Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 188 The best little loli Qiongying

As soon as Jiang Hongfei returned to Daming Mansion with Xu Guanzhong's mother and son and his boy, he heard from Ruan Xiaoqi that Tian Hu's military advisor Qiao Daoqing and Tian Hu's younger brother Tian Bao had come to pay their respects. Sun Jing and Zhu Wu were entertaining them at the moment.

Jiang Hongfei asked Gao Liang to settle Xu Guanzhong's mother in person, and then took Xu Guanzhong to meet Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao.

The two parties exchanged a few words, Jiang Hongfei introduced Xu Guanzhong to Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao, and then the two parties took their seats respectively.

After everyone was seated, Qiao Daoqing preemptively said: "Fortress leader, I'm here to ask for help!"

As soon as Qiao Daoqing said this, Sun Jing and Zhu Wu were startled!

——Before Jiang Hongfei came back, the four of them had a very pleasant chat. How could Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao have the slightest intention of launching an army to hold them accountable?

And if they knew that Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao were here to investigate, Sun Jing and Zhu Wu would definitely have to remind Jiang Hongfei in advance.

"Oh? Why don't I remember when I owed the Taoist Master?" Jiang Hongfei said with a smile.

"You don't owe Lao Dao, you owe it to my family." Qiao Daoqing said with a serious face.

"That's even more inappropriate. Since our relationship, I have never been less polite than your family." Jiang Hongfei said.

"The village leader just killed tens of thousands of my family's horses and forgot about it so quickly?" Qiao Daoqing reminded Jiang Hongfei.

"I killed tens of thousands of your horses?"

After reacting for a moment, Jiang Hongfei suddenly realized, and then said with a smile: "No wonder he dares to wander around in my war zone. It turns out that he has surrendered to King Tian."

When Tian Bao heard that Jiang Hongfei's name for Tian Hu had changed, and he also used the two obviously bad words "wandering" to describe this group of people, he was obviously unhappy. He immediately interjected:

"Brother, don't listen to the military advisor's joke. They really sent people to Longhu Mountain to express their intention to join my family. However, they dared to use the name of your village to do evil. Brother, it is reasonable to kill them all. My eldest brother sent me and the military advisor here. , I explained to my brother that what they did was just their personal behavior and had nothing to do with me, Longhu Mountain."

Qiao Daoqing glanced at Tian Bao who put him in, shook his head, and said to himself: "Although he waited in vain, he finally threw himself into our Longhu Mountain. Now he has been killed by others, and his heads have been cut off and placed in Beijing. I If Longhushan didn't even ask a question, wouldn't it make the people below feel cold and feel sad about the death of a rabbit and a fox?"

But Qiao Daoqing also knew that Tian Hu asked Jiang Hongfei for something, and now that Jiang Hongfei had shown that he could quickly conquer the capital, it was understandable that Tian Hu and Tian Bao didn't want to offend Jiang Hongfei for a team that had not really committed to Longhu Mountain.

Jiang Hongfei didn't want to waste time on this already finalized matter, but asked bluntly: "Since you two are not here to raise an army to ask for guilt, then why?"

Tian Bao had handed over all the information, and it was impossible for Qiao Daoqing to make a fuss about the more than 10,000 dead people, so he no longer mentioned the more than 10,000 gangsters, but went straight to the topic:

"Daming Mansion is the center of Yu Liao Dynasty, and its armor storehouse is responsible for the supply of the entire Hebei Road Forbidden Army, Xiang Army, and Township Army. The leader of the village is in Daming Mansion. This battle must have received a large number of soldiers and armor, right?"

Jiang Hongfei didn't hide it: "There are some."

"Can you spread it out for me? The price is negotiable." Qiao Daoqing asked bluntly.

"I'm not short of money, and I can also use this armor of great use. You'd better think of other ways." Jiang Hongfei refused bluntly.

"If the village owner is not short of money, it will be easier to negotiate with others. As long as my family has it, as long as the village owner wants it, I can say whatever I want." Qiao Daoqing suggested.

