Chapter 247 Fighting Emperor Strong, Direct Auction!!

When the powerful aftermath of the battle spreads, almost everyone has a sense of immersion.

It was as if the aftermath of this terrible battle was coming at him.

Some people even stood up from their positions at the first time and burst out their full body strength, intending to resist such aftershocks.

But it soon became apparent that it was just an illusory image, not a real thing at all.

At least it didn’t happen right in front of my eyes.

So they couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, looked around, and sat down sadly. And in this instant.

Dragons and battle golems have fought dozens of times.

The speed of the two sides was too fast, and the battle golem was fine, after all, his body was only that big.

What was really surprising was that this terrifying dragon could have such a speed, and it could fight with the battle golems back and forth.

The speed of the two sides is too fast, and even people’s eyes can’t react, and only a few strong people can really see their every move.

This shows how fast the movements of both sides really are.

If that’s all there is to it, that’s all, and more importantly, they’re not only fast, but they also have a powerful power in every move.

The dragon’s attack moves, although seemingly unorganized, were extremely simple and effective.

Every action is filled with the basic essentials of hunting.

From this alone, it can be seen that this dragon is a top predator.

And the battle puppet’s every move seemed very orderly, and his moves seemed to have been engraved in his bones.

At every critical moment, you can always dodge the attack at an incredible angle and launch a counterattack.

The strength of both of them is too strong.

The entire cosmic space is filled with their figures.

The terrifying horses are like galaxies, constantly flashing throughout the universe.

Every time it swept by, if there was nothing in front of it, it was better to say, if there were stars blocking it, it would inevitably be directly smashed by this terrifying force.

So that as the battle between the two sides continued to go on, the stars in the vast space were destroyed, and the big stars exploded under such an attack.

Countless large and small pieces have swept through the universe.

In just a few moments, there was no longer a complete star in the entire star domain.


The battle golem let out a rare roar. The surface of his hands shone with a terrifying glint of terror.

The dragon also seemed to feel the danger emanating from the battle puppet. He let out the same roar at him, and then saw the scales under his throat quickly turn red.

Immediately after that, the dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a powerful breath of dragon’s breath.

This dragon’s breath was like a pillar of fire erupting from his mouth, rushing towards the battle golem with endless power.

And the battle puppet’s move is also very simple, he did not dodge, but clenched his hands.

The sharp light quickly condensed in his hand, and then turned into a sword glow, and the flashing long sword directly rushed over.

That fierce performance is really incredible. It’s horrible, it’s violent.

Don’t dodge, don’t dodge, directly hold your strongest strength and carry it hard.

This style of play is undoubtedly the stupidest, but at the same time the most amazing.

Abandon all defensive attacks and bring the concept of ‘attack is the strongest defense’ to the fullest.

The terrible sword mang, long does not know how many miles. From a distance, it looks like a heavenly river.

The sword qi fluctuated, and the fluctuations filled the entire cosmic space.


As if sensing something at this moment, the dragon couldn’t help but let out a roar, and everyone felt a wave of fear from his roar.

The dragon was in fear, indicating that the attack of the battle golem had posed a life-threatening threat to him.

Then the whole picture became tragic.

Everyone was shocked, looking at all this, only to feel the scalp tingling.

Because no one expected the battle golem’s attack move to be so fierce, the terrifying sword directly split the dragon’s head in half.

Flesh and bones exploded.

The dragon moved thousands of miles in an instant, trying to dodge the next attack of the battle golem.

However, the battle golem did not give him any chance at all. A strong body, like a shadow.

The terrifying sword slashes the gods.

In the flickering of the sword, there was always a splash of blood on the dragon’s body.

Some people who see it can even see large and small flesh and broken bones in this blood flower.

From this, how terrifying is the attack of the battle puppet?

But the dragon’s vitality should not be underestimated, no matter how much he was injured, his body could always recover quickly in the first time.

The face made most of the people present almost unable to believe their eyes.

Is the strength of the fifth-order strong man so strong?

The doubts in my heart had just arisen, only to see the battle puppet, with the knife in his hand, and even directly cut off the dragon’s head in the eyes of everyone.

Then he threw another horrific punch at the dragon head. Such a punch is extremely fierce.

It seems to contain the power of man to crush the stars.

When the battle golem’s fist fell like a meteor, the dragon’s head exploded in this power.

Finally, the dragon crystal in the dragon’s head was picked up by the battle golem, announcing the end of the battle!

The battle images also faded away at this time.

But everyone present did not speak, but remained immersed in a deep shock.

No one expected such a terrifying dragon to be easily killed by the battle golem.

At the same time, he also had a very comprehensive understanding of the strength of the battle golems. It is precisely for this reason that everyone will not say anything for a long time after the picture disappears.

No way, this attack is too strong. Far exceeded their expectations.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn’t even have dared to think that there would be such a strong person, that there would be such an attack.

Looking at these people’s shocked faces, Yafei did not speak, but stood quietly on the stage and looked at everyone in the audience.

It wasn’t until a long time later that everyone finally reacted, and the audience quickly became noisy.

“This battle golem is simply amazing.”

“Especially the last punch, it is simply the power of God.”

“I just don’t know how much this battle golem will sell?”

“If only I could get this battle puppet, it would be great.”

Almost everyone sat in place and kept exchanging ears, and even Ye Fan showed a strong interest in this battle puppet.

The battle golem is so strong, if you can get it, then isn’t it equivalent to having a thug who can hold up in front at any time?

Not only Ye Fan, but even others thought the same thing.

“I believe that everyone has a deep understanding of the strength of this battle puppet.”

Yafei stood on the stage and looked at everyone present with a smile on her face, “Now I declare the third auction item to be a fifth-order battle golem.” ”

“The starting price for this game of Battle Golems is…”

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