Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 166 Li Qingzhao broke his defense

Li Qingzhao asked her what kind of evil the Zhao family had done, and why were the heroes from Liangshan looking for her to do justice for heaven?

Jiang Hongfei did not answer Li Qingzhao's question, but said to the people in Fan Gongting below:

"Have you heard about the bet between Xiao Ke and Li Yian?"

"Xiao Ke is not from Fan Gongting. It's his first time here today. I don't know if there is any serious evil in his Zhao family."

"You are all local people. You have been neighbors with the Zhao family for many years. Many of them are employees and customers of the Zhao family. Naturally, you know that the family is a good person. Are there any serious crimes?"

"If yes, come to the stage to confront Li Yian, Xiao Ke will make the decision for you; if not, Xiao Ke will immediately apologize to Li Yian, then offer him the loss of the Zhao family with both hands, lead people to leave, I Liangshan A good man never comes back again.”

As soon as Jiang Hongfei said this, Li Qingzhao, who was about to use her sharp tongue to win over Jiang Hongfei, was startled!

Li Qingzhao really didn't expect that Jiang Hongfei didn't answer the question himself, but kicked the ball to the people in Fan Gongting.

However, Li Qingzhao thought about it and felt that Jiang Hongfei was right to do this.

After all, the Liangshan hero is not the victim, let alone the plaintiff, but a law enforcer. He should not go to court with Li Qingzhao, the defendant.

Moreover, Jiang Hongfei said very happily that if the fault was not with the Zhao family, Jiang Hongfei would not only turn around and leave, but also compensate the Zhao family for all losses and never come back from now on, which seemed very fair.

It can be said that Jiang Hongfei's response was completely unexpected by Li Qingzhao, but at the same time, it was completely convincing Li Qingzhao.

Let’s talk about the poor people in Fan Gongting.

When Jiang Hongfei said this, they who were waiting for debt relief, land distribution, and grain distribution felt like they heard a thunderbolt from the blue.

The incredible wealth that seems to be coming to you is going to be gone in the blink of an eye?

Who can bear this? !

Therefore, although Li Qingzhao had a good reputation in Fan Gongting on weekdays, the eyes of the poor people in Fan Gongting were still red when they looked at Li Qingzhao, as if they wanted to eat Li Qingzhao alive!

Li Qingzhao really didn't expect that these people in Fan Gongting, who usually nodded and bowed to her, would show such great hostility to her at this moment? !

This made Li Qingzhao feel a little numb.


Li Qingzhao was bold and fearless.

But in the final analysis, Li Qingzhao at this moment is just a helpless woman. If no one controls the people of Fan Gongting who hate her to the core, then she is really likely to be torn into pieces by these mobs.

At this moment, Jiang Hongfei said calmly:

"If you, Fan Gongting, think that your problem can be solved in this way, then Xiao Ke will let the Zhao family go, so that you and the Zhao family can fight for life and death in a fair battle. Xiao Ke disdains that you can bully a woman with more people. If you do it, you won’t do it.”

As soon as Jiang Hongfei finished speaking, the poor people in Fan Gongting retracted their murderous intention in a daze. They didn't understand. Didn't the Great Sage come to help them? Why did he speak to the landlords and rich people of the Zhao family instead, or because Li Qingzhao was good-looking? The Great Sage Tian has taken a liking to her and is ready to defect in the face of battle?

Jiang Hongfei knew that without anyone's guidance, these poor people would not be able to fight against the ruling class. They were too far behind.

It just so happens that among this wave of poor people, there is not a single wise man who understands that "the son of the master, the relative of flesh and blood, cannot rely on unworthy honor and unearned service. He already holds the weight of gold and jade, what about the people on both sides?"

So Jiang Hongfei could only help them in a subtle way:

"Didn't you say that you Fan Gongting people had great grievances, so you invited me, the hero of Liangshan, to come and make the decision? Why, when I, the hero of Liangshan, came, you no longer had any grievances, and just wanted to forgive debts, divide fields, and distribute grain? Between heaven and earth? , How can there be such a truth? Is it what I, the hero of Liangshan, do to steal people's money, food, wives and daughters indiscriminately?"

