Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 200 Jiang Yan, Chao Gai, Song Jiang

Guan Sheng, Xuan Zan, and Hao Siwen are all pretty good, and they all have military backgrounds and know how to command troops, so they are talented people.

But if he wants Jiang Hongfei to be like Song Jiang, kneel down to Guan Sheng when he sees him, and then pretend to ask Guan Sheng to be the leader of the village, and then hint about recruiting people, Jiang Hongfei will definitely not be able to do it, and this will also make Guan Sheng incompetent. Realistic illusions, in turn, affect the unity of people on Shuibo Liangshan.

Moreover, to be honest, Guan Sheng and the other three were not worthy of Jiang Hongfei's actions, or it could be said that no one was worthy of Jiang Hongfei's recruitment.

Regarding Guan Sheng and the other three, Jiang Hongfei's attitude was that if he could recruit them, he would definitely recruit them. It would be useful after all, but if he couldn't recruit them, it wouldn't be a big deal.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei brought back a large number of people during this expedition:

There are more than 80,000 but less than 90,000 new recruits.

There are more than 15,000 craftsmen and boatmen of various types.

There are more than 300 unsuccessful scholars.

There are more than 13,000 sinful women but less than 14,000.

There are more than 330,000 dependents.

More than 54,000 prisoners were taken.

Total: more than half a million people.

All of these people must be properly placed, and Jiang Hongfei cannot completely delegate this personnel power to Wang Lun and others. He must handle it himself, so as not to let the people below form cliques for personal gain.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei also brought back numerous spiritual horses, boats, various armors, swords, guns, swords and halberds, various weapons, bows, crossbows, arrows, as well as iron bars, horns, cowhide, tendon, sheepskin, arrows, feathers and other strategies. Supplies, these things must be processed, distributed, and transformed into the strength of the Liangshan Army.

There are still more than 67 million yuan of property that must be dealt with, planned, and spent to develop Shuibo Liangshan.

In addition, the more than 13.3 million shi of food must be properly arranged. This will be one of Shuibo Liangshan's biggest costs next year.

In addition, because time is too tight and manpower is insufficient, many rewards for meritorious service in this battle have not yet been distributed. This kind of thing cannot be delayed.

Besides, after such a big victory, you have to celebrate, right? Lu Junyi, Yan Qing, Sun An, Shan Shiqi, Zhu Jing, Tang Chang, Ma Ling, Wu Neng, Xu Jin, Xu Guanzhong, Suo Chao, Zhou Jin (who Suo Chao persuaded to surrender) and others have joined the group. Do you have to welcome them? Jiang Hongfei has been away for more than two months, so the backlog needs to be dealt with, right?

More importantly, the Liangshan Army captured two important towns of the Zhao and Song Dynasty and wiped them out. Jiang Hongfei had to see the reaction of the Zhao and Song Dynasty and take corresponding countermeasures, right?

All in all, Jiang Hongfei had too many things to deal with during this period of time, including the recruitment and surrender of Guan Sheng and the three others.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei handed over the matter of recruiting and surrendering Guan Sheng and the others to their friend Tang Bin, just as Jiang Hongfei had previously handed over the matter of recruiting and surrendering Suo Chao to Yang Zhi.

After returning to Liangshan.

After receiving the order to surrender Guan Sheng and the others, Tang Bin took them directly to his residence, and then untied them without saying a word.

While untying Guan Sheng and the others, Tang Bin said, "My brother has brought back too many people from this battle, and there are many urgent matters that need to be handled by him personally. Therefore, I will help him entertain you first. When he has time, he will Meet you in person.”

Guan Sheng looked at Tang Bin carefully and saw that he was high-spirited now, not at all as depressed as he was when he was in Pudong, but more like an officer than the three of them.

Guan Sheng could also see that Tang Bin should be very happy and well-established in Shuibo Liangshan.

Although everyone has their own priorities, as a friend, Guan Sheng is still very happy for Tang Bin.

But then again, it is a bit redundant that Guan Sheng is happy for Tang Bin now. After all, the current position of both parties does not allow Guan Sheng to care about Tang Bin at all, and the reverse is almost the same.

Guan Sheng looked back at Xuan Zan and Hao Siwen and asked, "What should we do if we are captured here?"

Both Xuanzan and Hao Siwen replied: "And listen to the general's orders."

After Guan Sheng heard this, he looked at Tang Bin and said, "I have no face to return to the capital to see Master Cai. The three of us are willing to die as soon as possible."

