Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 104 Wu Song fights the demon tiger, Pan Jinlian recommends a maid (additional updates are in

"I'm from Qinghe County. I've walked this Jingyang Hill a dozen or so times. When did I see a demon tiger? Don't scare me with such nonsense! There are demon tigers, and I'm not afraid either. !”

Wu Song, who drank fifteen bowls of "Tuan Ping Xiang" in a row and asked him to "go out and pour" the good wine, ignored the restaurant's dissuasion and insisted on crossing Jingyanggang.

The restaurant said: "I meant to save your life with good intentions. If you don't believe it, come and read the lawsuit. This demon tiger is by no means comparable to ordinary demon tigers. It has powerful demon power. Many powerful qi refiners have fallen into its hands. Yesterday, there was another When a Qi practitioner who could turn into a giant insect and a Qi practitioner with Dharma appearance escorted the merchants across the hill, they were caught by the beast and knocked down one by one, and then ate them in public."

Wu Song said: "Noisy! There really is a demon tiger, and I am not afraid of it. You forced me to stay at your house to rest. Could it be that I have taken a fancy to my good horses and property, and wanted to seek my wealth and harm my life in the middle of the night, but I sent the bird demon to me?" Are you trying to scare me?"

The restaurant owner said angrily: "I had good intentions to save your life, but you ended up saying that it's hard to persuade the damn ghost. If you don't believe me, please leave on your own."

When the restaurant owner saw that Wu Song was looking for death, he shook his head and went back to his restaurant.

Wu Song led the horse and walked towards Jingyanggang.

After walking about four or five miles, we came to the foot of Gangzi.

Wu Song saw a big tree and scraped off the bark, leaving it completely white with two lines of words written on it:

"Because the demon tiger in Jingyanggang has recently injured people, but there are passing merchants, we can form a team at Si, noon, and Wei to find powerful Qi refiners to escort them across the hill. Please don't make a mistake."

Wu Songyou didn't believe it, thinking that the restaurant was trying to scare people into taking a rest in his shop, so he went straight to Jingyanggang with the help of alcohol.

Around Shenshi, when the red sun went down, Wu Song came to a dilapidated mountain temple.

There is also a seal on the door of this mountain temple, reminding that there is a powerful demon tiger on Jingyanggang, which has killed more than thirty powerful Qi practitioners.

Only then did Wu Song realize that there was really a demon tiger on Jingyanggang.

Wu Song wanted to go back, but what he said before was too decisive, and he would inevitably be laughed at by the restaurant when he went back.

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, Wu Song thought to himself: "I'm afraid of a bird. If the evil tiger comes, I'll just kill him!"

So Wu Song, knowing that there was a tiger in the mountain, headed to Hu Mountain and continued walking to Jingyanggang.

As they walked, Wu Song's drunkenness grew stronger and stronger. When he looked back, the sun was already setting in the west.

The weather is now in October, with short days and long nights, making it easy to get dark.

Seeing that it was getting dark and it was time to rest, Wu Song, who had drunk too much, was even more sleepy. At this time, he could hardly open his eyes.

Wu Song staggered to a forest with drunken steps and saw a large, shiny bluestone that looked like a big bed.

Using his remaining consciousness, he tied the horse to a tree stump next to the big bluestone, which was a place he could easily reach, and Wu Song fell down and fell asleep.

At this moment, a strong wind came from the forest!

All the foxes and rabbits in the mountains immediately got into the holes, and the roe apes in the stream all fled in an instant.

Wu Song's big black horse also felt something. The neigh of "Herod" was violently torn back and forth. Within a few moments, it broke away from Wu Song's untied reins, and then opened up its speed. With a "shoo", it turned into a horse. A black light disappeared in place.

Hearing the cry of the horse, Wu Song opened his sleepy drunken eyes.

But Wu Song, who was slow to react, thought about why his horse went crazy?

The horse ran away.

Wu Song finally sobered up and quickly got up to chase the horse.

But at this moment, a strange gust of wind swept past, and a thumping sound was heard behind the trees, and a striking white-fronted demon tiger jumped out!

Wu Song took a closer look and saw:

The majestic body is majestic and the fierce appearance is majestic. The lightning flashes brightly, and the sound of thunder vibrates in all directions. The saw teeth are outside the mouth, and the chisel teeth are exposed beside the cheeks. Brocade surrounds the body, and tattoos wrap around the spine. The steel whiskers are sparsely fleshy, and the claws are as sharp as frost. Huang Gong is afraid of the East China Sea, and the white-fronted king of Nanshan is afraid.

