Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 165 The Sinner Li Qingzhao

""Recalling the Flute on the Phoenix Stage·Xiang Leng Jin Ni"?"

"Li Qingzhao?!!!"

Only then did Jiang Hongfei remember:

Li Qingzhao's family was involved in the party struggle between the old and new parties more than ten years ago. His father Li Gefei was included in the old party (i.e. Yuanyou Party) and was not allowed to hold office in the capital. At that time, there were 17 people listed as party members, and Li Qingzhao’s father, Li Gefei, was ranked fifth. Li Qingzhao had to leave the capital with her family and her husband's family to live in her hometown of Mingshui.

Later, this political disaster befell Li Qingzhao's husband's family.

Li Qingzhao's father-in-law Zhao Tingzhi served as prime minister.

However, when Zhao Tingzhi was young, he was okay as a minor official and could be considered to have made certain achievements. However, when he became prime minister, he really couldn't do it and was completely trapped in party strife.

When Cai Jing resigned as prime minister for the first time, Zhao Ting jumped up and down with all his strength in order to bring down Cai Jing.

After painstaking efforts, Zhao Tingzhi took advantage of Zhao Ji's suspicion of Cai Jing, and finally defeated Cai Jing and became prime minister.

But under the leadership of Zhao Tingzhi, the Zhao and Song Dynasties stopped schools, rituals and music, and residential nursing homes and Anjiyuan.

The problem is, these are all benevolent policies implemented by Zhao Ji and Cai Jing. Even in future generations, they will still be commendable.

But Zhao Tingzhi didn't look at this. Anyway, as long as it was caused by Cai Jing, he would overthrow it. He fought purely for the sake of struggle and made the entire Zhao and Song Dynasty a mess.

This made Zhao Ji very annoyed, and he missed Cai Jing's days more and more.

Therefore, it didn't take long before Zhao Ji dismissed Zhao Tingzhi and made Cai Jing reinstated.

Zhao Tingzhi is a perfect example of how to survive by fighting internally and externally.

Zhao Tingzhi died of illness five days after he was dismissed as prime minister. Three days after his death, his family members and relatives in Beijing were arrested and imprisoned. Although he was later released, Zhao Tingzhi's gifted official was seized, and his third son's official official was also lost, making it difficult for the Zhao family to continue to live in the capital.

As a result, Zhao Mingcheng was beaten to the end, and he once again matched up with Li Qingzhao.

Therefore, Li Qingzhao followed Zhao Mingcheng back to his private residence in Qingzhou and began to live in isolation in Qingzhou Township.

"The person who reported the report said that this family had a prime minister. Isn't that Zhao Tingzhi?"

Jiang Hongfei looked inside along the door that had been crushed by the female qi-refiner who could turn into a big snake, and saw a large room with a plaque that read "Return Hall" hanging on it.

"After Li Qingzhao came to Qingzhou, he stayed away from the intrigues of the officials in the capital, and his life returned to peace. Qingzhou's beautiful mountains and clear waters, and simple folk customs reminded Li Qingzhao of Tao Yuanming's "Returning to Come Back". Li Qingzhao borrowed the phrase from "Going Back to Come". In the sentence "Jianrong Knees of Yi'an", the study room is named Guilai Hall and the living room is named Yi'an Room."

"If there is another "Yi'anshi" here, then I probably bought Zhao Mingcheng's lair, and the one who just drank was obviously drunk and could even recite and even compose "Phoenix Stage Recalling the Flute·Xiang Lengjin" The woman in "犊" should be Li Qingzhao."

Jiang Hongfei walked in without thinking too much.

After walking around the Return Hall and following the direction from which the female voice had just come, Jiang Hongfei saw a room with "Yi An's Room" written on it.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei couldn't laugh or cry.

"I didn't expect that there would be Li Qingzhao in this fairy tale version of Water Margin, and her family would ask me to do justice for heaven?!"

