Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 161 Contents of the Book of Heaven

There are hundreds of good prescriptions for the elbow, and the golden needle and jade blade are passed down by teachers. The rebirth of Bian Que should be difficult to compare, and the name of An Daoquan has spread thousands of miles.

The miracle doctor An Daoquan was born with ten strengthened spiritual attributes, but he did not develop into martial arts. He only specialized in medical skills. He also had ancestral medical and surgical skills, which made him famous far and wide.

By the way, Zhang Shun left Zhaojia Village that day and hurried on the starry night. He encountered many twists and turns along the way, and finally arrived at Healthy City and met An Daoquan.

Seeing Zhang Shunfeng come to him in a hurry, An Daoquan was surprised and said: "We haven't seen you for many years, what kind of wind brings brother to me?"

Zhang Shun then told An Daoquan that they made a big fuss in Jiangzhou and then went to Luocao on Naitou Mountain with Song Jiang.

Without waiting for An Daoquan to ask why he came, Zhang Shun told An Daoquan that Song Jiang was suffering from back sores and he came to ask An Daoquan to treat Song Jiang.

After An Daoquan heard this, he wondered: "If we say that Song Gongming is a righteous man in the world, it would be best to go on a journey. But... my humble wife has died, and she has no relatives at home. She can't live far away, so it is difficult to travel far."

Zhang Shun begged bitterly: "If my brother refuses to go, how can Zhang Shun go back and recover? Brother Song Jiang will definitely die."

An Daoquan hesitated and said, "Let's discuss it again."

After Zhang Shun finished his good words, An Daoquan reluctantly agreed to go with Zhang Shun to rescue Song Jiang.

It turns out that the reason why An Daoquan was unwilling to travel far to treat Song Jiang was because he was in love with a fireworks prostitute named "Li Qiaonu" in Jiankang Mansion, and he couldn't bear to part with this beauty.

But Li Qiaonu was so angry that he pestered An Daoquan and prevented An Daoquan from treating Song Jiang.

Zhang Shun, who had finally managed to convince An Daoquan, was filled with hatred.

They caught up again, and Li Qiaonu took advantage of An Daoquan's drunkenness to do business with Zhang Wang, the Jiejiang ghost who had robbed Zhang Shun. This was regarded as a favor to An Daoquan and gave Zhang Shun an excuse to kill Li Qiaonu.

Zhang Shun simply killed Li Qiaonu, the madam and two maids, cut off his clothes, dipped them in blood and wrote on the wall: "The murderer must be safe and sound." He also wrote dozens of times.

When An Daoquan sobered up, seeing this situation, he could only leave with Zhang Shun.

During Zhang Shun's trip, he also met Wang Dingliu and his son, who were making a living by opening a hotel by the Yangtze River but had no intention of opening a hotel. They only wanted to join the underworld and were nicknamed Huo Shanpo. The four of them traveled on a starry night and finally came to Zhaojia Village when Jiang Hongfei led the Liangshan heroes. We arrived at the military camp in front of Zhaojia Village at Naitoushan.

——Chao Gai has told Song Jiang more than once to let Song Jiang return to Naitou Mountain to rest, but Song Jiang insisted that he would not leave the front line until he rescued Qin Ming, Li Kui, Hou Jian, Kong Ming, and Mu Chun.

I heard that Zhang Shun had invited An Daoquan to treat Song Jiang. The Naitoushan leader of the Song Jiang clan, except Mu Hong, Kong Liang, and Xue Yong who were concerned about the safety of their relatives, were watching the Liangshan heroes attack Zhaojia Village. Everyone else gathered around. Next to Song Jiang's bed.

They saw that Song Jiang was already as angry as a thread, his face was ashen, and he was about to die.

An Daoquan checked Song Jiang's pulse and said: "Commanders, please don't panic. There is nothing wrong with your pulse. Although your body feels heavy, it's generally okay. I'll use some tricks to teach Chief Song to wake up in just ten days." , and you will be cured.”

After hearing this, all the leaders of the Song Jiang clan thanked him together.