Qiao Daoqing also knew that Jiang Hongfei had captured Daming Mansion in Beijing, the second richest city in the Zhao and Song dynasties, and looted all the wealthy people in this big city. There would definitely be no shortage of spiritual money in a short time.

But the problem is, even if Jiang Hongfei is not short of spiritual money, Qiao Daoqing still has to find a way to get some soldiers and armor from Jiang Hongfei.

Let's put it this way, in this troubled world where disasters and famines have plagued us for many years, there is no shortage of people, even Qi Refiners. In other words, it is nothing more than expanding the number of candidates.

In these troubled times, what is really scarce is food and soldiers.

As long as you have these two things, you will have soldiers. Once you have soldiers, you can rob, rob, rob, and rob, rob, and rob, you will have more food and soldiers, and then you can continue to grow and continue to rob, rob, and rob. It's like a snowball. If it goes well, it can roll up the world. At least that's what Tian Hu and the others think.

At this stage, Tian Hu can still grab some food, but the soldiers and armor are already stretched due to Tian Hu's rapid development, which also severely limits Tian Hu's leveraging of this snowball.

That's why Tian Hu sent Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao to ask Jiang Hongfei for some soldiers and armor to solve his urgent need.

Jiang Hongfei looked confused: "I'd better not say anything. If I say it, Brother Tian Hu won't give it to me. He might even suspect me of having bad intentions and ruining the loyalty of the world."

Qiao Daoqing said: "Hey~! The village leader just said it's okay, business cannot be done without mercy. Besides, this was proposed by my family, what does it have to do with the village master?"

After hearing what Qiao Daoqing said, Jiang Hongfei said "half-heartedly": "I don't lack anyone here now, I just lack talents. If Brother Tian Hu is willing to give up his love, the Taoist priest will come to Shuibo Liangshan to join us, and the matter of soldiers and armor can be easily discussed. "

Qiao Daoqing never expected that Jiang Hongfei would want him!

This surprised and honored Qiao Daoqing.

Although there are rumors outside that Tian Hu and Wang Qing have surpassed Jiang Hongfei and are leading the four bandits, Fang La seems to have been kicked out of the ranks of the four bandits.

But that's just people who don't know what's going on, spreading lies.

Anyone who knows the relationship between the four major bandits all knows that Shuibo Liangshan's family has always been giving blood transfusions to the other three families. It is precisely because of Shuibo Liangshan's blood transfusions to Longhushan and Fangshan that Tian Hu and Wang Qing have grown stronger. So quickly, if Jiang Hongfei cuts off the blood from Tian Hu and Wang Qing, the two families will definitely be severely damaged even if they quickly return to their original shape.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei was still the boss of the four major bandits. Not only that, Jiang Hongfei pinched the necks of the other three bandits, so that none of the three families dared to provoke Jiang Hongfei.

Moreover, Shuibo Liangshan took over one of the four capitals of the Zhao and Song dynasty this time, and he didn't just grab it and leave, but put on a show to compete with the powerful Zhao and Song dynasty.

This is something that Tian Hu and Wang Qing dare not even think about at this stage.

Therefore, it is enough for Qiao Daoqing to be proud that Jiang Hongfei, the biggest boss in the world who is even more powerful than Tian Hu, likes Qiao Daoqing.

But then again, pride is pride, but Qiao Daoqing cannot betray Tian Hu because of this.

"Thank you, the leader of the village, for your love. However, how can a loyal minister serve two masters?" Qiao Daoqing declined politely.

Jiang Hongfei nodded appreciatively: "Commander Qiao has integrity, I admire him.", and then said nothing.

Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao looked at each other.

They understood that Jiang Hongfei meant that since you, Qiao Daoqing, don't want to come to my place, there is nothing to talk about.

This won't work.

Tian Hu is still waiting for Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao to bring back a group of soldiers to do big things.

So Tian Bao asked: "Aside from Military Master Qiao, does my brother really have nothing else to ask for?"

Jiang Hongfei said, "What you have at home, I have here, and more. At this stage, apart from talents, I really want nothing else."

