Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 139 Happy New Year!

Why does Jiang Hongfei keep cheering Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu and try his best to praise Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu?

Just because Jiang Hongfei knew better than anyone else that the difficulty of developing this Liuqiu was definitely much greater than Li Jun and the Taihu Four had imagined.

Today's Liuqiu is definitely a vast wasteland full of hair and blood. Therefore, if those who go to open up the wasteland don't have great perseverance, it is a no-brainer.

Think about it, since the Three Kingdoms period, we Han people have begun to cross eastward to Liuqiu, cultivate and manage Liuqiu, and have gone through many dynasties such as the Western Jin Dynasty, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Five Dynasties, the Two Song Dynasties, the Yuan Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty. The people of the coastal areas of the mainland, especially Fujian, have In order to avoid the disasters of war, residents in Quanzhou and Zhangzhou moved to Penghu or moved to Liuqiu one after another to engage in reclamation. It took hundreds of years to develop this place.

From this we can see how difficult it is?

To be honest, Jiang Hongfei had long wanted to send people to develop Liuqiu and turn it into the rear area of ​​Shuibo Liangshan. If he really couldn't survive here, he might as well go to Liuqiu and be a carefree little king, eating and drinking all day long. Having fun, flirting with his many women, and making little ones to play with every day is not a bad outcome.

But before that, Jiang Hongfei really couldn't find anyone who could accomplish this.

It wasn't until Li Jun came that Jiang Hongfei felt that he, who had the ability to build a country, might still have a chance, but others would not be able to endure this hardship.

in short.

Jiang Hongfei asked Li Jun and the Four Elites of Taihu to form two naval armies in one go, namely the Fifth Marine Army and the Sixth Marine Army. He asked Li Jun to shoulder the leadership of the two naval armies alone, and asked Tong Wei, Tong Meng, Fei Bao, and Ni Yun to lead the two naval armies. , Di Cheng, and Bu Qing all served as deputy leaders for him.

Also, Jiang Hongfei assigned Tao Zongwang to Li Jun to go to Liuqiu for construction.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei asked Wang Lun to carefully select four hard-working civil servants to follow Li Jun to govern Liuqiu and the Penghu Islands.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei asked Zhang Shi to recommend the most determined political team to accompany him.

As for the one thousand regular troops and one thousand auxiliary troops, Li Jun personally selected them, and they all voluntarily went with Li Jun.

The key is that before these people left, Jiang Hongfei personally talked to them and made them aware of the importance of their mission; at the same time, Jiang Hongfei personally promised to give them three times the treatment during their land reclamation period; Jiang Hongfei also promised in person that they After the tasks are successfully completed, prioritize reusing them.

In this way, after more than three months of preparation, Li Juncai set off from Qingzhou Port with a large fleet consisting of three treasure ships as the main ship...

After Song Jiang stayed on Naitou Mountain for several months, he became increasingly confused!

——He really doesn’t know whether he should officially die on Naitou Mountain?

In addition, Song Jiang could not accept some of Chao Gai's practices.

For example, Chao Gai always wanted to catch up with Shuibo Liangshan, but in fact he just drank and had fun with the leaders every day, without taking any action at all.

For example, Chao Gai was very disgusted with Song Jiang's proposal to recruit people.

It gave Song Jiang the feeling that Chao Gai wanted to be a happy and happy mountain king all his life, without any ambition at all.

Song Jiang also felt that if he was asked to preside over Naitou Mountain, he would definitely do a better job than Chao Gai, and Naitou Mountain might become his qualifications for promotion.

If you want to get an official position, you will kill people and set fires to be rewarded!

Song Jiang is ready to make a move!

At this moment, a man suddenly came to Naitoushan.

This person is Shi Yong, the general who came up from Chai Jinzhuang.

He was entrusted by Song Jiang's younger brother Song Qing to go to Kong Taigong's village to deliver a message to Song Jiang.

But when he arrived at Kong Taigong's village, he was shocked to find that the place had been sealed off by the government, and Song Jiang and Kong Taigong's family were missing.

Fortunately, he met Hua Rong by chance, and by chance, he let Hua Rong know that he wanted to deliver a message to Song Jiang.

Hua Rong told him that Song Jiang went to Naitoushan.

So, he found Naitoushan.

When Song Jiang took Song Qing's letter, he saw that it was sealed backwards and there was no word "peace" on it.

——This is a typical mourning letter!

