Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 138 Love grows over time (please subscribe! Please vote!)

Although Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu were five of the protagonists today, because there was a huge matter to discuss with Jiang Hongfei after the banquet, none of them drank too much wine, and others did not dare to toast them too much.

After the banquet, Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu arrived at Jiang Hongfei's study early.

As soon as they entered, Li Jun and the Taihu Four discovered that Jiang Hongfei's study was completely different from other people's study.

How to describe it?

Jiang Hongfei's study had few books and few calligraphy and paintings. What he had most were pictures - maps, manufacturing diagrams, and the like, as well as two large toys with models of mountains and rivers on them (i.e. sand table, near Liangshanbo terrain sand table and Qingzhou terrain sand table).

Li Jun and the Four Taihu Masters really couldn't understand these two sand tables, so they raised their heads to look at the three huge maps on the wall.

In this world, maps are contraband. Generally, only official maps are available, and ordinary people are not allowed to collect maps.

Of course, this does not mean that maps cannot be obtained by the public.

In fact, as long as you are willing, you can still get a few maps.

Li Jun and the Four Great Masters of Taihu are both thoughtful people, so they have all seen the territory map of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

But the territory map of the Zhao and Song dynasties that Li Jun and the Four Taihu Masters had seen were completely different from the three maps of Jiang Hongfei, at least that's what it looked like if you didn't look carefully.

Moreover, Li Jun and the Four Heroes of Taihu only knew a small part of the place names on the map.

——They only know some place names from the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

On the other wall, there are two huge diagrams of shipbuilding.

Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu are no strangers to ships, shipbuilding, and water business.

But the two ships owned by Jiang Hongfei were Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu. They were unheard of, let alone seen.

how to say?

Jiang Hongfei's two sea-going ships were too sophisticated and complicated.

It's just a sea ship, does it need to be so sophisticated and complicated?

What are these two large ships used for?

At this time, in Jiang Hongfei's study, there was not only Jiang Hongfei himself, but also a young woman who was ashamed of herself.

This young woman is the female Zhuge Liu Huiniang.

Unlike Gao Liang and Chen Liqing, they were not eaten by Jiang Hongfei for a long time.

The second day after Liu Huiniang arrived at Jiang Hongfei's place, that is, the night after breaking Zhujiazhuang, Jiang Hongfei came to his senses and realized that only by cooking Liu Huiniang's raw rice into cooked rice, Liu Huiniang would always be his.

So Jiang Hongfei came to Liu Huiniang's room with the help of some wine.

At that time, Liu Huiniang's reaction was calmer than Jiang Hongfei expected. She did not resist at all. On the contrary, she cooperated quite well.

The next morning, after Jiang Hongfei and Liu Huiniang got dressed, I don't know if it was because Jiang Hongfei didn't take into account that it was Liu Huiniang's first time and her health was not good, but she said to Jiang Hongfei weakly:

"The village leader made a right decision and took a shortcut. However, it is extremely difficult for the village master to win the slave family's heart."

Jiang Hongfei heard this and asked, "Have I got you?"

Liu Huiniang turned her head to the side, her meaning was obviously: "Aren't you asking questions knowingly?"

Jiang Hongfei asked again: "Will you help me wholeheartedly in the future?"

Liu Huiniang thought to herself: "If you lose, my whole family will be affected by you. Do I have any other choice?"

Seeing Liu Huiniang's aggrieved, unwilling and helpless expression, Jiang Hongfei already had the answer.

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile: "Look, I have got your people, and I have the full support of you and your family. I have already got too much, how can I dare to ask for your heart? I am too greedy."

Hearing what Jiang Hongfei said, Liu Huiniang, who could still control her emotions, couldn't help but clenched the pink fist in her sleeve.

Who would have thought that Jiang Hongfei still didn't know how to restrain himself, and even provoked Liu Huiniang: "And I think that if I fall in love for a long time, I may not really win your heart."

Liu Huiniang said angrily: "Then the village master will wait and see if the slave family and the village master have lived together for a long time. Will he give the slave family's heart to the village master?!"

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said nothing, and did not tell Liu Huiniang that she was wrong. What she imagined to be in love over time was completely different from what she said about being in love over time...

Seeing Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu arriving, Jiang Hongfei said, "Isn't this a good meal?"

Li Jun said: "Drinking is a trivial matter, when can you not do it?", and then he couldn't wait to ask: "Brother, what is that huge event that Xie mentioned?"

Jiang Hongfei took Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu to the three maps, then pointed to the first map and said: "This map is the world map of our world. You can just take a look at it. In three to five years, you will There’s no need for it yet.”

"Is there an end to this world?!"

