Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 201 The Flower of Evil (necessary excessive chapters, order with caution)

Lei Heng was originally a blacksmith. In his early years, he opened a mill and killed cattle for gambling. Later, due to his good spiritual attributes, he was able to transform into a tiger with wings on his back. He was appreciated by the original county magistrate and served as the county magistrate. The patrolling infantry commander, Zhu Tong, the cavalry commander, is responsible for capturing thieves.

After Chao Gai and others robbed the birthday card, their identity was discovered by the government, and the magistrate of Yuncheng asked Lei Heng and Zhu Dian to arrest him.

At that time, both Lei Heng and Zhu Tong intended to let go of their friend Chao Gai, but neither knew the other's intentions.

Zhu Tong asked Lei Heng to open the front door of Chaojiazhuang, while he went to open the back door.

Lei Heng ordered people to shout and arrest people in front of the village, intending to force Chao Gai to leave quickly.

Chao Gai and others broke out from the back door, but were let go by Zhu Tong, and then went up to Liangshan, and later went to Naitou Mountain to Luocao.

After Song Jiang killed Yan Poxi, he was sued by Yan Po to the government.

Although the county magistrate was interested in favoritism, he was afraid that Yan Po would go to the state to file a complaint, so he ordered Zhu Tong and Lei Heng to go to Songjiazhuang to hunt down Song Jiang and bring him to justice.

Lei Heng went to the village to search, but said that Song Jiang could not be found.

Zhu Tong asked Lei Heng to guard the gate of the village and went into the village to search. Although he found Song Jiang in the cellar of the Buddhist hall, he did not arrest Song Jiang.

Song Jiang was able to escape under the deliberate manipulation of the two men, and finally went to Naitoushan to join the gang.

Although Lei Heng is not as loyal as Zhu Tong, he often takes advantage of his two friends, Chao Gai and Song Jiang, and takes bribes and perverts the law.

But when it comes to matters, although Lei Heng is not as loyal as Zhu Ding and his work is not as beautiful as Zhu Ding, he can be regarded as worthy of his two friends Chao Gai and Song Jiang.

On this day, Lei Heng was ordered to go out on business. On his way back, he passed by Naitou Mountain and was intercepted by Naitou Mountain's minions.

Lei Heng took the names of Chao Gai and Song Jiang.

When Chao Gai and Song Jiang heard that Lei Heng was coming, they were overjoyed. They immediately went down the mountain with Wu Yong to welcome Lei Heng up the mountain. They put the wine steward in charge and stayed there for five days.

During these five days on Naitou Mountain, Song Jiang chatted with Lei Heng every day.

Chao Gai obviously liked Zhu Tong more, so he asked Lei Heng for news about Zhu Tong.

Lei Heng replied: "Seeing that Zhu Tong is now serving as a prisoner in this county, he is very fond of the new county magistrate."

Song Jiang invited Lei Heng to join the team.

However, Lei Heng declined on the grounds that his mother was old and insisted on going home to take care of his mother.

Song Jiang and others couldn't keep him after repeated hardships, so they had no choice but to let Lei Heng go down the mountain.

Before leaving, Chao Gai and Song Jiang gave Lei Heng a large bag of spiritual stones. All the leaders heard that Lei Heng was the savior of Chao Gai and Song Jiang, and they all gave them spiritual stones as gifts, making Lei Heng a fortune. Not a small fortune.

Originally, this matter was just a small episode, and it ended here.

As good friends, Chao Gai and Song Jiang both knew how much ability and character Lei Heng had. They wanted Lei Heng to go to Naitou Mountain to gather together, but they did not force it. After all, a person like Lei Heng was not worthy of them. One shot.

Fortunately, after Lei Heng returned to Yuncheng County, he went to Goulan to watch a play. He was pestered and insulted by Bai Yuqiao, the father of the prostitute Bai Xiuying, because he forgot to bring the reward.

In a rage, Lei Heng beat Bai Yuqiao till his lips and teeth were shattered, and Bai Xiuying reported him to the government.

The new county magistrate had an old relationship with Bai Xiuying, so he ordered Lei Heng to be captured and beaten in court.

After learning about the relationship between Bai Xiuying and the new county magistrate, Lei Heng dared to take revenge, so he could only swallow his anger and suffer the loss of being dumb.

But Bai Xiuying was unyielding because of her power. In order to humiliate Lei Heng, she stripped Lei Heng naked in front of the gate and tied him up for humiliation.

Lei Heng also tolerated this, because behind Bai Xiuying was the county magistrate, someone he couldn't afford to offend.

But Lei Heng's mother came to deliver the meal. Seeing that her son was being so abused by Bai Xiuying, the prostitute, she couldn't help but cursed Bai Xiuying: "You are a bitch that is ridden by thousands of people, pressed by thousands of people, and invaded by random people!", and also threatened Bai Xiuying. Magistrate Yinghe's good deeds were shouted out in public, letting everyone know.

