Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 185: Evil people have their own trials and tribulations

Chao Gai, who felt that they had taken a big advantage in Naitoushan, said to Jiang Hongfei with some embarrassment: "I've taught my good brother to suffer a loss again. I will find an opportunity to make up for my good brother in the future."

Jiang Hongfei said nonchalantly: "Hey~ It's not clear who will suffer and who will take advantage of this kind of thing, but I have something to say first. Li Cheng and Wen Da have not surrendered yet, so you have to find a way to recruit them."

It was precisely because Li Cao's people failed to persuade Li Cheng and Wen Da to surrender that Jiang Hongfei was willing to exchange them for Naitoushan to send troops for reinforcements. Otherwise, the two of them could be regarded as generals at the level of the Five Tiger Generals of Liangshan, or at least the Eighth Liangshan Generals. If the level of the hussar can be accepted, Jiang Hongfei will definitely accept it.

But then again, Li Cheng and Wen Da's strength was actually just that, and their ability to command troops was obvious to all, so Jiang Hongfei didn't feel it was a pity to lose them to Naitoushan.

The key point is that Li Cheng and Wen Da are not worthy of Jiang Hongfei losing his character and conquering them by any means.

Song Jiang had already guessed that if Li Cheng and Wen Da were easy to conquer, it would not be their turn to take advantage of Naitoushan.

But it doesn't matter, Song Jiang is least afraid of this kind of thing.

To take a step back, even if Song Jiang is not good, isn't there Wu Yong who is particularly good at doing this kind of thing?

So Song Jiang smiled and said: "Brother, don't worry, these two people are handed over to me Fengshan. Regardless of whether I and the King of Heaven can take them for my use, Fengshan will recognize this deal."

Jiang Hongfei nodded: "Okay, then you can pick up the two of them and their families later."

Jiang Hongfei spoke quickly, and Chao Gai also said generously: "Brother Xian wants to lend me some leaders of Fengshan, but it doesn't matter. I just want to lend you my brothers and Gongming Xiandi. We will come to Xiandi immediately to report."

Jiang Hongfei said heartily: "No one will lend me money to you two. I still want to win this battle."

Of course, although that was what he meant, Jiang Hongfei couldn't say that. Jiang Hongfei only said: "You two want to help me guard one side. How can you overdo it? Just lend me brother Liu Tangxian and brother Li Kui."

Seeing Jiang Hongfei want to borrow Liu Tang and Li Kui, Chao Gai and Song Jiang were startled!

Forget it about Liu Tang. Although he was a little reckless, he was still within the scope of normal people, and Li Kui was just a jerk. Chao Gai and Song Jiang really didn't know what Jiang Hongfei was borrowing Li Kui for?

——To be honest, at first, Chao Gai and Song Jiang thought that Jiang Hongfei wanted to borrow two of Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Qin Ming, Qin Ming, Li Ying, Dai Zong, and Zhang Shun. After all, they were either not strong enough. Weak, or have a skill, and Li Kui, they really can't think of any use?

Chao Gai was quite kind. He reminded Jiang Hongfei: "Brother Liu Tang is easy to talk to, but that black guy Li Kui is a bastard. If he ruined my brother's important affairs in the past, it would be bad..."

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said: "Brother, I don't know, but I want Brother Li Kui. However, my army has a large number of people and only Brother Li Kui is the only one. I was afraid that he would not be able to take care of him, so I asked Brother Liu Tang to help him."

"The main thing is to ask for Li Kui?"

Li Kui can bluff people who don't know where he is. How could Chao Gai and Song Jiang not know how capable Li Kui is?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hongfei actually fell in love with Li Kui, which was new.

Chao Gai had already reminded Jiang Hongfei when it was time to remind him. If Jiang Hongfei still insisted on borrowing Li Kui, what else could Chao Gai say?

Soon, Chao Gai and Song Jiang couldn't wait to pick up Li Cheng, Wenda and their family members.

Not long after, Chao Gai and Song Jiang personally sent Liu Tang and Li Kui to Jiang Hongfei.

Before he showed up, Li Kui shouted: "If I don't go to Shuibo Liangshan, wherever my brother is, I, Tieniu, will be there!"

Then, Song Jiang's voice came in: "You black guy, you don't know how to praise me. Brother Jiang Yan didn't mention anyone else's name. I only named you and Brother Liu Tang. Don't you feel deeply honored that you are still here?" You're so rude, you're really embarrassing me, and brother Jiang Yan is just borrowing you, and he's not teaching you to stay with him forever, so don't mess around!"

