Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 202 My heart is as high as the sky, my life is as thin as paper

Watching Song Jiang take Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Yan Shun, Wang Ying, Zheng Tianshou, Kong Ming, Kong Liang, Shi Yong, Dai Zong, Li Kui, Zhang Shun, Zhang Heng, Mu Hong, Mu Chun, Xue Yong, Li Li, Wang Dingliu, Li Cheng, Wenda, Cai Fu, Cai Qing, Wu Yong, Zhu Dian and Lei Heng came down the mountain. Especially when he saw Wu Yong who was very close to Song Jiang, Chao Gai felt his heart tightening for the first time in his life. stand up!

Chao Gai knew that he could not defeat Song Jiang. Song Jiang was much smarter than him. The key was that Song Jiang had no bottom line as a human being, and he was neither as smart as Song Jiang nor as disdainful to do many things.

Chao Gai knew better than anyone else that the reason why Song Jiang had never been able to defeat him, but was suppressed by him, was because he had two noble men:

One is Jiang Hongfei, whom he admires so much now.

And the other one is Wu Yong.

The former has now become his backing and his support. He is very interesting to him. He guides him step by step and helps him develop Naitou Mountain into what it is today, with more than 30 leaders and more than 10,000 Qi refiners. The soldiers and seven or eight thousand auxiliary soldiers reached the peak of the second-rate power.

The latter has always been his think tank, helping him come up with various ideas, helping him make fewer mistakes, helping him solve difficulties, so that he can just be the boss with peace of mind.

Chao Gai knew in his heart that he would not be able to play Naitoushan without these two noble men, let alone Song Jiang, especially the latter.


Wu Yong is far from comparable to Jiang Hongfei in any aspect.

But Jiang Hongfei was too far away, and sometimes water from far away could not quench the thirst for nearness.

The key point is that Jiang Hongfei will never be able to succumb to his Chao Gai.

Therefore, in Chao Gai's view, Wu Yong was more important to him.

However, now Chao Gai himself can feel that the balance in the heart of Wu Yong, who is most important to him, may have begun to tilt towards Song Jiang.

Also, Chao Gai couldn't figure it out why Li Cheng and Wenda all turned to Song Jiang when Jiang Hongfei had handed Li Cheng and Wenda into his and Song Jiang's hands. The same goes for Cai Fu and Cai Qing. They were obviously recruited by his younger brother Liu Tang. They should be on the same side as him, but they don't know why they keep getting into Song Jiang's circle? Even Zhu Tong and Lei Heng have this tendency. Obviously Zhu Tong and Lei Heng are also his good friends, so why are they getting closer to Song Jiang?

Chao Gai couldn't help but doubt himself: "Am I really that unpopular?"

Moreover, because all the benefits Jiang Hongfei gave Naitoushan this time ended up in the hands of Song Jiang, Chao Gai even began to worry that his support and reliance on Jiang Hongfei would also fall to Song Jiang?

If that were the case, then Chao Gaike would have lost everything.

Chao Gai looked at Gongsun Sheng, Liu Tang, Gu Jian, Xiao Rang, Jin Dajian, Bai Sheng, Li Ying and Du Xing who were still around him.

Chao Gai consciously could not see through Li Ying and Du Xing, the pair of masters and servants who were brought to the mountain by Wu Yong.

Don't take the initiative, don't be active, don't refuse.

Whether it was Chao Gai or Song Jiang, whatever work they gave Li Ying and Du Xing, they could do it well; and whether it was him or Song Jiang, whatever benefits they gave Li Ying and Du Xing, they would do it well. But that's all. They will never do more, and they will never be tempted just because they get any benefits. Also, they are neither close to Chao Gai nor too closely associated with Song Jiang.

This made Chao Gai not think that Li Ying and Du Xing were his.

After excluding Li Ying and Du Xing, Chao Gai took another look and found that he still had the same number of people. If Wu Yongzhen ran away with Song Jiang, one of his people would be missing.


Chao Gai knew Wu Yong very well.

If Wu Yong really fell in love with Song Jiang, then he would probably become a loner, because these people were all whom Wu Yong helped him stay in the first place, otherwise, they would have run away with Jiang Hong long ago.

At this moment, Chao Gai couldn't help but ask himself: "Am I really...suitable to be the boss? Is being the boss really...that good?"

Unlike Chao Gai who was worried about gains and losses on Naitou Mountain, Song Jiang was in high spirits at this moment:

"There are more than twenty leaders, seven thousand regular soldiers, five thousand auxiliary troops, and twelve thousand troops. They are all under my command. Is there any city that cannot be broken?!"