When Wu Song saw it, he shouted: "Haha!" and backed up more than ten feet. He suddenly woke up from the wine.

But the demon tiger didn't make any movement, and came to Wu Song like a shadow, like the wind.

Wu Song's Jade Ring Step was the magical power to control the wind, so he could tell at a glance that this demon tiger was a demonic beast that could control the wind.

Such monsters are often extremely fast.

Looking at the three-foot-long figure of this demon tiger, you can imagine how powerful it is.

The key is that Wu Song's swords were taken away by his horse, which weakened Wu Song's combat power by at least half.

Wu Song felt bitter in his heart and regretted that he could be stronger than Jingyanggang!

But the matter has come to this, even if Wu Song regrets his intestines, what can he do?

In order not to be eaten by the demon tiger, Wu Song's fists quickly became iron, and wind began to blow on his feet.

This demon tiger is now hungry and thirsty, and it has encountered a delicious food that can increase its demonic power. How can it hold back?

I saw that the demon tiger pressed its two front paws on the ground slightly, and its body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Wu Song!

The speed of the demon tiger was so fast that Wu Song couldn't see its movements clearly. He only felt that it was coming from above. Wu Song's Jade Ring Step was immediately used with all its strength, and the person disappeared in a flash!

The next moment, the demon tiger appeared where Wu Song was just now!

Because the power of the demon tiger was too strong, it pounced with all its strength, so that in an instant, the rocks shattered and all the vegetation was uprooted!

Wu Song, who had not escaped too far, was splashed all over by rocks. Even though he had activated his defense mode in time, he was still beaten by the rocks and vegetation to the point of grinning!

But it must be said that Wu Song is smart enough and has enough combat experience.

As soon as they fought, Wu Song knew in his heart that if he fought with speed, he would be no match for this monster tiger with extremely advanced wind-controlling powers. If he fought with strength, he would be no match for this monster tiger with monster powers and very powerful powers. , if he wants to survive, he can only fight with the demon tiger in a battle of wits and courage.

Therefore, when the demon tiger pounced on Wu Song, Wu Song advanced instead of retreating and changed positions with the demon tiger.

It was too late, but it was too late. When the demon tiger pounced on Wu Song, Wu Song just dodged and used the jade ring step to get behind the demon tiger!

This demon tiger can't see behind it because of its huge body, but it also has ways to deal with this situation.

I saw that the demon tiger realized that Wu Song had fled behind it, and its iron rod-like tail swiped violently!

Wu Song only felt a strong wind blowing towards him. If he was hit, his soul would definitely fly away immediately. He was so frightened that he quickly used the Thousand Jin Pendant and fell straight down in an instant, barely escaping the demon tiger!

Seeing that its tail failed to sweep Wu Song, the demon tiger immediately turned over and pounced again, coming towards him!

Seeing this, Wu Song didn't get up, he kicked his heels a little harder, and at the same time used the wind to lift his body, and others shot at the demon tiger!

That's right!

Wu Song changed positions with the demon tiger again, so that the demon tiger could not attack Wu Song head-on.

The demon tiger had no choice but to turn around quickly.

But the demon tiger turned around, and Wu Song also turned around quickly, just not facing the demon tiger.

Although the demon tiger is fast, that is the speed given to it by its innate wind-controlling magical power. When the wind-controlling magical power cannot be used, its speed will not be as fast as Wu Song, who is stepping on the jade ring.

Let's put it this way, if Wu Song had chosen to escape just now, he would definitely not have been able to outrun the demon tiger, which had greater wind control powers than Wu Song. In that case, all ten Wu Song might have been eaten by the demon tiger.

Fortunately, Wu Song chose to fight with the demon tiger in a battle of wits and courage, never letting the demon tiger reach full speed or giving the demon tiger a chance to attack him head-on.

Although the demon tiger is powerful, its methods of catching prey are actually limited to these few tricks.

After these few moves failed, the demon tiger lost half of his energy.

On the other hand, Wu Song, after adapting to the demon tiger's attack methods, began to fight with the demon tiger in a battle of wits and courage while looking for opportunities to fight back with his iron fist.

One person and one tiger soon fought for more than fifty rounds.

The demon tiger has a powerful demon power, but Wu Song used his resourcefulness and courage to repeatedly dodge its attacks. Not only that, Wu Song also found an opportunity to punch the demon tiger three times with his hammer-like fists.