If you ask which woman is the most famous in this era, it is Li Shishi and Li Qingzhao.

Jiang Hongfei has already obtained the former.

If Jiang Hongfei really encounters the latter, needless to say, Jiang Hongfei will not let her go even if she is known as the "most talented woman of all time"!

Jiang Hongfei pushed open the door of Yi An's room and saw a beautiful woman pouring herself a drink.

She is wearing a white floor-length skirt, with pink patterns embroidered on the wide hem. On her arms is a smoky purple gauze that is about ten feet long. Her slim waist is tied with a purple brocade belt inlaid with emeralds, which is black. Her hair was tied up with a lavender ribbon, and a few strands of hair hung mischievously on her shoulders, making her skin that could be broken even more white. There was no makeup on her face, but it still couldn't hide her stunning appearance. Her expression was indifferent. , like a fairy who doesn’t eat the fireworks of the world.

——This was just the first time Jiang Hongfei saw Li Qingzhao.

At the second glance, the painting style changes suddenly.

Jiang Hongfei turned off some of his beautiful fantasies about Li Qingzhao and took another look.

Li Qingzhao's appearance has not changed, it is still the same, but Li Qingzhao is not a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world at all.

At this time, Li Qingzhao was holding a wine pot in one hand and a wine glass in the other. He was drunk, his cheeks were red, his clothes were disheveled, and even his bellyband was faintly exposed. When she looked at Jiang Hongfei, her eyes were full of intoxication. She was confused, as if she was trying to figure out who Jiang Hongfei was, the stranger she saw.

"Is this female drunkard Li Qingzhao?"

However, I don't know if it was because he knew she was Li Qingzhao.

Jiang Hongfei felt that she was so drunk that she was not only not ugly, but also intoxicating, making people stop, as if she were a poem or a painting, with a bit of haziness and a hint of drunkenness. There was an intoxicating blur in her eyes, and every move she made was full of intoxicating charm. This makes her beauty different from the beauty on the clear spring stone, and different from the gracefulness among the flowers under the moon. This is an intoxicating beauty, an intoxicating beauty.

"Am I seeing beauty in the eye of the beholder?" Jiang Hongfei thought.

"Bring that maid here." Jiang Hongfei said to the door.

After hearing Jiang Hongfei's order, Hu Sanniang brought over the older girl who could turn into a big snake.

With the bright light in the room, Jiang Hongfei took a look at the older girl and saw that she was pretty good-looking, with a calm demeanor, more beautiful than a flower, elegant in appearance, and gentle in nature like an orchid.

"Is she Li Qingzhao and Li Yian?" Jiang Hongfei asked.

"Exactly." The older girl replied.

Seeing that he did not express his feelings wrongly, Jiang Hongfei felt better, and then asked: "Who are you?"

"The slave is my wife's maid Rumeng." The older girl replied.

"Like a dream? Like a dream?" Jiang Hongfei said.

Jiang Hongfei didn't mean to let Rumeng answer, but directly told Rumeng: "Please tidy up Li Yian's clothes. The dirty clothes are exposed. What does it look like?"

Rumeng didn't know if it was her imagination, but Jiang Hongfei's tone sounded like the male master of her family educating the female master of her family.

Rumeng didn't dare to think about it anymore. After Jiang Hongfei left, she hurriedly snatched the wine bottle and wine glass from Li Qingzhao's hand. Then she arranged Li Qingzhao's clothes and said to Li Qingzhao: "Madam, wake up quickly. Come home." You are a strong man, please think of a way to deal with it quickly."

But now Li Qingzhao has fallen into intoxication and doesn't know anything. How can Ru Meng be woken up by just calling a few times?

There was no other way, Rumeng could only carry Li Qingzhao to the bed and let Li Qingzhao rest for a while while she went to make sobering soup for Li Qingzhao.

To Rumeng's surprise, the Liangshan soldiers who guarded her and Li Qingzhao were very talkative. Whatever she lacked, the Liangshan soldiers would find it for her.