Tang Bin smiled and said: "Why do you say this? My brother has made it clear long ago that if you and I don't give up our lowly status, we will stay and work together to do justice for heaven. If you don't agree, and you don't dare to stay here, I will send you back to Beijing now." "

Guan Sheng was surprised and said: "Sage Tian really said that?"

Tang Bin said solemnly: "My brother is well-known in Shandong and Hebei, and is the number one hero in the world. How can such a person break his word?"

After hearing this, Guan Sheng looked at Xuan Zan and Hao Siwen.

Although Guan Sheng said nothing, Xuan Zan and Hao Siwen also knew that Guan Sheng had thoughts of surrender.

The reason why Guan Sheng came up with this idea was actually not because of what Tang Bin relayed Jiang Hongfei's words, but because of what the three of them saw and heard during their stay in Liangshanbo for more than two months.

Guan Sheng and the three men waited on the left, but the Liangshan army did not go out to fight; on the right, the Zhao and Song Dynasties did not send naval troops.

Guan Sheng and the other three must have nothing to do.

The people here in Liangshanbo hated Guan Sheng and the others to the core, and did not regard them as coming to save them at all.

Guan Sheng and the others were therefore very curious, wondering why the people here in Liangshanbo were so devoted to Jiang Hongfei and the heroes of Liangshan?

So, Guan Sheng and the other two took turns dressing up in disguise and went to the area to find out.

After this investigation, Guan Sheng and the other two fell silent.

After the observation of Guan Sheng and the others, the people here in Liangshanbo have enough food and clothing, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and everyone has their own land. There are no debts that can never be repaid, and there are no unpaid local labors that are exhausting. They They are all full of hope for the future, and some of them were just refugees who had no food to eat six months ago.

And these Song troops who came to attack Shuibo Liangshan became the only variable in the good life of the people here in Liangshanbo. Can the people here not hate them to the core?

In addition, Guan Sheng and the others heard that Jiang Hongfei and the heroes of Liangshan had done many good deeds. They had provided relief to millions of victims, provided free medical treatment for many years, punished evil and promoted good. If they looked at it from the perspective of the poor, they would say that Jiang Hongfei was a god, Buddha, or a great sage. , is not an exaggeration in the slightest.

Moreover, the most fearful thing in everything is comparison.

After calming down, Guan Sheng and the other three thought about what they had seen along the way from Pudong to the capital, and then from the capital to Liangshanbo.

Let’s not talk about the capital. After all, it was the center of the Zhao and Song dynasties. Although it was still not comparable to Liangshanbo, it was not bad.

As for other areas?

White bones are exposed in the wild, and there are no roosters crowing for thousands of miles. In the Song Dynasty, it is a miserable scene. The people are all in ragged clothes, and the hardships of life are written on their haggard faces. They are hungry and struggling on the edge of life and death, but they still have to endure the government. Oppression and exploitation, their eyes were full of despair, as if they were begging for a chance of life from the sky.

Then compare the happy life of people here in Liangshanbo.

In the dead of night, Guan Sheng and the other three asked each other: "Is it true that we are here to suppress Shuibo Liangshan?"

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

What's more important is that now that Guan Sheng and the others have suffered a huge defeat, returning to the capital will mean death, and their family members will be hurt. If they don't want to die, they have to find a hilltop where the grass will fall into the enemy's trap. Is Boliangshan better?

Xuan Zan and Hao Siwen were silent for a long time before they nodded in unison.

Guan Sheng saw him and said to Tang Bin, who had been waiting patiently aside: "Bo Yuntian, who is called the great sage, is the hope of all the people. I have been waiting here in Liangshanbo for more than two months to confirm that his words are true. Today. We have a family that is difficult to run away from, and a country that is difficult to surrender to. I am willing to be a small pawn under the tent of the great sage of heaven."

Tang Bin was overjoyed and quickly went to report the matter to Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei did not expect that Guan Sheng, Xuan Zan, and Hao Siwen could be surrendered so easily. He thought to himself: "If I had known this, I would have surrendered myself."

Shaking his head, Jiang Hongfei suppressed this unnecessary thought, then ordered to go down and immediately set up a banquet to welcome the new leaders and leaders, and then went to meet Guan Sheng and the others with Tang Bin in person.

This time, Jiang Hongfei no longer said that Guan Sheng was a pirate or a cosplayer. He only said: "Hero General, he deserves his reputation!"

Then Jiang Hongfei said: "The court is unclear, the foolish king is arrogant and licentious, and he indulges the treacherous ministers in power, slanders and autocrats, sets up and eliminates abusive officials, and frames the people of the world. Only Jiang Yan and others are doing justice for heaven, breaking the old world, rebuilding the new world, and saving the common people." In the water and fire, we will relieve all the people from hanging upside down. We will strive to have a place for everyone and a land for the cultivators. We welcome the three brothers to join us..."