Having said this, Jiang Hongfei emphasized loudly:

"I, the hero of Liangshan, are here just to give you justice, a chance for you to pour out the bitterness in your heart. If you are wronged, the Zhao family should forgive your debts, allocate fields, and distribute food to you. I, the hero of Liangshan, should I will make the decision for you; on the other hand, if the Zhao family is as pure as Li Yian said, and has never harmed the village or even a good family, the more than 20,000 acres of land and huge wealth owned by the Zhao family should belong to his family. , then I, the hero of Liangshan, will restore the innocence of his Zhao family."

"Do you think this is true?"

Jiang Hongfei looked at the poor people in Fan Gongting, and then at Li Qingzhao.

Li Qingzhao thought to himself: "Although his words are misleading, it is not easy for a strong person to do this."

As for the poor people in Fan Gongting, you looked at me, I looked at you, and then we looked at him together, none of them knew what to do.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei sighed: "If you don't save yourself, it will be hard for God to help you. If you don't cross it yourself, no one will cross it. Since you Fan Gongting people don't cherish the opportunity of Liangshan heroes to uphold justice for you, then let's do this and withdraw our troops back to the mountain!"

The poor people in Fan Gongting never expected that Jiang Hongfei would really withdraw his troops and return to the mountain, and they immediately became anxious!

Moreover, Jiang Hongfei made it clear, if you don't save yourselves, why should I help you?

Also, if the Liangshan heroes leave this time, they will never come back again, and the poor people in Fan Gongting will have to live in dire straits from now on.

At this time, a man who looked like an old farmer with skin tanned by the sun, wrinkles deeply imprinted on his face, and thick and powerful hands, said, "Great Sage, can I say a few words?"

As soon as someone spoke up, all the poor people in Fan Gongting breathed a sigh of relief, and Jiang Hongfei also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, everyone in Fan Gongting, including Li Qingzhao, recognized that the person who spoke out was Li Haner, a villager in Fan Gongting.

Jiang Hongfei waved to Li Haner: "Come up and tell me."

After hearing this, Li Han'er climbed onto the trial stage.

Jiang Hongfei said to Li Han'er amiably: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Li Han'er scratched his head and said, "Actually, I don't know what to say."

As soon as Li Haner opened his mouth, the hopeful poor people in Fan Gongting immediately showed disappointment.

Li Han'er secretly looked at the nervous poor people in Fan Gongting under the stage, and then said hesitantly: "I...I just...can't figure out some things."

Jiang Hongfei patiently guided Li Haner: "Speak out and I will help you answer."


Li Han'er said: "I am Fan Gongting's most recognized person."

Li Han'er cultivates the land of more than a dozen people by himself, and always finds various jobs to supplement the family income. People here in Fan Gongting recognize him as the most capable person.

It is precisely because of this that even Li Qingzhao, who is not interested in worldly affairs, knows this little person.

Li Han'er continued: "I just can't figure it out. I am already so capable, but I don't dare to eat or drink, and I don't dare to spend a penny. Why did I owe the Zhao family a penny of 800 Wenling money ten years ago? Why did I have to pay it back for ten years?" I haven't even paid it off yet. The day before yesterday, his family's manager Hu told me that I still owe his family twelve thousand eight hundred and twenty-three cents. I'm stupid and don't understand what's going on. Please help me answer it. It would be best if you could tell me how many years it will take me to repay the eight hundred wen I borrowed in the first place. I don’t want to leave this debt to my son and teach him to live as tiringly as I do.”

"It's simple. Just bring Manager Hu and do the calculation in front of everyone." Jiang Hongfei said.

Soon, Manager Hu was found by Liangshan heroes and brought to the public trial.

Sun Jing also asked people to find Li Haner's debt receipts and the account books recording the details of Li Haner's debts.

