Chapter 102 is upside down! Dragon chanting and shaking the sky!!

The Optimus Demon King entered the Ten Heavens of the King Realm early, and after a long period of practice, a demon body has long been tempered, and his strength is infinite, which is outstanding in the True King level, far from being comparable to ordinary kings.

But even so, Su Hao lightly caught his blow containing monstrous demon power!

The Optimus Demon King faintly had a bad premonition, the news said that Su Hao used all his strength to kill the Ancient Kraken King, and now it seems that the other party did not exert all his strength to kill the Ancient Kraken King, and there are huge reservations!

Where did the Optimus Demon King know that Su Hao did not reserve at all, just in the past few days, there was a reborn progress.

Staring at the Optimus Demon King in front of him, the cold killing intent revealed in Su Hao’s eyes made the Optimus Demon King’s eyelids jump, and he had a bad premonition, and immediately roared: “Let me go!” ”

Bull Devil Top Horn!

The Optimus Demon King crashed head-on, and the sharp horns crashed into Su Hao’s chest, wanting to force Su Hao to let go, and with the power of the Optimus Demon King, he slammed into a steel mountain with all his might.

However, Su Hao’s left hand reached out, his five fingers tightened, and he grabbed one of the horns of the Optimus Demon King, making his violent impact instantly disappear into invisibility.

“Let go? Put it right away! ”

Su Hao’s face has a trace of bloodthirsty battle intent, in the face of this demon king who dares to besiege and kill him, Su Hao will never show mercy!

“No……… Not good! ”

Su Hao’s cold voice made the Optimus Demon King feel a chill in his heart, and he struggled desperately, but his right arm and horn were grabbed by Su Hao, making it difficult for him to break free.


Su Hao burst out with a heaven-shaking roar, he grabbed the horn of the Optimus Demon King with one hand, grabbed the Optimus Demon King’s right arm with the other, and exerted force with both hands, tearing hard! Nearly 40 dragons burst out of terrifying divine power!


With a tooth-shattering tearing sound, the irresistible giant force tore the Optimus Demon King’s right arm and a bull horn off his body alive!


The sharp pain in his head and right arm made the Optimus Demon King let out a miserable scream.


At the broken arm and the horn of the broken head, the fiery blood of the king seemed to make the sky rain of blood, flying and spraying out, rendering the sky a bloody red!

The Optimus Demon King’s scream was accompanied by flying blood, and this scene was unforgettable!

“Optimus Demon King……… Hit hard? ”

That demon king felt that with the strength of the Optimus Demon King, it would not be a problem to take down Su Hao, but in the blink of an eye, he suffered a heavy blow, which made them all shocked for a while, and did not come to their senses.

“He really is… Just a few months after being promoted to the King Realm? ”

Even Hongtian, who was also the king of the human race, looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Shengsheng tore off the arms and horns of a true king-level king like the Optimus Demon King, who was famous thousands of years ago, which is too cruel!


The rest of the Demon Kings came back to their senses amid the Heavenly Demon King’s miserable screams, and hurriedly roared, trying to stop Su Hao.

But where will Su Hao keep his hands?


Su Hao’s eyes spewed blazing flames, facing the screaming, seriously injured Optimus Demon King, did not leave the slightest hand, casually threw away the broken arm on his hand, bull horns, his right fist clenched, no fancy, extremely committed pure punch, smashed out!

“No……… No! ”

The Optimus Demon King screamed in horror and wanted to dodge, but this punch locked him in, so that he couldn’t even dodge, and he felt a sense of insignificance, and could only watch the heavy punch fall on his chest.


The power of the dragon elephant shook, this punch containing nearly 40 dragon power, it was simply shattering the earth, the terrifying power of the sky, the chest of the Optimus Demon King was violently dented, and a terrifying fist force bombarded into his body, shattering his bones and internal organs, and then exploded with a bang!


In the miserable scream, the burly body of the Optimus Demon King was torn apart, and every muscle and cell was shattered alive, like a blooming blood flower, blooming out, smearing a bleak, conspicuous color in the sky!


That terrifying punch simply exploded with the Nine Heavens Thunder, rolling the clouds and mist, and roaring!

“Is it the king of our Terran race?”

“That terrifying demon king was shattered by a punch!”

In the desolate city, the Terran warriors who saw this scene were all stunned, the demon king, this is synonymous with horror, but the black-clothed young man just punched and directly smashed it to pieces.

That ultimate power is simply terrifying!


