Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 105: Capturing Hua Rong alive (please subscribe! Please vote!)

Qingzhou, Erlong Mountain.

Cao Zheng, Jiao Ting, Yang Zhi and other leaders from the Erlongshan branch of Shuibo Liangshan all went down the mountain and invited Jiang Hongfei and his party who had just arrived at Erlongshan to go up to Erlongshan.

On the way up the mountain, Cao Zheng took the initiative to talk to Jiang Hongfei: "The second master came to my Erlong Mountain last time and set some rules for my Erlong Mountain branch village. He also taught me a few people to repair the village while training the soldiers. I did all of them."

Jiang Hongfei said: "Don't you guys think that the second one is too meddlesome? He is an expert in running cottages. He is indispensable for Shuibo Liangshan to be as prosperous as it is today. And although your Erlongshan branch is just a small village, it is It is the bridgehead and the anchor of Shuibo Liangshan in Qingzhou. It is a very important point in the development of Shuibo Liangshan and cannot be missed."

Cao Zheng said: "Those of me who know the military regulations of Shuibo Liangshan and the people of Erlongshan branch have already memorized it. The complaining meeting and the remembering bitterness and sweetness meeting have been implemented since the second master and Brother Zhang Shi personally The people who led me to Erlongshan branch village each did it once. Our Erlongshan branch village must hold a complaint meeting or a recalling bitterness and sweetness meeting every half a month..."

A force cannot go far without ideological construction.

An army without ideological construction has no combat effectiveness.

Jiang Hongfei understood this truth, but to be honest, Jiang Hongfei didn't know how to do it.

But Jiang Hongfei doesn't know how to do it. He can imitate cats and imitate tigers.

Jiang Hongfei was particularly impressed by the grievance conferences held by our army during the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, and the later grievance conferences held on the basis of the grievance conferences.

That is simply a great weapon in political education, and it is definitely the only magic weapon for ideological construction.

It's a pity that Jiang Hongfei only has a rough idea of ​​this set of good things. If Jiang Hongfei is left to do it by himself, Jiang Hongfei will definitely not be able to do it.

But it doesn't matter. Jiang Hongfei knows that as long as he finds the right person, tells him what he knows and gives him some inspiration, he will have to figure out the rest by himself. He can't let his boss do everything. Bar?

So, Jiang Hongfei selected among the people under his command, and finally selected... not Wang Lun.

Jiang Hongfei was not stupid, so how could he leave the thoughts of the person who controlled his power in the hands of Wang Lun, who already had great power? If that's the case, then Wang Lun, who was originally not a threat, might become a threat to himself.

The person chosen by Jiang Hongfei was Zhang Shi.

Zhang Shi has read books and is from a lower-class background. He has a flexible mind and strong learning ability. The key is that he is loyal to Jiang Hongfei.

So Jiang Hongfei asked Zhang Shi to do this.

Not to mention, Zhang Shi worked hard for a year, and actually came up with the political education method of Shuibo Liangshan based on the tips Jiang Hongfei gave him, which greatly united the heroes of Liangshan and even made the people around Shuibo Liangshan Everyone's heart is toward Jiang Hongfei, and their hearts are toward Shuibo Liangshan.

Wang Lun was a man of knowledge. Seeing that the political education method developed by Zhang Shi was very useful, he helped Zhang Shi vigorously promote it.

Now this set of political education methods developed by Zhang Shi has become an indispensable part of Shuibo Liangshan, and has become popular within Shuibo Liangshan's sphere of influence.

But there is a saying that in the main stronghold in Shuibo Liangshan, including the various bases on the left and right of the main stronghold, Zhang Shi has a tight grip and Wang Lun also cooperates vigorously, so there must be no problem, but those who are beyond the reach of Wang Lun and Zhang Shi If the stronghold is divided, it is inevitable that there will be some negative consequences.

After Zhang Shi discussed with Wang Lun, they came up with the matter of Wang Lun's inspection of various branches last time.

——Zhang Shi also followed Wang Lun. In fact, it was Zhang Shi who organized the complaining conference and the remembering the bitterness and sweetness conference. Wang Lun only participated in these two conferences.

Jiang Hongfei told the leaders of the Erlongshan Branch: "Don't treat this as a trivial matter. This political education is the foundation of my Shuibo Liangshan. Tall buildings rise from the ground only if the foundation is solid enough."

Cao Zheng, Jiao Ting, Yang Zhi and other leaders in Erlongshan all nodded in agreement and assured that they would pay attention to ideological education.

As soon as he arrived at Erlong Mountain, Jiang Hongfei couldn't wait to say: "Please come out to Huazhi Village quickly!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Jiang Hongfei regretted it, and then changed his words: "Forget it, take me to see Huazhi Village quickly!"

Qin Dao: Why did Jiang Hongfei suddenly come to Erlong Mountain?

It was actually the people from Erlongshan Branch who gave Jiang Hongfei a big surprise!

——They actually captured Xiao Li Guanghuarong!

When Jiang Hongfei first heard the news, he was shocked!

Is the Erlongshan branch strong?

Overall, it's actually pretty good.

