Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 103 Three bowls are no match (please subscribe! Please vote!)

The newly established Ma Sanjun was led by Tang Bin and Wen Zhongrong was the deputy leader.

In line with the principle of following the path of others and leaving others with nowhere to go, Jiang Hongfei named the newly-built heavy cavalry "Iron Buddha", with Bian Xiang, one of the best generals in Liangshan, serving as the leader, and Cui Ye as the deputy leader.

The newly-established Fourth Infantry Army was led by Yu Cheng and Min Gong was appointed as the deputy leader.

Also, it had been decided long ago that Shi Qian would be responsible for the establishment of the secret reporting camp and serve as the leader of the secret reporting camp; Shi Xiu and Ruan Xiaoqi would serve as leaders of Jiang Hongfei's pro-army forces.

In addition, all the leaders and minions who returned to Yanfeng were properly accommodated.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the heroes who were brought back to Shuiboliang Mountain by Jiang Hongfei this time were all reused.

There is only one exception.

This person is Wu Song, Jiang Hongfei's most jealous person.

Did Jiang Hongfei not want to reuse Wu Song?

of course not.

In fact, Jiang Hongfei originally built that step of the Fourth Army for Wu Song, and anyone with a discerning eye can see this.

However, after Jiang Hongfei announced the formation of the Fourth Infantry Army and was about to announce the leader of the Fourth Infantry Army, everyone looked at Wu Song. Jiang Hongfei also looked at Wu Song, but Wu Song lowered his head in front of everyone...

Wu Song was indeed very excited when he first met Jiang Hongfei, especially when the famous Gai Shen Buddha and Tian Dasheng came to a dilapidated woodshed to meet Wu Song, an unknown person. Of course, Wu Song was extremely excited.

But after the excitement subsided, Wu Song thought about it: "Although this man has a great reputation in the world, is generous with money, and is an extravagant hero, but after all, he is a strong leader who leads people to roar. What he has done is Sooner or later, the government will arrest him for robbing families and homes. He is so courteous and virtuous to me. He must have seen that I am a good man and wants to drag me into his gang. Now that I have recovered my innocence, how much suffering and suffering have I endured in order to wait for this day? How many supercilious looks? How can I taint this body again, go into the green forest road, and become a bandit?"

However, Jiang Hongfei was too enthusiastic about Wu Song at that time, and he let out a bad breath for Wu Song that he had been holding back for a year, making Wu Song feel happy from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Later, he treated Wu Song and spared no effort to guide Wu Song. .

How could Wu Song, who knew his grudges clearly, knew how to repay his kindness, and was happy with his grudges, alienate Jiang Hongfei, a good brother?

In fact, during that period, Wu Song also thought about staying away from Jiang Hongfei, and did not want to get deeper into the situation.

That is, after Wu Song recovered from his illness, he told Jiang Hongfei that he missed his elder brother Wu Dalang and wanted to return to his hometown.

At that time, the main reason why Wu Song proposed to return to his hometown was that Wu Song had realized that he could no longer tangle with Jiang Hongfei and his gang, otherwise he would be led astray by Jiang Hongfei and his gang sooner or later and become a bandit, ruining his innocence. body.

But at that time, Jiang Hongfei kindly asked Wu Song to stay and refused to let Wu Song leave.

Wu Song is not the kind of person who refuses to repay kindness.

In the end, Wu Song chose to stay and see if he could find an opportunity to repay Jiang Hongfei's favor.

Who would have thought that after that, the longer Wu Song got along with Jiang Hongfei, the more Wu Song would owe Jiang Hongfei.

At the same time, Wu Song discovered that Jiang Hongfei, apart from being a strong leader, really had nothing bad about him. Especially for him, he was absolutely too good to be nice to him.

Wu Song, on the other hand, was not only willing to follow Jiang Hongfei to gain knowledge, but also willing to hang out with a group of Liangshan heroes who valued love and justice.

So, after returning to Shandong, Jiang Hongfei and a group of Liangshan heroes dragged Wu Song to Shuibo Liangshan. Wu Song wanted to see how good Shuibo Liangshan was, which was talked about by Jiang Hongfei and Liangshan heroes every day, but he didn't want to. I had the nerve to refuse the invitations from Jiang Hongfei and Liangshan Heroes.

In this way, Wu Song followed Jiang Hongfei to Liangshan.

But then again, Wu Song had no problem following Jiang Hongfei and the Liangshan heroes hanging out in the arena, and even enjoyed it, but for Wu Song to actually join the Shuibo Liangshan Luocao bandit, it is now difficult for Wu Song to accept.

Therefore, when he saw that Jiang Hongfei and a group of Liangshan heroes thought that he should be the leader of the Fourth Infantry Army, Wu Song lowered his head and did not dare to look at Jiang Hongfei and a group of Liangshan heroes.

Seeing this, how could Jiang Hongfei not guess what Wu Song was thinking?