With the assistance of Wang Dingliu, An Daoquan first drew out the poisonous gas from Ai Bao, and then used medicine, applying bait externally and long-lasting medicine internally.

It's really miraculous. After giving An Daoquan's medicine, Song Jiang opened his eyes within half an hour. At the same time, Song Jiang's breath was no longer so weak, and his complexion became better.

I don't know if Song Jiang is sincere or if he is too wealthy. As soon as he regained his energy, he weakly asked: "Has Zhaojia Village been captured? Brother Qin Mingxian... Brother Li Kui Xian... Brother Kong Mingxian... Brother Mu Chunxian... ...Brother Hou Jianxian, can you be rescued?"

"It's almost here. Don't worry, brother, just rest in peace and recover." Dai Zong said.

"Don't lie to me. Are they...are they...something happened?" Song Jiang asked.

"King Chao Tian ordered his younger brother to invite the leader of Jiangzhai. Du Bo, the general under the leader of Jiangzhai, cut off Zhao Xin's head with just one snake spear. Zhaojia Village is now leaderless. The leader of Jiangzhai is leading his people to break the formation. We can capture Zhaojia Village soon and rescue a few of them," Dai Zong said.

"One round?" Song Jiang said in disbelief.

In Song Jiang's impression, Zhao Xin was the invincible God of Thunder. Qin Ming was so powerful that he failed to defeat Zhao Xin in more than a hundred rounds. In the end, he fell into Zhao Xin's trick of luring the enemy deep into the altar and fell into the Nine Palaces Altar. middle.

It was really hard for Song Jiang to imagine that someone could kill Zhao Xin in one round.

"The main reason is that Zhao Xin was so impatient that he was aroused by Jiangzhai Master and his wife, and lost his mind and went into battle rashly. Du Bu's magical power can cause people to lose consciousness for a short time, so Zhao Xin was killed by Du Bu in one round." Huang Xin analyzed.

"It is true that Du Bu killed Zhao Xin in one round, but there is no doubt about Du Bu's identity as a first-class qi refiner. He was the number one qi refiner in Huaixi. Even if he didn't use this clever move, Zhao Xin probably wasn't. He is an enemy at fifty." Zheng Tianshou said.

"If my brother had a top-notch Qi practitioner like Du Bo under his command, we wouldn't be so passive." Zheng Tianshou added.

Hearing what Zheng Tianshou said, Song Jiang thought, isn't it? If Qin Ming could kill Zhao Xin in formation at that time, how could he lose his troops and generals and lose his face?

The more Song Jiang thought about it, the more he realized that this was the case.

Song Jiang secretly swore: "When this happens, I will earn a top-notch Qi practitioner to help me no matter what!"

Just then, excited screams came from outside:


"The Jiugong Dharma Altar teaching Liangshan Heroes has been destroyed!"

"Zhaojia Village is over, hahahahaha..."


Dai Zong, who has quick legs, hurried out to find out the news.

After a while, Dai Zong came back from outside and said:

"The people of Shuibo Liangshan not only destroyed the Jiugong Dharma Altar, but also the Jinzhuang and Huadiao who were guarding the Dharma Altar. One was cut in two by Shi Bao, and the other was stabbed to death by Luan Tingyu. The leader of Jiangzhai personally instructed Zhu Wu, the divine machine strategist. , turned the Nine Palace Dharma Altar upside down, and all the people in Zhaojia Village were now trapped in the village, becoming turtles in a urn. The leader of Jiang Village had already sent people into the village to issue an ultimatum. Within half an hour, all the people in Zhaojia Village surrendered and accepted a public trial. , otherwise the village will be slaughtered and Zhaojia Village will be ruined!"

After listening to Dai Zong's report, Song Jiang felt very uncomfortable!

He came to attack Zhaojia Village. As soon as he arrived, he lost his troops and generals, and returned in a great defeat.

Jiang Hong flew to Zhaojia Village. As soon as he arrived, he captured the thieves and captured the king first, killing Zhao Xin. He easily destroyed the Jiugong Dharma Altar, which they were helpless to do anything about, and captured the Jiugong Dharma Altar, capturing all the people in Zhaojia Village.

