Chapter 248: Humiliation of Winning the Government!!

“The starting price of this battle golem is fifteen million worth points.”

“Each markup must not be less than one million value points.”

Hearing Yafei’s words, everyone at the scene boiled over.

They didn’t expect that the price of this fifth-order battle golem was only fifteen million points.

Although this is only the starting price, it is only five million more than the first two items.

Therefore, when they heard Yafei’s offer, everyone had a feeling that blood could not be lost, but then their hearts sank.

Damn, this low price is very low, but now this is at auction, God knows how far the price of this battle puppet will eventually soar?

The Soul Heavenly Emperor and several of them all turned slightly gloomy after hearing Yafei’s words.

The price was unexpected by them.

At the same time, they also have a little doubt about their own strength.

They believe in the Celestial Auction, and you won’t lie to them that the strength of that battle golem is indeed only fifth order.

Their own strength is also the fifth order.

The same fifth-order strength, the difference between their own strength and the strength of the battle golem was too great, at least they knew that they could not burst a star no matter what.

The gap is simply immeasurable.

More importantly, this is only the fifth order, what if it is a sixth or seventh order strong?

So how strong will they be?

At the same time, Candle Kun also became extremely interested in this battle puppet.

He had been stuck in the Nine Star Peak Realm for a long time now, and without special items, he would not be able to be promoted to Doudi in any short period of time anyway.

And now this battle puppet, who was also the strength of the Dou Emperor, had given him a once-in-a-lifetime good opportunity.

As long as he can get this battle puppet, then his strength will inevitably skyrocket.

If that’s all there is to it, then that’s all, what really makes Candle Kun rush to the unusually exciting thing, the strength of this battle golem is really too strong, at least many times stronger than the Soul Heavenly Emperor and their Dou Emperor.

Once he has a battle puppet, then he will not be afraid of anyone.

Not only Candle Kun, but even Qin Shi Huang rushed to the arrival of the opportunity. This made Qin Shi Huang’s eyes fixed on the battle puppet on the stage, without even blinking an eye.

Opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If he could get this battle puppet, then the pressure brought to him by the Fighting Spirit Continent and the gang would undoubtedly disappear completely.

It also solved the problem of his own heart.

Thinking of this, Qin Shi Huang couldn’t help but clench his hands.

However, Ye Qiancheng was not very interested in this battle puppet. After all, after all, after his strength had reached such a level, the increase in power brought about by the battle golem was simply negligible.

However, Ye Qincheng had a relatively clear understanding of the ability of the Heavenly Auction.

Even a golem of this level can be sold for sale This Heavenly Auction is not generally strong.

Because Ye Qiancheng could clearly feel that the strength of this battle golem had almost reached the level of the saint, it was only half a step away from entering the level of the saint king.

This shows how powerful this battle golem really is. No wonder everyone else is determined to get this thing.

“I’m out of twenty million worth points.”

As Yafei’s voice fell, it wasn’t long before someone made an offer.

It was Qin Shi Huang who spoke, and when he opened his mouth to make an offer, he couldn’t help but stand up from his position.

As soon as he opened his mouth, many people looked up directly.

No one expected that Qin Shi Huang would actually be the first to open an offer, and as soon as he opened his mouth, it was twenty million value points.

The price is not high, but it is by no means cheap.

Unfortunately, Qin Shi Huang’s behavior did not leave any ripples in the hearts of these people in Huangtian.

His strength was too weak in front of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, such a strong Doudi Emperor, and such a weak person did not deserve to speak at all, if it were not for the auction hall of these heavens, I am afraid that they would directly kill Qin Shi Huang at the first time.

Ants should look like ants.

Instead of constantly barking in front of them.

“I’m out of thirty million worth points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor glanced at Qin Shi Huang with a sneering smile on his face.

It was as if he was threatening Qin Shi Huang, which made Qin Shi Huang tremble with anger.

Deceiving people too much, really deceiving people too much.

Stand up to your strength. Not to put an emperor like him in his eyes really made Qin Shi Huang feel difficult to accept.

“Hmm, shit.”

Noticing Qin Shi Huang’s look, the Soul Heavenly Emperor involuntarily spat out two words. In his heart, he had already despised an emperor like Qin Shi Huang into the dirt.

“You… Deceiving people too much. ”

“I’m just lying to you, what can you do?”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor did not take Qin Shi Huang in his eyes at all.

“If you have the ability, you can bid.”

“I’m out of forty million worth points.”

Qin Shi Huang heard the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor and gritted his teeth and made another offer. It was as if he had been by the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

“Soul Heavenly Emperor, I see that the more you live, the more you go back, and you actually bully such a waste.”

Everyone present heard the words between the Yellow Heavenly Emperor and Qin Shi Huang, and Gu Yuan was naturally no exception.

Therefore, after Qin Shi Huang made another offer, Gu Yuan couldn’t help but scare the Soul Heavenly Emperor like this.

Although Gu Yuan said this, there was full contempt in his tone. Obviously, his words were not to help Qin Shi Huang, but only to stimulate the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

“Gu Yuan, you are less of a good person there, what you have in mind, you know best in your heart.” I don’t believe in your heart that you will put this kind of waste in your eyes. ”


Gu Yuan did not answer the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s words, but smiled like this.

This made everyone understand what he meant.

So much so that when Qin Shi Huang heard his words, he was still a little surprised and happy at first, he didn’t expect that among the people in this Douqi Continent, there would still be people who had good intentions for themselves.

But he didn’t realize that this was just his wishful thinking.

Sure enough, without strength, there is no right to speak, and he is like a clown in the eyes of these strong people.

The king died in disgrace.

Qin Shi Huang was humiliated in this way, and Li Si and those who were courtiers were even more angry.

I was eager to rush over and take Gu Yuan and these people directly alive. This is a shame.

Gu Yuan’s anger at these people did not take them to heart at all. Not even a hint of emotion from beginning to end.

After seeing Qin Shi Huang and these people turned their heads after a glance, they were just about to open their mouths, but they heard Huang Tian, who was sitting not far away, open his mouth at this time.

“I’m out of fifty million worth points.”

As soon as these words came out, a trace of anger flashed in Gu Yuan’s heart.

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