Tian Bao hesitated for a moment and asked proactively: "Besides Military Master Qiao, who else does my brother prefer?"

Jiang Hongfei said casually: "The one I am most optimistic about must be Taoist priest Qiao, and besides Taoist priest Qiao... Zan Tongmei, E Quanzhong, Shan Shiqi, Yu Deyuan, Fang Xuandu, Ru Tingqi, An Renmei, How about giving me five of them: Bai Sen, Li Tianxi, Ge Yan, Tang Chang, Qiong Ying, and Ma Lingzhong, and I can provide your family with 50,000 weapons and 10,000 sets of armor?"

Jiang Hongfei's cut was so cruel.

Most of the people mentioned by Jiang Hongfei are first-class Qi refiners, and some of them are even super first-class Qi refiners.

And Jiang Hongfei opened his mouth and asked for five!

But at the same time, Jiang Hongfei gave enough.

Fifty thousand weapons and ten thousand sets of armor were enough for Tian Hu's strength to rapidly expand two or three times, and then he began to attack cities and plunder lands.

The key, what outsiders don't know is that Tian Hu has been under a lot of pressure recently. He has been targeted by the most powerful Western Army of the Zhao and Song Dynasties. He has been defeated for several battles and lost a lot of soldiers and armor, otherwise he would not be able to He was so anxious to ask Jiang Hongfei for armor.

Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao discussed with Jiang Hongfei for a while to see if Jiang Hongfei had any other needs.

But Jiang Hongfei kept shaking his head.

To be honest, it's not that Jiang Hongfei is making things difficult for Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao. It's that Jiang Hongfei, who conquered Daming Mansion, is now extremely rich. He really doesn't lack Tian Hu's three melons and two dates.

Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao discussed for a while.

Not long after, Qiao Daoqing drove back to Longhu Mountain in the clouds to report the matter to Tian Hu.

After the people from Longhu Mountain had reached an agreement, they came to bargain with Jiang Hongfei.

Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao said that they could give Jiang Hongfei Qiongying, Shan Shiqi, and Tang Chang. In addition, Liangshan Army would have to be stationed here in Daming Mansion for at least a month.

Putting aside the change of generals, Tian Hu wants the Liangshan Army to stay here in Daming Mansion for another month. This is obviously because he wants the Liangshan Army to attract firepower to him so that he can take this opportunity to seize territory.

According to the current progress, if the Liangshan heroes want to evacuate Daming Mansion, it will not take a month at all - another half month will be enough.

After listening to Tian Hu's conditions relayed by Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao, Jiang Hongfei directly mentioned seven generals to be exchanged, and named them must be Zan Tongmei, Fang Xuandu, Ru Tingqi, and Li Tianxi.

Jiang Hongfei wants to acquire these four people. Even if they are not super first-class Qi practitioners, they are better than ordinary first-class Qi practitioners. They are the mainstays of Tian Hu. Tian Hu would rather not make this deal than give them to Jiang Hongfei.

The two sides discussed for a long time. Qiao Daoqing and Tian Bao's representative Tian Hu said that they could give Jiang Hongfei Qiongying, Shan Shiqi, Tang Chang and Zhu Jing, and said that they could introduce another top-notch Qi practitioner to Jiang Hongfei.

When Jiang Hongfei heard that Qiao Daoqing was going to introduce a top-notch Qi practitioner to him, he immediately thought that the top-notch Qi practitioner Qiao Daoqing was going to introduce to him was most likely the dragon slayer Sun An, so he deceitfully said: "Brother Sun An has been with me for many years. Are you using the Taoist priest to introduce him to me?"

Hearing what Jiang Hongfei said, Qiao Daoqing thought Jiang Hongfei knew that Sun An killed two people to avenge his father. Due to the urgent pursuit by the government, he abandoned his home and fled, preparing to drown in Liangshan. He passed by Qinyuan County in Weisheng Prefecture, so I went to see him, an old friend, but was forced to stay in Longhu Mountain for a few days by him.

Recently, it was obvious that Qiao Daoqing could no longer keep Sun An, so he wanted to use Sun An as an addition.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hongfei already knew about this.