Is this gap too big? !

The key point is that the gap in Song Jiang's heart is so huge that he can't even accept this reality!

Therefore, Song Jiang did not immediately ask about the safety of Qin Ming and others, whom he was most concerned about before, but asked with some suspicion: "Does Jiang Yan even know the formation?"

"More than just understanding, Master Jiangzhai is really enigmatic!" Dai Zong said with admiration.

Then, Dai Zong spoke eloquently...

turn out to be--

After Jiang Hongfei and others saw the Jiugong Altar, Zhu Wu recognized the formation and said that as long as he was given some time, he would be able to find the Shengmen. Under his leadership, the heroes of Liangshan would be able to attack through the Shengmen. Go to the village.

However, Zhu Wu also took the initiative to say that although he could enter Zhaojia Village this way, it would inevitably lead to casualties, because this approach was tantamount to a forceful attack, and the initiative rested with the people in Zhaojia Village, and it was impossible for them not to set up an ambush along the road.

Zhu Wu also said that most people in Zhaojia Village knew that this would be the case, so they felt confident.

Then, Zhu Wu took the initiative to ask Liu Huiniang, who was much more accomplished than him in formations: "Ms. Liu, do you have any better ways to reduce the casualties of our Liangshan heroes?"

Liu Huiniang did not hide it, but said bluntly: "I have a method that can enter this village from eight directions at the same time. I can also break this formation, but it will take some time."

After speaking, Liu Huiniang materialized one thousand and eighty small round altars, and then explained to Zhu Wu how to enter Zhaojia Village from eight directions at the same time and how to break the formation.

——It is not suitable for Liu Huiniang to appear in public, so Zhu Wu will lead people to destroy the Jiugong Dharma Altar.

After Liu Huiniang finished teaching Zhu Wu, Jiang Hongfei made a few changes in Liu Huiniang's method of breaking the formation, and then took over the command of the Nine Palaces Altar.

Moreover, in this way, the Liangshan heroes do not need to spend so much time breaking the formation, nor do they need to attack from eight directions.

Not to mention the fact that Jiang Hongfei showed off this skill shocked everyone present, even Zhu Wu did not expect that Jiang Hongfei's attainments in formations were so profound!

Some people may want to ask, why did Jiang Hongfei break the Jiugong Dharma Altar again?

This is thanks to Song Jiang.

One of the three volumes of heavenly books given to Song Jiang by Jiutian Xuannu teaches formations, and the Jiugong Altar is just one of the lower formations.

Hearing that he was going to break the Jiugong Dharma Altar this time, Jiang Hongfei deliberately learned this formation on the way.

That's right.

So far, Jiang Hongfei actually only knows one formation, the Jiugong Altar, and he only has a vague understanding of it.

But it doesn't matter, Liu Huiniang is a genius in formations, Jiang Hongfei just needs to give Liu Huiniang an idea, that's enough.

And all Jiang Hongfei needs to do is pretend to be inscrutable and show off lightly.

The development of things was almost as expected by Jiang Hongfei.

After Jiang Hongfei gave Liu Huiniang an idea, Liu Huiniang immediately changed her previous idea of ​​breaking the formation and instead captured the Jiugong Altar.

After Liu Huiniang perfected it, she taught it to Zhu Wu.

Zhu Wu and the Liangshan heroes quickly occupied the Jiugong Dharma Altar.

Later, Jiang Hongfei sent someone to deliver an ultimatum to the people in Zhaojia Village.

In just one stick of incense, the villagers of Zhaojia Village kidnapped and handed over all the family members of Shi Gugong and Zhao Xin, as well as several wealthy families in Zhaojia Village.

Jiang Hongfei was not surprised at all when such a result occurred.

The person Jiang Hongfei sent to deliver the ultimatum made it very clear that if the people of Zhaojia Village surrendered, after Shuibo Liangshan captured Zhaojia Village, they would not massacre the village, but would only hold a public trial.

Nowadays, there are very few people in the Zhao and Song Dynasty, especially the poor people in Shandong, who don't know what a public trial is.