"If we successfully capture Gaotang Prefecture this time, why will Chao Gai fight with me?!"

"At that time, the sea will be wide enough for fish to leap, the sky will be high enough for birds to fly, and we will set sail and live up to our youthful dreams!!!"


What encouraged Song Jiang the most was Wu Yong's attitude.

Song Jiang had never regarded Chao Gai, who was indecisive, concerned about face, timid in doing things, and wanted to be the boss, as his opponent.

In the entire Naitou Mountain, there was only one person that Song Jiang feared the most and wanted to win over the most, and that person was Wu Yong.

Song Jiang always felt that with Wu Yong and their perfect combination, it was not impossible for Naitou Mountain to surpass Shuibo Liang Mountain.

By then, he, Song Jiang, could take the recruitment route and display his lifelong ambitions in the officialdom.


Chao Gai didn't notice at all that when he swore, he missed one finger.

To take a step back, if he was really allowed to be a depressed bandit for the rest of his life, he would rather die with a pierced intestine and a rotten belly.

To put it bluntly, it was just a delaying tactic on his part.

Song Jiang looked at Wu Yong, who was smiling beside him, from the corner of his eye, and thought: "It's almost time, just be patient for a while longer. Wait until I get rid of Chao Gai and get out of Jiang Yan's control. By the way, I still have to make Fengshan famous." The world, the imperial court noticed, that’s when I, Song Jiang, will reveal my true feelings!”

Embroidered flags and trumpets are flying, and gongs are painted in the corners. Three-stranded forks and five-stranded forks are illuminated by autumn frost; steel spears and reed leaf spears are illuminated by auspicious snow. Barbarian cards block the road, strong bows and crossbows lead the way; artillery follows the chariots, and euphorbias and long spears support the rear. The general on the saddle is like a fierce tiger in the southern mountains, everyone is aggressive and partial; the horse sitting down is like a black dragon in the North Sea, capable of charging and daring to fight on horseback. Duan's spear, knife and flowing water were swift, and it turned out that the crowd of men and horses was popular.

Song Jiang was so high-spirited at this moment...

By the time Naitoushan's former army reached the boundary of Gaotang Prefecture, soldiers had already reported to Gao Lian.

After hearing this, Gao Lian was not afraid at all. He sneered and said: "Don't talk about this group of unknown thieves, even if the Liangshan thieves come, I will not be afraid. I am not Liang Zhongshu's guy. I will only rely on my wife's family. Without real ability, I would have sent out troops to suppress the bandits a long time ago. It’s just that the imperial court didn’t understand my great talent, so the bandits became so rampant. Today he came and bound me. This is God’s teaching that I succeeded. Send the order quickly to the left and right, and let the bandits run rampant. Order the troops and horses, go out of the city to meet the enemy, and bring the people up to the city to watch the battle and watch me show off my power!"

This Gao Lian is in charge of the army and the people. He has both civil and military capabilities. He is the best in Gaotang Prefecture. Therefore, when he gives the order, there are all the officials in front of the tent who are commander, supervisor of the army, commander, commander, and commander of the military. After each commander's troops and horses had taken a look at the training field, the generals followed Gao Lian out of the city to meet the enemy.

Gao Lian also has three hundred Tiji sergeants (that is, personal soldiers), named "Flying Divine Soldiers", who are composed of powerful Qi refiners selected from Shandong, Hebei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Lianghuai, and Liangzhe areas. .

How can these three hundred flying divine soldiers be dressed up? But see:

His hair is disheveled, and a cloud of smoke is scattered behind his head; his body is hung with a gourd, and thousands of flames are hidden on his back. The yellow forehead is divided into eight trigrams, and the leopard skin skirt is pressed in all directions. The wrought copper mask is like gold, and the iron hob is like a broom. The armor that covers the heart has two sides of bronze on the front and back; the banner that illuminates the eyes has thousands of layers of black mist on the left and right. It is suspected that the canopy leaves Dou Mansion, just like the moonlight descends from Yunqu.

Gao Lian led three hundred divine soldiers and three thousand Gaotang troops, wearing armor and carrying swords, mounted their horses and came to the outside of the city.

Gao Lian's formation was very strange. He led the central army with 300 divine soldiers, with cavalry in front and infantry behind. It was a complete attack formation.

After finishing the formation, the Song army began to wave flags, shout, beat drums and ring gold, waiting for the army from Naitoushan to arrive.

