Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 162 Little guy Hou Jian

Hou Jian is a very inconspicuous and dispensable little character.

In order to survive, Hou Jian has been refining clothes and armor since elementary school, and his skills are exquisite. No matter in Hongdu or Jiangzhou, no one dislikes Hou Jian's skills in refining clothes and armor. Even picky people like Huang Wenbing praise Hou Jian's skills. Absolutely.

But Hou Jian doesn't like the boring work of refining clothes and armor. He dreams of becoming a hero, living a life where he is not afraid of the sky, the earth, or lawsuits. A happy life of eating meat.

Therefore, Hou Jian used the spiritual stones he earned from refining clothes and armor for others to practice hard. He also studied martial arts with teachers everywhere, and finally got the nickname "Three-branched Ape".

What makes Hou Jian even more delighted is that one of his former masters, Xue Yong, a sick man, got in touch with Song Jiang, a hero in time, and Song Jiang had a deep hatred for Huang Wenbing, who he was working for at the time.

Therefore, Hou Jian and Xue Yongchong acted as internal agents and helped Song Jiang kill Huang Wenbing's family when Song Jiang attacked Wuwei Army.

In this way, Hou Jian got the life he dreamed of.

Hou Jian knew that his strength was low and he did not have a good background. Even his master Xue Yong was just a minor character.

Therefore, Hou Jian has always worked hard, and Song Jiang's words are almost like an imperial edict to him.

Song Jiang asked the leaders to train their troops, but many leaders just muddle along, but Hou Jian kept working hard to train his troops. He also referred to the military training methods and military books of Shuibo Liangshan to train his troops.

When Song Jiang and Chao Gai clashed, Hou Jian stood firmly on Song Jiang's side every time.

This time, Song Jiang sent troops to attack Zhaojia Village. Before coming, Hou Jian had already thought about it. He would actively work hard to express himself and try to impress the leaders of Naitou Mountain and gain respect on Naitou Mountain. He is not the leader responsible for making military uniforms such as cheongsams and jackets.

Therefore, when Song Jiang ordered the charge, Hou Jian and his men ran as fast as they could. In the end, he and Li Kui rushed into Zhaojia Village.

Then was the beginning of Hou Jian’s nightmare.

What have you experienced?

Hou Jian can no longer remember clearly.

Hou Jian only remembered that he walked desperately, kept walking, walked without direction, walked aimlessly...

Until Hou Jian couldn't walk anymore, he found a place to lie down and wait to die.

But Hou Jian never expected that the process of waiting for death would be so difficult. It was not as simple as "Eighteen years later, I will be a hero again" that those heroes in the world often talk about!



For a while, Hou Jian wanted to bite off his own flesh to satisfy his hunger.

Fortunately, it rains a little every once in a while, allowing Hou Jian to drink rainwater to satisfy his hunger.

But water is just water after all. It can only satisfy hunger for a while, but will soon be useless.

In order to survive, no, just because he was so hungry that he couldn't stand it anymore, Hou Jian grabbed two handfuls of dirt and stuffed them into his mouth.

Hou Jian once heard someone say that people who eat Guanyin soil to support themselves to death will be extremely uncomfortable before death, so Hou Jian always uses his remaining reason to control himself not to be greedy for too much.

After more than half a month, Hou Jian finally couldn't stand it any longer.

Hou Jian lay beside the water pit he dug, quietly waiting for the last moment of his life to come.

When he was dying, Hou Jian had a flashback in front of his eyes. When he made good armor for others, those people praised him for his good craftsmanship.

In the past, Hou Jian didn't care at all about others praising his skill in refining clothes and armor. Instead of hearing those praises, Hou Jian would rather hear others call him a hero.

But at the moment when he was about to die, Hou Jian realized that that was the honor that truly belonged to him, Hou Jian, and it was also the highest honor that Hou Jian had ever achieved in his life.

"If I had stayed on my own as my armor refiner, how could I have ended up like this?"

Hou Jian closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

Who would have thought that at this moment, someone shouted: "There is someone here...still alive...Hey, hey, hey, wake up, I am the Great Sage..."

Hou Jian couldn't hear the rest of the words - he completely passed out.

When Hou Jian woke up again, it was already three days later.

Hou Jian, who was so skinny and weak from hunger, heard when he woke up that Qin Ming was not hungry even after eating a war horse, and gained two pounds. As soon as he came out of the Jiugong Dharma Altar, he was beheaded. The leaders of the mountain were invited to have a celebratory drink. Like him, Li Kui had been hungry for more than half a month, but the savage's body didn't know what was going on. After he came out and had a good meal, he was fine, and he was still the same after that. While others ate large bowls of wine and large chunks of meat, he was the only one who almost didn't starve to death.