Jiang Hongfei understood that Wu Song now was just like the prodigal son who wanted to turn back.

——In the past few years, although Wu Song has been hanging out in the world, his heart has never been in the underworld. He is not like Shi Xiu, who can't live a poor life peacefully and wants to change his poor life. If the current He chose, and what he wanted most was to fight his way through the officialdom with his fists. In his current opinion, this was the right way, and being strong men like Jiang Hongfei and Liangshan Heroes was a crooked way.

It can be said that as long as Wu Song is not forced to have no way out, according to Wu Song's original intention, he will never fall into the trap of a bandit.

In "Water Margin", Wu Song killed Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing and was sent to Mengzhou. He went all the way without any complaints.

On the way, Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang persuaded Wu Song to defect to Erlong Mountain, but Wu Song refused to listen and insisted on going to jail.

Even though Wu Song was later hired by Shi En as a thug, it was because Shi En was kind to him, and because he still had to go to jail under Shi En and his son. In order to finish his sentence smoothly and then find an opportunity to become an official, Wu Song even fought drunkenly regardless of whether it was right or wrong. Jiang Menshen.

Afterwards, Inspector Zhang pretended to accept Wu Song as his confidant, and Wu Song was also willing to be roped in.


Because at that time, Wu Song still had a keen desire for fame.

It was only after Wu Song broke through Zhang Doujian's plot that he killed more than a dozen members of Zhang Doujian's family in a rage and committed a heinous crime. He had no choice but to surrender to Erlongshan Luocao as a bandit.

Even so, when he met Song Jiang in Kongjiazhuang, Wu Song still confided in his heart: "It's a pity that I won't die in the future. After being recruited, it's not too late to come to look for my brother!"

Only after Wu Song finally went to Liangshan, his mentality gradually changed, and he could become one of the leaders who firmly opposed recruitment in Liangshan in the future.


Wu Song didn't want to go to Liangshan and become a bandit. Jiang Hongfei had already figured it out.

After returning to Shuibo Liangshan from Jizhou, Jiang Hongfei took a group of leaders who had just arrived in Liangshan to do justice for the sky, and showed them that he was not leading them to rob families, but leading them to be Liangshan heroes who rescued people in need. Let them see how popular they are, which gives them spiritual satisfaction and goals.

The other new leaders who came to Liangshan were all immersed in the gratitude of the people. When it was time to take action, they all rushed to take action, for fear that they would be later than others, unable to show their own methods, unworthy of being Liangshan heroes, and unable to receive rewards for their meritorious service.

Only Wu Song, although he also had a new understanding of Jiang Hongfei and the Liangshan heroes, was also angry at the oppression and exploitation of the poor people, and even applauded when the Liangshan heroes publically tried the local tyrants and bullies, but he never He really participated in Shuibo Liangshan's campaign for heaven, but every time he needed a hero from Liangshan to take action, he would step back.

At that time, Jiang Hongfei actually knew that no matter how he tried to win over Wu Song, Wu Song would not go to Liangshan now. Even if he was forced to go to Liangshan, he would not be happy, because this is not what he wants now.

But to be honest, Jiang Hongfei, who wanted Wu Song so much, was really unwilling to let Wu Song go down the mountain!

Only then did Jiang Hongfei establish the Fourth Army.

Jiang Hongfei wanted Wu Song to see that what he could give him was really more than what others could give him. He could command 500 regular soldiers, 500 auxiliary soldiers, and a total of 1,000 people at his own place. Apart from himself, who else could Can you use him so much?

But although Wu Song was ready to move, he still lowered his head at the last moment.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei could only sigh in his heart, and then changed his mind temporarily and said: "Brother Yu Chengxian will be the leader of the Fourth Bu Army, and brother Nie Gongxian will be the deputy leader."

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei would rather hand over the Fourth Infantry Army to a fourteen-year-old boy than embarrass him, Wu Song felt extremely guilty and ashamed.

Wu Song didn't even dare to look at the Liangshan heroes who usually called him brothers.

——At this moment, Wu Song felt like an unfaithful and unjust traitor.

In the evening, Wu Song went to Jiang Hongfei and said, "I haven't heard from my eldest brother for a long time. He is easily bullied because of his unsatisfactory height and appearance. I really don't trust him at home alone, so I want to go back to my hometown to take care of him."

Wu Song, who finally managed to say what he wanted to say, prayed in his heart: "Brother, please don't keep me here anymore. If you keep me here anymore, I really don't know if I should secretly go down the mountain?"

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile: "Since Erlang has given up his intention to leave, how can I dare to stay here as a brother? If Erlang has some free time in the future, how long will it take for Erlang to come back to meet me in Shuibo Liangshan?"

Wu Song felt relieved after hearing this, and bowed to Jiang Hongfei on the ground: "Thank you, brother!"

