Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 187 Xu Guanzhong presented the treasure

"Xu Guanzhong knows me? No, he not only knows me, but also recognizes me, otherwise he would not be able to recognize me at a glance."

From Xu Guanzhong's words, Jiang Hongfei deduced that Xu Guanzhong must have seen him.

But Jiang Hongfei took a closer look at Xu Guanzhong and saw that he had a strange appearance and an unusual temperament. He was a man with remarkable characteristics.

If Jiang Hongfei had seen such a person, he would definitely have some impression, not to mention he could remember it.

But Jiang Hongfei looked Xu Guanzhong up and down several times, but still had no impression of him at all.

Jiang Hongfei did not bother to guess, but bowed: "May I ask when did Gao Shi meet Xiao Ke?"

Xu Guanzhong stretched out three fingers and said with a smile: "Xiao Ke has seen the Great Sage three times."


Jiang Hongfei was really surprised. Xu Guanzhong not only saw him, but also saw him three times? !

Xu Guanzhong asked Jiang Hongfei and the others to come into the room to discuss the matter.

Jiang Hongfei and the other three followed Xu Guanzhong into the bamboo fence.

Yan Qing tied the horse by the fence.

Later, Jiang Hongfei and Xu Guanzhong entered the thatched cottage. Xu Guanzhong asked Jiang Hongfei to take a seat. Jiang Hongfei refused, so he had to sit in the first place. Then everyone sat down separately.

After tea, Xu Guanzhong called the boy to find some fodder to feed the horse.

Jiang Hongfei and the others went to visit Xu Guanzhong's mother again.

After saying goodbye, Xu Guanzhong led Jiang Hongfei and the others to have tea in the thatched cottage facing east to west.

Xu Guanzhong opened the back window and saw a stream of clear water outside the window. Jiang Hongfei was on the left and Xu Guanzhong was on the right. They sat leaning on the window sill, Gaoliang sat beside Jiang Hongfei, and Yan Qing found a random place in the thatched cottage. Place to sit.

Xu Guanzhong said: "My hut is narrow and ugly, so the Great Sage will not laugh at me."

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile: "The beautiful mountains and rivers are so beautiful that Xiao Ke can't take them all. It's really rare, not to mention simple."

After chatting casually for a while, Xu Guanzhong took the initiative to talk: "The first time Xiao Ke met the Great Sage of Heaven was in the spring of the fourth year of Zhenghe. That year, Xiao Ke went out to travel and passed by Liangshan Po. He met the Great Sage of Heaven leading people to do justice for heaven. Then The Great Sage Shitian only had a few weak leaders and hundreds of minions under his command. Xiao Ke was young and energetic at the time and wanted to eliminate harm for the people, so he hid in the dark and waited for opportunities to act."

Jiang Hongfei was shocked when he heard this!

In the fourth year of Zhenghe, Jiang Hongfei's team had just opened up, and Lin Chong hadn't even gone to Liangshan yet. Jiang Hongfei's most powerful qi masters were just the three men of the Ruan family who were average on land, and there were hundreds of minions. But most of them are not Qi practitioners yet.

And Xu Guanzhong can obtain the title of Wu Zhuangyuan, which means that even if his strength is not as good as Lu Junyi and Du Bu, it is not too different.

Such Xu Guanzhong definitely had the ability to destroy Shuibo Liangshan at that time.

Jiang Hongfei did not hide his doubts: "I wonder why Gao Shi didn't take action at that time?"

Xu Guanzhong poured Jiang Hongfei a cup of spiritual tea and said at the same time: "Xiao Ke was ready to take action, but just when Xiao Ke was about to take action, Xiao Ke was shocked to find that the local people were not only not afraid of the Liangshan heroes, but also welcomed the Liangshan heroes. Tian Da Sheng Xian is revered as a god by them."

Xu Guanzhong reached out and asked Jiang Hongfei to try his spiritual tea.

Jiang Hongfei picked it up and took a sip. It was like orchid on the tongue, refreshing, fragrant and sweet, with a pleasant fragrance and rich spiritual energy.

Jiang Hongfei praised: "Good tea!"