One by one, the demon kings have changed color, the Optimus Demon King, this is a long-famous true king-level combat power, facing Su Hao, it is simply as weak as a child, and they are beaten to pieces in one shot, and they don’t even have time to rescue.

“Ding, time value detected, automatically absorbed! Get 10 million points worth of time! ”

The crisp and pleasant system prompt sound sounded in his ears, which made Su Hao extremely satisfied, these true king-level kings are all ten heavens of the king realm, and the time value obtained after slaying can also make him happy.

Su Hao moved his arm, his indifferent gaze looked at the group of astonished demon kings in the distance, and his tone was cold: “Who is next?” ”

The simple words made people shudder, as if the demon kings in front of them were just lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

“Bastard! Don’t be too arrogant! ”

The boar-headed demon king glared angrily, spitting hot air in his nostrils, and he couldn’t stand being so condescending.

“Then it’s your turn!”

Su Hao’s face was expressionless, and in the face of more than ten strong demon kings, he chose to take the initiative.

Su Hao’s body moved, and the ultimate physical body brought the ultimate speed, strength and explosion!

“Crackle! Crackling! ”

As if forcibly shuttling through the void passage, Su Hao forcibly crossed a long distance and rushed straight at the boar-headed demon king.

That strong sense of oppression made the boar-headed demon king whose strength was not much worse than that of the Optimus Demon King have a sense of retreat, but he was a demon king, where could he avoid a mere human race?

“! Death to the king! ”

The wild boar-headed demon king burst out of his mouth with a roar, blood spat out in his eyes, and the demon power burst out with all his might, darkening the sky, holding a huge mace in his hand, smashing angrily at Su Hao.

Although the mace has a simple shape, like the casual work of a refiner, it is actually a strong king soldier, and at this moment, under the full urging of the wild boar-headed demon king, it has revived, and the heavy power it carries can smash the mountains to pieces!


Su Hao did not dodge, the muscles of his left arm were tight, and the red golden skin had a sense of indestructibility, facing the smashing mace, swept out, and shook it with his flesh


With the arm to shake this king’s soldier, the two collided, the heaven and earth seemed to be frozen in time for a moment, and then the deafening roar resounded throughout the Eight Desolations, the demon clouds were surging, and the divine power was surging.

And personally experienced, this wild boar-headed demon king realized what kind of enemies and despair the Optimus Demon King faced, the moment of collision, the wild boar-headed demon king held the palm of the king’s soldier, the tiger’s mouth was shattered, could not hold the weapon, flew out of his hand, half of his body was numb, and he lost consciousness!

Su Hao’s terrifying body was simply not flesh and blood, and it was more terrifying than an ancient fierce beast.

“Live……… Stop it! I……… I quit! ”

The boar-headed demon king screamed desperately, regardless of his dignity, wanting to make Su Hao stop and save his life.

Zen arrows!

But where could Su Hao stop easily, without stopping for half a minute, Su Hao’s right fist smashed out immediately, and his strength condensed at one point, as if a spear was stabbed!

“Block……… Obstruct! ”

The boar-headed demon king gritted his teeth, and his other movable arm hurriedly reached out in front of him, hoping to block Su Hao’s blow.


However, Su Hao’s condensed fist strength was like a spear, indestructible, destroying and tearing the arm of the boar-headed demon king, and the residual momentum penetrated his skull inexhaustibly, breaking a blood hole larger than a fist.


The blood that splattered out followed the fist and rolled backwards for thousands of meters, like a blood-colored spear!

“……… Kill me with one hit? ”

The boar-headed demon king stared at the round eyes, it was difficult to accept such an ending, you must know that he was barely a true king-level combat power, but in the face of Su Hao, he was too fragile, and he was still bombarded by one blow.

The huge body of the boar-headed demon king smashed towards the ground, making a huge sound, and another powerful demon king fell.


“Let’s get on together! Kill him together! Don’t keep your hands! ”

The remaining demon kings were all shocked and angry at the same time, and under their noses, they didn’t even have time to stop it, and another companion died in Su Hao’s hands.

There are also demon kings who can see that Su Hao’s combat power is too terrifying, in the face of the general true king-level combat power has a crushing advantage, fighting alone can only be broken by each one, only by joining hands to bombard Su Hao with all his strength is the right way!

“Ice Road. Frozen! ”

A demon king who looked like a snow beast, his hands slapped hard, the ripples in the void spread, and the void was frozen into ice everywhere he passed, spreading towards Su Hao.

This demon king is a demon who is good at ice paths, and has condensed Dao marks! In the True King level, they are not weak existences!