Early the next morning, Wu Song took off the new red silk jacket that Jiang Hongfei had sent to him the previous morning and put on the old jacket he had worn before. He also wore a white Fanyang felt hat and put on his own He packed his things into a small package and left all the things Jiang Hongfei gave him in the room. He picked up a stick and came to say goodbye to Jiang Hongfei.

It can be seen that Wu Song was really embarrassed to ask for Jiang Hongfei's things because he did not stay in Shuibo Liangshan to serve Jiang Hongfei.

When Jiang Hongfei saw Wu Song coming to say goodbye, he said, "I'll give my dear brother a ride."

Wu Song did not shirk.

Jiang Hongfei personally sent Wu Song all the way to the Li family crossing where everyone came to stay at the hotel.

Wu Song said goodbye: "Brother, as the saying goes: After sending you thousands of miles away, you will have to say goodbye. If you are far away, please come back. All brothers are still waiting for my brother to come back to the mountain to discuss matters."

Jiang Hongfei said: "It's not too late."

Jiang Hongfei added, "I still can't bear to part with you, dear brother. You and I will drink together again."

After saying that, Jiang Hongfei took Wu Song in to eat, and asked Han Bolong to prepare wine and food.

Seeing this, Wu Song could only lean on his stick and ask Jiang Hongfei to sit down at the upper table, and he would sit with him at the lower table.

The two drank wine for another day, until they looked at the red sun and the west, Wu Song said: "It is getting late, and my brother will not give up on Wu Er, so he accepts Wu Ersi's worship and worships him as a sworn brother."

After Wu Song finished speaking, he bowed his head four times.

Jiang Hongfei smiled and bowed to Wu Song four times, and then sent Wu Song out to eat.

When he came to the door, Wu Song immediately saw the big black horse from the North that Jiang Hongfei gave him. There was also a big baggage and two long knives.

Seeing this, how could Wu Song not know that all the things he had rejected came back?

Just when Wu Song was about to refuse, Jiang Hongfei took the lead and said, "You and I have not broken off our friendship, so what are you doing with these foreign things? Don't forget that you just made me your sworn brother. It's a gift from your sworn brother. Is there any reason not to accept it?”

Wu Song wanted to say something more, but he saw Jiang Hongfei's face: "Dear brother, don't worry too much, I won't force you as a brother. If you refuse again, I will not recognize you as a brother."

Wu Song had no choice but to accept, then said goodbye to Jiang Hongfei again, led his horse and left.

After walking for thirty or fifty miles, Wu Song sat down to rest and took a look at the two long knives.

I saw that these two long knives were generally the same. The blades were about three feet and a half long. They had exquisite scabbards made of monster shark skin.

When Wu Song took out one and looked at it, he saw that the Bailian Snowflake Iron Chi Tiger hinge was all silver and white, and the blade was engraved with tiger patterns. When the sword was unsheathed, it was filled with cold light and murderous intent, and seemed to be able to kill thousands of powerful enemies.

Wu Song took out another one, and it was the same.

Needless to say, anyone who knows swords can see that these two long swords must be excellent swords - swords that cannot be measured by spiritual money.

Wu Song tried the two long knives and felt that the length and weight fit perfectly in his hand.

Seeing this, Wu Song could not have imagined that Jiang Hongfei must have specially ordered the craftsmen on Shuibo Liang Mountain to refine these two long swords for him?

Looking at these two long knives, Wu Song was so ashamed that he even had the urge to return to Liangshan!

Then he opened the baggage that Jiang Hongfei had prepared for him. Wu Song flipped through it and realized that all the things Jiang Hongfei had given him were in the baggage.

Soon, Wu Song saw a money bag. When he opened it, he found that there was a thousand spiritual stones in it!

"Brother is afraid that after I return to my hometown, I won't be able to make a living!"

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei had even thought of this detail, Wu Song was moved beyond words. He could only look towards the direction of Shuibo Liangshan with tears in his eyes, unable to pay his respects...

"Brother treats me like this and doesn't make things difficult for me. It's true that he is so righteous. It's not a waste of time to get to know such a brother."

After a long time, Wu Song got up from the ground and continued towards Qinghe County.

After traveling on the road for several days, Wu Song came to the ground in Yanggu County.

This trip is still a long way from Yanggu County.

It was noon, and Wu Song was feeling hungry while walking. He saw a hotel in front of him, carrying a flag in front of the door, with five words written on it: "Three bowls are not enough."

What Wu Song didn't notice was that there was a notice next to it that read:

There is a demon tiger in the mountain, with eye-catching eyes and a white forehead. More than thirty powerful Qi refiners have been injured. Lawsuits are now limited to hunting and catching households, and the capture is punished. Guests coming and going must form groups and be escorted by powerful Qi practitioners to cross the hill at Si, Wu and Wei. The remaining six hours of Yin, Mao, Shen, You, Xu and Hai are not allowed to cross the hill. We are also single guests and are not allowed to visit during the day. We must act as ordered...

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