But Song Jiang remained the same, sending seven or eight leaders who were relatively good at fighting, including Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Li Kui, Mu Hong, Yan Shun, Wang Ying, Zheng Tianshou, and Xue Yong, as vanguards.

Qin Ming and others led 3,000 regular troops and 2,000 auxiliary troops, totaling 5,000 troops, to Gaotang City.

The two armies met each other, with flags and drums facing each other, and each held strong bows and crossbows to hold their positions.

Then, the two armies blew the horns and started beating the drums.

Qin Ming did not have the awareness of a vanguard commander. He directly picked up the mace, leaped out of the battle, and shouted loudly: "Grandpa Qin Ming is here, who dares to come and die?!"

Gao Lian led more than 30 officers to the gate and reined in their horses. He pointed at Qin Ming and cursed: "You bunch of grass bandits who don't know how to live or die, how dare you invade Gao Lian's city!"

Qin Ming loudly called out to the formation: "Stop being quick-tongued and quickly send someone to fight!"

Gao Lian was furious and turned around and asked, "Who will go out first to catch this thief for our government?"

A commander named Yu Mingzhi came out of the officer corps and came out of the formation with a horse wheel and a sword.

When Qin Ming saw it, he ran straight to Yu Zhi.

The two fought in the field for less than five rounds before Yu Zhi was beaten by Qin Ming with a mace until his brains burst and he fell off his horse.

Gao Lian was shocked when he saw it, and asked again: "Who will go out to avenge Yu Zhi?"

Another commander came out of the officer corps, his surname was Wen, and his twin names were Wenbao. He wielded a long spear and rode a yellow gelding horse. With the sound of bells and the sound of kepei, he went out early to the formation. His four horse hooves rippled Zhengchen and went straight to Qin Dynasty. bright.

Qin Ming saw him and went to fight Wen Wenbao again.

After the two men fought for more than ten years, Qin Ming opened a door and let Wen Wenbao come in with his spear. Then he raised his stick and cut off half of Wen Wenbao's Tianling Cap. He died under the horse, and the horse ran back to the formation. .

The two armies faced each other and shouted in unison.

But because the Qin and Ming Dynasties had won two battles in a row, the shouts on the Naitoushan side were naturally louder. On the contrary, the morale of the Song army was greatly reduced.

Seeing that his two generals had been defeated in a row, Gao Lian knew that the general was no match for Qin Ming, so he pulled out the Tai'a sword from his back, and then muttered something in his mouth, shouting: "Jiu!"

As soon as Gao Lian finished speaking, a black air surged up among his team.

The black energy dispersed into the air and turned into a strange wind, flying sand and stones, shaking the earth and the sky, and swept straight into the military formation on Naitou Mountain.

In an instant, the five thousand men and horses led by Qin Ming and the others were enveloped by this strange wind. A group of people from Naitoushan could not meet each other, and the spirit horse Herod screamed strangely.

When Qin Ming and other leaders of Naitoushan saw this, they were shocked and quickly ordered: "Retreat quickly! Retreat quickly! Retreat quickly!!!"

Seeing that Naitou Mountain's army was hurriedly withdrawing, Gao Lian waved his sword and directed the three hundred magic soldiers to charge into the Naitou Mountain army, slashing and killing everyone they encountered!

Soon, all the soldiers and horses on Naitou Mountain were killed and scattered, calling for brothers and sisters, looking for their sons and their masters.

After the strong wind passed, the officers and soldiers of Gaotang Prefecture rushed up to cover up the defeated soldiers who had been defeated in Naitoushan. They chased them for more than ten miles before withdrawing their troops and settling back in the city of Gaotang Prefecture.

After the war, statistics showed that more than half of Toushan's 5,000 troops were killed or injured in this battle.

Song Jiang led an army of 4,000 regular troops and 3,000 auxiliary troops, a total of 7,000 troops, just arrived in Gaotang Prefecture. He heard that Qin and Ming Dynasty suffered a huge defeat and lost two to three thousand men and horses!

Song Jiang, Wu Yong and other leaders of Naitoushan were all shocked!

Song Jiang was even more worried: "Is there another accident?"

Song Jiang remembered that the last time he attacked Zhaojia Village, it was like this. He thought he was strong, but in the end, he pretended to be his grandson who was two years younger.

Come back this time? ! ! !

"Should my heart be as high as the sky and my life as thin as paper?"