Li Kui said again: "I'm not afraid to go to him. Don't you come to pick me up."

Chao Gai promised: "When the matter here is over, my dear brother Gongming and I will come to take you back to the mountain."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chao Gai and Song Jiang brought Liu Tang and Li Kui in to meet Jiang Hongfei.

After a few casual greetings, Jiang Hongfei said to Chao Gai and Song Jiang: "You go and do your work. I will tell them what to do."

Chao Gai and Song Jiang were still eager to conquer Li Cheng and Wen Da, so how could they be polite to Jiang Hongfei? Therefore, they told Liu Tang and Li Kui a few more words to obey Jiang Hongfei's orders, and then left.

After Chao Gai and Song Jiang left, Jiang Hongfei looked at Li Kui and asked, "Why, dear brother Li Kui, don't you want to come over and help me?"

"There are too many rules here. I'm afraid that if I violate the rules of heaven, I'll be beheaded, so I don't want to work here." Li Kui said.

"You are a guest, you don't have to abide by my rules here." Jiang Hongfei said with a smile.

"Can you control the wine and meat enough?" Li Kui asked.

"Enough." Jiang Hongfei replied.

"Then I will stay here for a few days." Li Kui said.

Liu Tang, on the other hand, took care of everything very happily and said: "Brother, if you have something to do, please tell me. Brother Li Kui and I will do our best to handle it."

Jiang Hongfei didn't show off, and said bluntly: "I have an infantry army here that no one else can command. Only Brother Li Kui can command it. Brother Liu Tang, please be a deputy with Brother Li Kui and help him command this army for a while." military."

"Can't you lead it without Li Kui?"

Liu Tang didn't expect that Jiang Hongfei valued Li Kui so much.

But Liu Tang was a man who always valued loyalty. He didn't ask about right or wrong, and he didn't fight or grab. Therefore, whatever Jiang Hongfei said, he was like that.

Furthermore, Jiang Hongfei had a reputation for being wise and wise, understanding people and being good at assigning tasks. Since Jiang Hongfei valued Li Kui so much, Jiang Hongfei must have a reason.

So Liu Tang agreed without any reluctance: "Okay, then I will serve as a deputy to Brother Li Kui for a while."

After explaining the matter clearly, Jiang Hongfei stopped talking nonsense and stood up directly, saying: "Let's go, I'll take you to meet the Bu Jiu Army you want to command."

The entire journey was silent.

In about half an hour, Jiang Hongfei and his party took Liu Tang and Li Kui to a large camp outside the city.

As soon as he arrived here, many people around Jiang Hongfei frowned!


I saw that in this large camp of four to five thousand people, some people were bragging and eating and drinking, some were yelling and gambling, and there were more than a dozen women chasing and playing with a group of soldiers, gangsters and rogues in the camp.

To describe it in four words, it’s a mess!

Seeing this, Liu Tangdu frowned and said, "How can my brother have such an army?"

Jiang Hongfei said: "This nine-step army was just recruited by me from Daming Mansion."

Then, Jiang Hongfei turned around and asked Li Kui: "How is this army doing?"

To the surprise of everyone except Jiang Hongfei, Li Kui actually laughed and said: "We are all good soldiers."

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said: "Then I will hand over the Bu Jiu Army to you. If you fail to lead it, I will hold you accountable."

Li Kui said with great enthusiasm, "Leave it to me, Tieniu."

After finishing speaking, Li Kui walked into the military camp carelessly.

Seeing this, Liu Tang could only follow him.

After Li Kui entered the military camp, he cursed: "If anyone is breathing, get out of here. From now on, the two of you will be your chief and deputy leaders. Come out and show your respect!"

Seeing how arrogant Li Kui was, those military gangsters who boasted about drinking and drinking put down their wine bowls, those military gangsters who yelled and gambled and threw down their dice and Pai Gow, and those military gangsters who hugged women and kissed me. Released the woman in their arms.

Soon, these military gangsters and scoundrels surrounded them with murderous intent.

Li Kui was not afraid at all. He scanned the crowd and asked in a dignified manner: "Is there anyone in charge? Fart, otherwise I won't know who to cause trouble for."

At this time, all the military gangsters and scoundrels looked at a burly man.

Zhang San, who was temporarily in charge of Bujiu Army, said to Jiang Hongfei: "He is the vicious dog Xiang Chun."

When he first recruited the Bujiu Army, Jiang Hongfei took into consideration that Zhang San and Li Si were also gangsters, so he asked the two of them to try to lead the army.

