Chapter 1001 The sun and the moon are dim! Thirteen True Kings!!

The thirteen demon kings all stared at Su Hao with cold eyes.

“He is Su Hao?”

A blue demon covered in spikes stared at Su Hao, with undisguised coldness in his eyes.

“Waiting for him for a long time, let us wait for him for so long, it is enough for him to be proud.”

The other demon king with golden hair and a majestic lion’s head had a heavy voice.

The thirteen demon kings arrived at the Great Xia Dynasty early and waited silently, and as soon as Su Hao left the imperial capital, they immediately followed far away, until they were far away from the Great Xia Dynasty, and did not appear at this time.

“In the end… What happened? The sky is covered by demonic energy, that……… Are those flying in the air demon kings? ”

“What about Lord Hongtian? He is sitting in the deserted city, don’t panic! ”

These demon kings appeared in unison, without deliberately emitting demonic energy, they were already covering the sky, and the warriors in the entire desolate city all had numb scalps.

What can fly in the air is the symbol of the king! So many demon kings appeared above the desolate city?

And Hongtian, the martial arts king sitting in the reckless city, was shocked and at the same time he also noticed a trace of abnormality: “These demon kings are not coming for the reckless city…”

The martial arts king Hongtian can clearly feel that the attention of these demon kings is not on the reckless city at all, in fact, a reckless desolate city is not worth more than a dozen demon kings at all!

“Su Hao, are you ready to die?”

In the sky, the majesty of the demon king echoed, and the voice went straight to the soul.

“Su Hao? Su Hao, the new king of our human race? ”

“These demon kings are coming for him!”

The echoing voice made many warriors finally understand why so many demon kings had arrived together, coming towards the new king of their human race!

They all saw that in addition to the thirteen demon shadows in the sky, there was also a black-clothed young man standing in the void, but compared to the other party’s arrogance, this black-clothed young man seemed lonely.

“Guys, I didn’t offend you, did I? Worthy of such fanfare? ”

Su Hao frowned and looked at the Demon King in front of him, and asked his doubts.

Su Hao did have some grudges with the demon family, but he also killed some characters such as the Prince of Wind, which is not worth the demon family’s big move, directly thirteen demon kings together, this is also too exaggerated!

“Su Hao, it has nothing to do with others, just promoted to the king realm can kill the ancient sea demon king, if you don’t die today, you will become a disaster in the future!”

The golden-haired lion-headed demon king stared at Su Hao and said coldly, explaining why he and the others were here.

It’s very simple, Su Hao’s potential is too exaggerated, in just a few years to grow to this point, the future is at least estimated to be a supreme king, or even further, it may be possible to become a overlord overlooking the ages!

This is already a big threat to the demon family, of course, they can’t sit back and watch the birth of a super strong man of the human race, the demon family discussed it internally and decided to eradicate it, which is the reason why the thirteen demon kings are together.

Su Hao was slightly stunned, he had not become a king before, no matter how much he fought in the eyes of the demon family, he was just an ant, but the battle between the Great Canghai and the ancient sea demon king was seen by the demon family, and he already decided that he would be a huge threat in the future, so he had to be eradicated!


A demon king suddenly frowned, and from the distant desolate city, a figure soared into the sky, it was Hongtian, the martial arts king sitting in the reckless city.

“So many demon kings……… They all came for Su Hao. ”

Hongtian’s face froze

Heavy, even if you are a martial arts king, you have seen strong winds and waves, but more than ten demon kings are terrifying enough.

Hong Tian looked at the group of demon kings, and he said in a deep voice: “Kings from the demon clan, are you so bad at the young kings of my clan, regardless of the agreement, you are not afraid to provoke a war?” ”

The kings between the two races usually do not fight easily, otherwise it will cause the other party to retaliate with all their might, and both will lose, just like the ancient sea demon king killed the murder brothers before, the Great Xia Dynasty did not give up, and directly sent a large number of kings to the Great Canghai to kill the ancient sea demon king.

And now these demon kings are coming to besiege and kill Su Hao with great fanfare, which is completely disregarding the agreement between the two races, and it is very likely to directly provoke a big war between the two races, and the consequences are beyond the ability of ordinary people to bear!

In the face of Hongtian’s questioning, the burly demon king with a huge and hideous boar head smiled disdainfully: “Rules, just bind the weak!” Can you Terrans really be at peace with us all the time? It won’t be long……… There will be results! Break the rules now, break them! Nothing to worry about! ”

“Not bad, just take him as a blood sacrifice!”