After chatting with Guan Sheng and the others, he held a banquet to invite them and Xu Guanzhong and others to join the gang...

The next day, Jiang Hongfei asked Guan Sheng and the others to recruit those among the prisoners who were willing to surrender to Shuibo Liangshan. At the same time, he sent people to fetch the three people, old and young, all of them.

Just as Jiang Hongfei led the Liangshan heroes to welcome Xu Guanzhong and others to join the group, the people in Naitoushan were also welcoming Li Cheng, Wenda, Cai Fu, Cai Qing and others to join the group.

——Cai Fu and Cai Qing originally wanted to go to Liangshan, but Jiang Hongfei was too busy at that time and did not even bother to meet these two little people, Cai Fu and Cai Qing. In addition, Liu Tang kindly invited Cai Fu and Cai Qing, so Cai Fu and Cai Qing, who had helped Shi Xiu escape prison but could no longer stay in Daming Mansion, had no choice but to follow Chao Gai and Song Jiang up Naitou Mountain.

By the way, Naitoushan really made a fortune this time when he went to Damingfu with Shuibo Liangshan.

Let’s not talk about Cai Fu and Cai Qing. To be honest, their real usefulness is very limited.

But Li Cheng and Wen Da are really different.

The combat prowess of the two men was not inferior to that of Qin Ming and Guiying, and in terms of reputation, even Qin Ming, who had once served as the commander of the Qingzhou Command Department, was not as good as Li Cheng and Wen Da.

It can be said that the acquisition of Li Cheng and Wenda by Naitou Mountain can really make Naitou Mountain's reputation famous.

Whether Chao Gai or Song Jiang, after they got Li Cheng and Wen Da, they got their wish to a certain extent.

However, to be honest, it is not easy to get Li Cheng and Wen Da to join Naitoushan.

All right.

It was not easy for Chao Gai.

But for Song Jiang and Wu Yong, this matter is actually not that difficult.

Who made Li Cheng just marry a young and beautiful woman, while Wen Da only had an only son when he was almost forty years old.

Song Jiang and Wu Yong made a plan and let the gangsters from Daming Mansion kidnap Li Cheng's wife and Wen Da's only son. If Li Cheng and Wen Da couldn't get to Naitou Mountain, Li Cheng's wife would have to be ruined by the gangsters, and Wen Da would The white-haired man gives the black-haired man a gift.

Only when Li Cheng and Wen Da took the initiative to ask Song Jiang and Wu to go to Naitou Mountain, the people of Naitou Mountain would help them save people.

In this case, how do you let Li Cheng and Wenda choose?

Afterwards, Song Jiang and Wu Yong helped Li Cheng and Wen Da submit a letter of surrender.

This matter is settled.

It can be said that for Song Jiang and Wu Yong, as long as a person has a weakness, they can take advantage of it and "persuade" the other party to join the gang.

After the worst happened, Song Jiang knelt down, pretended to give up his position as village leader, and at most expressed his life ambitions in a vague way. Most of the time, he was always successful.

The amazing thing is that most of the people who were tricked by Song Jiang and Wu afterwards would still be very close to them.

In addition to Li Cheng and Wen Da, two warriors with both strength and reputation, Naitoushan was extremely lucky to receive an army of four to five thousand Qi refiners.

Moreover, Jiang Hongfei acted so grandly that he even gave the armor of these people to Chao Gai.

Nowadays, this army led by Li Kui and Liu Tang is already the strongest combat force in Naitoushan.

Plus the original soldiers and horses in Naitoushan.

There are already over 10,000 Qi refiners in Naitou Mountain.

This strength is second only to the Four Bandits on the Green Forest Road. Almost no other village can compare with Naitoushan.

There is no doubt that Naitoushan has become stronger!

At the banquet to welcome Li Cheng, Wen Da, Cai Fu and Cai Qing, Chao Gai drank too much.

Chao Gai felt that his dream was close. He would soon be as famous as Jiang Hongfei. He would be respected and majestic wherever he went. His brothers would follow him to drink and eat meat, and even the government would not dare to do so. Although he looked down on him, Naitoushan flourished under his leadership. He would send troops to attack anyone who dared not give him face. It was so carefree and happy!