Jiang Hongfei asked Shi Xiu to bring Li Haner's receipts and account books to Li Qing to take care of.

After Li Qingzhao saw it, his heart sank: "It's over! The big house is a loan shark!"

Zhao Tingzhi has three sons, namely Zhao Cuncheng, Zhao Sicheng and Zhao Mingcheng.

Because Zhao Tingzhi was dismissed as prime minister, the three brothers lost all their official positions, so they all returned to Fan Gongting, Zhao Tingzhi's former residence.

The Zhao family's finances were taken care of by Zhao Cuncheng, and the three families distributed dividends at the end of the year.

In fact, Zhao Cuncheng does not take care of it himself, but is taken care of by a group of stewards and some in-laws below.

——All the three members of the Zhao family want to be officials, how can they personally manage these small things?

But then again, although the Zhao family Sancheng did not do these things personally, they could not be unaware of the good things done by the stewards below. After all, the money ended up in the hands of the three brothers.

Jiang Hongfei asked Li Qingzhao: "Do you understand?"

Li Qingzhao remained silent.

Jiang Hongfei asked Shi Xiu to throw the receipts and account books in front of Manager Hu: "Just settle this account for everyone in public, Manager Hu."

Manager Hu knew that he who usually did many evil things would definitely not be able to get through the public trial today, so he wanted to destroy the account book to anger Jiang Hongfei and let Jiang Hongfei give him a good time.

But as soon as Mr. Hu made a move, Shi Xiu, who had been staring at him, nailed his hand to the trial table with a knife. The pain made Mr. Hu, who was used to being pampered, cry like a ghost.

Jiang Hongfei said leisurely: "Shut up now, and I will give you a good time once you have settled this account, otherwise I will teach you to suffer the death penalty."

Manager Hu was still determined to use his good hand to pull out Shi Xiu's knife and commit suicide.

When Shi Xiu saw it, he pulled out his other short knife and nailed Guanshi Hu's other hand to the public trial platform.

Jiang Hongfei shook his head: "Death penalty."

As soon as Jiang Hongfei finished speaking, a torture expert came up and started to take off Guanshi Hu's clothes.

Seeing this, Guanshi Hu, who didn't want to be cut to death by a thousand cuts, said loudly: "I'll take care of it!"

Then, like counting treasures from the family, Manager Hu calculated Li Han'er's accounts one by one. The final result was exactly what Li Han'er said he owed the Zhao family twelve coins, eight hundred and twenty-three cents.

Is there any problem with this account?

The problem is huge.

Nine out and thirteen returns, profit and profit are all child's play. According to Hu Guanshi's calculation, not only will Li Han'er be able to repay the money until his death, but also his descendants, if they are all as honest as him If they actually farm the land and work, their family will never be able to pay back the money.

As soon as Jiang Hongfei waved, Sun Jing ordered people to send all the account books over.

Jiang Hongfei said: "Take it to Li Yian to see."

After hearing Jiang Hongfei's order, dozens of stacks of account books were all brought to Li Qingzhao.

At the same time, there are still hundreds of thousands of unpaid bills.

Soon, the title deeds for more than 20,000 acres of fertile land were also delivered to Li Qingzhao.

The more Li Qingzhao looked at it, the heavier he felt!

Jiang Hongfei said leisurely: "Li Yian, tell me, how did your Zhao family get so much land and external accounts? As far as I know, the Zhao family had never been prosperous before Zhao Tingzhi. That means it is impossible. It is passed down from ancestors, and the prime minister earns 900 yuan a month, and Zhao Tingzhi has only served as prime minister for more than a year. How did he earn so much property?"

With these irrefutable proofs, there is no need for others to say anything. Li Qingzhao already knows very well that she lost, and she lost completely. She thought that the Zhao family was innocent, but in fact it harbored filth and done too many evil things. No wonder the heroes from Liangshan came to visit.

that's the truth.

