Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 235 Four Bandits Divided into Song Dynasty

Seeing Jiang Hongfei was really angry, Wang Qing regretted it!


This incident was caused by Fang La's instigation of discord.

But he couldn't blame Fang La for giving him eye drops.

You know, Jiang Hongfei had told him in advance that Fang Baihua and Fang Jinzhi were Jiang Hongfei's concubines. Even if this was just a political marriage, Fang Baihua and Fang Jinzhi belonged to Jiang Hongfei.

However, knowing this, he still asked Fang La for Fang Baihua and Fang Jinzhi.

Under this situation, whether he was joking or thinking, he obviously didn't take Jiang Hongfei seriously.

Jiang Hongfei was justified not only in dealing with him, but also in merging him with fire.

Is Wang Qing afraid that Jiang Hongfei will attack him?

How could you not be afraid?

Don’t forget, this is the watery Liangshan Mountain.

Here, if Jiang Hongfei really wanted to keep him, it would be useless even if the Jade Emperor came.

What's more, if Jiang Hongfei takes action, Tian Hu, who has a grudge against him, and Fang La, whom he just offended with his bad mouth, may also take action.

In that case, he would be one against three, and he would have no chance of winning.


The more Wang Qing is afraid of something, the more it will happen.

Tian Hu smiled heartily and took the initiative to say to Jiang Hongfei: "Brother Jiang Yan, brother Fang La, how about our three families unite to destroy Wang Sao first, and then divide Wang Sao's Huaixi and his troops?"

Fang La smiled, stroked his beard and said, "I agree."

Wang Qing glanced at Tian Hu, who was eager to try, and then at Fang La, who wanted to take advantage of the situation. He knew that although the two of them were joking, if Jiang Hongfei nodded, it would probably not be a joke.

Currently, Wang Qing occupies a total of seven military states and eighty-six counties.

Which eight of these seven military states are there? Specifically, they are Nanfeng, Jingnan, Shannan, Yun'an, Ande, Dongchuan and Wanzhou.

——Xijing Luoyang City has not been conquered by Wang Qing, otherwise, Wang Qing’s territory would have reached his territory in the original work.

Where exactly do these places refer?

The first is Xijing. Although Wang Qing has not yet conquered the city of Luoyang, several county towns below Luoyang are already in Wang Qing's possession.

Wanzhou is actually Dengzhou, which is the Nanyang area.

Jingnan is actually Jinghu, which is the Hubei area.

Shannan is actually Xiangyang Prefecture, that is, the Xiangfan area.

Yunan is probably the area around Fengdu, Chongqing.

Nanfeng refers to Junzhou in the Zhao and Song Dynasties, probably in the northwest of Hubei.

Dongchuan, roughly the central and eastern part of Sichuan.

Ande, probably around Langzhong, Sichuan.

To sum up, Wang Qing’s territory spans Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, and Henan.

Its territory is so large that it definitely ranks first among the four major bandits.

Not to mention Jiang Hongfei, who apparently had no territory, and Fang La, who had not yet revolted, even Tian Hu, who occupied a large territory in Hedong, was far from comparable to Wang Qing in terms of the size of his territory.

In addition, the territory occupied by Wang Qing requires food and people, and it also occupies one of the four corners, so there is a possibility of Longxing.

No wonder Wang Qing was a little arrogant today.

But arrogance is arrogance, and Wang Qing also understands that the reason why Tian Hu's territory is limited to the area east of Hedong is because Tian Hu's left side is where the most powerful northwest forbidden army of the Zhao and Song Dynasty gathers, and his right side is the huge Hebei forbidden army. The road to upward development was blocked by the Liao Kingdom, and the road to downward development was blocked by him, so he was trapped in Hedong.

Fang La has no territory, that's because Fang La hasn't started the uprising yet, but the influence of Manichaeism has already penetrated into the entire southeast region, and even the Dongting Lake area in his territory has Manichaeism. One day, as long as The leader of Manichaeism, Fang Laden, shouted loudly, unsure how powerful its power would be.

The thing that Wang Qing cannot see through the most is Jiang Hongfei. It can be said that everyone in the world knows that Shuibo Liangshan is very powerful, but the area actually controlled by Shuibo Liangshan is only a small area like Liangshanbo, a Zhao and Song Dynasty. None of the state or county towns were occupied.