"Even if there is, does anyone really know where it is?!"

"The village owner seems to not only know where it is, but also mapped out this world as big as the sky?!!!"

Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu were stunned!

It’s no wonder that Li Jun and the Four Heroes of Taihu are like this. In fact, people in this world still think that the sky is like a canopy and is round; the earth is like a chessboard and is square. There is no boundary between heaven and earth.

As a result, Jiang Hongfei not only said that this land has boundaries, but also drew a map!


Jiang Hongfei did not want to tell Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu about the meaning of this world. Instead, he quickly led Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu to look at the second map and said:

"This is the map where we Easterners are located. On it are the Song Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Jin Kingdom, Xixia, Goryeo, Japan, the grassland tribes, the Western Region countries, Tubo, Dali, Li Dynasty, Champa, Khmer, Queen, Pu Gan, Luobodi, Sanfoqi, Java, Mayi, Bangni, Dashi Kingdoms, Tianzhu Kingdoms, etc.”

Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu took a big mouthful of saliva at the same time!

Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu had heard of some of the country names that Jiang Hongfei mentioned, some of which they had some vague concepts about, and roughly knew which direction it was in, but most of them had never heard of them.

And this is only the area where the Orientals in Jiang Hongfei's words are located.

At this time, Li Jun remembered that the hero of Liangshan once said that Jiang Hongfei had traveled all over the world and was familiar with all parts of the world.

"Looking at this map, it's not necessarily true that my brother has really traveled all over the world."

At this time, Jiang Hongfei pointed to an island with the word "Liuqiu" written on it in the southeast and said:

"This island is similar in size to the Jiaodong Peninsula. It is long and narrow in shape. The island is mountainous. Mountains and hills account for 60-70% of the island's area. Most of the plains are in the western region. The soil is fertile and the climate is pleasant, making it very suitable for growing crops."

After a pause, Jiang Hongfei continued: "This island is big enough to support the survival and development of tens of millions of people. If we can get it from Shuibo Liangshan and immigrate three to five million people up there, we can build our own country and live happily." Happy, you can peek into the entire southeastern region of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, and they are in an invincible position."

In fact, Jiang Hongfei didn't explain everything clearly here.

If Shuibo Liangshan occupies Liuqiu, then Shuibo Liangshan can wait for the Zhao and Song Dynasty to destroy Fang La and receive Fang La's legacy.

In addition, if the development of Shuibo Liangshan does not go smoothly and the shame of Jingkang occurs, Liuqiu can be used as a stepping stone to occupy the southeast, replace the Southern Song Dynasty, fight back to the Central Plains, and regain the homeland of the Han people.

Let's put it this way, if Shuibo Liangshan possesses Liuqiu, Shuibo Liangshan's strategic room for maneuver will be greatly increased.

Moreover, if Shuibo Liangshan has Liuqiu, it can also engage in maritime trade.

This is the most profitable business. Compared with it, refined salt is nothing.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei will separate Shandong in the future. As long as the navy in Shuibo Liangshan is strong enough, Shandong and Liuqiu can be connected by sea.

All in all, Liuqiu is an extremely important part of the development route planned by Jiang Hongfei for Shuibo Liangshan.

Jiang Hongfei said to Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu from the bottom of his heart:

"The road we, the heroes of Liangshan, have taken is too dangerous, and the Zhao and Song dynasties have reached the end of their road. Soon all the heroes will rise together, and the rise of the Jurchens in the north has caused the situation in the world to be turbulent. Competition between many parties has become inevitable. Who will win? , no one can predict it.”

"My Shuibo Liangshan seems to be prosperous, but in fact it is just a small place to dominate. What the future holds, we still need to act, plan and work hard."

"This road is difficult. If you are not careful, you will lose everything."

"I had to think long term for my brothers. I taught them to work hard for many years, but in the end they ended up with a miserable end."

Jiang Hongfei's words moved Li Jun, and even the Four Taihu Heroes. At this moment, they finally understood why Jiang Hongfei could be the boss of Shuibo Liangshan.

In fact, just when others were speculating that Jiang Hongfei was going to rebel, Jiang Hongfei was already planning an escape route for his brothers.

At this moment, both Li Jun and the Four Taihu Heroes were sincerely convinced by Jiang Hongfei.

Li Jun said excitedly: "Brother, please tell me, what do you want me to do? Even if we are shattered to pieces, I will definitely do it for you!"

The four of them, Fei Bao, also said: "Brother, please give me your orders!"

Jiang Hongfei nodded and said bluntly: "I want you to take a few people to Liuqiu, familiarize yourself with the route, set up a front station there, and transport people and materials back and forth in the future."

