Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 184 Reinforcements from Shuibo Liangshan

How could Jiang Hongfei, a busy man, watch Lu Junyi slowly scratch Li Gu?

Besides, Jiang Hongfei really couldn't appreciate this kind of brutal killing.

Therefore, after watching for a short while, Jiang Hongfei stood up and left, leaving Lu Junyi to continue immersed in revenge...

After leaving the left-behind yamen, Jiang Hongfei first went to take a look at the Daming Mansion yamen nearby, and saw that Wang Lun and the others were still busy there.

Transport various seizures, publicly interrogate high-ranking officials, wealthy gentry, ministers and scholar-bureaucrats, raid their homes, recruit troops, provide disaster relief and pensions, and maintain public order in the city.

These alone are actually enough to keep Wang Lun and the others busy, not to mention that in such a large Daming Mansion, and just after it was conquered, emergencies may occur anytime and anywhere.

The key point is that most of the original officials of the Daming Prefecture were arrested and then put on public trial, or were prepared for public trial. The remaining small number, that is, the officials of the Daming Prefecture who surrendered voluntarily, including Grand Shou Wang and others, also had their homes confiscated. It is impossible to be used by Shuibo Liangshan, so that everything has to be done by the heroes of Liangshan themselves.

Of course Wang Lun and the others are busy.

Jiang Hongfei estimated that Wang Lun and the others must not be able to sleep all night again.

Later, Jiang Hongfei personally visited each army and told them to pay attention to their defense areas and not to take it lightly, as a Song army might come out from nowhere to attack them. After all, this famous mansion is too big to hide. It's too easy to have one or two armies. Liangshan also hid two armies from Damingfu City before, but Liang Zhongshu and the others never discovered it.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei also asked the leaders of each army to train and cooperate with political cadres to educate the new recruits assigned to them. War may come at any time.

After walking around with all the armies, Jiang Hongfei went to the dock again to check on the loading and transportation of the loot. He told the Hucao personnel and the civilian laborers that their wages must be paid once a day and must not be in arrears. The food of the civilian laborers must be good and not stingy. .

By the time Jiang Hongfei walked around and returned to his temporary residence in Daming Mansion, which was Liang Zhongshu's home, it was already late at night.

Let Gao Liang, Chen Liqing, Hua Baoyan, Hu Sanniang, Liu Huiniang, Sun Jing, Zhu Wu and others go to rest. Jiang Hongfei sat alone in Liang Zhongshu's study and went through the previous things to see if there were any mistakes. Plan what you need to do and what you need to pay attention to in the coming period.

Finally, Jiang Hongfei wrote a few more handwritings and sent them to the reinforcements sent from each branch, urging them to march quickly and get to Daming Mansion as soon as possible, and then sent people out.

After doing all this, Jiang Hongfei suddenly remembered Jia's white body and the subsequent scene of Lu Junyi cutting out his abdomen and gouging out his heart.

"No, I really have to find a woman to try. I had a reaction at that time, but Lu Junyi suddenly stabbed me like that. Isn't this harmful?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Hongfei was ready to go to Hu Sanniang or Liu Huiniang. If that didn't work, he could go to Chen Liqing.

But as soon as Jiang Hongfei opened the door, he saw Hua Baoyan, dressed in military uniform, with a bow on his back and a sword across his back, under the moonlight.

The moonlight shone on Hua Baoyan's body, and Jiang Hongfei suddenly realized that this little girl he was accustomed to having by his side had really grown up. Look at her butt, it was so perky! The waist is so thin!

Hearing a noise behind her, Hua Baoyan immediately turned around.

At this moment, Jiang Hongfei suddenly had a sense of "looking back, smiling and being charming".

"The front is curved and the back is curved!" Jiang Hongfei thought to himself.

"Brother, are you ready to rest?" Hua Baoyan asked.

After Jiang Hongfei heard this, he came back to his senses and said, "Well, why didn't you go to bed?"

Hua Baoyan said: "The slave family saw that Brother Qi, Brother Shi Xiu, and Brother Liu Lin had not slept for several nights, so they took a nap for them and taught them to take a nap. This way, they can better protect the eldest brother."