Song Jiang's heart suddenly "thumped", he quickly tore open the cover, read from the beginning to the middle, and wrote at the end:

My father passed away due to illness at the beginning of the first month of this year. He has stopped mourning at home and is waiting for his brother to come home for the burial. Ten million, ten million! Don’t make a mistake! Song Qing cried with blood and offered the book.

Seeing that his father Song Taigong died, Song Jiang quickly went home to attend the funeral.

No, it was because Song Taigong missed Song Jiang so much that he faked his death and asked Song Jiang to come back to see him.

But this incident hurt Song Jiang.

Two newcomers to the county, Dutou, captured Song Jiang in order to perform meritorious service, and then took Song Jiang to the Yuncheng County Yamen.

Song Jiang was very familiar with this routine in the yamen. He didn't take any action except for killing Yan Poxi by mistake.

Almost everyone in Yuncheng County interceded for Song Jiang.

County magistrate Shi Wenbin was unwilling to severely punish his former right-hand man.

In addition, Yan Poxi’s family no longer suffers.

Zhang Wenyuan is not willing to stand up for Yan Poxi anymore.

The Song family was willing to spend money on everything.

In the end, Song Jiang was sentenced to twenty with a spine and a prison sentence in Jiangzhou.

No one in the Yuncheng Yamen knew Song Jiang, and no one was fed by the Song family, so they went through the process symbolically and asked two anti-delivery officers, Zhang Qian and Li Wan, to escort Song Jiang to Jiangzhou to serve his sentence.

Along the way, Zhang Qian and Li Wan were shocked.


The world is full of weapons and smoke, and there are many strong men who dominate the mountains and become kings.

As a result, these people would encounter Jie Dao wherever they went. Several groups wanted to kill Zhang Qian and Li Wan and drag Song Jiang up the mountain to join their gang.

Thanks to Song Jiang's protection, Zhang Qian and Li Wan would have died countless times.

The most dangerous one was on Jieyang Ridge.

Song Jiang, Zhang Qian and Li Wan were all drugged by Li Li.

Li Li originally planned to rob money and then...not rob sex, but kill Song Jiang and three others to sell their meat.

But when Li Li looked through Song Jiang's baggage, he found Song Jiang's name seal.

Li Li remembered that Li Jun once told him that there was a hero in the Jianghu who was loyal to others and had a long-lasting loyalty. His nickname was Timely Rain, and he was named Song Jiang and Song Gongming.

Li Li thought, Li Jun went to drown his horse in Liangshan without taking him with him, leaving him as a small figure in Jieyang Mountains. How could he survive for a long time? It's better to get to know some heroes in the world, and there will be many paths in the future.

So, Li Li released Song Jiang, got a lot of spiritual stones for Song Jiang, and even gave some to Zhang Qian and Li Wan.

in short.

Because Jiang Hongfei took Li Jun away, Song Jiang suffered a lot of sins along the way.

In Mujiazhuang, Song Jiang was almost beaten to death by Mu Chun.

When crossing the Xunyang River, Song Jiang almost drowned Zhang Heng.

After finally arriving in Jiangzhou, Song Jiang wanted to serve a few years in prison and then go home to find a way to return to the system.

However, Song Jiang got drunk in Xunyang Tower and wrote "My heart is in Shandong and I am in Wu, and the floating rivers and seas are sighing. He always seems to be in the clouds, and dares to laugh at Huang Chao for not being a husband." Huang Wenbing was asked to read this four-line poem. arrive.

Huang Wenbing was originally the general judge of Wuweijun. Although he read scriptures, he was a flatterer. He was narrow-minded, envious of talents and talents. Those who were better than him would harm others, and those who were inferior to him would do harm to others. He only harmed others in the countryside. In his heart He also only thinks about harming others and always does evil things. Wuweijun calls him a 'wasp stinger'.

When he heard that Magistrate Cai Jiu was the ninth son of Cai Jing, the powerful prime minister of the dynasty, Huang Wenbing often crossed the river to visit Cai Jiu, hoping that Cai Jiu would recommend him to become a high official.

Someone concluded that there were four types of scholars in ancient times:

One is to study and become an official, which is the most noble ideal and belief of scholars;

The second is to sing praises to those with power, money and influence in exchange for their own interests to achieve personal goals;

The third is informing and betraying others to pave the way for personal goals;

The fourth is that jealousy can harm others behind their backs, and use intrigues and tricks to harm others. After achieving their goals, they start to succeed as villains. While harming others, they also laugh at those who are inferior to themselves.