As the saying goes, don't slap people in the face when you hit them, don't expose their shortcomings when you scold them.

Lei Heng's mother's actions angered Bai Xiuying, who pushed her to the ground and slapped her repeatedly.

Lei Heng had always been a filial man. When he saw his mother being beaten, he was furious and beat Bai Xiuying to death with a sledge, and was imprisoned.

Zhu Tong took care of everything, and was later ordered to escort Lei Heng to Jeju.

Zhu Tong felt pity for Lei Heng's old mother because she had no one to take care of her. He also thought of the righteousness of a friend, so he let Lei Heng go on the way.

Lei Heng returned home secretly, and then took his mother to Naitoushan overnight.

Zhu Tong surrendered to the county government because of his private release of thunder. However, his staff was cut off with twenty spines, and he was sent to Cangzhou.

After Lei Heng climbed Mount Naitou, he talked about Zhu Tong's loyalty, and all the leaders praised him.

Chao Gai and Song Jiang thought of Zhu Tong's past selfish kindness.

So they asked Lei Heng to go to Cangzhou with Wu Yong and Li Kui, and asked Zhu Dian to go to Naitoushan to join the army.

After Zhu Tong arrived in Cangzhou, the prefect of Cangzhou was very happy when he saw that Zhu Tong was well-groomed. Then he guessed that Zhu Tong let Lei Heng go privately after seeing that Lei Heng was filial. He was a loyal person, so he liked Zhu Tong even more.

However, Xiao Yanei, the son of the Cangzhou magistrate, particularly liked Zhu Tong and called Zhu Tong Uncle Beard. Zhu Tong also liked Xiao Yanei very much.

Seeing this, the prefect of Cangzhou asked Zhu Tong to carry Xiaoya Nei and play on the streets every day, without arranging any other errands for Zhu Tong.

During the Obon Festival, Zhu Tong took Xiao Yanei to watch the river lanterns being released by the life-release pond. Unexpectedly, he met Lei Heng who was ordered to go down the mountain to recruit him to join the group.

Lei Heng pulled Zhu Tong to a secluded place, and Zhu Tong saw Wu Yong again.

Wu Yong said to Zhu Tong: "All the brothers in the village respected my brother's loyalty. The two leaders Chao and Song also missed my brother's kindness in letting them go. Now I asked Wu Yong and Lei Dutou to come and invite me to go up the mountain and gather together." Great righteousness. I have been waiting for so many days and dare not see each other. I will wait for you tonight. I hope that my dear brother will go to the mountain stronghold with you. I would like to express the lovesickness of the two leaders Chao and Song and all the brothers. "

In order to save his friend Lei Heng, Zhu Tong willingly assassinated his wife here in Cangzhou, instead of being wronged.

Now, the Cangzhou magistrate's family treats Zhu Tong well again.

Looking at this situation, Zhu Tong only needs to serve a good year and a half in Cangzhou before he can become a good citizen again.

By then, Zhu Tong, who came from a wealthy family in Yuncheng, could go home and become a rich man even if he could no longer join the officialdom.

Therefore, Zhu Tong really had no reason to go to Naitoushan to drop grass.

Therefore, Zhu Tong declined, saying that he did not want to go to Naitou Mountain.

Wu Yong listened and said with a smile: "Since you are still unwilling to leave, I'll take my leave."

When Zhu Tong came back, he couldn't see Xiaoyanei. He was shocked and looked around quickly.

After a while, Lei Heng suddenly appeared, grabbed Zhu Tong, and said: "Brother, don't look for it. It's probably the companions brought by me and Military Advisor Wu who heard that my brother didn't want to go, so I took Xiaoyanei away. I'll take you to look for him." he."

Zhu Tong said anxiously: "Brother, this is no joke. Xiaoyamen is the life of the magistrate. He cherishes it like gold and jade, and entrusts me to take care of it. If something goes wrong, how can he and I just let it go?"

At this point, Zhu Tong asked casually: "Who is your companion's name?"

Lei Heng replied: "I don't recognize him either. I only heard that he is called Black Whirlwind Li Kui."

Zhu Tong was shocked: "Could it be Li Kui who killed someone in Jiangzhou?"

Wu Yong suddenly walked out from the side and said, "That's the person."

Zhu Tong stumbled and complained, and hurriedly chased after him.

Zhu Tong, Lei Heng, and Wu Yong were twenty miles away from the city, and they saw Li Kui shouting in front: "I am here."

Zhu Tong rushed to Li Kui's side and asked: "Where is Xiaoyameni? Return him to me quickly!"