——The Erlongshan branch has a well-equipped Bu San army, which is definitely much stronger than the average village.

But then again, Erlong Mountain is just a branch of Shuibo Liangshan, or one of many branch villages.

Before Yang Zhi went to Erlong Mountain, there was not even a Qi Refiner in the Second Dragon Mountain Branch who could take charge of one side.

Even Jiao Ting, who was the face of the Erlongshan branch village at that time, was good at boxing and kicking. But when he actually went to the battlefield and everyone had weapons, his strength was definitely not enough.

Fortunately, Yang Zhi later went to Erlong Mountain and solved the embarrassing situation of the Erlong Mountain branch village without a Qi Master who could take charge of one side.

But Yang Zhi definitely has some strength, and he is one of the few generals among Liangshan heroes who has no shortcomings. He can do everything on horseback, infantry, and long-range bow and arrow strikes.

However, Yang Zhi has one of the biggest problems, that is, his heart is not about being a bandit. Instead, after returning to the system of the Zhao and Song Dynasty, what he wants in his heart is to work hard in the frontier and restore the glory of his ancestors.

Such Yang Zhi, even in Jiang Hongfei's Shuibo Liangshan, would definitely not try his best now.

In other words, Yang Zhi still has his old habit - fight when he can and run away when he encounters those who are difficult to fight.

But it was Erlongshan who captured Hua Rong!

Huang Xin is nicknamed "Zhen Sanshan".

It has to be said that Huang Xin still has something, a bit brave and a bit cunning, but if he is confident that he can capture the three mountains of Erlong Mountain, Qingfeng Mountain and Taohua Mountain, then he is kidding.

Huang Xin had captured Hua Rong, but that was only possible because Huang Xin was Hua Rong's immediate boss and used trickery.

In fact, Huang Xin can't suppress even a mountain.

Not to mention Erlong Mountain where Lu Zhishen, Wu Song and Yang Zhi lived, even Qingfeng Mountain occupied by Yan Shun, Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou or Taohua Mountain occupied by Li Zhong and Zhou Tong, Huang Xin could not control it.

Not only Huang Xin couldn't do it, but even Qin Ming and Hu Yanzhuo, two of Liangshan's five tiger generals, couldn't do it.

Huang Xin was obviously poor in martial arts and could not subdue everyone; Qin Ming was brave but had no strategy and fell into the sand; although Hu Yanzhuo was high in martial arts, he was still lacking in strategy!

Only one person can conquer three mountains.

This person is Hua Rong.

There are many leaders and capable people in "Three Mountains", but none of them are good people.

Especially Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, and Yang Zhi from Erlong Mountain, each of them is a top master.

To deal with these people, one must be both wise and brave.

Hua Rong has superb marksmanship. He will never be at a disadvantage against any leader of the "Three Mountains", including Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, and Yang Zhi.

Coupled with Hua Rong's incredible archery skills.

If the leaders of the "Three Mountains" met Hua Rong, the consequences would be disastrous.

Moreover, Hua Rong is quite strategic and is not a reckless man who only knows how to rush and kill.

In short, Hua Rong, who is brave, resourceful and talented with arrows, is the best candidate to "control three mountains", and perhaps the only one who can control three mountains.

With a general like Hua Rong guarding Qingfeng Village, Shuibo Liangshan's development in Qingzhou stopped at Erlong Mountain.

Jiang Hongfei, who was afraid of Hua Rong, had already told him that Xiao Li Guang, Hua Rong, was both civil and military and should not be easily provoked. If he faced Hua Rong, he could choose to avoid the edge temporarily.

What Jiang Hongfei never expected was that such an outstanding Hua Rong would be captured by the troubled Erlongshan branch.

When Jiang Hongfei heard the news for the first time, he was a little suspicious. Was it that the people from the Erlongshan branch were crazy about making meritorious deeds and were falsely reporting their meritorious service to him?

However, Jiang Hongfei carefully read the battle report written by Cao Zheng for himself and realized that this matter might be true.

turn out to be--

During the recent period, the Zhao and Song Dynasties sent a Wenzhi villager to Qingfeng Village, who was Hua Rong's destined enemy Liu Gao.

This is actually common sense.

After all, what the Zhao and Song dynasties liked most was to use civilian officials to rule military generals.

Therefore, although Hua Rong and Liu Gao were both Zhizhai commanders of Qingfeng Village, because Liu Gao was a civil servant, he became Hua Rong's immediate boss.

As soon as Liu Gao came to Qingfeng Village and took office, he heard about Hua Rong's reputation.

This made Liu Gao very afraid of Hua Rong.

Moreover, if they cannot get the power of Qingfeng Village from Hua Rong, Liu Gao and his wife will not be able to earn back the spiritual money Liu Gao spent on buying an official position in Qingfeng Village.

Liu Gao's wife was cruel and ruthless. She gathered Liu Gao to lead the troops of Hua Rong and Qingfeng Village to attack Erlong Mountain, the strongest of the three mountains.

Liu Gao’s wife’s idea is:

If Liu Gao and Hua Rong can successfully annihilate Erlong Mountain, then Liu Gao, who has accomplished what Hua Rong has not been able to do, will have established his authority and achieved a great success. In this way, the couple will be able to Isn’t Qingfeng Village covering the sky with one hand?