Huang Wenbing can be said to have covered all four of them.

He is such a bad scholar.

As soon as Huang Wenbing saw the poem inscribed by Song Jiang, he knew it was an anti-poetry.

——If you dare to compare yourself with Huang Chao, then you don’t want to rebel. What do you want to do?

Huang Wenbing showed it to Cai Jiuyi, who also thought it was anti-poetry.

Song Jiang was also unlucky.

Not long ago, a comet suddenly appeared in the sky above Bianliang City.

There is another rumor in the market: "The country is wasted because of the family tree, and the waterworks are destroyed by the sword."

It just corresponds to the two words "Song Jiang".

Song Jiang, who received the tip and advice from Dai Zong, initially wanted to pretend to be stupid and get through.

It's a pity that Huang Wenbing found out.

Huang Wenbing asked Cai Jiu to use severe torture on Song Jiang, beating Song Jiang's skin and flesh to pieces.

Song Jiang couldn't bear the physical pain, so he could only be beaten into a trick.

After Cai Jiu and Huang Wenbing solved such a big case, they naturally asked Dai Zong to tell Cai Jing the good news. By the way, they asked Cai Jing whether they should escort Song Jiang to Bianliang City in Tokyo for execution, or behead him on the spot.

Song Jiang knew that he was in big trouble this time, so he asked Dai Zong to take a detour to Naitou Mountain and let Chao Gai find a way to save him.

Out of loyalty, Dai Zong went to Naitou Mountain, told Chao Gai and others the whole story, and begged Chao Gai to save Song Jiang.

After hearing this, Wu Yong glanced at Chao Gai, and then said: "This is easy. Now Dean Cai Jiu sent a letter to Tokyo to ask for Cai Jing's return. Only in this letter, he used the trick and wrote a false reply. , the dean went back. The book only preached that the prisoner Song Jiang should be transported to Tokyo, asked for details, and then executed in public, and the nursery rhymes should be cut off. When he comes here, I will send people down the mountain to rescue brother Song Jiang. What's this plan? "

Chao Gai and others felt that this plan was brilliant, and the good thing was that Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian were on Naitou Mountain, and the people who did the work were ready-made.

Wu Yong personally discussed with Xiao Rang to write a reply letter in Cai Jing's font to save Song Jiang.

Jin Dajian took this opportunity to engrave Cai Jing's seal.

After the fake letter was forged, Dai Zongcai took the letter, said goodbye to all the leaders on Naitou Mountain, took four armored horses, tied them to his legs, and disappeared in a "whoosh", and quickly ran away without a trace. There was no trace.

After Dai Zong left, all the leaders on Naitou Mountain continued to drink.

An hour later, Wu Yong suddenly shouted: "It's broken!"

Chao Gai and others were puzzled: "What's broken?"

Wu Yongdao: "You don't know, but our letter cost the lives of Dai Zong and Song Gongming."

Xiao Rang said: "There is no problem in writing the word Xiaosheng. Even if Cai Jing comes here, he still has to say that he wrote the word."

Jin Dajian also said with great confidence: "Xiao Shengdiao's name seal is not wrong at all. How could it harm the lives of Brother Song Jiang and Dean Dai?"

Wu Yong looked at Jin Dajian: "Let me ask you, what words are engraved on your name badge?"

Jin Dajian replied: "Hanlin Cai Jing."

——Cai Jing was born in Hanlin Chengzhi. Later, although his official position became bigger and bigger, the seal he used was always the "Hanlin Cai Jing" seal.

Wu Yong said: "These four words cost the lives of Dai Zong and Brother Song Jiang!"

Jin Dajian was puzzled: "Every time I see Grand Master Cai's seals and seals, they always have this seal. This time, there are no mistakes in the carvings. How can there be any flaws?"

Wu Yong said: "You don't know. Cai Jiu, the current magistrate of Jiangzhou, is the son of Cai Jing. How come the father writes a book and his son uses a name and a seal?"

What Wu Yong meant was that it was impossible for a father to write a letter to his son and also tell him what he did.

Xiao Rang said: "This is indeed a flaw, but Cai Jiu may not be able to see it?"

Wu Yong said: "I don't know if Cai Jiu can see it, but Huang Wenbing can definitely see it!"