Of course, that's not right either.

Along with Qin Ming, Li Kui, and Hou Jian, there were hundreds of others who were trapped in the Nine Palaces Altar. Almost all of them were trained by Hou Jian and relied on by Hou Jian for promotion.

But most of these people starved to death in the Jiugong Dharma Altar. A small number of them, like Hou Jian, were lucky enough to survive.

Hou Jian blamed himself for this.

At the same time, Hou Jian also understood that he was actually no different from those minions. He was not suitable for being in the world at all. No, to be precise, he was not suitable for fighting and killing. He did not have the talent like Li Kui. If Forcing him to take the path he once imagined would only harm others and himself.

In addition, this world is different from what Hou Jian imagined before.

What kind of eternal loyalty, what kind of heroes are as close as brothers, what kind of carefree and happy life?

In the legend, Song Jiang, who was generous and generous, did not also scheming with his savior Chao Gai for power and his own dreams?

Without background and strength, who cares about you?

Take Hou Jian for example. Since he woke up, except for his master Xue Yong who visited him a few times, no other leader has visited him.

As for freedom and happiness, there was no mention of it. After he went to Mount Naitoushan, he felt much more tired than before.

Tired, exhausted, hurt, that's it...

Two days later, no one came to visit Hou Jian except Xue Yong.

Suddenly, Hou Jian heard a piece of news:

Everything here in Zhaojia Village is basically over. The men from the Zhaoxin family and other wealthy families in Zhaojia Village have all gone to the public trial, while the guilty women have all been brought back to Shuibo Liangshan for separate distribution.

Shuibo Liangshan received a total of more than 140,000 shi of food from Zhaojia Village this time (excluding the food distributed to the poor in Zhaojia Village), and the property was calculated separately.

The grain, grass and property seized in Shuibo Liangshan had been transported to Shuibo Liangshan three days ago.

The remaining grain, grass and other items will be slowly transported by Liangshan heroes. Jiang Hongfei cannot wait here for such a trivial matter.

Jiang Hongfei will leave Zhaojia Village tomorrow morning and return to Shuibo Liangshan.

Currently, a group of leaders from Naitoushan are holding a thank-you banquet for the heroes of Liangshan in Zhaojia Village, and they are also giving a farewell party to the heroes of Liangshan.

After hearing this, Hou Jian put on his clothes, left the ward, and walked towards Zhaojia Village.

Arriving in front of the banquet hall where the banquet was held, Hou Jian saw from a distance Jiang Hongfei sitting at the top, Chao Gai sitting on Jiang Hongfei's left hand side, Song Jiang next to Chao Gai, followed by Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Li Ying, and Jiang Hongfei's right hand side. They are Sun Jing, Zhu Wu, Du Bo, Shi Bao, Luan Tingyu, and the others are arranged in order of status...

At this time, everyone was bragging and eating wine, and there was no trace of any bad blood between them, as if they were really good brothers who treated each other with sincerity.

Song Jiang frequently raised glasses to Jiang Hongfei to express his gratitude.

Jiang Hongfei did not give Song Jiang any face as he did when he returned to Dao Village.

Chao Gai also always served Jiang Hongfei wine and chatted with Jiang Hongfei about interesting things in the world.

Overall, the atmosphere of today’s feast was pretty good.

Hou Jian stood in front of Yan Hall for a long time, and no one looked at him.

Hou Jian could clearly see that almost everyone was smiling at Jiang Hongfei.

Later, Jiang Hongfei saw Hou Jian and asked: "Who is this good man at the door?"

As soon as Jiang Hongfei said this, everyone looked at Hou Jian at the door.

After a moment of reaction, Song Jiang hurriedly said: "This is my brother Hou Jian, who is known as the "Three-branched Ape" in the world. This time he and his brother Li Kui were at the forefront of the attack on Zhaojia Village. Because they were too brave, they fell into a trap. In the Jiugong Dharma Altar, the injury was serious and he had been recovering from his injuries before, so he was not taught to come and drink with him."

Having said this, Song Jiang greeted Hou Jian enthusiastically: "Brother Hou Jian, please come to my place and offer a toast to brother Jiang Yan. He is your savior!"

Hou Jian heard this and came to Song Jiang's side.

