Chapter 246 The Third Lot Item!!

Compared with others, this ruthless emperor is the real rich man, and he is also the kind of rich man who can’t do the trench.

This is the value of 200 million points, if you add the 100 million value points spent before, the fierce emperor Ye Qingcheng has already paid 300 million value points.

Who doesn’t like such a rich guest?

As for the others, they were not in a good mood.

Who would have thought that such a beautiful woman would be killed in the fifth heavenly auction.

If the other party was just beautiful, then it would be even if it was particularly rich, even if it was the Soul Heavenly Emperor, they were not worth mentioning at all in front of Ye Qiancheng.

In the face of such local tycoons, how should they compete?

As for the people on this side of the Kyushu Continent, the moment the auction hammer in Princess Yafei’s hand fell, everyone’s heart was very tired.

Two items in a row, but they didn’t even touch a single hair.

Even the only people who are eligible to bid are Qin Shi Huang, and as for the others, they are just watching the drama from beginning to end.

“Please note that the auction of the third lot begins.”

As Yafei’s voice fell, a dragon-headed monster appeared beside Yafei.

The monster’s entire body was covered with dark golden scales, and the surface of these scales was painted with dense runes, as if they had grown up from heaven.

The body is majestic, and the dragon-like muscles cover the whole body, as if it is full of endless explosive power.

What is even more frightening is that with the appearance of this monster, the entire auction hall is filled with a strong barbaric atmosphere.

It was hard to imagine that such an aura was actually emitted from this monster’s body.

“The third item, the fifth-order puppet warrior.”

As Yafei’s words fell on the place, almost everyone couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

The level of the fifth-order puppet warriors may not have been known to them before, but after participating in several auctions of the heavens, everyone already had a relatively clear understanding of the strength of the fifth order.

Such strength was placed in the Douqi Continent, and it had obviously reached the level of the Dou Emperor.

If placed in the Kyushu world, it would be enough to completely destroy the entire newly born Kyushu Empire.

Such a terrifying strength, just thinking about it makes people feel numb.

“It’s so terrifying that there will be fifth-order battle golems in the Heavens Auction.”

“With such a battle puppet, I’m afraid I can directly go against the sky.”

“It’s unbelievable that there are such battle golems in the world, it’s unimaginable.”

The crowd roared in amazement, fully interested in the sudden appearance of the battle puppet.

In particular, the three Doudi Strongmen from the Douqi Continent were even more clapping, and it seemed that they were bound to win this battle puppet.

Almost at the same time, the three Dou Emperors all looked up at each other and their eyes collided in mid-air, and ripples rippled in the void.

Everyone felt this spiritual collision and looked up at the three people for a while.

Suddenly, everyone had such a thought.

“The next auction is going to be a tough battle.”

“I’m afraid you don’t know the specific strength of this battle golem very well.”

At this time, Yafei was on the stage and spoke again, “In order to facilitate everyone to understand the specific strength of the battle puppet, please see the image below.” ”

Almost at the same time as she spoke, Princess Yafei’s right hand waved, and a huge projection appeared again in the entire Heavens Auction Hall.

The picture changes from blurry to clear.

I saw that in the endless starry sky, a dragon about ten thousand miles long was circling.

The dragon was so terrifying that its wings spread out and it could almost cover a planet.

Each scale seemed to contain endless power, the sharp horns were like two giant swords, and every time the dragon’s head shook, it seemed to be able to cut through the void.

Its huge body stood quietly on a giant star.

When everyone in the auction hall saw this dragon, they thought that the battle golem was made of this dragon.

Their eyes widened.

However, when the picture changed, the crowd found that things were not at all what they thought.

The dragon did not know how far away.

A fiery red sun was emitting endless energy there.

And the dragon just looked at the sun silently, and his huge eyes did not blink.

“No, there’s a man in the sun.”

Soon sharp-eyed people discovered the sun’s problem.

Because this sun is much smaller than the normal sun, and more illusory and far away, it is not as solid as the sun.

What is even more incredible is that in the middle of this sun is a quiet person.

Almost instantaneously, the crowd thought of the man’s origins.


For a while everyone stopped talking, just kept inhaling cool air.

If this kind of thing is true, it is too terrifying that the energy emitted from a combat puppet can actually be equivalent to a sun.

When the Soul Heavenly Emperor saw this situation, they almost stared out their eyes.

They were also the strength of the fifth-order strongmen, but in any case they could not reach the level where this battle golem was located.

So much so that when they saw this situation, they even doubted whether they were fake fifth-order strongmen.

However, the breath emanating from this battle puppet was clearly the strength of the unranked strong.

“Is it true that the same fifth order also has a difference?”

Gu Yuan was the first to react.

Looking at the picture in the image and muttering to himself.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s look became gloomy after the initial incredulity.

Just when everyone was surprised, the image in the picture changed again.

This time, the image was even more astonishing, only to see the powerful aura on the battle puppet’s body instantly recede like a tide.

Endless power to close itself. Show off his majestic body.


Seeing that the battle golem finally showed its body at this time, the dragon couldn’t help but let out a roar.

Then the wings instigate, like lightning, rushed towards the battle golems.

And the battle puppet was not willing to show weakness, and in the face of this situation, he did not shy away from it, and fiercely greeted it.

Suddenly, the wilderness continued to fill the entire cosmic space, and even the other people in the auction hall clearly felt this breath.

Almost everyone shivered.

It was too terrifying, the battle between this dragon and the battle golem had not yet officially begun, and the breath of terror alone had already made people feel numb, and it was difficult to imagine what would happen if the two sides really fought?

As soon as this thought fell, the dragon and the battle golem slammed into each other.

In the fog, endless power suddenly exploded. It was as if there was no end at all.

Almost the entire cosmic space was submerged.

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