These three punches hit the flesh, making the demon tiger howl and scream.

The demon tiger was beaten timidly by Wu Song, so it wanted to pounce again. If it still couldn't pounce on Wu Song, it would run away and never provoke this difficult two-legged beast again!

But this time, Wu Song saw the right opportunity, and despite being hit by the demon tiger's iron rod-like tail, he also flew onto the tiger's back.

Then, no matter how the demon tiger rolled and jumped, Wu Song would not leave the tiger's back. At the same time, he used his iron fist to punch the demon tiger one after another.

One person and one tiger have been fighting in this forest for who knows how long.

Until, the demon tiger was beaten by Wu Song until blood burst out from its eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, and there was air in but no air out.

Wu Song, who was also seriously injured and had all his spiritual power exhausted, was lying on the demon tiger, breathing heavily, thankful that he had won the battle by luck.

Although he had won, Wu Song still did not dare to be careless at all. He quickly crushed two spiritual stones to quickly restore some spiritual power.

Then, Wu Song, who was afraid that the demon tiger would not die, raised his iron fist and hit the demon tiger again.

Until the demon tiger completely stopped moving, Wu Song leaned on the demon tiger, healing his wounds and recovering his spiritual power.

Not long after, a group of more than a dozen heavily armed hunters who were ordered to hunt the demon tiger heard the roar of the tiger and quickly came looking for it.

Seeing Wu Song kill the demon tiger with his bare hands, all the hunters admired Wu Song. They spread out and found Wu Song's spirit horse, which contained many treasures and swords.

A group of hunters carried the demon tiger up, surrounded Wu Song who was riding on a tall horse, and descended from Jingyanggang.

When they arrived at the foot of Deling Mountain, a group of villagers heard that a hero had killed the demon tiger on Jingyang Gang with just his fists, and they all came to watch.

Thirty-two people from Uehu and Orion from the same hometown who had suffered enough from the evil tigers warmly received Wu Song, the hero of the fight against the tiger.

At dawn the next day, people from the hometown found a sedan to carry Wu Song to the county.

Wu Song knew that his opportunity to become an official had come, so he put on the new red silk jacket given to him by Jiang Hongfei, put on the soap gauze corner scarf given to him by Jiang Hongfei, and tied the bell-shaped jade sash given to him by Jiang Hongfei. Huan, wearing the demon cow leather thick-soled fast boots given to him by Jiang Hongfei.

When Wu Song appeared in front of the people in his hometown again, everyone gave him a thumbs up and said he was a tiger-fighting hero!

Everyone brought up the sedan chair and invited Wu Song to sit on it. The hunter placed the demon tiger on the tiger bed. Someone led Wu Song's horse, and a group of hundreds of people came to Yanggu County in a mighty manner.

When people in Yanggu County heard that a hero had killed a demon tiger on Jingyang Hill with his bare hands, they all came out to watch.

This incident stirred up the entire Yanggu County and quickly spread outwards, making Wu Song famous.

Wu Song sat on the sedan and looked around. He saw people with shoulders stacked on their backs, making noises, and crowding the streets and alleys, all coming to watch the demon tiger.

Wu Song thought to himself: "My name is already established, why worry about not being able to become an official and worship a general?"

What Wu Song didn't expect was that his opportunity to become an official would come so quickly.

The county magistrate saw that Wu Song was powerful enough to kill the demon tiger with his bare hands. He also saw that Wu Song was handsome and not greedy for money. He distributed all the spiritual money he rewarded to the hunters. He was loyal and benevolent and wanted to promote Wu Song, so he said: "You are If you are from Qinghe County and we are just a stone's throw away from Yanggu County, how about you move to our Yanggu County and I can join you in becoming the head of this county?"

Wu Song knelt down and thanked him: "If you are favored by others, you will be blessed for life."

The magistrate immediately called the Chief of Police to establish a copy, and on the same day he joined Wu Song as the head of the infantry.

After successfully entering the official career, Wu Song returned to Qinghe County as soon as possible and took Wu Dalang to Yanggu County.

Later, Wu Song used the spiritual stone given to him by Jiang Hongfei to buy a house facing the street, which was convenient for Wu Dalang to do business on weekdays.

The two brothers settled down in Yanggu County.

After everything was stable, Wu Song wrote a letter and asked people to bring everyone to the Li family crossing to eat...

Knowing that Wu Song's life trajectory was basically back on track, Jiang Hongfei couldn't help but sigh!