Song Jiang thought that Hou Jian had come to toast Jiang Hongfei after hearing what he said, and was preparing to get the wine bowl for Hou Jian.

Unexpectedly, Hou Jian knelt down in front of Song Jiang with a "pop".

Song Jiang was startled and thought to himself: "I'm afraid Hou Jian wanted to kneel down to thank Jiang Yan, but he knelt down to the wrong person because of his dull mind?"

Not wanting to, Hou Jian then kowtowed to Song Jiang four times.

Seeing this, Song Jiang confirmed that Hou Jian was not kneeling to the wrong person, but to him.

Song Jiang hurried to help Hou Jian, and at the same time blamed him: "What are you doing, dear brother? No matter what happens to you, you should get up first and talk about it."

What Song Jiang didn't expect was that Jian actually avoided his hand supporting Hou Jian.

"Brother, please tell me to finish what I want to say."

Seeing that Hou Jian refused to let him help him, and hearing what Hou Jian said, Song Jiang could only retract his hand in embarrassment, and then said kindly: "My dear brother, please speak."

This scene also attracted the attention of other people present, so everyone, including Jiang Hongfei, looked at Hou Jian.

This once extremely inconspicuous and dispensable little person has now become a center of attention in this way.

Hou Jian said in a tone of farewell to his youth:

"My ancestral home is in Hongdu. I am good at making armor, flying needles, refining restraints, and have superb skills. However, I have never liked that kind of life. I dream of one day becoming a hero that everyone admires. For this reason, I spent every literary and spiritual money I earned from making clothes and armor for people on training and learning martial arts..."

"When Master said that he would introduce me to the extremely famous Shezhe hero in the world, Shiyu Songjiang, I was so excited that I was shaking all over..."

Soon, everyone realized that Hou Jian was not talking to Song Jiang, but to pay homage to his dying youth.

Of course, it can also be thought that Hou Jian is accusing Song Jiang of ruining his dream of becoming a world-famous actor.

Song Jiang realized that the problem might be that he had never visited Hou Jian after Hou Jian woke up.


Xue Yong mentioned this matter.

But during this period, first of all, Song Jiang himself was also a patient.

Moreover, Chao Gai gave everything in Zhaojia Village to Jiang Hongfei without even asking Song Jiang, and also promised to give Jiang Hongfei another five hundred thousand shi of grain as a thank you gift on behalf of Naitoushan.

With so much food, Naitoushan might develop during this period of food shortage. In that case, Song Jiang's dream of recruiting people to the army would hopefully come true.

Also, the relationship between Chao Gai and Jiang Hongfei was already good. If Chao Gai was allowed to do this again, the relationship between Chao Gai and Jiang Hongfei would definitely be even better, which would be even more detrimental to Song Jiang.

Song Jiang then went to Chao Gai three times, trying to persuade Chao Gai not to do this, or at least not to promise to give Jiang Hongfei so much food.

The first two times, Chao Gai said: "Brother Xian, just rest in peace and recuperate. I don't need to worry about little things, I will handle them myself." Then he sent Song Jiang away.

By the third time, Chao Gai was no longer so polite, but said bluntly:

"If Brother Jiang Yanxian hadn't conquered Zhaojia Village, our people in Fengshan would have suffered greatly this time. Brother Qin Mingxian, Brother Li Kui, Brother Hou Jianxian, Brother Kong Mingxian, and Brother Mu Chunxian would all have died in Zhaojia Village. Anything in Zhaojia Village would have been lost. It has nothing to do with me, Fengshan, and I, Fengshan, will never be able to come to Mengyin area to borrow food. Now it is me, Fengshan, who owes brother Jiang Yanxian such a huge favor! If I don’t do this, how can I repay brother Jiang Yanxian’s huge favor? If you next time How can I ask Brother Jiang Yanxian for help if I'm stuck again?"

Song Jiang left Chao Gai speechless and could only leave in despair.

Moreover, Song Jiang saw that Chao Gai was determined to give everything in Zhaojia Village to Jiang Hongfei, plus five hundred thousand shi of food to Jiang Hongfei.

More importantly, Song Jiang saw the change in Chao Gai's arrogance and the signs of depriving him of his military power.

It is not Song Jiang's character to sit back and wait for death.

Adding left and right cannot change this fact.