Li Kui said: "I put some anesthetic in his mouth and carried him out of the city. Now he is sleeping in the forest. You can go and see for yourself."

Zhu Tong quickly went into the woods to look for him, only to see Xiao Yanei lying on the ground.

When Zhu Tong reached out to help him, he found that Xiaoya Nei's head had been split in two and he was dead there.

Zhu Tong was furious and ran out of the forest, hoping to fight Li Kui.

Unexpectedly, Li Kui led him step by step to Chai Jin's village.

Zhu Tong didn't know Chai Jin or where he was, so he asked, "Who is the official? What is his relationship with the Black Whirlwind?"

Chai Jin said to Zhu Tong: "Xiao Ke has devoted his whole life to getting to know heroes in the world, just because his ancestors had the merit of Chen Qiao abdicating the throne. The previous dynasty had given elixirs and iron coupons, but there were people who did wrong and hid them at home. , and no one dared to search. There was a beloved friend nearby, who was also an old friend with me. Now he was working as a leader in Fengshan. His name was Shiyu Song Gongming, and he wrote a secret letter to Wu Xuexue, Lei Heng, and Hei Xuanfeng. Rest in our villa, politely invite you to go up the mountain, and gather together for righteousness. Seeing that your subordinates refused to comply, he taught Li Kui to kill Xiaoya Nei, cutting off his way back first, and he had to go up the mountain to take a seat. What about Wu Xuexiu and Brother Lei? Don’t you want to come out and talk?”

After Wu Yong and Lei Heng heard this, they walked out of the side pavilion, looked at Zhu Tong and bowed: "Brother, please forgive me! It was my brother Song Gongming who distributed the orders like this. If you go to the village, you will know for yourself."

What else can Zhu Tong do, with all his options exhausted by Wu? He could only say: "Yes, it's your brother's good intentions, but you're just a bit too vicious!"

Chai Jin tried his best to persuade him.

Only then did Zhu Tong relax: "You can teach me to go there, just teach me to see the black whirlwind."

Chai Jin heard this and said, "Brother Li, come out and talk to me quickly."

Li Kui then came out to meet him.

When Zhu Tong saw it, his heart was filled with a fire of ignorance that was three thousand feet high. He couldn't hold it down anymore. He got up and rushed forward, intending to fight for Li Kui's life.

Chai Jin, Lei Heng, and Wu Yong tried their best to persuade him to stop.

Zhu Tong said: "If you want me to go to Fengshan, do one thing for me and I will go."

Wu Yong said: "Don't tell me one thing, even dozens of things will depend on you. Which thing would you like to hear?"

Zhu Tong said to everyone: "As long as you kill Black Whirlwind and take revenge on my little office, I will go to Fengshan."

After hearing this, Li Kui was furious and said: "I'll teach you how to bite my bird! The two brothers, Chao and Song, will do whatever they want to do to me!"

Zhu Tong was furious and wanted to fight with Li Kui again.

Wu Yong, Lei Heng, and Chai Jin persuaded Zhu Dian again.

But Zhu Tong still insisted: "If there is a black whirlwind, I will not go to Fengshan even if I die!"

Chai Jin said: "It's easy to live in the land. I have my own reasons. I only leave brother Li here. The three of you went up the mountain to satisfy the wishes of Duke Chao and Song."

Everyone knew this was a stopgap measure.

Even Zhu Tong knew that this was an expedient measure.

But now that the matter has come to this, Zhu Tong can only pretend not to know, and said: "Now that we have done this, the prefect will definitely move the documents to Yuncheng County to catch me and take my child. What can I do?"

Wu Xuexiu said: "Don't worry, most of Song Gongming has already taken the treasure and his family in the mountain at this time."

Zhu Tong felt relieved and went to Fengshan with Wu Yong and Lei Heng.

But he said that the Cangzhou magistrate had not seen Zhu Ding come back with Xiaoya Nei in his arms at night, so he sent people to search for him in the middle of the night.

The next day, someone saw Xiaoya Nei's body in the woods and reported it to the Cangzhou magistrate.

The prefect of Cangzhou was furious after hearing this. He went to the forest to see it in person. He cried bitterly and prepared a coffin for burning.

The next day, the magistrate was promoted to the office, and he transferred the official documents and made arrests in various places to arrest Zhu Dian...

Besides, after Li Kui stayed here in Chai Jin.

Chai Jin saw that Li Kui was murderous and dared to attack children. He was afraid of this murderous man from the bottom of his heart, so he entertained Li Kui with wine and meat every day.

On this day, Yin Tianxi, the uncle-in-law of Gao Lian, the magistrate of Gaotang Prefecture, relied on the power of the Gao family to seize the garden of Chai Jin's uncle Chai Huangcheng, and even beat Chai Huangcheng.