Not only Ruan Xiaoqi, Shi Xiu, and Liu Lin had not slept for several nights, but most of the Liangshan heroes were too busy to rest because they had just captured Damingfu City.

Jiang Hongfei ordered: "The Guards take turns to rest in capital units, and there must be no mistakes."


After giving the instructions, Jiang Hongfei took Hua Baoyan to the room of Liang Zhongshu and Mrs. Cai.

While walking, Jiang Hongfei came to Hua Baoyan's side, and then Jiang Hongfei's hand grabbed Hua Baoyan's butt dishonestly:

"My little sister, this butt is getting more and more round and elastic!"

Although it was not the first time that Hua Baoyan had her butt touched by Jiang Hongfei, and it was not the first time that she heard Jiang Hongfei say the word "round Q bomb" that she had no idea what it meant, Hua Baoyan's pretty face was still "Teng" turned red, and then she secretly glanced at the dense guards in the courtyard like a thief.

In the end, it was better not to look. When Hua Baoyan looked at it, she found that the guards were looking at her and Jiang Hongfei, and there were smiles on their faces. Even Ruan Xiaoqi, who stood up after hearing the sound, was no exception. Hua Baoyan quickly took Jiang Hongfei's hand away and blamed him shyly: "Brother~~"

How could Jiang Hongfei, a veteran in love, not understand that Hua Baoyan's subtext was: "Brother, you can touch me if you want, but don't touch me in front of so many people. You haven't accepted me as your concubine yet." , it would be bad for this to spread."

Jiang Hongfei took his hand back, then rolled his eyes and said, "I just got a baby. Do you want to see it, little sister?"

"What treasure?" Hua Baoyan asked.

"A cat." Jiang Hongfei replied.

"What's so good about cats? There are them everywhere in the city." Hua Baoyan suddenly lost interest.

"My cat is different." Jiang Hongfei said.

"What's the difference?" Hua Baoyan asked.

"My cat can do backflips," Jiang Hongfei said.

"Cats can do backflips?!" Hua Baoyan looked surprised.

"Shall I take you to have a look?" Jiang Hongfei asked.

Hua Baoyan hesitated for a moment, then softly said "hmm".

I don’t know whether Hua Baoyan really believed Jiang Hongfei’s lies, or whether Hua Baoyan deliberately pretended not to know the tricks Jiang Hongfei used to deceive women. Anyway, she went back to the room with Jiang Hongfei, and then didn’t come out all night...

Facts have proved that Jiang Hongfei thought too much.

Jia's white body and the subsequent scene of Lu Junyi cutting out his abdomen and gouging out his heart had no impact on Jiang Hongfei at all.

The next day, Jiang Hongfei asked Shi Xiu to find two maids to serve Hua Baoyan, who was a little unable to get out of bed. He felt refreshed and took his entourage to have a nice breakfast, and then he was ready to start his busy life. day.

Who would have thought that as soon as Jiang Hongfei and his party walked out of Liang Zhongshu's house, they saw Chao Gai and Song Jiang wandering at the door.

Seeing Jiang Hongfei finally come out, Chao Gai and Song Jiang immediately stepped forward hand in hand and congratulated: "Congratulations to my virtuous brother/brother for conquering Daming Mansion and becoming famous!"

In fact, both Chao Gai and Song Jiang did not mean what they said. They hoped that they would conquer Daming Mansion themselves.

The former one truly feels that this is a great opportunity to make a name for himself and become famous all over the world.

The latter wanted to take advantage of this great opportunity to make the Zhao and Song court notice him, so that they would come to recruit him.

It's a pity that Chao Gai and Song Jiang, who are not strong enough, can only think about it. With their current strength in Naitoushan, it is no problem to capture one or two county towns, but they want to capture Damingfu, one of the top cities in the Zhao and Song Dynasties. , that’s really a no-brainer.

Jiang Hongfei looked at Song Jiang, who still had a bad look on his face, and said, "I heard that my dear brother Lu Junyi was injured when you taught me. I've been too busy and haven't had time to see you. I'm sorry."

Song Jiang thought to himself: "You don't have to declare your sovereignty. Now even if you give Lu Junyi to us, we don't dare to take it. We haven't lived enough yet."