And if Liu Gao and Hua Rong cannot destroy Erlong Mountain, Liu Gao can help Hua Rong to suppress the thieves without doing their best or to support the thieves in their own respect. In this case, even if they cannot kill Hua Rong, they can still destroy Hua Rong's majesty and let them Hua Rong didn't dare to worry about the couple doing spiritual money in Qingfeng Village.

It can be said that Liu Gao's wife came up with a sure-win strategy.

In addition, Liu Gao is a man who obeys his wife's words.

Therefore, Liu Gao ordered Hua Rong to lead troops to follow him to annihilate Erlong Mountain.

Hua Rong advised Liu Gao: "Erlong Mountain, Qingfeng Mountain, and Taohua Mountain are all evil mountains that are easy to defend but difficult to attack, especially Erlong Mountain. There is a temple on that mountain called Baozhu Temple. That mountain is naturally easy to wrap around." There is only one way to get to this temple, and it is so dangerous that even an army of 10,000 to 20,000 people may not be able to attack it. We, Qingfeng Village, have a total of several hundred people, so it is not easy to stop them from messing around. , how can we take the initiative to attack again?"

When Liu Gao heard this, he became furious: "The imperial court spends tens of millions every year to support you Qiu Ba, so you can raise thieves to respect yourself?! Liu Gao must share the emperor's worries if he eats the emperor's salary. If he can't do it, you Qiu Ba Such shamelessness, I will destroy Erlong Mountain. If your Huazhi Village does not follow my orders, I will go to Shangguan to join you and make you match that poor mountain and bad water place!"

Hua Rong had no choice but to lead his army with Liu Gao to suppress Erlong Mountain.

On the way, Hua Rong persuaded Liu Gao that with hundreds of men and horses, they would definitely have no chance of success in attacking Erlong Mountain. It was better to find a way to lure the thieves from Erlong Mountain down the mountain and then find a way to eliminate them.

But Liu Gao refused to listen and insisted on leading the troops from Qingfeng Village to charge up the mountain.

Seeing that the people from Qingfeng Village were coming to die, Cao Zheng devised a plan to lure the enemy deeper, allowing Jiao Ting to be defeated by Hua Rong. He also abandoned the first pass and lured the people from Qingfeng Village up the mountain.

Liu Gao was overjoyed to see Hua Rong easily defeat Jiao Ting, the top master of Erlong Mountain, and also capture the first pass of Erlong Mountain, and ordered the pursuit.

——After Yang Zhi went up the mountain, Cao Zheng deliberately "hid" Yang Zhi in order to allow Yang Zhi, a great master, to catch the enemy off guard at the critical moment.

Hua Rong knew that this must be a trick and refused to continue the attack.

But Liu Gao refused to listen and forced Hua Rong to pursue him.

As a result, Hua Rong fell into Cao Zheng's plan without any doubt.

In fact, even if this is the case, it doesn't matter.

The men and horses in Qingfeng Village were trained by Hua Rong, and their combat power is not weak. The number of combatable soldiers on Erlong Mountain is only 500. If the two sides really fight to the death, it is not necessarily known who will win.

It was precisely because of this that Hua Rong chose to pursue him out of necessity.

But the bad thing about this is that the front army led by Hua Rong just fell into an ambush set by Cao Zheng. Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Gao ordered a retreat without saying a word, and then took the lead and rushed out of the Second Army without looking back. The first pass of Longshan.

The generals have all run away. According to the fine tradition of the Song Army, even the men and horses trained by Hua Rong will definitely follow suit.

The abandoned Hua Rong and the former troops of a hundred Qingfeng Village naturally allowed Cao Zheng to make dumplings easily.

Seeing this, Yang Zhi directly faced Hua Rong, preventing Hua Rong from having the chance to lead the men of Qingfeng Village out of the siege.

Yang Zhi worked hard this time and fought Hua Rong for a full hundred rounds.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cao Zheng led five hundred infantry troops holding divine arm bows to completely surround Hua Rong and the front army of one hundred Qingfeng Village.

Seeing this, Yang Zhi forced Hua Rong back with a shot, then retreated outside the encirclement, took out his bow and arrow and pointed it at Hua Rong.

At that time, if Hua Rong had not surrendered, he might have had a chance of survival relying on his strong strength, but his one hundred troops would certainly not have been able to escape the fate of being shot dead.

There was no other way, so Hua Rong could only curse: "Young Liu Gao, you have done me a lot of harm. If I, Hua Rong, don't die, I will cut you into pieces!", and then gave the order to surrender with great reluctance...

Since there were only more than 30 monthly tickets yesterday, there are no more updates today. There is only this chapter. After reading this, everyone should go to bed.

Okay, the above is all the author’s farts.

It has been on the shelves for thirteen days, and the monthly tickets have not exceeded 50 on one day. I have to be a bitch to be able to show off my temper.

The next one will be updated in the morning.

But we have agreed that we will vote for more monthly votes today, as there are not enough 50 votes.

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