Chao Gai took advantage of Jiu Jin to hold Li Cheng with one hand and Wen Da with the other, and said to them: "Two worthy brothers, don't worry. From now on, you will not be afraid of heaven, earth, or lawsuits. Weighing spiritual stones, wearing strange silks and brocades, eating wine in jars, eating large pieces of meat, living happily, walking in the rivers and lakes, who dares not to give you face, even if you don't give me Chao Gai face, I will lead an army to destroy him !”

What surprised Chao Gai was that Li Cheng and Wen Da reacted very coldly to such a passionate and exciting thing, and they pulled their hands out without leaving any trace.

After a while, Chao Gai saw Li Cheng and Wen Da chatting and laughing with Song Jiang.

This made Chao Gai wake up from his drunkenness!

Chao Gai quickly pricked up his ears to listen to what Song Jiang was talking about with Li Cheng and Wenda.

As a result, Chao Gai heard that Song Jiang, Li Cheng, and Wen Da told interesting stories about their past officialdoms, and how they used to visit six streets and three cities every day in their free time and eat and drink. Wherever they went, they were respected by people and looked majestic. .

After a while, Cai Fu and Cai Qing came over and talked about the activities in the yamen.

Song Jiang took this opportunity to show off that he was proficient in swordsmanship and pen, and proficient in officialdom. When he was in Yuncheng, he saved many people with just a few strokes of his pen. In Yuncheng, from the county magistrate to the foot soldiers, who didn't love him, and who didn't? Don't respect him?

Li Cheng complimented: "When I was in Daming Mansion, I heard for a long time that my elder brother was a man of justice and wealth. I heard that everyone who went to join my brother, whether high or low, would be accepted. So I stayed in the village valley, chasing after him all day long, and Never get tired; if you want to get up, try your best to help, but it will be squandering and treating gold like dirt."

Wen Daye said: "My younger brother has also heard that when people ask my elder brother for money and things, he doesn't refuse. He is very convenient and always solves difficult problems, just to save people's lives. As usual, he distributes coffin medicine and bait to help the poor. , Zhou people are in urgent need and help people in distress. Shandong and Hebei are famous for this. They all call my brother a timely rain, but they compare my brother to a timely rain from the sky, which can save all things."

Cai Fu and Cai Qing also talked about Song Jiang's various benefits and complimented Song Jiang very much.

After Chao Gai heard this, he also wanted to integrate into this circle, but he didn't understand what these officials were talking about, and he really couldn't fit in.

Chao Gai couldn't help but feel a little melancholy: "Is being an official really that interesting?"

Chao Gai thought about it and felt that it was more satisfying to be a strong man.

So Chao Gai, Liu Tang, Sui Sheng and others drank from large bowls and ate large pieces of meat.

Not long after, Gongsun Sheng suddenly lowered his voice and said to Chao Gai: "Brother, the power of Song Jiang has risen again. Chao Gai needs to think of a countermeasure."

After Gongsun Sheng reminded him, Chao Gai was so excited!

Chao Gai looked at Song Jiang at this time and saw more people surrounding him.

Chao Gai took a closer look at Li Cheng, Wen Da, and Li Kui, and was shocked to realize that Naitoushan had become stronger, but when he thought about it carefully, the person who became stronger was not him, but Song Jiang.

These four new leaders obviously have more in common with Song Jiang.

Among the four or five thousand Qi practitioners Jiang Hongfei gave to Naitou Mountain, Li Kui served as their chief leader, while Liu Tang only served as their deputy leader. The key point, according to Liu Tang, was that those ruffians and scoundrels only listened to Li Kui's orders.

Chao Gai couldn't help but think: "If Song Jiang still wants to distract me, then..."

Thinking of this, Chao Gai didn't dare to think about it any more.

Afterwards, Chao Gai thought in a positive direction: "Song Jiang and I are close brothers, and Song Jiang has sworn that he will never think about recruiting peace again, otherwise he will die with a pierced intestine and a rotten belly. When he dies, the relationship between me and him will There will be no conflicts, and there will be no situation where we are enemies."

But although Chao Gai could comfort himself in this way, because Song Jiang had a criminal record, he couldn't help but think in a bad direction.

Chao Gai let out a long sigh!

This was the first time Chao Gai discovered that it was not easy to be the leader of the village!

At this moment, Chao Gai couldn't help but envy Jiang Hongfei.

There are almost if not a hundred leaders under Jiang Hongfei. Among them there are many people with outstanding abilities, some ambitious people, and even some people who want to recruit people.

But Jiang Hongfei was able to handle it very well, keeping the whole village united, thinking in one place, and working hard in one place. Everyone respected Jiang Hongfei from the bottom of their hearts, and no one had any intention of usurping the throne.

"How did brother Jiang Yanxian do it? Can I really catch up with him?"

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