After the last fight, Chao Gai and Song Jiang also saw that Wu Yong's bad idea had a fatal weakness, that is, the victim had no other choice, otherwise they might suffer crazy revenge from the victim. , especially when the victim is so strong that they cannot suppress him at all.

That's right.

It was Lu Junyi.

If there was not the option of Shuibo Liangshan, Lu Junyi, who was desperate, would probably have to hold his nose and follow them to Naitou Mountain. At most, they would just pretend to give up the position of village leader or something.

It's better now, because with Shuibo Liangshan as a retreat and backing, Lu Junyi even wants to kill them all.

Of course, one cannot doubt Wu Yong's ability to make money because of Lu Junyi's example. There are also successful examples of Li Ying and Du Xing.

Just be careful in the future. You must not let the victim come into contact with Shuibo Liangshan again. Also, the victim's strength must not be too strong.

In the past two days, Chao Gai and Song Jiang have been summarizing the lessons learned from this time together. In the end, both of them had to admit that they failed this time.

"Alas~! Heavenly King and I admire Mr. Lu. We originally wanted to get close to him, but it ended up like this. I hope my brother can help me have a nice word with Heavenly King and Mr. Jialiang, so that everyone can expose this matter." Song Jiang explain.

He didn't want to, but Jiang Hongfei refused directly: "You ruined his family, how can he let it go?"

Hearing what Jiang Hongfei said, how could Song Jiang not understand that Jiang Hongfei could not stand their methods of making money from Lu Junyi, nor did he want to help them suppress Lu Junyi.

This made Song Jiang's scalp numb!

Lu Junyi's strength is too strong. It can be said that if Lu Junyi wants to take revenge on the people in Naitoushan, he will definitely give them a drink.

The key is that because Lu Junyi has Jiang Hongfei behind him, they from Naitoushan dare not hurt Lu Junyi.

Song Jiang looked at Chao Gai, meaning: "You should beg for mercy from your good brother, otherwise we, Fengshan, will be in big trouble."

Chao Gai was silent for a while and said: "Everything has a cause and a result. The cause you sow must be tasted by yourself. This is a destiny. Mr. Lu is not angry that we have taught him that his family has been destroyed, and he wants revenge. It is human nature. My peaks and mountains will follow."

Jiang Hongfei nodded: "The King is quite responsible."

Song Jiang thought to himself: "You said Chao Gai is responsible, does that mean I am not responsible?"

In Song Jiang's view, Jiang Hongfei was still promoting Chao Gai and stepping on him.

In this regard, Song Jiang was helpless, helpless!

Song Jiang knew very well that his little trick could be hidden from Chao Gai, but not from Jiang Hongfei, so he had better keep a low profile to prevent Jiang Hongfei from being unhappy and exposing him. In that case, he would be extremely passive again.

But on the other hand, Song Jiang was unwilling to give in. They Naitoushan participated in an attack on Daming Mansion in Beijing, but they did not get any benefits from this result.

This is also the main reason why Song Jiang and Chao Gai came to find Jiang Hongfei.

Song Jiang rolled his eyes and said: "I was at fault first in regards to Yuanwai Lu, but he almost killed his younger brother. My brother Zhang Shun also helped him catch the culprit Li Gu, otherwise he would have taught Li Gu to run away. Now, where can he go to seek revenge? Forget it, let’s not mention these things. The King of Heaven is right. If he wants to seek revenge from us, I will follow him."

"You've already fucking said it all and you haven't mentioned it yet. You're so shameless."

To be honest, Jiang Hongfei admired Song Jiang's shamelessness.

Song Jiang changed his tone and said: "I'm just sorry that Yuan Lu was wounded outside. I can't go into battle to kill the enemy for my brother like the King of Heaven and other brothers in our village. Alas~! If I can kill thirty or fifty Song troops, even if It is better for people like Tianwang, brothers Mu Hong, brothers Kong Ming, brothers Xue Yong, and brothers Li Li to get injured on the battlefield than to get injured outside by teaching Lu."

"You, Song Jiang, have killed thirty to fifty Song troops. If any Qi Master comes to fight with you, you will be the one who falls." Jiang Hongfei said to himself.