The eyes of the rest of the demon kings revealed a trace of excitement and bloodlust.

Not long ago, there was not so much peace between the human race and the demons, and the fighting between kings was also commonplace, and later for some reason, the two races reached an agreement that the king could not make a move at will and provoke a big war.

From the mouths of these demon kings, an astonishing fact was faintly revealed, the reason why the demon clan so brazenly sent a large number of kings to besiege and kill Su Hao was because it was likely that the balance between the two races would be broken and another war would begin!

Since you want to completely tear your skin, of course, you don’t have to worry about the so-called agreement!

“Terran, our target is him, you better get away!”

The wild boar-headed demon king with two hideous fangs swept his eyes over Hongtian, and rebuked unceremoniously, directly letting Hongtian as the king go away.

“Too arrogant!”

As a king, Hongtian has his own pride in his heart, even if the other party is many and powerful, he can’t help but clench his fists.

“This senior, let me deal with them, you don’t have to interfere.”

At this time, Su Hao spoke, there was a Terran king sitting in the Manghuang City, but Su Hao didn’t want Hongtian to intervene in this battle, he couldn’t help much, and he might be implicated and put his life into it.

“But they… There are too many of them. ”

Hong Tian frowned, so many demon kings, he knew that Su Hao’s strength was not weak, and he faintly heard of the battle in the Great Canghai Sea, but in the face of so many demon kings, it was difficult to clap alone!

“Don’t worry, in my eyes, no matter how much waste it is, it’s waste! Let’s kill one by one! ”

Su Hao said lightly, his tone was filled with confidence, as if the group of demon kings in front of him was a group of local chickens and dogs.

The corners of Hongtian’s mouth also twitched slightly, not knowing whether Su Hao was really confident or strong.

But he thought for a while and nodded reluctantly: “Okay……… If there is a problem, immediately retreat in the direction of the Great Xia Dynasty. ”

Plus a self, it really can’t change anything, he can only choose to believe in Su Hao’s strength, if he can’t fight, he will escape, at least this is close to the Great Xia Dynasty, as long as he delays time, the rest of the kings will come quickly.

“Waste? Dare to say that we are waste? ”

When these demon kings heard this, their eyes were fierce, they were not ordinary kings, they were the elite of kings, all of them were famous, no one in the demon family dared to provoke, but Su Hao looked extremely calm and contemptuous in the face of them!

“He probably thinks that if he kills that guy from Guhai, he thinks he is invincible to the King Realm!”

“Humph……… You probably don’t know the identity of me waiting, right? ”

All the demon kings sneered.

The Ancient Kraken King is a true king-level combat power, but in their eyes……… It’s just to have some advantages in the sea, but that’s it.

“Let me kill him, I have been in retreat for five hundred years, maybe many races or demons have forgotten this king, just to regain the glory of this king with his blood!”

Among the demon kings, there is a burly demon who stands out from the crowd, he is burly, a foot tall, with a huge bull head, a pair of sharp horns, as if he can pierce the firmament, the muscles all over the body, harder than steel, like a piece of protruding rock, a sense of power visible to the naked eye!

“Okay, let Qingtian kill him.”

Seeing this bull-headed demon king, the rest of the demon kings nodded slightly, all recognizing the strength of this demon king named Qingtian.

“Optimus……… Is it the strongest of the bull demon clan among the demons, the Optimus Demon King? ”

Hearing the rest of the demon kings burst out the identity of this burly bull-headed demon king, Hongtian, who had already retreated, suddenly shook his body, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Bull Demon, for a large race of demon families, this race is naturally aggressive, and the number of kings born is not a few, until one day, a new Bull Demon King is born, killing all the rest of the Bull Demon Kings, becoming the only king of the Bull Demon Clan!

And this Bull Demon King is the Optimus Demon King.

The strength of the Optimus Demon King is terrifying, as soon as he is promoted to the King Realm, he has the strength to kill several other Bull Demon Kings, as early as when Hongtian had not yet become a king, this Optimus Demon King was already a fierce reputation for both people and demons.

Optimus Demon King, this is a terrifying demon king who has been rated as a true king-level combat power hundreds of thousands of years ago!

“The Optimus Demon King is here……… So, are the other demon kings no worse than the Optimus Demon King, is it the true king level? ”

What makes Hongtian even more frightening is that the other demon kings are all equal to face the Optimus Demon King, which means that the strength of the rest of the demon kings is mostly at the same level as the Optimus Demon King, and they all have true king-level combat power!