Song Jiang simply went to thank Jiang Hongfei shamelessly and said:

"I'm grateful to my brother for helping me conquer Zhaojia Village, rescue my brothers, and teach me not to lose my face. I heard that King Chao Tian promised to raise 500,000 shi for disaster relief for my brother, not counting the income from Zhaojia Village? As far as I know, disaster relief This matter should be urgent rather than slow. In this way, I will live in his Zhaojia Village recently, and I will raise 500,000 dan of grain for my brother within three months and send it to Liangshanbo to help my brother in disaster relief."

Jiang Hongfei originally didn't want to talk to Song Jiang.

But Song Jiang promised to get Jiang Hongfei 500,000 dan of food that he was currently in short supply within three months, which was different.

If this is the case, Jiang Hongfei should be able to survive this crisis if he goes to Qingzhou and conducts a thorough raid.

The key is, Song Jiang is not Chao Gai.

Chao Gai agreed, but whether he could do it or not was a question. After all, Chao Gai's ability was really average.

If it took Chao Gai one or two years to collect the five hundred thousand shi of food for Jiang Hongfei, it would not mean much.

But if Song Jiang, who is capable and has no bottom line in doing things, does this, the matter will be almost stable.

Jiang Hongfei believed that as long as Song Jiang agreed, he would definitely be able to collect the five hundred thousand dan of grain for himself within three months.

——If Song Jiang dares to speak without keeping his word, Jiang Hongfei will have an excuse to deal with Song Jiang.

As for what kind of harm Chao Gai and Song Jiang would cause to the wealthy families in the Mengyin area?

Then Jiang Hongfei has nothing to do with it.

If you want to eat pork, can you still care about the life and death of the pig?

Because of Song Jiang's promise, Jiang Hongfei began to give Song Jiang a good look.

At the same time, due to Jiang Hongfei's attitude, Song Jiang was able to retain part of his military power, preventing Chao Gai from taking away Song Jiang's military power completely.

——This was actually done intentionally by Jiang Hongfei, otherwise how could Song Jiang fight with Chao Gai? If they don't fight, how can Jiang Hongfei reap the benefits?

But then again, although this was deliberately released by Jiang Hongfei, this was also the victory that Song Jiang worked hard to win. Otherwise, Song Jiang, who suffered a complete defeat in a short period of time, would really not be able to fight against Chao Gai, who relied on Jiang Hongfei's power to win a victory.

Next, Song Jiang went deep into his minions, grieved everywhere, self-examined, and selected outstanding minions for important positions. This gradually calmed people's hearts and stabilized the situation, making people in Song Jiang's group regain their respect for Song Jiang. confidence.

Song Jiang did so many things with his still recovering body, and temporarily forgot about Hou Jian, which is understandable both emotionally and rationally.

Moreover, given that Hou Jian had performed well before and had a leading role, Song Jiang also considered that after he led the people in Naitoushan to complete the recruitment and security mission, he would give Hou Jian a slightly larger official position, which would serve as a price for his bones. .

Who would have thought that Hou Jian would not be able to make it to the banquet, so he gave Song Jiang eye drops in public.

In order to let the people present see his self-cultivation, even though Hou Jian repeatedly mentioned the Jiugong Dharma Altar that he least wanted to hear now, Song Jiang still patiently listened to Hou Jian finish what he wanted to say, and then comforted Hou Jian and said:

"Brother, I know that my dear brother has suffered a lot this time. It's all my fault for daring to step in. My dear brother, please sit down and have a few bowls of water and wine. Then go back and have a good rest for a few days, and then train your soldiers and horses again. There are still important things to do. Let’s do it.”

What made Song Jiang a little confused was that he had reached this level, but Hou Jian still shook his head:

"Thank you for your guidance, brother. But after this incident, I really understand that a little person like me is destined to be a little person. He will never become a great hero, let alone a great hero. I never want to experience being trapped in a trap again." The matter in the Jiugong Dharma Altar is over, so I say goodbye to my brother."

After that, Hou Jian bowed to Song Jiang four more times.

Later, Hou Jian came to Xue Yong and kowtowed four times before saying:

"Master, I'm not suitable for this kind of fighting and killing thing. It's better to find a place to refine clothes and armor honestly. That's a career suitable for ordinary people like me."

Then, what no one expected was that Hou Jian came directly in front of Jiang Hongfei, knelt down with a "pop" and said straight to the point:

"The villain is not a good man, but he has good skills in refining clothes and armor. When the villain was trapped in the Nine Palaces Altar, he once swore that if anyone could save the villain from the Nine Palaces Altar, the villain would devote his whole life to him. The armor of my life, I wonder if my benefactor is willing to take in this villain..."

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