Xu Guanzhong smiled and said: "This is the spiritual tea from the Dahongpao mother tree in Wuyi Mountain. Xiao Ke picked it with his own hands when he traveled to Wuyi Mountain and only got two or three coins." Then he continued the previous topic and said: "Xiao Ke didn't understand at the time. When a strongman breaks into one's home, one's own family does not resist the thief, but warmly welcomes him. What's the point? So he stopped and watched."

At this point, Xu Guanzhong turned to recall and said: "Xiao Ke traveled all over the world in those years, and the things mentioned by the Great Sage of Heaven were common. However, before that, Xiao Ke always thought that it was all due to evil and evil in power, and jealousy of the virtuous and capable. , like ghosts and monsters, they are all loyal and upright people led by Eguan, and they are all framed by the cage. After hearing the unique insights of the Great Sage of Heaven, it suddenly dawned on me that I realized that the Song Dynasty was fundamentally wrong. "

Jiang Hongfei said leisurely: "In the Zhao and Song Dynasties, the land system was not established, and mergers were not suppressed. Nobles, bureaucrats, and landlords were allowed to plunder peasants' land. Therefore, it became more concentrated in the future, with powerful officials and rich surnames, unlimited land occupation, mergers and counterfeiting, and became a common practice. , heavy bans cannot be stopped, and land plundering has reached a crazy level. Seventy-eight percent of the cultivated land in the country is in the hands of a very small number of nobles, bureaucrats, and landlords. The vast number of poor people have no place to live, and there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. The Zhao and Song dynasties were already exhausted, but the Taoist monarchs and today's dignitaries also sang and danced with women, went hunting with dogs and horses, built palaces, offered sacrifices to ghosts and gods, expanded their armaments, and collected exotic flowers and stones. They were both extravagant and arrogant, and also resorted to militarism. How could they not be destroyed? "

After a pause, Jiang Hongfei continued: "Let's not talk about Tian Hu and Wang Qing. Corruption and extravagance are common in the southeastern region, and local political affairs are not considered as important issues. The people there have suffered from exploitation for a long time. Taxes and labor are heavy, and the intrusion of Hua Shigang in recent years is particularly unbearable for them. They are bound to rebel. Even if Fang La is gone, Li La and Zhang La will rebel, and this is just the beginning."

After Xu Guanzhong heard this, he stood up and bowed to Jiang Hongfei on the ground. He said with sincerity and sincerity: "It took Xiao Ke three or four years to understand what the Great Sage of Heaven suggested. If he wants to save the people from the water and fire, and relieve all the people from hanging upside down, the only way is to save them. Get up and fight, break the old world, and rebuild a new one. Only in this way can everyone have a place to live and those who till the soil have a land."

Jiang Hongfei was stunned: "Isn't this my word?"

Xu Guanzhong did not say: "Who's responsible for that thing?", but said: "Xiao Ke is stupid. It took him three or four years to realize that the method of the Great Sage of Heaven is the only solution. I am ashamed."

Jiang Hongfei knew that what Xu Guanzhong understood was not whether his own method was feasible, but whether there were other feasible methods. In other words, he was wondering whether the Zhao Song Dynasty could still be saved?

Now, since Xu Guanzhong agrees with Jiang Hongfei's view, it is naturally a good thing for Jiang Hongfei, which shows that Jiang Hongfei has the possibility of recruiting him.

Jiang Hongfei helped Xu Guanzhong up and said modestly: "It took me many years of thinking before I figured out that this is the only way. Sir, please don't belittle yourself."

The two of them sat back in their seats, and Xu Guanzhong continued: "Although Xiao Ke had not yet figured out that this was the only way to save the world, he had already concluded that the Great Sage Tian was definitely not a thing in the pool. Therefore, after that, Xiao Ke had been paying attention to Tian The movements of the Great Sage. Facts have proved that Xiao Ke was not wrong about the Great Sage. In the past few years, the Great Sage has become famous in the world and has become the number one hero in the world. Everyone knows about it. However, what Xiao Ke is more concerned about is, The Shuibo Liangshan area is said to be a fairyland on earth, and the Great Sage Tian has rescued millions of victims in the past few years, leaving countless people alive..."

Hearing Xu Guanzhong praise himself so much, Jiang Hongfei felt confident. He knew that Xu Guanzhong was determined to follow him.

