Chapter 252 300 Million Value Points!!

The price of 150 million is not high, it is not low.

But if you think about the previous Ye Qiancheng’s several shots, you wouldn’t think so.

You must know that before this, Ye Qiancheng had already shot three times in a row. Half a billion value points were paid back and forth.

Such a terrible wealth made any force and individual present feel terrified.

Even the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s powerful Emperor was very incredible. It was so horrible that after paying half a billion worth points before and after, this woman actually had the spare power to bid.

And it seems that her face has not changed in the slightest, that is to say, after paying half a billion value points, she still has huge resources in her hands.

Such a terrible wealth is really shocking.

But if it was before, I am afraid that after Ye Qiancheng made her bid, someone quickly chose to give up.

This time, unlike the opportunity to face a shot from the Lord of the Heavenly Palaces, everyone who had the ability to bid did not want to give up.

“One hundred and sixty million value points.”

After Qin Shi Huang quoted the price in Ye Qingcheng, he gritted his teeth and followed the offer. This price had already made Qin Shi Huang feel very painful, but in order to get a chance for the Heavenly Palace Lords to strike, he had to open up.

As long as he could get the hand of the Lord of the Heavenly Palaces, he would not hesitate to empty the treasury even if he went bankrupt.

However, there are not many people who hold the same idea as Qin Shi Huang.

So the price he quoted did not scare off the others, but followed by others who quoted their respective prices.

“I’m out of 170 million worth points.”

Huang Tian also struck.

It’s just that as soon as he opened his mouth, you were quickly overtaken by the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s offer.

“I’m out of 180 million worth points.”

“190,000 worth points.”

The growth rate of terror really made everyone present feel frightened.

At this time, except for some powerful forces and individuals who still have the ability to participate in the auction, most of them have long been eliminated.

After all, the price is too high to make people feel desperate.

Even if they wanted to get a mobile phone from Qin Yu, in the face of such a high price, even if they were unwilling, they could only be deterred.

“Two hundred million worth points.”

Candle Kun is also quoted at this time.

In fact, he did not have many resources at his disposal.

Two hundred million worth points have almost reached his limit. This was still the result of hollowing out the entire Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan.

Unfortunately, his price did not play any role in this auction. No sooner had his words fallen than someone quickly covered them up at a higher price.

“I’m out of 210 million worth points!”

The terrifying speed of the auction made everyone feel a little frightened, especially the melon-eating masses in the entire auction, when they heard this price increase, they were all stunned.

It’s horrible.

Such a price increase is afraid that few forces can achieve ah.

“Two hundred million and two million worth points.”

“Who am I to pay 250 million worth points?”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor directly quoted a sky-high price of 250 million.

And after saying this, he couldn’t help but look at the crowd.

This price directly scared off many forces, and even Gu Yuan and Huang Tian were shocked beyond repetition after hearing his offer.

I couldn’t imagine that this soul clan was really rich, and at this time, it could actually offer a sky-high price of 250 million. Sure enough, it is worthy of being one of the strongest ancient eight tribes.

Unfortunately, although this price frightened the vast majority of people, it could not frighten Ye Qiancheng.

“I’m out of three hundred million worth points.”

The price increase of fifty million directly stunned many people.

Before that, the Soul Heavenly Emperor had always been worried about whether Ye Qicheng would shoot, but when Ye Qincheng really opened his mouth, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s whole person still felt as if he had been sucked out of his bones.

How come? How could there be such a woman?

This is another 300 million value points, plus the previous 500 million value points, this is 800 million.

Such a terrible wealth, even if they sold their entire soul clan now, they would never be able to put it together.

Not only the Soul Heavenly Emperor, but even Gu Yuan and Huang Tian were also desperate after hearing Ye Qingcheng’s offer.

Their situation was similar to that of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

In the face of such a rich and powerful opponent, even if they are unwilling in their hearts, they will have no effect at all.

Better than that, it’s just over it.

And Qin Shi Huang was even more desperate after hearing Ye Qingcheng’s offer. The gap is simply too big.

This woman who suddenly jumped out made Qin Shi Huang experience for the first time what is really despair.

Instead, Yafei who was standing on the stage almost jumped up with joy after hearing Ye Qingcheng’s offer.

This little sister is really rich and powerful, and the local tycoon is incomparable.

It is amazing that so many value points can be taken out.

“Three hundred million value points, now three hundred million value points, is there anyone higher than this bid?”

Yafei stood on the stage, shouting happily.

Black and white eyes constantly scanned everyone on the scene. It seems to be searching, a new local tycoon.

It’s just a pity that the people in the entire auction hall now add up, and there are not necessarily many resources in Ye Qiancheng’s hands.

Moreover, Ye Qiancheng shot one after another, which had already frightened the others. God knows, how many resources does this woman still have in her hands?

If you make an offer and the other party chooses to continue to follow up, then is it not humiliating yourself?

Moreover, it is almost impossible for the vast majority of forces on the scene to take out three hundred million value points in one go, even if a few forces can take it out, it will absolutely ruin their families, and they can only eat the soil at that time.

In the face of such a dilemma, many people have very wisely chosen to quit. That’s why.

No one responded at all when Yafei shouted.

“Three hundred million worth points at a time.”

“Three hundred million worth points, the second time.”

“Does anyone else bid more than three hundred million worth points?”

Yafei shouted very hard, but the audience was not moved at all, and the whole auction hall seemed silent.

Seeing this situation, Yafei was also helpless in her heart, and it seemed that the value point of 300 million was already the limit.

“Three hundred million worth points, the third time, congratulations to this young lady for taking a shot at the Lord of the Palace.”

As the auction gavel in Yafei’s hand fell, the battle finally came to an end.

“Where is your lord of the temple?” I want to see him. ”

When Ye Qincheng heard Yafei’s words, she quickly stood up from her position and asked Yafei on the stage.

This immediately made people strange.

Even if you have any wishes in your heart and want the lord of the palace to help realize it, you don’t have to be so impatient, and you are also a girl.

Is it good to be reserved?

Ye Qincheng’s reaction made everyone a little speechless, and Ye Fan, who was sitting next to her, was even more strange in his heart after seeing Ye Qincheng’s reaction.

What the hell is going on with this goddess girl? Why did this reaction suddenly occur?

She had never been like this before.

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