Hongtian swallowed his spit, his scalp was numb, the true king level, all of them have reached at least the ten heavens of the king realm, and their combat strength is outstanding in it, in order to be called the true king, belonging to the rare elite among the kings…

And the demon clan dispatched thirteen at least true king-level combat power? In order to deal with a Su Hao?

The Optimus Demon King moved his burly body, he looked down at Su Hao, chuckled, and his voice was thick: “Terran, I know that you killed the Ancient Sea Demon King, but this guy Gu Hai……… Without the sea, I can kill him with one hand! ”

The Optimus Demon King’s words were full of confidence in his own strength, and he thought that he was the same true king-level combat power, and the ancient sea demon king was simply not enough to look at him in front of him, but this was not arrogant, but a fact!

“Is it? In my eyes, you are similar to the Ancient Kraken King. ”

Su Hao said calmly.

“If you are in a hurry to die, then the king will send you to die!” The king will tear you to pieces and bathe in the blood of your king! ”

As soon as these words came out, the Optimus Demon King had a feeling of being despised, and his forehead was bruised, and he said fiercely.

He hadn’t shown up for too long, and even the new king of the Terran tribe dared to despise himself so much? Only wash it with blood!


The Optimus Demon King’s mouth burst out with a heaven-shaking roar, and all over his body, a monstrous demonic energy surged out, and there was an ancient giant beast tumbling, and the magic clouds in the sky converged, the wind and clouds changed, the wind roared, accompanied by thunder and lightning!

That vicious kingly breath filled the heavens and the earth!

“The sky……… Is it about to collapse? ”

In the desolate city, many warriors saw the terrifying scene in the sky, their legs were soft, and they sat on the ground with their buttocks, their faces full of horror, and they had the illusion that the sky was going to fall in the next second.

This Sky Demon King is too terrifying, for a demon king who is good at killing, his combat strength is outstanding, and as soon as the breath is revealed, there is a vision that the sky is collapsing and the wind and clouds are changing, like a demon king who has destroyed the world!

“Hold on for a while…”

Hongtian could only pray in his heart, hoping that Su Hao could support it, this place is close to the Great Xia Dynasty, as long as he supports it, it will be safe when other kings arrive.

“Kill! The Bull Demon is furious! ”

The Optimus Demon King roared wildly, and instantly struck, so majestic that the terrifying demon power surged, faintly turning into a huge demon bull hundreds of meters and covered in pitch black, galloping out!

The Optimus Demon King’s right fist smashed out, like an angry demon bull, the void that stepped on was dented, the space exploded, and it was so powerful that it was crushed by a shocking blow, making people feel small.


Shocking the soul, filled with a killing intent, the sound of angry bull eyes made people’s souls shatter.

“What a terrible blow…”

Hongtian looked at the cold sweat on his forehead, he can also be regarded as an old king, but if he strikes the Optimus Demon King, it will definitely be nine deaths!

“This Sky Demon King is indeed much stronger than the Ancient Kraken King, and the power of this punch is at least more than 20 dragons.”

In the face of the amazing blow of the Optimus Demon King, Su Hao also secretly admired.

The Optimus Demon King’s strength is very strong, absolute true king level, facing ordinary ten heavenly kings, with almost crushing combat power!

“But……… That’s all! ”

Su Hao’s eyes seemed to turn into red gold, deep and majestic.


The dragon elephant Neidan in Su Hao’s dantian quickly rotated, and a strong and domineering force climbed wildly, causing Su Hao’s skin, muscles, and bones to be stained with a faint layer of red gold, as if from flesh and blood into another existence.

The three-striped dragon elephant Neidan can make Su Hao’s physical body power soar 3 times in all aspects, reaching the four heavens of the king realm, and Su Hao’s basic physical body power reaches the level of 9 dragons, a three-fold increase, pushing his physical body to the terrifying realm of 36 dragons!


In the void, there seemed to be a dragon-like giant beast roaring in the sky, shaking the earth and the firmament!

At this moment, Su Hao’s crimson palm reached out and grabbed the fist of the Optimus Demon King.


The fist collided with the palm, and a terrifying power spread out to the extreme, shattering the void, and the dense cracks were torn apart, spreading out a long distance, and the clouds and mist in the sky were rolling, and the terrifying display of the Optimus Demon King’s punch was undoubted!

“Sh……… What the? ”

The Optimus Demon King’s complexion changed, and Su Hao grabbed his fist with his palm, did not retreat half a step, and easily withstood his terrifying punch, just like an adult catching a child’s punch, it was effortless!

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