Qiao Daoqing felt that after returning, he had to persuade Tian Hu to check carefully. Is there a spy from Shuibo Liangshan in Longhu Mountain? Why are there no secrets?

Now that this matter has been discovered by Jiang Hongfei, Qiao Daoqing can only say sincerely:

"Fortress leader, four people are really a lot. If my family grows stronger, can't I be able to contain the Song Army for your family? In this way, the pressure on your family will be much less. On the contrary, if my family teaches the Song Army to be wiped out, your family will How can someone who has become the target of public criticism remain alone?"

This is actually what Jiang Hongfei has been worried about.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei was silent for a while and said his final condition: "Other conditions remain unchanged, plus a magical horse, Ma Ling, the matter is settled."

Seeing Jiang Hongfei finally relenting, Qiao Daoqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then returned to Longhu Mountain to report the results of the negotiation to Tian Hu.

After hearing Jiang Hongfei's final conditions, Tian Hu felt a little sad.


It turns out that Tian Hu didn't even know that he had such a person.

It wasn't until Jiang Hongfei wanted Qiongying and Tian Hu asked someone to inquire about it that they found out that Qiongying was actually a little girl kidnapped by his subordinate Wu Li two or three years ago.

——Wu Li's uncle was originally a powerful and wealthy man, and his strength was not weak. Tian Hu also knew that his young sister was very beautiful, so he married her and made Wu Li a privy councillor.

When Wu Li first saw Qiong Ying, she was shocked by Qiong Ying's beauty. Unfortunately, Qiong Ying was only ten years old at the time and was too young for Wu Li to enjoy her, so she had to keep her at home.

Not long after, Wu Li was injured in an accident and completely lost the ability to be a man, thus losing the ability to have children.

Wu Li loves Qiong Ying's beauty.

Plus Qiongying is smart.

Wu Li recognized Qiongying as her adopted daughter.

Now, this Qiongying is only thirteen years old.

Tian Hu thought that Jiang Hongfei had changed his taste recently and fell in love with playing lolita. He asked for it after learning that he had a super-high-quality little lolita.

Tian Hu is also a womanizer, but Tian Hu doesn't like little girls like Qiong Ying who haven't grown yet.

The key is that Tian Hu is a smart man. He knows that as long as he can achieve great things, he will have whatever kind of woman he wants.

Therefore, Tian Hu's first decision was to give Qiongying to Jiang Hongfei.

Among the remaining people, Tian Hu decided on Shan Shiqi first.

As for the reason, first of all, Shan Shiqi's strength is basically the weakest among those Jiang Hongfei wants to win.

——This is mainly because Shan Shiqi’s psychological quality is not very good, and his strength is sometimes greatly reduced.

Also, Shan Shiqi and Zhu Jing were Qi practitioners who had just joined Tian Hu. Tian Hu didn't have much affection for them, and he didn't feel bad if they gave them to Jiang Hongfei.

Tang Chang was actually quite capable, and was both civil and military, but he was too withdrawn and a little unsociable. He always advised Tian Hu to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, develop steadily, and advised Tian Hu to learn from Jiang Hongfei.

In Tian Hu's opinion, Tang Chang was just like the stones in the latrine, smelly and hard. After giving it to Jiang Hongfei, his ears would be cleaner.

The person who really makes Tian Hu feel distressed is Ma Ling.

Not to mention Ma Ling's many other abilities, Tian Hu couldn't bear to part with him just because he had magical powers and could quickly deliver messages.

But what Jiang Hongfei brought out was 50,000 actual weapons and 10,000 sets of armor, and it also gave Longhu Mountain an opportunity to grow rapidly. It would be unreasonable for him, Tian Hu, not to cut some flesh.

"Come on, let it go! Let it go! If you want to get something, you have to let it go first; if you don't give it up, how can you have room to gain it? Ambition! Ambition! If you want to embrace it, you have to bear it first; if you don't bear the burden, how can you be qualified to embrace victory and success?"

Thinking of this, Tian Hu asked someone to invite Ma Ling, and then bowed to the ground...

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