As Li Haner took the lead, more and more evil deeds of the Zhao family were exposed, bullying men and women, endangering the countryside, relying on the strong to bully the weak, taking things by force, buying and selling by force, and bullying the market.


Most of these things were done by the Zhao family's stewards and Zhao family's in-laws.

But whose power do these people rely on? Isn’t it the power of the Zhao family?

In addition, several children of Zhao Cuncheng and Zhao Sicheng also did a lot of evil.

If nothing else, they have harmed so many girls in Fan Gongting.

Li Qingzhao had no idea that the good boy in her eyes turned out to be such a devil behind his back!

Because they were so exploited by the Zhao family, the tragic phenomenon of "infant drowning" has long been common here in Fan Gongting, that is, because they can't feed their children, they drown their newborn children alive.

This was particularly touching for Li Qingzhao, who had been wanting to have a child for many years but could not do so.

Also, many poor people in Fan Gongting were forced to live no longer. Some committed suicide and some fled.


Jiang Hongfei had already expected such a result.

If the Zhao family and his son were really honest and upright officials, their family would not have so much land.

The key point is that the Zhao and Song dynasties did not restrain land annexation, so that the property of the rich was spread all over the state, and the poor were inevitably trapped in ravines. At that time, Wang Anshi saw that this was the case under the old system, and that's why he changed the law. But Zhao Ting and others firmly opposed the reform. Why? It only affects their interests.

It is precisely because he knows all this that Jiang Hongfei is not afraid of making a bet with Li Qingzhao, because these real things cannot be defended with eloquence.

Soon, the public trial officially began, and people were excited. Most of the men in the Zhao family were beheaded, and very few of the men in the Zhao family could walk down the public trial alive.

Jiang Hongfei did not need to personally preside over the remaining matters. Jiang Hongfei asked Xiao Jiasui, who was preparing to take over Qingzhou's government affairs, to preside over it on his behalf.

Jiang Hongfei came to Li Qingzhao with an account book and asked, "Are you trying to say that these evil things were all done by Zhao Cuncheng and Zhao Sicheng and have nothing to do with your house?"

Li Qingzhao said firmly: "That's true."

Jiang Hongfei asked: "Then let me ask you, how much grain have you grown, how many pieces of cloth have you spun, and how much are your daily expenses?"


What Li Qingming and Bai Jiang Hongfei meant was that she was not involved in production, but she was able to live well and live well. Where did this come from? Didn't it come from the Zhao family's exploitation of the poor?

Jiang Hongfei added: "I heard that you and Zhao Mingcheng are very fond of collecting epigraphy, calligraphy and painting. In more than ten years, they have collected more than 20,000 volumes of books and more than 2,000 volumes of epigraphy and stone rubbings. Isn't this a small expense?"

Li Qingzhao turned her head and looked away. She knew that Jiang Hongfei was right. Over the years, she and Zhao Mingcheng had spent a lot on gold, stone, calligraphy, painting and antiques, so that their lives seemed a little tight.

It was precisely because of this illusion that Li Qingzhao felt that she and Zhao Mingcheng were innocent.

Jiang Hongfei stuffed a ledger into Li Qingzhao's arms: "Zhao Cuncheng and Zhao Sicheng are evil to outsiders, but they are good to their younger brother Zhao Mingcheng. Thirty-three percent of the money they earned was given to your family. Otherwise, how could you think Zhao Mingcheng would have any money?" You have so much spiritual money to collect inscriptions, calligraphy and paintings, and you have so many concubines outside?"

Li Qingzhao lost her guard when Jiang Hongfei mentioned the concubines that Zhao Mingcheng kept. She looked at Jiang Hongfei angrily: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Jiang Hongfei said calmly: "I don't want to do anything. I just want to inform you that like other women from the Zhao family, you have become my sinful wife in Liangshan. Your marriage to Zhao Mingcheng is over. Next, you will be Redistribute.”

Jiang Hongfei reminded Li Qingzhao again: "Also, don't forget, I am willing to admit defeat..."

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