“Kill! Blood feathers tear the sky! ”

A true king-level demon with eagle wings and an eagle head scolded fiercely, and the blood-colored feathers on his wings fell off, each of which was tempered by his demon power for thousands of years, and each piece was tougher and sharper than the ordinary king’s soldier, and one piece could easily tear the body of the ordinary king, and at this moment it all flew out.

The blood-colored feathers tore black cracks in the void, overwhelming Su Hao.

“Bone Devourer!”

There are also demon kings who are good at eroding the body and soul, opening their blood basins and mouths, spitting out dark green venom in the sky, falling like raindrops, and the corrosive void has rotted out of one hole after another.

More than ten demon kings joined forces to strike a blow, to bombard Su Hao to slag, all kinds of means together, that terrifying scene, is simply like a nightmare, the sky within a radius of tens of thousands of meters, is filled with all kinds of demon magic powers, killing techniques, the sun and the moon are hanging upside down, dim!

This terrible scene made many timid people in the reckless city faint on the spot, as if facing the end of the world and catastrophe.

The 11 demon kings, all of them have the combat power of the true king, and it is too terrifying to join forces to strike a blow.

“Su Hao!”

When Hongtian saw this scene from a distance, he all changed his color and exclaimed, as a martial arts king, even if he was closer, his life would be in danger if he was affected.

It is hard to imagine what will happen to Su Hao, who suffered the full blow of many demon kings, at the center of all this.

“It’s scary!”

Su Hao’s expression was full of solemnity, and more than ten demon kings joined forces with all their might, without reservation, trying to bombard him on the spot, which was indeed terrifying!

“Demon Dragon Iron Shirt!”

But Su Hao was not afraid, he urged the True Yuan in his body to push the newly mastered Demon Dragon Iron Shirt with all his might!


The high dragon chant shook the sky, penetrated the clouds and mist, tore the sky, the true yuan sprayed thin, Su Hao’s body surface had a set of battle armor condensed, composed of frost, which was engraved with ice crystal dragon scales, and there were black dragon patterns wrapped around it, protecting the whole body.

In the face of this unavoidable joint blow, all Su Hao could do was resist hard! More than ten True King-level demon attacks bombarded Su Hao in the central area one after another.


At this moment, the heavens and the earth were shaking, and the void with a radius of tens of thousands of meters seemed to be squeezed by a huge force, torn and kneaded frantically, shattered into pieces, and then crushed into powder!


In the desolate city, there was a desperate scream, many warriors were dizzy, their souls were about to leave their bodies, and this scene in front of them was too shocking, destroying the world and destroying the earth!

High in the sky, the space of 10,000 meters was completely annihilated, revealing a pitch-black chaotic void, and the storm of destruction swept wildly, tearing apart the nearby clouds and mist, as if it was a huge mouth, swallowing everything!


The resulting aftermath spread, and those demon kings who shot couldn’t help but retreat back a distance.

Hongtian’s hands and feet are cold, just the aftermath of the joint blow of these more than ten demon kings can kill a king like him, not to mention Su Hao, who is in the most center, it is completely impossible to survive!

“We Terrans……… A thousand years of rare demons died at the hands of these demons? ”

Hongtian clenched his fists, his teeth crunched, and his eyes were red.

The human race finally gave birth to a peerless demon, who is expected to become a supreme king and even an eternal overlord.

But now it has fallen here.

No way, no one could have imagined that the demon clan would directly dispatch so many kings to ambush and besiege Su Hao regardless of the agreement, even if the kings of other races got the news at the first time and rushed with all their might, they would have already achieved their goal!

“We join forces to strike a blow, no one can live!”

“He’s dead, alas… Losing Pig Wumadness and Qingtian is a big loss! ”

One by one, the demon kings were sure that Su Hao was dead, but they all sighed, feeling that under such circumstances, they had also lost a lot of losses to the two kings, and no one expected that Su Hao’s combat power was so terrifying, and he even killed two demon kings.

“Leave quickly, the king of the Terran is estimated to be here soon!”

There is a demon king

Dao, feel that after completing the task, you should leave quickly, otherwise a large number of kings of the Terran race will come, which will be troublesome.

“Leave? Is it in a hurry to go to hell? ”

However, within the chaotic void that was strangled by the void storm, an indifferent voice sounded.

“Sh……… What the? ”

All demon kings, pupils contracted violently.

In the distance, the chaotic void filled with destruction fluctuations, a tall figure stepped out of it, it was Su Hao!

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