Chapter 245 The Fierce Emperor Completes Double Kill!!


The angry Gu Yuan could only snort coldly. Then said annoyedly.

“I’m out of 166 million points.”

“I’m out of 167 million points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor looked at Gu Yuan and didn’t say much, but just reported his offer.

This directly made Gu Yuanqi tremble all over his body.

Deliberately, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was definitely deliberate, and Gu Yuan could see that the Soul Heavenly Emperor was doing this entirely against himself.

“I’m out of 168 million points.”

Just when Gu Yuan was angry and was preparing to find the Soul Heavenly Emperor Theory, Huang Tian suddenly opened his mouth at this time.

And what is surprising is that Huangtian’s offer this time is still an increase of one million value points.

This increase is just stuck on the auction rules. No one can fault it.

Gu Yuan, who was still extremely angry before, quickly realized that this was probably not because the Soul Heavenly Emperor or Huang Tian wanted to target himself, but because the value of the Great Cataclysm Technique had basically reached its limit.

Or rather, for those who attended yesterday’s auction, the cataclysm has reached its value limit.

It’s not that the Cataclysm is worth only so many points of value.

But they already had so many value points in their hands, and even if something appeared in the Heavenly Auction Hall that could make them immortal, they could only bid to this extent.

Because they have run out of money and do not have enough resources to fight. Naturally, every time the price increases, it will appear cautious.

“One hundred and sixty-nine million worth points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor made another offer, and then looked at Gu Yuan and Huang Tian.

Only three of them are still in the auction.

If nothing else, the final winner this time will only appear among the three of them.

Moreover, if the Soul Heavenly Emperor had not guessed wrongly, the resources in each of the three of them would not be much in their hands.

Without sufficient resources to redeem value points, it is naturally impossible to significantly increase prices to exclude other competitors.

“I’m out of 170 million worth points.”

This offer had already made the corners of Gu Yuan’s mouth begin to twitch. The current ancient yuan has almost reached its limit.

If they could auction the Great Cataclysm to count down, then their entire ancient clan would probably go bankrupt because of it.

But even so, Gu Yuan was still gritting his teeth and insisting.

He knew that if the Great Cataclysm Technique fell into the hands of the Soul Heavenly Emperor or Huang Tian, it would be even more troublesome.

At present, Gu Yuan could only gamble on the resources in the hands of the Poison Soul Heavenly Emperor and Huang Tian.

“One hundred and seventy million value points, now the value of the Great Cataclysm has reached seventy million value points, is there anything higher than this?”

Yafei was very knowledgeable about the shouting price.

Unfortunately, his shouting did not cause any response throughout the auction hall.

Now the vast majority of participants have been kicked out. Only a handful of people can continue to participate in the auction.

Even so, each of them has been pushed to the extreme.

“One hundred and seventy-one million points of value…”

After hearing Gu Yuan’s offer, Huang Tian hesitated for a long time before finally shouting out his price.

As soon as her voice fell, the Soul Heavenly Emperor quickly followed.

“One hundred and seventy-two million points of value…”

“Uncle, why are their price increases so small now?”

After all, Zhang Xiaofan is not very old and does not have a deep understanding of these things, so he feels very strange about the range of quotations today.

So he asked the world’s richest man next to him.

“What else can I do? These people have no money. ”

When he said this, Tony’s face seemed to blossom. He had thought that these people had endless resources in their hands to maintain their constant shouting.

It seems that he has thought too much, and the total resources in the hands of these people are probably only 178 million.

Otherwise, the fierce competition before could not have evolved into what it is now, and every offer is as uncomfortable as eating.

“It turns out that they will also have no money.”

Zhang Xiaofan said such a sentence stupidly.

“Isn’t that? They are not gods, how can they have endless resources. ”

Tony’s words didn’t shy away from anyone, so they seemed so harsh in the quiet of the auction hall that everyone in the room could hear them clearly.

This made many people on the scene feel very speechless. But at the same time, I feel very much in agreement with Tony’s words.

Because this is the only way to cause such a phenomenon to occur today.

“One hundred and seventy-five million worth points.”

After the Soul Heavenly Emperor had finished paying this price, he directly held his hands and stopped speaking.

Everyone could see that 175 million worth points was the limit he could get now.

No amount more.

And Huang Tian, who was sitting not far away, was even more angry after hearing the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s offer.

Sit back down and say nothing.

After seeing them like this, Gu Yuan’s face suddenly showed a little smile, just because the resources in his hands were a little more than those of the Soul Heavenly Emperor and the Phoenix Heaven.

It seems that this cataclysmic technique is already in his own pocket.

“One hundred and seventy thousand…”

Before Gu Yuan’s words were finished, Ye Qingcheng’s voice sounded again.

“You’re too wordy.”

“I’m out of two hundred million worth points, are you with me?”


As soon as Ye Qincheng’s words were spoken, everyone at the scene couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, and they couldn’t imagine that this woman was so cruel.

Before, silently, let them fight to the death.

Now this time actually jumped out, directly increasing the value of the Great Cataclysm Technique by twenty or thirty million in one breath.

This is simply murderous.

So much so that Gu Yuan, who had just had a happy face, suddenly turned black as the bottom of the pot after hearing Ye Qiancheng’s words.

It was really a goose all day, and today the goose pecked his eyes.

I couldn’t imagine that this woman would be so sinister, that she let herself and others quote each other before, and fight with each other, while she herself jumped out directly at the critical moment to pick peaches. But he didn’t have any way to do anything.

You say angry people are not angry people?

“Two hundred million value points, now the price of the cataclysmic technique has reached two hundred million value points, is there anything higher?”

The first time she hosted the auction in the Heavens Auction, she auctioned an item with a unit price of up to 200 million, which made Yafei feel very excited.

“You give me the Cataclysm Technique, they have no money and are not qualified to continue bidding.”

Ye Qiancheng sat in his position and looked at Yafei on the stage and said so. When Yafei heard her words, she was stunned.

It is true that the current auction has been contested to such an extent that those who can participate have already participated.

She was now continuing to shout for the price, and there was no point in it.

Since this is the case, it is better to give her the Great Cataclysm Technique directly, and it is also a little time-saving.

“Congratulations to this lady for spending 200 million worth of points to photograph the catastrophe.”

As the auction mallet in Yafei’s hand fell, the second auction item finally had its owner.

Standing backstage, Qin Yu, who had been paying attention to all this, couldn’t help but give Ye Qincheng a thumbs up when he saw Yafei drop the auction hammer.

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