng from time to time. Noticing the gazes of the other people around him, Ye Fan only felt a chill in his heart.

“Sleeper, isn’t it time to be targeted by these guys?”

After all, Ye Fan was a person who had lived in modern society, don’t look at his current appearance is only twelve or thirteen years old.

But in fact, his current appearance only became like this after an accident in the ancient forbidden land, in fact, he was already in his twenties.

A few years after graduating from college, he wandered the society alone, saw more intrigues, flies and dogs.

Therefore, Ye Fan was very clear about the truth that wealth should not be revealed.

The strength of the two was not good, the wolves on the scene looked around, and under such circumstances, Ye Fan felt like a small white rabbit.

“Are you worried they’re going to hit our mind?”

Noticing Ye Fan’s face, Ye Qincheng asked.

“Of course, what strength we have is such a force that has so many resources, and other people don’t fight us, that’s really strange.”

Ye Fan and Ye Qincheng did not avoid the others when they were talking, Ye Fan did not have this ability, and Ye Qincheng did not pay attention to the people around him at all.

So everyone around them can hear the conversation between the two people clearly.

“You can rest assured, there will never be such a thing, and who will rob whom will not know when the time comes.”

Hearing Ye Qincheng say this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Although he was very interested in pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, it was also necessary to have a real backstage.

Now there are two of them, one more than one dish.

If we say that our own ancient holy body is now known as the ancient wasted body.

This beautiful girl next to me is even more ordinary. It can be said that even a little bit of physique and no cultivation talent are almost zero. The strength of such a dish can’t even be loaded.

Not only the other people around Ye Fan couldn’t help but want to complain after hearing Ye Qiancheng’s words.

You two are cooked like this.

At this time, if you don’t want to think of a way, even if you hide, you actually dare to make such a big fuss, I really don’t know if I am alive or dead.

Is it true that the hearts of the dishes are so big now?

“Fifty million value points, now this lady has bid fifty million value points, is there a higher price than this?”

Princess Yafei didn’t care what these people in the audience were thinking at this time.

Her job now was to give Qin Yu everything to him

The price is sold.

Hearing Yafei shouting the price, the candle kun under the stage looked at the Phoenix Sky not far away.

Now Candle Kun knew very well that it was almost impossible for him to block Huang Tian’s footsteps now, but in order to allow him to produce more blood at this time, Candle Kun still chose to open up.

“I’m out of sixty million worth points.”

After the quotation was completed, Candle Kun looked at the Phoenix Sky not far away.

Almost instantaneously, Huang Tian noticed Candle Kun’s gaze. She knew very well that Candle Kun was just disgusting herself.

In the face of this kind of thing, Huang Tian naturally would not fulfill Candle Kun’s wish.

“I’m out of seventy million worth points.”

The price of the Great Cataclysm has reached a high level of 70 million value points, and more than 90 percent of all the people in the scene have lost hope.

This price is too high for many people to reach.

And after hearing Huang Tian’s offer, Candle Kun’s heart was also depressed.

Sure enough, he still surpassed him, but fortunately, he successfully raised the price, at least disgusting Huang Tian.

“I’m out of eighty million.”

Huang Tian’s words had just fallen, and Gu Yuan directly reached out to quote, without even Yafei shouting.

“I’m out of ninety million worth points.”

Gu Yuan had already struck, and the Soul Heavenly Emperor naturally would not fall.

Moreover, compared to Dan Yao, the importance of the Killing Technique for cultivators was even greater.

So in any case, the bid on the Cataclysm can’t be easily dropped.

Taking ten thousand steps back, in the eyes of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, even if he couldn’t buy this exercise, he absolutely couldn’t make others feel better in the end.

In this way, others are prevented from competing with themselves in the next auction.

However, compared to the attitude of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Qin Shi Huang’s idea was much simpler.

In Qin Shi Huang’s view, it was very necessary for him to photograph the Great Cataclysm Technique. After all, this cataclysmic technique was too important to him.

“Ninety million value points, now that the price of the Great Cataclysm has reached ninety million value points, is there anyone who has made a higher bid than this?”

Yafei stood on the stage and kept shouting prices, and the crisp voice continued to sound throughout the auction hall, which was like a spring breeze.

The woman didn’t think it was a big deal, but the men present felt an unspeakable feeling after hearing her voice.

Anyway, I just felt that after hearing her voice, the bones of my body were crisp by two or two.

Qin Shi Huang sat in his seat, not saying a word, his eyebrows locked, as if he was thinking about something?

And the others at the auction were thinking.

After all, the price has come to this point, and every bid must be cautious.

“I’m out of 100 million worth points.”

In the end, Qin Shi Huang still couldn’t hold back the restlessness in his heart and chose to open his mouth to bid at this time.

As his offer fell, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became audible. Obviously, 100 million value points is a hurdle.

In the entire Heavens Auction Hall, there are only a few forces and individuals who can come up with so many value points in one go.

It is precisely because of this reason that there are really not many people who can participate in the next auction.

Even some people present doubted that after the price of the Great Cataclysm reached 100 million value points, there would be no one to follow.

After all, this is a hundred million points of value, even if it is a hundred million bricks, it is frightening.

Not to mention the extremely valuable value point. Everyone was waiting, and no one was in a hurry to bid.

Seeing this, Yafei shouted again on the stage.

“One hundred million value points, the price of the Great Cataclysm has come to one hundred million value points, is there a higher price than this?”

“One hundred million worth points at a time.”

When Concubine Ya began to shout, Qin Shi Huang was already trembling with excitement as he sat in his seat.

Who knows that at this moment, a familiar voice sounded again.

ps: I wish all Yanzu a happy Valentine’s Day, pay attention to safety, and do not take a life

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