Not long after, Rumeng made a bowl of hangover soup for Li Qingzhao, and then fed it to Li Qingzhao.

But after Li Qingzhao drank, he still had no intention of sobering up, and instead slept more soundly.

But it was always noisy outside, and it didn't stop all night long, making Rumeng anxious.

Li Qingzhao, on the other hand, was not affected by the noise outside at all and remained sound asleep. She also giggled from time to time, as if she had dreamed of something wonderful.

Seeing this, Rumeng had the feeling that the emperor was not in a hurry but the eunuch was.

What made Rumeng feel lucky was that Jiang Hongfei never came back, and no one else rushed in.

I don't know when, Rumeng also fell asleep lying on the bedside.

The master and his servant slept until three o'clock in the morning.

Li Qingzhao, who had had enough sleep, said before his eyes were fully opened: "Thirsty."

Upon hearing this, Rumeng hurriedly poured Li Qingzhao a cup of herbal tea.

After taking a sip of herbal tea to refresh himself, Li Qingzhao asked, "What time is it?"

Rumeng looked at the sky and replied, "It's almost noon."

When Li Qingzhao heard that it was almost noon, he stood up quickly and said, "Hurry up and help me wash up, and then teach someone to prepare some refreshments. I made an appointment with someone to bet on horse racing, but it's almost too late, hurry up, hurry up!"

While talking, Li Qingzhao began to change clothes hurriedly.

After being urged by Li Qingzhao, Rumeng forgot what the situation was for a moment, and rushed out the door and ordered: "Go and prepare tea for the lady!", and then wanted to help Li Qingzhao freshen up.

But at this moment, Ru Meng woke up and wondered what the situation was like for the two of them, master and servant.

Over there, Li Qingzhao urged: "You should hurry up. If you are late, you won't be able to play. They are not willing to take me with them in the first place. They blame me for always winning money."

Rumeng heard this and glanced outside the door, wondering who would come in soon. Could it be the man who made her feel like a master?

"Hurry up and help me put on my clothes first, otherwise I will lose my dignity when he comes."

Rumeng hurriedly helped Li Qingzhao dress and make-up absentmindedly.

Not long after, a steady male voice said outside the door: "We have refreshments. Please ask sister to come and get some."

After hearing this, Rumeng walked out, and then she saw a very handsome man handing over a tray respectfully.

Rumeng hesitated for a moment, and then took the initiative to ask: "Madam is awake. Madam and I will do it later..."

The handsome man, Shi Xiu, said: "My wife and sister can go to the front to watch the excitement. The public trial will be held there soon. If my wife and sister don't want to go and see it, they can stay in the room. When things are done here, we will follow The leader of the village returns to the mountain."

After hearing Shi Xiu's words, Rumeng's heart sank!

"It's over! That village leader really likes me and my wife!"

Although Shi Xiu didn't say it clearly, Rumeng still understood that Jiang Hongfei wanted to kidnap her and Li Qingzhao to be his wife.

Rumeng returned to the house absentmindedly carrying tea.

"Who is this? The voice is so strange." Li Qingzhao asked.

Rumeng did not answer Li Qingzhao's question, but walked behind Li Qingzhao and continued to help Li Qingzhao dress up.

Not hearing Rumeng's reply, Li Qingzhao asked: "I have a question, who is going to deliver the refreshments?"

Rumeng was silent for a while and said, "It's better to wait until the lady has finished eating, then I will talk to the lady about this."

Li Qingzhao finally realized something was wrong, and she asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Seeing that Li Qingzhao was insisting on this matter, Rumeng could only tell Li Qingzhao exactly what happened to Liangshan heroes coming to Fan Gongting to do justice for heaven.

Li Qingzhao listened patiently and then asked: "You mean, Jiang Yan came to my house to borrow food and kidnapped me to be the wife of Yazhai?"

"That's most likely it." Rumeng replied.