No, Zhang San and Li Si are not good enough to deal with these ruffians in Bujiu Army.

Later, Zhang San and Li Si suggested to Jiang Hongfei that it would be better to let the boss of this group of military ruffians temporarily command the Bujiu Army.

The person who was beaten out was the vicious dog Xiang Chun.

Xiang Chun is cruel and ruthless, and his strength is not weak. He is a veteran ruffian who has been in the Song army for more than ten years. He knows how to manage the army. He joined the extremely complicated Bujiu Army composed of military ruffians and rogues, and spent only three days. , and the stick was set up.

Ordinarily, letting Xiang Chun be the commander of the Bu Ninth Army is an option.

But Jiang Hongfei asked someone to investigate Xiang Chun and found that he was capricious, ungrateful, and had no loyalty at all.

The key point is that Xiang Chun is extremely stupid. After he suppressed all the ruffians in the Bu Ninth Army, he did not come to see Jiang Hongfei. Instead, he led a group of ruffians in the army to cause mischief, threatening the troops' self-respect, and was not sober at all.

Jiang Hongfei would certainly not let someone like this be confused, otherwise he would be asking for trouble, especially since Jiang Hongfei would have to use the Bujiu Army for a period of time.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei must find someone who can suppress all the rogues in the Bu and Ninth Army to serve as the commander of the Bu and Ninth Army.

After much deliberation, Jiang Hongfei felt that there was no one more suitable than Li Kui to lead these ruffians of Bu Jiu Army.

So Jiang Hongfei borrowed Li Kui from Chao Gai and Song Jiang.

At this time, Xiang Chun was seen walking towards Li Kui with dozens of military gangsters and scoundrels. At the same time, he said viciously: "What ability do you have to call yourself a master, and what ability do you have to be the leader for me?!"

In fact, Xiang Chun wanted to be the leader of Bu Jiu Army. He even felt that only he could be the leader of Bu Jiu Army. No one else, no matter who came, could command Bu Jiu Army.

It is precisely because of such naive ideas that Xiang Chun wanted to manipulate Jiang Hongfei and let Jiang Hongfei come to see him. Then he would take advantage of the opportunity to enter the upper echelons of Shuibo Liangshan and gain a higher status in the world.

But what Xiang Chun never expected was that not only did Jiang Hongfei never come to see him, but today he also hired a black man as the leader of the ninth army and completely ignored him.

Xiang Chun was angry. He felt that Jiang Hongfei looked down on him, so he wanted Jiang Hongfei to pay the price.

As for whether to lead Bu Jiu Army to mutiny or lead Bu Jiu Army to defect to other forces, Xiang Chun has not decided yet.

After hearing this, Li Kui went to his waist and pulled out an axe. He looked at Xiang Chun and said, "My ax weighs a thousand pounds. If you can handle it, I will give you the position of leader. How about it?"

Xiang Chun didn't know what the plan was, so he stretched out his hand to pick it up and said contemptuously: "What's so difficult about this?!"

Just when Xiang Chun's hand was about to touch Li Kui's axe, Li Kui suddenly raised his hand and looked at Xiang Chun's face with an axe, hitting Xiang Chun's head.

Poor Xiang Chunhao, half of his head was cut off by Li Kui with an axe, and he died at the hands of Li Kui.

Seeing this scene, Sun Jing was surprised and said: "This Li Kui is so witty. He knew that he was no match for Xiang Chun, so he killed Xiang Chun with a single axe."

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said: "Don't be fooled by his straightforward appearance. Among the many leaders in Fengshan, there are not many smarter than him."

Many people's impression of Li Kui is that he is loyal, straightforward and brainless.

In fact, this view is wrong and underestimates Li Kui.

Li Kui is not mindless. On the contrary, most of the Liangshan heroes are not as smart as Li Kui.

You must know that Li Kui's real force value is not high. There are too many Liangshan heroes who can beat Li Kui. Even among those Liangshan heroes who are ranked behind Disha, there are many people who have a higher force value than Li Kui. .

The most typical example is Jiao Ting. When Liangshan gathered for Yi, he was ranked 98th, but when Li Kui met Jiao Ting, he was easily knocked down twice by Jiao Ting.

Li Kui is stronger and braver in battle. In terms of force value, he is really only average among Liangshan heroes.

However, Li Kui's status among the heroes of Liangshan is extremely high. Many people who are stronger than him have to call him brother or brother Li, and few people dare to offend him.