The next day, when he heard that reinforcements from Naitou Mountain were coming, Gao Lian ordered the victorious troops and 300 magic soldiers, opened the city gate, set up a suspension bridge, and came out to form a formation.

Song Jiang and Wu Yong discussed it for half a night, but they still couldn't figure out how to defeat Gao Lian.

Song Jiang could only form a formation from a distance first, and then came to the formation with a sword and a horse, hoping to see if Gao Lian had any flaws so that he could turn the tide.

But Song Jiang was only a small official, writing reports and so on was fine, but how could he lead troops to fight?

Therefore, after looking at it for a long time, Song Jiang couldn't figure out the reason.

Wu Yong had nothing to do with a mage like Gao Lian. He could only say: "As Xiaosheng said last night, it will be difficult to win against Gao Lian if we don't invite Mr. Yiqing to come over."

After listening to Wu Yong's suggestion, Song Jiang felt a knot in his heart!

To be honest, Song Jiang really didn't want to use Chao Gai's people to conquer Gaotang Prefecture.

If this is the case, Song Jiang will not be able to accomplish his full feat, and furthermore, he will not be able to defeat Chao Gai and successfully capture Naitou Mountain.

At this time, Song Jiang remembered that until now, he had not been able to tell whether it was the Nine Heavens Xuannv in Meng and the three volumes of the Heavenly Book.

"If there are really those three volumes of heavenly books, it should be able to defeat Gao Lian and make me prominent in front of others, right?"

As soon as Song Jiang slipped away, Gao Lian went to his back and pulled out the Tai'a sword. He muttered something in his mouth and shouted: "Jiu!"

Immediately, the black air arose, and a strange wind blew up, immediately covering the army at Naitou Mountain.

Song Jiang really didn't expect that Gao Lian's magic method would be effective from such a distance. They hurriedly ordered: "Retreat! Retreat!! Retreat quickly!!!"

Gao Lian pointed the sword in his hand at his three hundred magic soldiers.

Those three hundred divine soldiers immediately turned into a large group of beasts!

The Suan Ni dances its claws and the lion shakes its head. The golden Xie Zhi shows off his majesty, and the brocade Pixiu shows his bravery. Jackals are in opposition, spitting their fangs and heading straight for the heroes; tigers and leopards are in groups, opening their huge mouths to bite the bad horses. Thorny wild boars rush into the formation, and curly-haired vicious dogs attack people. Like a dragon and a big python flying into the sky, swallowing like a stubborn snake burrowing into the ground.

Gao Lian then took the bronze medal and struck the sword. When he saw these beasts, their eyes immediately became red, and then they rushed like crazy into the military formation of Naitoushan shrouded in the black wind.

Many people in Song Jiang's formation were stunned.

Song Jiang quickly put aside his sword, turned his horse back and left first. All the leaders held their hands and fled for their lives. We, the military academies, big and small, couldn't care about each other and ran away.

Gao Lian waved his sword from behind, and the beasts transformed by three hundred divine soldiers were in front, and three thousand officers and soldiers were behind, covering them all.

Naitoushan was defeated and lost.

Gao Lian personally led the army to kill them for more than 20 miles before calling for gold to withdraw the army and return to the city.

Song Jiang and the others had almost run out of Gaotang Prefecture after disposing of their helmets and armor, and then gathered their troops and set up camp, and made a count:

This time they brought out more than 12,000 troops, but now there are less than 4,000 left.

The only good thing is that although many of the leaders were injured, none of them died.

Seeing such a miserable result, Song Jiang panicked!

——He couldn't figure it out. Jiang Hongfei's attack on Daming Mansion and opening De Mansion was just like moving things. Why was it so difficult for him to attack anywhere when it was his turn?

After gathering the troops and horses, Song Jiang pretended to be calm and discussed with Wu Yong: "This time we attacked Gaotang Prefecture, we lost two battles in a row. There is no way to defeat his magic skills and magical weapons. What can we do?"

Wu Yong wanted to remind Song Jiang: "Gao Lian has won consecutive battles. He will come to rob the stronghold tonight, so he can use his plan. We only need to station some troops and horses here. I will go to the old stronghold to garrison and see if we can win the game by then."

But when the words came to his lips, Wu Yong swallowed them back and changed his words: "Gao Lian is good at demon magic and has three hundred magic soldiers. If we don't get Mr. Yiqing, it will be impossible to win this battle. In this way, I will So I took Dai Zong, Zhu Tong and Lei Heng back to the mountain to get Mr. Yiqing, and left this place to my brother..."

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