When he first arrived, he received such a positive response from Xu Guanzhong. Jiang Hongfei felt a little proud: "My efforts over the past few years have not been in vain!"

"...At that time, Xiao Ke often saw traitorous parties monopolizing power and deceiving the court. Therefore, he had no ambition to make progress and wandered around the rivers. I also paid close attention to several places he visited."

"A few years ago, Xiao Ke heard that a great hero had emerged from our Hebei province, so he went to make an unannounced investigation, only to find that Tian Hu was just but unkind. He gathered people on the run, fabricated lies, and incited ignorant people. All he did was for personal gain. It is not public-spirited. Moreover, Tian Hu is fierce and timid, and he is always scheming. He cherishes his life when he does great things, and forgets his life when he sees small gains. He is not a hero, so he returns to his hometown."

Speaking of this, Xu Guanzhong added: "It was in Qinyuan County, Weisheng Prefecture that Xiao Ke met the Great Sage Tian for the second time. At that time, the Great Sage Tian was going to a restaurant with Tian Hu to have a drink, and Xiao Ke watched him off from a distance. for a long time."

After Jiang Hongfei heard what he said, he asked his question directly: "I heard what you said, sir, and you have a good impression of me. Why didn't you come to join me then?"

Xu Guanzhong said: "At that time, because of the treacherous ministers in the court, my younger brother was slandering and monopolizing power. He would not use it unless he was a relative, and he would not take anything except money. His thoughts had been abandoned for a long time, and he didn't know whether Xie's method was feasible or what the consequences would be. So he wanted to see it again. , and my mother was not in good health at the time, so she did not go to meet her."

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said: "Perhaps it was because we were not destined to be together at that time. When I took people to the north to buy horses and came back, I wanted to invite my husband out. Unexpectedly, something suddenly happened at home, so I had to rush back, so I missed the meeting. See, when I come to Hebei again this time, I have already told my left and right that I will come and invite you to come out. Now I finally squeezed out a day to teach Xiao Yi to bring me here."

Having said this, Jiang Hongfei stood up and saluted Xu Guanzhong as usual, and said, "I hope you will come out to help me save the world and save the people."

Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong returned the favor and said politely: "My lord is not coming to see me, but I will also go to see my lord in the next two days."

Jiang Hongfei stood up, then helped Xu Guanzhong up, and then asked: "My dear brother, have you already made up your mind to join me?"

"When I passed by Zhangjiacun two days ago, I saw that it had turned into a white land and a deserted village. When I was feeling emotional, I suddenly heard passers-by say that a group of gangsters had washed away the entire village, and then Liangshan heroes slaughtered all the gangsters. All the village women were taken to Beijing City, and they didn’t know what to do with them, so my younger brother went to Beijing City.”

"After entering the city, I saw the devastation of Beijing City. It is conceivable that the war that day must have been quite intense."

"But at the same time, I also saw that many civilians in Beijing no longer have the numbness and fatigue of the past, but their eyes are shining with the light of hope. I went up to inquire and found out that because my brother had forgiven their debts that they would never be able to repay, they also paid back their debts. They will be given fields and food, which will teach them the hope of new life."

"This is the great order after the great chaos. It is also what I have been pursuing, and I hit it off immediately."

"Later, the younger brother saw his elder brother talking on the streets in the busy city. The trend of corruption and accumulation in Zhao and Song Dynasties permeated the country. Prefectures and counties unscrupulously aggravated corruption; officials were treacherous and extorted at will; loan sharks took advantage of the people's hardship and took advantage of the opportunity to exploit huge profits. And said You listened to the words of treacherous people and believed that the master should make the world his home and peace his entertainment. How can he work in vain and ignore the suffering of the people? The Zhao and Song dynasties are rotten to the root and there is no way to save them. The only way is to stand up and fight. , only by breaking the old world and rebuilding a new one can we save ourselves.”

"My brother's words have taught me a lot, so I came back to discuss with my mother about joining my brother."

"Now that I have agreed, I am packing my belongings and will go to my brother the next day, but I didn't expect my brother to come here first."

Jiang Hongfei really didn't expect that Xu Guanzhong would spend longer inspecting him than Xiao Jiasui.