After hearing the news, Chai Jin and Li Kui rushed to Gaotang Prefecture.

Chai Huangcheng died in anger. Chai Jin asked people to go back to Cangzhou to get the iron coupons of the alchemy book, and planned to go to Tokyo to file a lawsuit.

However, Yin Tianxi came to cause trouble again and beat Chai Jin, but was beaten to death by Li Kui.

Chai Jin hurriedly asked Li Kui to leave, but he was arrested by Gao Lian, beaten and sent to death row.

After Li Kui returned to Naitoushan, he reconciled with Zhu Dian through Song Jiang's mediation and the persuasion of various leaders.

Afterwards, Li Kui told Song Jiang and others that in Chai Huangcheng, the house and garden were taken over by Yin Tianxi, the uncle of Gao Lian's wife. Yin Tianxi beat Chai Jin again and was beaten to death by him.

After hearing this, Song Jiang was surprised and said, "If you leave on your own, I'm afraid that you will bring a lawsuit against Mr. Chai."

Song Jiang quickly ordered Dai Zong to find out the news.

Not long after Dai Zong left, he came back and said that Chai Jin was in jail. All the belongings of Chai Huangcheng's family had been confiscated by Gao Lian, and Chai Jin's life would be in danger sooner or later.

Chao Gai heard this and blamed Li Kui: "You are a black man, causing trouble everywhere."

But Song Jiang didn't take it seriously.

Recently, as Naitou Mountain becomes more and more powerful, and as Li Cheng and Wen Da secretly invest in Song Jiang, Song Jiang has begun to be unable to hold back his restless ambition.

Moreover, Song Jiang felt that Wu Yong saw that Naitoushan finally had the foundation for success, and he became ready to make a move.

Therefore, in order to continue to develop and grow, Song Jiang and Wu Yongcai had a tacit understanding to teach Li Kui to kill Xiaoyanei and earn Zhu Dian to go to Naitoushan.

This can be said to be a ceremony for Naitou Mountain to officially launch the Daqian.

It also represents the determination of Song Jiang and Wu Yong to do whatever it takes to make Naitoushan grow and develop.

Chai Jin, who has money, many friends and fame, was originally an important target for Song Jiang and Wu Yong to earn money.

Now Chai Jin happened to have this happen again, playing right into the hands of Song Jiang and Wu Yong.

Wu Yong said: "Although the Gaotang Prefecture is small, it has a dense population, a large army and abundant supplies. It is an important military prefecture in the Song Dynasty. If it is captured, there will be no shortage of money and food, and it will also strengthen our power."

Recently, as the strength of Naitou Mountain has increased greatly, and thinking of the huge benefits Jiang Hongfei gained from conquering Daming Mansion and Kaide Mansion, Chao Gai and Song Jiang also had the idea of ​​attacking prefectures and counties.

——The former mainly wants to make a name for himself in the world; while the latter hopes to build momentum and make the Zhao and Song Dynasties pay attention to him and Naitoushan.

Today, Gaotang Prefecture is a military prefecture suitable for their attack on Naitoushan.

Chao Gai said first: "Chai Daguan has a favor with Shanzhai. Today he is in danger. How can we not go down the mountain to save him? I will go and do it myself!"

I don't want to, but Song Jiang said: "Brother is the master of the village, how can he act lightly? Moreover, Chai Daguan has always been kind to my younger brother. How can I teach my brother to help me repay my kindness? It's better for my younger brother to go down the mountain and repay this kindness."

It is true that Chao Gai did not know Chai Jin, and Chai Jin was indeed Song Jiang's friend, so Song Jiang found an excuse that Chao Gai could not refute.

Seeing that Chao Gai was at a loss for words, Song Jiang directly asked the leaders of Naitou Mountain: "Brothers, who is willing to go down the mountain with me to capture Gaotang Prefecture and rescue Chai Daguan?"

As soon as Song Jiang finished speaking, Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Yan Shun, Wang Ying, Zheng Tianshou, Kong Ming, Kong Liang, Shi Yong, Dai Zong, Li Kui, Zhang Shun, Zhang Heng, Mu Hong, Mu Chun, Xue Yong, Li Li, Song Qing, as well as Li Cheng, Wen Da, Cai Fu and Cai Qing, who were newly on the mountain, all came forward to ask for orders.

This familiar scene made Chao Gai feel dazed for a while. He couldn't help but think of the scene when Song Jiang led people to force the palace...

This chapter... must be written, otherwise, it will be impossible to continue and it will be incoherent.

To be honest, I have tried my best to remove and shorten all the useless stuff and rephrase it in my own words.

If there are still people who think this is unfair, then I can only ask you to forgive me.

Well... I would like to say in advance to those who feel uncomfortable, or feel that it is better to watch the original work: "I'm sorry! I can really only handle this to this extent."

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