Looking at Pan Jinlian who was kneeling in front of him and working hard, Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "I also took away the only variable in Wu Song's life. Will he really continue to work hard in the officialdom in the future?"

Jiang Hongfei thought of some not-so-good possibilities.

"Will one day Wu Song and I meet each other on the battlefield?"

Jiang Hongfei's worries are not unreasonable.

Shuibo Liangshan is not far from Yanggu County. In the future, when Gao Qiu, Cai Jing, Tong Guan, or others come to encircle Shuibo Liangshan on behalf of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, they are likely to mobilize local armed forces from various states and counties. Help the battle.

After all, although the combat power of the armed forces in these places is not very good, they are more familiar with the battlefield and the heroes of Liangshan, and they will definitely be helpful in the encirclement and suppression of Shuibo Liangshan.

And if Wu Song is willing to help the Song army attack Shuibo Liangshan, then for the Song army, it will be equivalent to at least 30,000 more elite soldiers.

This is not an exaggeration. Wu Song knew everything about Shuibo Liangshan too well.

Apart from anything else, as long as Wu Song is willing to help the Song army, at least Shuibo Liangshan's eyes and ears around Liangshanbo will be wiped out by the Song army first.

Of course, Jiang Hongfei absolutely believed that Wu Song, who knew how to repay his kindness and was loyal, would rather that his little boss didn't do anything, and would never do such a thing.

But then again, now that Wu Song is a soldier and Jiang Hongfei is a thief, the opposition between the two has been drawn out, so in theory, any possibility is really possible.

The key point is that Jiang Hongfei, who had been too successful in recruiting people before and accepted everyone he accepted, felt a little uncomfortable because he couldn't accept Wu Song.

"Do I really want to give up Wu Song?"

Then, Jiang Hongfei couldn't help but smile bitterly: "With Wu Song's clear-cut character, if I ruin his future, he won't fall out with me, but it is still possible to sever ties with me."

"Forget it, life can't be perfect without regrets. I really can't accept Wu Song. That only means that I have no fate with Wu Song. I just let nature take its course."

Thinking of this, Jiang Hongfei put away his distracting thoughts and gave Pan Jinlian, who had been working hard for a long time, the stormy response she expected...

About an hour later.

Pan Jinlian, who was sweating profusely, lay in Jiang Hongfei's arms and asked, "What was the officer thinking just now? Why was he absent-minded for a while?"

Jiang Hongfei said truthfully and falsely: "I'm wondering what would have happened if I hadn't brought you back from Qinghe County?"

Pan Jinlian thought about that terrible possibility and said, "If that were the case, I'm afraid the Nu family would marry that three-inch Ding, Gushu Bar from Wuhan University, and life would be worse than death."

Jiang Hongfei said "Yeah" perfunctorily.

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei was not very interested, Pan Jinlian, who wanted to please Jiang Hongfei, said: "My lord, my family asked Madam Zhang to buy two maids for my family, and my family named them Chunmei and Qiuju."

"That Chunmei has a soft personality, a smart person, and a bit of beauty. The slave family wants to keep her indoors and serve her."

"That Qiu Ju is honest, stubborn, and clumsy-tongued. She is very unpleasant, but she is one or two points more beautiful than Chun Mei. She is just a little bit bigger."

"Both of them are young, do you want me to have them naked and have a taste of these two pieces of meat?"

The reason why Pan Jinlian took so long to choose a maid was entirely because Pan Jinlian knew that in terms of life experience, ability, and even beauty, she could not compare to Jiang Hongfei's other women.

Therefore, Pan Jinlian wanted to train two maids and use them as a means to attract Jiang Hongfei. If the three of them, master and servant, serve Jiang Hongfei together, they will definitely be a big bargaining chip for her to win favor.

It is precisely because of this that although Pan Jinlian doesn't like Qiuju very much, because Qiuju is really beautiful, more beautiful than osmanthus, mint, bergamot, rose, Hongling, Song Zhener, Gao Youniang, and Li Shishi's maids, Pan Jinlian Jin Lian finally chose Qiu Ju.

Now, under Pan Jinlian's training, Chunmei and Qiuju can barely use it.

So Pan Jinlian came to offer the treasure right away, hoping to lure Jiang Hongfei into running into her room more times.

Who would have thought that what Pan Jinlian was waiting for was not Jiang Hongfei's praise, but Jiang Hongfei's snoring...

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