"It's true, not only does the king choose his ministers, but the ministers also choose their king!" Jiang Hongfei sighed.

Jiang Hongfei and Xu Guanzhong chatted for a long time.

When it got dark, Xu Guanzhong's boy lit a lamp, closed the windows, set up a table, put five or six plates of vegetables, and a plate of fish, plus two kinds of wild fruits hidden by the Xu family, and a pot of hot wine.

Xu Guanzhong personally gave each of Jiang Hongfei and the others a glass of spiritual wine and said, "Village mash and wild vegetables, please forgive me."

Jiang Hongfei said: "You're welcome, dear brother."

After a few glasses of wine, the moonlight outside the window was as bright as day.

When Yan Qing opened the window and looked out, it was peaceful again: the clouds were light and the wind was calm, the moon was white and the stream was clear, and the shadows of water and mountains reflected each other in the room.

Yan Qing turned around and said to Jiang Hongfei: "In the past, in Daming Mansion, the villain and Brother Xu were the most irresistible. Ever since Brother Xu accepted the military examination, we have not been able to see each other. I didn't expect that after being apart for so many years, we would actually be ministers in the same palace."

Xu Guanzhong smiled and said: "Xu is wandering in the barren mountains, and he is somewhat out of place. Every time he sees the traitor party monopolizing power and deceiving the court, he has no ambition to make progress and wanders the rivers. Now he finally meets the master of the Ming Dynasty. He should forge ahead with Xiao Yi. Don’t spend this life in vain.”

After that, everyone washed their cups and drank more wine, and then rested until midnight.

The next day, early in the morning, Xu Guanzhong continued to pack his things.

Originally, Jiang Hongfei didn't know that Xu Guanzhong had something that would take him several days to pack.

Only then did Jiang Hongfei know that Xu Guanzhong actually had maps for two entire rooms!

Jiang Hongfei picked up one at random and unfolded it to read.

I saw that this picture is a picture of the mountains, rivers, cities, and passes of Sanjin. But see:

Wherever you can station troops, where you can ambush, and where you can kill the enemy, they are all clearly marked on this map.

Jiang Hongfei quickly looked at other maps and saw that the same was true on other maps. Moreover, these maps were not only those within the Zhao and Song Dynasty, but also included the Liao Kingdom, Khitan, Goryeo, Jurchens, various grassland tribes, and the Western Regions. Maps of Tubo, Dali, Li Dynasty, and Champa, and each map is marked extremely clearly.

It is no exaggeration to say that with these maps, Liangshan Army will save too much effort when conquering the world in the future.

If it's not about anything else, just these maps, Jiang Hongfei came to recruit Xu Guanzhong personally, so he came to the right place.

Xu Guanzhong said at this time: "If it were ordinary property, I would have thrown it away long ago, but these maps are my hard work for more than ten years. I really can't throw them away, so I came back to sort them out and prepare to take them to my brother."

In this world, maps have an extraordinary meaning and are something special.

Let's put it this way, the Zhao and Song Dynasties prohibited the private collection of maps, so if ordinary people can't see the map, it is a national treasure.

For example, among the treasures Jing Ke presented to the King of Qin was a map.

And so many and comprehensive maps like those drawn by Xu Guanzhong can be called treasures.

Yan Qing said at the side: "I only know that Brother Xu is knowledgeable and talented, and he is also good at martial arts and brave. The rest of the minor tricks, playing piano and painting, are all spared. I didn't expect Brother Xu to hide such a treasure."

Jiang Hongfei paid homage: "Thank you for your hard work, dear brother."

Xu Guanzhong returned the gift to Jiang Hongfei and said: "This picture is of no use in the hands of others. It can only be carried forward in the hands of my brother."

Xu Guanzhong had already arranged the maps in order, and Jiang Hongfei put them away with a wave of his hand.

Jiang Hongfei had made up his mind to find someone to make a hundred copies of the maps drawn by Xu Guanzhong after he returned to Shuishuibo Liangshan.

Because Jiang Hongfei has stored treasures, it will be much easier for Xu Guanzhong's house to move.

Everyone worked together, and the tidying up was completed before noon.

Then everyone went down the mountain and returned to Damingfu City...

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