Chapter 251 The Fourth Lot Item!!

There were only two auction items left, and everyone wondered what kind of thing Yafei would come up with?

But what people did not expect was that until Yafei finished saying this sentence, the fourth auction item did not appear, which made everyone wonder in their hearts, and did not understand what kind of medicine was sold in Yafei’s gourd?

Is it selling air? This is obviously not possible.

The more people think like this, the more they look forward to it, what is the fourth auction item?

Fortunately, Princess Yafei did not hang the appetite of the crowd for too long, but when the crowd felt that their hearts were itching, she opened her mouth.

“Today’s fourth auction item is a selling opportunity for the Lord of the Palace.”

When Yafei said these words, everyone in the audience was suddenly stunned, and no one thought that the fourth auction item was actually just an opportunity.

But then the crowd became excited again, and this was an opportunity for the Lord of the Hall to strike.

Even if you don’t have the opportunity to take this shot, you can definitely mix your face in front of the lord of the palace.

Maybe when the time comes to have this relationship, there will be unexpected benefits.

That’s what everyone thinks in their hearts.

At the same time, Yafei was also smiling at everyone on the stage.

“A mobile phone call from the Lord of the Palace, including but not limited to helping everyone improve their cultivation, resurrect their relatives, and so on.”

“Presumably, everyone knows how precious the Lord of the Palace’s mobile phone is, but the premise is that you can’t go against the wishes of the Lord of the Palace.”

Yafei’s words directly caused the audience to cheer.

If everyone had just thought that after taking a mobile phone call from the Lord of the Palace, they could mix their faces in front of the Lord of the Palace.

Then, after her words fell, everyone finally realized how precious the first hand of the lord of the palace was.

Improving cultivation is a real benefit. Not only that, but it can also help resurrect loved ones.

The significance of this kind of thing cannot be described by value.

It is priceless in the eyes of some, but it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of some.

“Then what is the price of a mobile phone of the Lord of the Palace?”

Some people in the audience can’t help but want to ask the reserve price.

Hearing this, Yafei secretly said and set out on the road. Then he laughed and said to the crowd.

“Because a single hand of the Lord of the Palace is very precious and can meet almost any wish of everyone, the starting price is 10 million value points and each price increase must not be less than 1 million value points.”

Hearing Yafei say this, the audience went crazy.

“The Lord of the Palace has a chance to make a shot, and it is so cheap.”

“Oh my God, what an honor it is for the Lord of the Hall to personally intervene and fulfill a wish.”

“I want to buy, I must buy it.”

“I am bound to win this opportunity, and no one can stop it.”

Everyone shouted in the audience, and Yafei was also the first time to see such an auction scene, and she couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

And Qin Yu, who was standing in the background, was inevitably a little embarrassed after hearing these people’s words.

I couldn’t imagine that one of my own mobile phone calls would actually be priced at 10 million value points by Yafei.

Because before this, he had explained that the low price of his own mobile phone could be as much as he wanted.

But I didn’t expect that Yafei would actually mark the price of this opportunity to ten million value points.

Rao is Qin Yu’s face is super thick, and it is inevitable that he will be a little embarrassed.

What made her even more embarrassed was that this ten million value points were somewhat similar to cutting leeks for everyone on the scene.

But since Yafei had already said such a price, he naturally could not go to the stage and veto this price.

And looking at the atmosphere in the audience now, the crowd does not seem to think that this ten million value points are too high.

On the contrary, it seems that the discount of 10 million value points is a bit low.

In fact, it is no wonder that Qin Yu has always been synonymous with mystery, strength and invincibility in the hearts of everyone, especially in the Kyushu world, Qin Yu’s existence is simply a living god.

A single shot from such a strong person is absolutely inexpensive no matter what the price.

For those who came from the Douqi Continent, the Heavenly Halls and the Heavenly Halls Lords had always been very mysterious beings.

This was especially true for the three powerful Dou Emperors, after all, the Heavenly Hall Lords had always been extremely mysterious in their minds.

Being able to remain mysterious in front of their three great fighting emperors, the strength of this strong person could not be underestimated, and it was even no exaggeration to say that Qin Yu’s strength was bound to be extremely strong.

With such a strong man to meet his wishes, no matter from which aspect, he will definitely not lose money.

In fact, it was not only them, after Yafei finished speaking, Ye Qincheng also stood up at the first time.

Ye Qiancheng didn’t care how strong Qin Yu’s strength was, what really made her care was what Yafei said.

Loved ones can be resurrected.

This sentence was too important for Yu Ye Qingcheng, if it really could, then Ye Qingcheng was willing to pay any price.

So much so that everyone present felt the strong desire to buy emanating from Ye Qiancheng’s body.

No one expected that Ye Qincheng would actually emit such a strong aura on his body, although this desire to buy was no different from the power, but it was enough to show how deep Ye Qiancheng’s obsession was at this time.

Everyone felt tingling in their scalps.

If this woman does it again, then it will be done?

Immediately did not dare to slack, immediately someone began to quote.

“I’m out of ten million worth points.”

“I’m out of twenty million worth points.”

“I’m out of thirty million worth points.”

“I’m out of fifty million…”

The mood of the crowd was very enthusiastic, and the audience sounded one after another.

Directly let Qin Yu be confused, he did not expect that one of his mobile phone calls would actually have such a strong reaction in the crowd.

“I’m out of eighty million worth points.”

Gu Yuan also stood up at this time and shouted the price.

Almost everyone at the scene was crazy, and for Qin Yu’s mobile phone call, everyone seemed to be inevitable.

“I’m out of 100 million.”

Faced with such an opportunity, the Soul Heavenly Emperor did not want to give up.

He wanted to reach a higher level of strength, so he wanted Qin Yu to help him improve.

Moreover, after the Soul Heavenly Emperor heard Gu Yuan’s offer, he could not help but have a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

If Gu Yuan also wanted Qin Yu to help improve his strength, then it would undoubtedly be bad news for the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Therefore, in his heart, no matter what, he couldn’t let Gu Yuan get this opportunity, not only Gu Yuan, but even Huang Tian, otherwise he wouldn’t have the slightest place to stand on the Douqi Continent.

However, just when everyone was busy raising the price, Ye Qiancheng, who had not opened her mouth, quoted her price in the surprised eyes of everyone.

“I’m out of 150 million worth points.”

After saying these words, Ye Qicheng looked around at everyone and said.

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