Li Qingzhao said angrily: "It is said in the world that Jiang Yan rewards good and punishes evil, but does not find good people. My family is pure and clean. Why did he become the target of his justice?"

"The slave family doesn't know either." Rumeng smiled bitterly.

Li Qingzhao stood up immediately and said, "Let's go! Let's talk to him about it!"

Li Qingzhao was a resolute person, and this incident made her feel like a lump in her throat, so she left Yi Anju without even having tea.

When he came outside, Li Qingzhao saw a group of personal guards escorting Jiang Hongfei and Shi Xiu who had not yet left.

Li Qingzhao looked at Shi Xiu who looked like a leader and asked, "Who are you?"

"The villain is the leader of the village, Shi Xiu." Shi Xiu answered with clasped fists.

"You said to the outside world that everything you did was to do justice for heaven, but your words and deeds are inconsistent, and your words are not true?" Li Qingzhao asked.

"I keep my word." Shi Xiu replied.

"When I was dying, what was so evil about my family that a hero from Liangshan came to our door?" Li Qingzhao asked again.

"The leader of the village is currently undergoing a public trial in front of him. If you want to know the whole story, you might as well go and have a look in person." Shi Xiu suggested.

After hearing this, Li Qingzhao lifted his legs and left.

Shi Xiu led a group of personal guards, including Li Qingzhao and his servants, to the public trial stage.

Here, Li Qingzhao happened to see Jiang Hongfei say on the trial stage:

"... If we want to save the common people from the water and fire, and relieve all the people from hanging upside down, we can only stand up and fight, break the old world, and rebuild a new one. Only in this way can everyone have a place to live, and the tillers have their land..."

Li Qingzhao, who didn't hear what Jiang Hongfei said before, only heard these few words and shouted to the stage: "Absurd!"

Seeing that the speaker was Li Qingzhao, Jiang Hongfei asked calmly: "Where is the absurdity?"

Li Qingzhao replied: "The soldiers are gone and people are returning home, and the flowers are blooming and the snow is falling in the sky. The plains of Sichuan are deserted and covered with grass, and the villages are filled with new smoke. Sleepy rats buzz on the empty walls, and hungry crows peck at the waste fields. It seems that I heard someone's voice, and the county officials have urged for money. . The war will only bring unreasonable disasters to the people. They will be forced to leave their homes, become homeless, and suffer from hunger and cold. How can there be a home for everyone and a land for the cultivators? All these ambitious people of yours lure people to work for you. Talking ear."

Jiang Hongfei asked: "You are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?"

Li Qingzhao retorted sharply: "You are not me, how do you know that I don't know the joy of fish?"

Jiang Hongfei wasn't angry either. He just smiled and said, "Ji An is an eloquent speaker."

Li Qingzhao said confidently: "If the gong is not struck, the gong will not sound, and if the reasoning is not clear, the most powerful person in the world, is it possible that he is afraid of the mouth of a woman like me?"

Jiang Hongfei's smile continued: "If I argue until you are speechless, what should you do?"

Li Qingzhao said proudly: "It's up to you."

Jiang Hongfei said excitedly: "Do you dare to admit defeat?"

Li Qingzhao said: "Why don't you dare?"

Then, Li Qingzhao, who refused to suffer a loss, asked again: "If I win, what will the village leader do?"

Jiang Hongfei also said quickly: "I will take the people back immediately."

"It's a deal," Li Qingzhao said.

"It's hard to chase a horse." Jiang Hongfei said.

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei had been fooled, Li Qingzhao immediately asked what she was most concerned about: "Let me ask you, your apricot-yellow flag clearly says the words "do justice for heaven". Where did my family do evil? I will teach you to bring people to my house." To do justice for heaven?"

Yesterday I went drinking with some authors. I can't drink enough. One bottle of beer made me drink too much. I'm late for an update. I'm sorry.

I will try to avoid similar things in the future.

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