Chapter 250 Catch up with her and fight for hundreds of years!!

The sound was so exciting that the faces of everyone present became extremely ugly.

Who could have imagined that just after the value of 100 million, her opening directly became 200 million.

Directly doubled.

Such a horrific mark-up is really hard to accept.

“What is the origin of this local tycoon?”

“It’s simply inhumane in the trenches, how could such a local tycoon appear here?”

“It’s so bad I have no friends, I really want to sit next to her.”

“Young and beautiful, still so rich, if you marry home, then you will not directly struggle for hundreds of years.”

“If this woman marries out, I’m afraid the dowry will be quite a lot.”

Everyone sat in their seats and kept exchanging ears, and some even began to beat Ye Qingcheng up and wanted to marry her home.

Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Fan and Ye Qincheng were both wastes, and the poor strength was going to die.

So when they spoke, no one shy away from it.

Naturally, these words were clearly heard by Ye Fan and Ye Qincheng.

For these nonsense, Ye Qincheng was not moved at all, and after her strength reached this level, she could completely ignore the words of ordinary people.

Moreover, this was the Heavenly Hall, and if she really wanted to strike, she would have to look at Qin Yu’s face.

However, after Ye Fan heard these people’s words, his heart was full of tongues.

Others don’t know Ye Qingcheng’s personality, but after these days of contact, Ye Fan still has some understanding of Ye Qingcheng’s personality, don’t look at this girl who looks soft and cute.

But in fact, the personality is extremely cold, and it is difficult for ordinary people to approach.

Ye Fan estimated that if she hadn’t met in the Ancient Forbidden Land, it would have been more or less the same suffering, and I was afraid that this girl wouldn’t have looked at herself differently at all.

And Qin Yu, who was standing in the background, after hearing the discussion of these people, couldn’t help but scold in his heart, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Others didn’t know Ye Qingcheng’s identity, but Qin Yu knew too well in his heart, this was a super cruel person who killed people without mercy.

Otherwise, how could he be known as the Emperor of the Cruel Man, and this fierce man would launch a fierce attack, even if he did not let himself go.

If these people knew Ye Qingcheng’s identity, I am afraid that they would not have such a thought, and it was estimated that they would directly frighten the fart and.

After all, the people who married her were only a minority, and more people were concerned about how many resources Ye Qiancheng had in his hands?

Three hundred million value points have been thrown out before and after, and if you add this puppet, it is a full half a billion value points.

Whether it is three hundred million or half a billion, such a huge number is undoubtedly an astronomical amount for many people present.

However, this girl threw herself out lightly. Despair, deep despair.

In the face of such a super tycoon, even if they fight no matter how hard they fight, they are simply incomparable.

Not to mention these ordinary guests, even the Soul Heavenly Emperor and their Doudi Fighting Emperor were extremely shocked by Ye Qingcheng’s handwriting.

From the last time they participated in the auction of the heavens, to the present, everyone has been desperately collecting resources, and they have only collected resources of more than 100 million points of value.

However, after this girl shot two items in a row, she actually had the strength to shoot the battle puppet.

This kind of super tycoon is simply not seen in a thousand years. How to compare?

If these people knew that Ye Qincheng had photographed the mentality of this battle puppet, I was afraid that it would directly collapse.

Because the reason why Ye Qiancheng chose to shoot.

Not because this battle golem really valued him, but because Ye Qiancheng was very interested in the refining method of this battle golem.

Other than that, it’s just a lot of money.

How many years the fierce emperor Ye Qiancheng survived, no one could say. In short, three or four hundred thousand years is certain.

And just by knowing, she lived five lifetimes.

In so many years, no one knows how many resources Ye Qiancheng has accumulated.

If nothing else, if Ye Qincheng was willing to take out the Aido Flower, I was afraid that it would be completely fine to exchange it for a few billion value points.

With such a wealth of money in her hands, she wanted to buy something, and it was not simple.

“What are you doing looking at me like this?”

Ye Qincheng noticed that Ye Fan around him had been looking at himself in a daze, and he couldn’t help but be a little strange.

“I’m looking at a beautiful local tycoon.”

Ye Fan had absolutely nothing to say about Ye Qiancheng at this time.

Two hundred million, this is a full value of two hundred million Ye Qingcheng, actually thrown out lightly, and it seems that he does not care at all.

Doesn’t this mean that the two hundred million value points are a dime a dozen for her?

“, why isn’t it me like that?”

Ye Fan kept muttering in his heart.

And Tony, who was sitting not far away, was also shocked to see Ye Qiancheng, how could he not have imagined that Ye Qincheng would be so rich.

In the past, he was the richest man in the world in his own world to buy whatever he wanted, but when he arrived at the auction of the heavens, he was a poor man.

What he didn’t expect was that in this heavenly auction, there was actually a richest man.

And she is also a beautiful oriental beauty.

“It’s a mountain and a mountain high. I didn’t believe it before, but now I do. ”

With the Cruel Emperor sold, this third auction item naturally fell into her hands without suspense.

There was no way to face such an inhuman Ye Qingcheng, even if Yafei shouted on the stage, her voice was useless at all, no money is no money.

After shouting three times in a row, the battle golem was quickly delivered to Ye Qiancheng’s hands.

“This girl is so arrogant that it seems necessary to develop a little more, a master of the high-level world.”

Standing in the background, Qin Yu watched all this and naturally saw Ye Qiancheng’s every move in his eyes.

He now had a relatively clear understanding of these powerful people in the high-level world.

Such a high-end user is what the auction needs. It seems that before it was just a small fight.

Qin Yu sighed in his heart, and couldn’t help but think of the Tongtian Sect Master who was far away in the Flood World.

That world was advanced enough, and he had also helped the Tongtian Sect Lord, and if it was feasible, he might be able to pull the Tongtian Sect Lord into the Heavenly Auction.

With the strength and wealth of the Tongtian Sect Lord, I am afraid that he is not inferior to the Fierce Emperor by a few points. However, when the three local auction items came to an end, Qin Shi Huang’s face was very ugly.

In the end, he still did not photograph the battle puppet.

In fact, if Qin Shi Huang was willing, he might be able to buy this battle puppet with all his might.

But once he bought it, he wouldn’t have the resources to buy anything else and promote the Kyushu world to the fourth level.

Moreover, the series of actions of the Cruel Emperor made Qin Shi Huang feel very bottomless in his heart.

No one knows how many resources Ye Qiancheng has earned in his hands? If she had an iron heart to die, Qin Shi Huang estimated that he might not be able to compare with this woman.

In the end, Qin Shi Huang gave up his plan to continue to follow.

“Well, now that the third lot is there, its owner now I announce the fourth lot.”

As Yafei began to speak, everyone’s eyes widened.

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