When he heard that it was just a trivial matter, Li Jun took care of it and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely take care of this matter!"

Jiang Hongfei warned: "You guys must not be careless. Although this Liuqiu Island has many advantages, it also has many disadvantages."

Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu didn't speak, waiting for Jiang Hongfei to tell them, what's the problem with Liu Qiu?

Jiang Hongfei didn't talk nonsense and continued to say bluntly:

"This Ryukyu Island is just a barren land now. There are only more than ten thousand dwarf black people from the Negrito area and Langjiao people from the Ryukyu race. There are less than two thousand people who can fight. And There are no rules and regulations, all relying on individual bravery to fight, they are no different from wild beasts and should not be feared."

"The really difficult thing is how to get to Liuqiu Island from Fuzhou."

"There is a black water ditch between these two places. It flows very fast and is bottomless. The color of the sea water is like ink dye. Therefore, there is a saying of "Ten people go, six die, three stay, and one turns back." That is, ten people cross it. In this black water ditch, six will die at sea, only three will arrive safely, and the last one will turn around and give up crossing the sea."

"There are two secrets to crossing this black ditch."

"First of all, you need a good boat. Most of the people who died in Heishui ditch were forced to cross the sea in small sampans."

"Secondly, you need to have courage. When crossing the ditch, don't hesitate and rush over in one go, otherwise you will definitely die."

"Even if you successfully reach Liuqiu Island, there is still one difficulty. That is, there is a heavy miasma on the island. Outsiders can easily be poisoned by the miasma when they go there. You go and take Divine Doctor Kong with you. I will follow you later. Doctor Kong told him to bring more elixirs with him, just in case."

"But this only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. I once heard of a method that may cure the root cause."

Li Jun asked: "What method?"

Jiang Hongfei replied: "Burn. You can set a few fires on that plain to burn it into white ground. Then build cities on it and cultivate farmland."

Li Jun said: "The younger brothers have taken note of it."

Jiang Hongfei added uneasily: "There are a few more points that you should note down."

Li Jun said: "Brother, please speak."

"We, the Han people, have already settled on the Penghu Islands in front of Liuqiu Island. We will put those islands under our jurisdiction in Shuibo Liangshan. I will send people to go with you to govern them and move some of them to On Liuqiu Island, just remember to cooperate."

"The local savages have a bad habit called "chucao", that is, after killing a person, they take the head back and put it in their home or the tribe's head shed to show their military achievements."

"They go out to behead people, not for hatred or money, but for reasons that are sacred to them, such as worshiping ancestors, declaring adulthood, showing off their bravery, warding off diseases, etc."

"The people they target are often unrelated foreigners. If you go here, you will definitely become their target."

"This matter cannot be explained to them. They must either obey or die. When it's time to take action, you must not be lenient."


Whether it was Li Jun or the Four Taihu heroes, they all saw that Jiang Hongfei attached great importance to Liuqiu, the future rear area of ​​​​Liangshan.

But if you think about it carefully, if Liuqiu's rear area is completed, Shuibo Liangshan will really be in an invincible position.

No wonder Jiang Hongfei said this was a huge event.

Later, Jiang Hongfei took Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu to Shuibo Liangshan's large shipyard in Qingzhou.

Here, Li Jun and the Four Heroes of Taihu saw Liangshan hero Meng Kang and one pointed-bottomed treasure ship, two flat-bottomed treasure ships that had been built, and more than twenty treasure ships that were still being built.

Seeing these giant sea-going ships, which were more than forty feet long and nearly twenty feet wide, Li Jun and the Four Taihu Masters were completely sure that Jiang Hongfei had been planning this matter for some time. Maybe it was just because, as Jiang Hongfei said, He never found the right person to do this, so he never implemented this grand plan.

In order to completely dispel the doubts of Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu and give them sufficient confidence, Jiang Hongfei took the initiative to say to them:

"During the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Quan sent generals Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi, leading more than 10,000 soldiers and more than 30 fleets to Liuqiu. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty sent Zhu Kuan, Chen Leng and others to Liuqiu three times."

"Wei Wen, Zhuge Zhi, Zhu Kuan, and Chen Leng were all not people who achieved great things. They failed to live up to the trust of Sun Quan and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, so they cannot be remembered in the annals of history."

"When I traveled around the world, I personally visited Liuqiu Island to inspect it and confirmed that it was a treasure island, so I made this decision."

"You must not be afraid of the difficulties and obstacles that are bound to arise. You must win this crucial rear area for me, Shuibo Liangshan, and leave a mark in the history books for you and others. If this happens, I will remember you." Several first achievements..."

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