Chapter 244 Iron Man is autistic again!!

If it is said that when Concubine Yafei began to shout the price, Qin Shi Huang had a feeling of victory.

Then the sudden sound made Qin Shi Huang feel that he had been poured with cold water.

“I’m out of 110 million worth points.”

When Ye Qingcheng’s cold voice came again, everyone couldn’t help but look up at this beautiful woman again.

As Ye Qincheng’s voice fell, Qin Shi Huang’s whole person seemed to have been drained of strength and collapsed directly into position.

One hundred million worth points is almost the limit he can come up with?

Although he could still come up with more, if he did, it would shake the foundation of the country, which was definitely not a good thing for the entire Kyushu Empire.

Although Qin Shi Huang was very eager for the Great Cataclysm Technique, he also had to consider the overall situation.

This is what sets Qin Shi Huang apart from others.

Others only need to think about themselves, but Qin Shi Huang needs to consider the entire Kyushu Empire, and his every move must be responsible for the Kyushu Empire.

So when Qin Shi Huang heard Ye Qincheng report a value of 110 million points.

He very decisively gave up this auction, although it was a pity, but Qin Shi Huang did not regret it.

Although Qin Shi Huang gave up continuing to bid, there were still many people who were willing to follow.

“One hundred and fifteen million…”

“One hundred and twenty million…”

“I’m out of 127 million.”

“One hundred and thirty million…”

When the price of the cataclysm breaks through to 100 million value points. Voices that had not existed before appeared again, among which Gu Yuan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor were the most intense.

The two almost killed the red eye.

Everyone felt a shiver in their hearts after hearing their offer.

It is more than 100 million value points.

Such prices have become astronomical for many people present.

In particular, Tony and Zhang Xiaofan, those who came to the Heavens Auction to play soy sauce, were already directly numb when they heard these numbers.

For them, whether it is fifty million value points or one value point or one hundred and thirty million value points is simply a number.

Because no matter what, even fifty million value points they can’t come up with.

“I couldn’t imagine that the world’s richest man like me would be a complete poor beep in this auction.”

Tony sat in his place and had chosen to lie flat.

When he said this, he couldn’t help but look at Zhang Xiaofan sitting next to him, the two of them can be described as brothers and sisters, so they have been sitting together.

“Uncle, don’t say that, I’m poorer than you.”

Originally, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to comfort Tony, but after hearing Zhang Xiaofan’s words, Tony directly rolled his eyes.

“What else are you talking about?” How old are you? I’m in my forties. ”

As soon as he talked about it, Tony felt a pang of bitterness in his heart.

“You don’t know that I claim to be the richest man in the world in my world, and you want me to have nothing, even when I can move my mouth and buy a building when I fight.” It’s just so arrogant. ”

“But if you look at me now, I am not at all in this auction house of the heavens.” It’s really sad for me. ”

Hearing Tony say this, the young Zhang Xiaofan had nothing to say, and could only sit in place and open his mouth, and finally chose silence.

However, although Zhang Xiaofan did not speak, the small stone sitting on the other side of Tony was holding his animal milk, and the milk said milkily.

“Uncle, you’re already very good.”

“Go ahead, what do you know as a little fart that hasn’t been weaned?”

“Who? Who? Not weaned yet? ”

After hearing Tony’s words, Little Stone helped put down the stone bowl in his hand, and a pair of large black and white eyes stared at him innocently.

“Don’t do this, you haven’t even wiped the milk stains on the corners of your mouth, you mean to say so.”


After hearing Tony’s words, Xiao Shi was shocked and hurriedly wiped the corners of his mouth with his own small hand.

“You, I didn’t drink milk.”


Tony thought it was funny to talk to such a little fart about drinking milk or not.

He simply lost his blank eyes and turned his head to look no longer at him.

In fact, not only them, but even Xiao Yan, who was also from the Douqi Continent, had completely lost interest after hearing these people’s offers.

The Seventh Order Divine Technique, the Great Cataclysm Technique, is incomparably powerful.

But for a poor ghost like him, there was no hope at all, and since that was the case, it was better to sit where he was and honestly wait for the whole auction to end.

“Alas. The poor life is so simple and unpretentious. ”

Xiao Yan said a word, and then leaned back in his chair and listened quietly, the sound of quotations constantly coming from his ears.

“One hundred and fifty million worth points.”

Ye Qiancheng’s cold voice sounded again, making everyone present lose their temper directly.

This woman is too fierce, and every time she flutters a word, she can greatly increase the price of the auction item.

If they didn’t know that the auction rules of the Heavenly Auction were very strict, they would even wonder if this woman was deliberately inflating the price, otherwise how could she quote such a sky-high price every time.

“One hundred and fifty million value points, now the price of the Great Cataclysm has reached one hundred and fifty million value points, is there anyone who bids higher?”

Yafei stood on the stage, her face flushed with excitement.

This is 150 million worth points, and it is incredible to think about.

She never imagined that such a price would actually be auctioned in her own hands.

But apparently, when the price of the cataclysm reached 150 million value points, the offer was far less intense than before.

Yafei stood on the stage and shouted several times before someone finally quoted a new price.

“One hundred and sixty million value points.”

Gu Yuan stood up and quoted his price, which could be seen from the expression on his face.

When he reported 160 million points of value, his look had become very hesitant.

If you think about it, that’s 160 million worth of points.

It was almost necessary to hollow out the entire ancient family’s storehouse in order to make up so many value points.

Especially after he quoted an offer of 160 million value points, he couldn’t help but look at Ye Qingcheng.

Obviously, he had been completely frightened by Ye Qiancheng, afraid that this woman would explode a price that made him feel desperate.

Unfortunately, this time, Gu Yuan did not wait for Ye Qiancheng’s offer, but waited for the offer of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

“I’m out of 165 million points.”

After being shocked by the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s offer, Gu Yuan was suddenly furious.

“Soul Heavenly Emperor, did you mean it?”

“What intentional? Can you quote me and I can’t quote? And I didn’t break the rules, what do you mean by that? Is it against me? ”


Hearing the Soul Heavenly Emperor say this, Gu Yuanqi’s body trembled.

Indeed, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s offer did not violate the rules, so even if the Soul Heavenly Emperor was very angry, there was nothing he could do.

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