In fact, Jiang Hongfei felt like a mirror in his heart. In order to help Shuibo Liangshan conquer the Daming Palace, many people in Naitoushan were injured. Song Jiangti wanted to gain some favors from him, and his ultimate goal was to gain some benefits.

Before Jiang Hongfei could speak, Chao Gai dismantled Song Jiang and said: "If brother Jiang Yanxian hadn't saved our lives, our brothers would have gone to hell together long ago. We suffered some injuries because of brother Jiang Yanxian, but if we can't compare to what brother Jiang Yanxian did for us, don't worry." To bring this up again would bring shame on us."

Song Jiang suddenly felt the urge to vomit blood.

They worked up and down Naitou Mountain for half a year, and all the leaders came out. In the end, not only did they fail to make money from Lu Junyi, but they were also resented by Lu Junyi. In the end, they helped Jiang Hongfei conquer a huge Daming Mansion, but they couldn't even drink soup. On top of that, and according to Chao Gai's opinion, even so, they still owe Jiang Hongfei a lot of favors.

This is too cowardly!

Jiang Hongfei didn't know whether Chao Gai and Song Jiang were singing along, or whether Chao Gai really thought so.

None of this matters.

The important thing is that at this critical moment when Liangshan was short of major generals, Jiang Hongfei had to make use of Naitoushan's not insignificant help.

Jiang Hongfei said: "How about I make a deal with you?"

Just when Chao Gai was about to speak, Song Jiang took the lead and said, "Brother, please give me your instructions."

——Song Jiang was already afraid of Chao Gai's bad mouth, so he couldn't say anything to make Chao Gai do bad things again.

Jiang Hongfei said: "The Zhao and Song Dynasties may send a large army to rescue Daming Mansion. I have some shortage of troops here..."

Before Jiang Hongfei could finish speaking, Chao Gai said, "Don't worry, dear brother, I have already sent brother Dai Zong back to the mountain to teach Wu Xuexue and bring all the men and horses from the mountain to help my dear brother repel the enemy."

Song Jiang glanced at Chao Gai and said in his heart: "This is obviously my idea, okay?"

In the past two days, Chao Gai, Song Jiang and others have been discussing how to get some benefits from Daming Mansion.

Of course, the person who proposed it was Song Jiang.

One of Song Jiang's obstacles is to convince Chao Gai, who has a face that can't be wiped off.

Song Jiang concluded that Jiang Hongfei's troops were not strong enough to stop the Song army from all directions, so they could mobilize the soldiers and horses from Naitoushan to help in the battle in exchange for favors, and then get a piece of the pie from Daming Mansion.

In the end, Chao Gai was persuaded by Song Jiang, and the two sent Dai Zong back to Naitoushan to collect troops.

Now, this favor was done by Chao Gai.

Song Jiang shook his head secretly. He was different from Chao Gai who liked false fame. He preferred real benefits, so he would not argue with Chao Gai about this matter. Anyway, everyone in Naitoushan knew that this opportunity would end Who fought for it.

Jiang Hongfei nodded: "Okay, you can lend me two more leaders. I will give you the Heavenly King Li Cheng and Da Dao Wenda. After this matter is settled, I will send you another army. How about it?"

"Heavenly King Li Cheng?!"

"Da Dao Wen Da?!"

Chao Gai and Song Jiang were overjoyed when they heard that Jiang Hongfei was going to give these two people to them!

Li Cheng and Wen Da are both strong, and should be on par with Qin Ming.

The key is not the strength of Li Cheng and Wen Da, but the huge fame they once had.

This is what Chao Gai and Song Jiang, who have always wanted to be famous in the Green Forest Road, want most.

Let's put it this way, in the eyes of Chao Gai and Song Jiang, having Li Cheng and Wen Da can completely make up for the loss of Lu Junyi in Naitoushan.

What's more, Jiang Hongfei will give them another army from Naitoushan in the future.

This is real hard power.

Now that we have generals, soldiers and horses, money and food, isn’t that a trivial matter? ! ! !

Fearing that the big-mouthed Chao Gai would do something bad, Song Jiang hurriedly said: "I mean what I say!"

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said: "It's hard to catch up with a horse."

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