When Chao Gai heard this, he quickly said: "Hurry up and send someone to chase Dai Zong and write another letter!"

Wu Yong smiled bitterly: "With his speed, I am afraid he is already five hundred miles away. How can he catch up?"

Chao Gai asked anxiously: "What should we do? Didn't we harm Brother Song Jiang and Dean Dai?"

Wu Yong said: "Now the only way to save Brother Song Jiang is to rob the court."

Chao Gai heard this and said decisively: "What else is there to say? Children, follow the king and I will send troops to Jiangzhou!"

After receiving the general's order, many heroes prepared their gear and went down the mountain overnight to see Jiangzhou...

in short.

After arriving in Jiangzhou, the heroes from Naitou Mountain and Li Kui robbed the execution ground.

At the same time, Xiao Juyi, a hero of the White Dragon Temple led by Zhang Shun, was also studying how to save Song Jiang.

After the two groups collided, they happened to be discovered by the officers and soldiers.

The nine heroes Song Jiang met during this period, including Dai Zong, Li Kui, Zhang Shun, Zhang Heng, Mu Hong, Mu Chun, Li Li, Xue Yong, and Hou Jian, were all affected by this incident and could only follow Song Jiang to Naitoushan.

It is worth mentioning that the Wuwu disaster caused Song Jiang to completely turn into a black man, so he took a group of heroes from Naitoushan and a group of new heroes he met to outwit Wuwei's army, shaved Huang Wenbing alive, and completely wiped out his descendants. He had no choice but to go to Naitou Mountain and became the second master of Naitou Mountain.

So far, Naitoushan has Chao Gai, Song Jiang, Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Li Ying, Liu Tang, Xiang, Xiao Rang, Jin Dajian, Du Xing, Bai Sheng, Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Yanshun, Wang Ying, and Zheng Twenty-eight leaders, including Tianshou, Kong Ming, Kong Liang, Shi Yong, Dai Zong, Li Kui, Zhang Shun, Zhang Heng, Mu Hong, Mu Chun, Xue Yong, Li Li, and Hou Jian, are as strong as Shuibo Liangshan and Mani. Jiao, Longhu Mountain, Fangshan.

Seeing that Naitou Mountain is so prosperous now, Chao Gai is happy from the bottom of his heart!

Chao Gai thought he had finally seen the dawn of realizing what he had boasted about, which was for Naitoushan to catch up with Shuibo Liangshan!

At the same time, Chao Gai felt more and more that he had made the right decision when he chose to take people out of Shuibo Liangshan to set up his own business.

Chao Gai looked at Wu Yong again and thought: "Of course, thanks to Wu Xuexue, if it weren't for his many plans, we, Fengshan, wouldn't be where we are today."

Thinking of this, Chao Gai said to Wu Yong: "The situation in our Fengshan Mountain is very good now, and it will be just around the corner to catch up with Shuibo Liangshan!"

In fact, what Chao Gai was thinking was: "Catching up with Shuibo Liangshan is just around the corner.", but he felt that he should hold back his words and appear more dignified.

Seeing that Chao Gai couldn't tell how big the gap was between Naitou Mountain and Shuibo Liang Mountain, Wu Yong became more and more disappointed with Chao Gai.

"We still need to work hard." Wu Yong responded casually, then looked at Song Jiang who was walking towards him and Chao Gai, and thought to himself: "I wonder what this person is like, maybe he can fight with Jiang Yan?"

Seeing Song Jiang approaching, Chao Gai said to Song Jiang without hesitation: "It's all because of my virtuous brother that our mountain can be as prosperous as it is today."

Song Jiang paid his respects and said, "Whatever contribution I have made, I can only thank my brothers for their love."

Chao Gai said with a straight face: "Hey~! There is no need for me to be humble, good brother. No one can see it. If they didn't all respect and love my good brother, how could they go to the mountain to gather righteousness, so that we have nearly thirty leaders in Fengshan!"

Song Jiang smiled, acquiescing that this was all his fault, and then changed the subject and said, "Brother, I have an unkind favor."

Wu Yong on the side said heartily: "Here we come, this one is taking action."

Chao Gai said generously: "We are all brothers. If you don't want to be invited, just say it and do as you please."

After hearing this, Song Jiang stopped being polite to Chao Gai. Instead, he pointed directly at the "Juyi Hall" plaque above their heads and said, "I want to change this Juyi Hall into Zhongyi Hall..."

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