For these poor people, the public trial has no binding force on them at all. Not only that, as long as the public trial is completed, it will be a happy moment when debts are forgiven, fields and grains are divided.

It can be said that the poor are not only not afraid of public trials, but they also extremely look forward to such a good thing as public trials happening to them.

The key point is that today's Zhaojia Village has been slaughtered by the heroes of Liangshan. It is better to die as a Taoist friend than to die as a poor Taoist, right?

Jiang Hongfei doesn't need to worry about the rest. Sun Jing and Zhu Wu will deal with the aftermath.

At this time, Liu Huiniang came to Jiang Hongfei, stretched out her hand, and said, "Teach me to take a look."

Jiang Hongfei pretended to be dumb and said, "What?"

Liu Huiniang glanced at Jiang Hongfei and said: "It is useless in the hands of the village master. The village master has made common sense mistakes such as obstacles and reversals. He clearly does not understand Qimen Dunjia, Da Liuren, and Taiyi Divine Numbers. He just made the village With so many subordinates here, the slave family was afraid that the village master would be embarrassed, so they secretly helped the village master to change. Otherwise, even Zhu Junshi could see that the village master didn't know how to pretend to understand. He clearly had a set of records about the Jiugong Dharma Altar in his hand. Gao Shen Zhen Shu is painting a gourd."

Jiang Hongfei was not angry after being exposed by Liu Huiniang. He grabbed Liu Huiniang's butt and brought Liu Huiniang over. He said confidently: "Shouldn't you wipe my butt? I'm your man."

Liu Huiniang was too lazy to deal with Jiang Hongfei, a prostitute. Anyway, between her and Jiang Hongfei, Jiang Hongfei had always done whatever he wanted. The initiative had never been with her, and she had long been used to it.

Therefore, Liu Huiniang just turned her head to the side without looking at Jiang Hongfei, and said at the same time: "The formation book of the village master is extremely profound, and the village master does not have much talent in the formation process. The formation book is a waste of resources with the village master. "

Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "Obviously you want to see it, but you still have to find the reason from me."

But what Liu Huiniang said is actually right.

The three volumes of heavenly books given to Song Jiang by Jiutian Xuannu: one volume talks about the method of cultivation; one volume talks about the use of soldiers; and the other volume talks about formations.

Jiang Hongfei could read the volume that talked about cultivation methods at a glance; Jiang Hongfei could understand about 30% to 40% of the volume that talked about military tactics; Jiang Hongfei couldn't read or understand the volume that talked about formations at all.

Think about it again, in "Water Margin", after Song Jiang got these three volumes of heavenly books, he was still a parallel importer in terms of strength. Although he knew a few spells, he was useless; he was also completely incompetent in using soldiers. He personally commanded them. He almost never won the battle; in terms of formations, he couldn't even tell what kind of formation the Khitan people were putting up.

It is conceivable that although this heavenly book is good, if you don't have talent and get it in your hands, it will just be like that, and the improvement will be limited.

Jiang Hongfei said in Liu Huiniang's ear: "Haven't you seen it yet? I deliberately let you know that I have a book about formations."

"Book of Heaven?"

Liu Huiniang didn't believe it, but she still extended her hand again: "Teach me to read this heavenly book."

——Liu Huiniang deliberately added an accent to the word "Heavenly Book". Obviously she did not believe that what Jiang Hongfei was holding was the Heavenly Book.

"I'll bring it to you on the bed in the evening." Jiang Hongfei said.

Liu Huiniang shut up and said nothing.

After living together for a year, how could Jiang Hongfei not see that Liu Huiniang was in a mood?

Jiang Hongfei shook his head, and then showed Liu Huiniang the book about formations.

Liu Huiniang started reading it on the spot.

But after just a few glances, Liu Huiniang's expression changed drastically.

Then, the more Liu Huiniang looked, the more solemn her expression became.

After looking at it for a while, Liu Huiniang closed the heavenly book and returned it to Jiang Hongfei.

"Why don't you watch it?" Jiang Hongfei asked.

Liu Huiniang looked away and said at the same time: "Go to the bed and bring it to the slave family in the evening..."

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