In the Juyi Hall, when decision-makers such as Chao Gai, Song Jiang, Wu Yong, Lu Junyi, and Gongsun Sheng were discussing important matters, few people dared to interrupt casually. However, Li Kui unscrupulously said what he wanted to say, and even expressed his opinions. .

The heroes in Liangshan are mixed with dragons and snakes. When Liangshan gathered for justice, there were a total of 108 heroes and hundreds of thousands of soldiers. How many of them were better off than Li Kui?

Looking at the things Li Kui did, they seemed ridiculous, but in fact they were all done to the point and in Song Jiang's heart.

Let's put it this way, can a reckless man who acts impulsively and without a brain finally become the closest person to Song Jiang?

To put it bluntly, Li Kui is equivalent to Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West, the leader’s best loser. How can the leader not like him?

Therefore, Li Kui's IQ and EQ are very high, which allows him to thrive in Shuibo Liangshan with his mediocre abilities.

This is also the main reason why Jiang Hongfei borrowed Li Kui to come here.

Because Jiang Hongfei believed that Li Kui could definitely guess what he wanted him to come over for.


Li Kui understood what he was doing, so he came up and killed Xiang Chun, the idiot who dared to threaten Jiang Hongfei, with an axe.

If the matter ended here, it wouldn't be Li Kui's style, let alone the reason why Jiang Hongfei asked Li Kui to come over - just to kill someone. Is there still a lack of such people around Jiang Hongfei?

Jiang Hongfei needs to be someone who can completely intimidate these military ruffians.

The losers who came with Xiang Chun were dumbfounded when they saw that Li Kui chopped off their boss as soon as he came up - they never expected that the arrogant and domineering Xiang Chun would die like this.

Li Kui calmly took out another axe, and then roared, which seemed like a thunderbolt for a long time, and then rushed into Xiang Chun's followers, slashing and killing everyone he saw without asking the reason.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Chun's followers quickly fled into the crowd!

When Li Kui saw him, he chased after him, swinging his ax in a jumble of fire, and only focused on killing people, regardless of whether they were Xiang Chun's followers or not.

Not long after, whether it was Xiang Chun's followers or other military ruffians, Li Kui killed corpses all over the field, blood flowed into rivers, and countless people were pushed over and turned over.

This frightened a group of military ruffians and rogues and started running out of the military camp.

It was only then that Jiang Hongfei said: "Tieniu, what are you doing?!"

After hearing this, Li Kui stopped and said with a smile: "I am very close to my subordinates."

Jiang Hongfei shouted: "Nonsense!"

Seeing Jiang Hongfei come forward to stop Li Kui, the murderer, those military gangsters stopped and looked at Li Kui's pair of bloody axes with fear on their faces.

Li Kui said with an innocent face: "My Liangshan military regulations have seventeen prohibitions and fifty-four beheadings. They don't listen to my orders. According to my Liangshan military regulations, I can kill them all."

Jiang Hongfei deliberately pondered for a moment and said, "What you say makes sense... Well, it's just this once, and it won't happen next time."

Then, Li Kui hacked hundreds of people to death in one breath (disability not included) and the story ended so lightly.

At this moment, all the military ruffians realized that the person they wanted to take advantage of was Jiang Hongfei, the most powerful man in the world and the ancestor of thieves with countless strong men and murderers. Their little tricks were too weak in front of Jiang Hongfei. In the past few days, Jiang Hongfei asked them to do it just because Jiang Hongfei was busy and had no time to deal with them. Now that Jiang Hongfei had time, he sent someone over casually to let them know that a murderer of Xiang Chun's level was nothing at all. If Jiang Hongfei was angered Well, even if we kill them all, it's not impossible at all.

Looking at the thousands of fully armed guards that Jiang Hongfei brought, including good horses, good swords, divine arm bows, and those Qi practitioners around Jiang Hongfei who looked very powerful at first sight, many military ruffians had already begun to Swallowing saliva, even sweating profusely.

Jiang Hongfei said lightly: "This is a military camp. It's smoky. What does it look like?"

After hearing this, Li Kui immediately shouted in cooperation: "Is anyone out of breath? Go and clean up the camp!"

Evil people will be punished by evil people.

A group of military ruffians reacted for a moment, and then rushed to clean up the military camp...

Seeing this, Sun Jing, Zhu Wu and others all smiled. The Bu Jiu Army, which was originally so difficult to deal with, was defeated by Li Kui.

At the same time, Sun Jing, Zhu Wu and others also admired Jiang Hongfei's ability to recognize people more and more, and he actually discovered the genius Li Kui...

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