And Wang Qing also knew that the reason why he developed so smoothly was because there was no powerful Song army to suppress him in his territory. It did not mean that he was really stronger than Jiang Hongfei, Tian Hu, and Fang La.

If Jiang Hongfei, Tian Hu, and Fang Lazhen join forces, it will certainly not be difficult to destroy him.

No one else even needed to take action. As long as Jiang Hongfei cut off his refined salt, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

Wang Qing quickly controlled his lower body and suppressed his fluttering. His clever IQ immediately took over the high ground again.

Immediately, Wang Qing thought that his counselors had analyzed it for him. Among the three people, Tian Hu, Fang La, and Jiang Hongfei, two people were really concerned about his territory and wanted to get rid of him quickly. Only one person had no interest in him at all. Conflict is his natural ally.

Undoubtedly, those who really wanted to put Wang Qing to death and take over Wang Qing's territory were Tian Hu and Fang La who bordered Wang Qing.

Especially the former.

Because Tian Hu's territory belongs to the Fourth War Land, Tian Hu is eager to find a direction to develop and avoid the Fourth War Land in Hedong.

The Zhao and Song Dynasties are currently a hundred-footed insect but not stiff. Under the attack of the Northwest Forbidden Army and the Hebei Forbidden Army, Tian Hu can barely maintain the status quo.

Although the Liao Kingdom was dying, it was not something Tian Hu dared to provoke easily.

After all, Wang Qing is the weakest.

The key point is that Wang Qing's territory is still so good. If Tian Hu captures it, he can dream of conquering the world.

How could Tian Hu not keep an eye on Wang Qing's territory?

Tian Hu crossed the Yellow River and developed towards Luoyang, which is ironclad evidence.

Compared with Tian Hu, Fang La is better.

After all, Fang La had not officially revolted yet.

To take a step back, even if Fang La rebelled, he would first develop eastward to attack Hangzhou, the economic, military, and political center of the Zhao and Song Dynasty in the southeast. He would not develop westward first to compete with Wang Qing for territory.

But then again, if there is a chance to develop westward, Fang La will definitely not show mercy.

Jiang Hongfei, who only has power in Shandong and will definitely develop in Hebei, will not take action against Wang Qing in the short term, because even if Jiang Hongfei conquers his territory, he will only get some useless enclaves and cannot transform them. For their own power and strength.

In fact, it was Tian Hu who should really worry about Jiang Hongfei, not Wang Qing.

Therefore, it is extremely unwise for Wang Qing to offend Jiang Hongfei, because Jiang Hongfei is Wang Qing's natural ally.

The key is that there is no irresolvable hatred between Wang Qing and Jiang Hongfei, and the two are still nominally sworn brothers.

Wanting to understand the key, Wang Qing first respectfully paid homage to Fang Baihua and Fang Jinzhi: "I have made amends to my two sisters-in-law. I will definitely send two generous gifts to express my apology later."

Then, Wang Qing rushed towards Jiang Hongfei and pushed the gold mountain, poured down the jade pillar, and bowed to the ground: "Brother, I am wrong. I should not have spoken indiscriminately and ruined the loyalty between you and me. I will fight whenever I want." Punishment will be punished, if the younger brother frowns, he will suffer misfortune, get sick, and die unexpectedly."

Wang Qing could figure out that Shuibo Liangshan and Fangshan were natural allies, how could Jiang Hongfei not figure it out?

In fact, in a short period of time, Jiang Hongfei's potential enemies may be Tian Hu, possibly Fang La, and the most unlikely one is Wang Qing.

On the contrary, Wang Qing is still an important chess piece that Jiang Hongfei will use to contain Tian Hu and Fang La in the future.

Besides, Wang Qing is actually a bit of a mean-mouthed person. Seeing that he has been developing well recently, he has become a little bit arrogant, but he has not really made any big mistakes.

In this period when the slightest carelessness would lead to losing the qualification to compete in the Central Plains, how could Jiang Hongfei really seize Wang Qing and insist on killing him?

Therefore, seeing Wang Qing admitting his mistake, Jiang Hongfei looked at Wang Qing and said "hum", then he hugged Fang La and Tian Hu and said, "Thank you two brothers for your kindness, but I am getting married tomorrow and it is not appropriate to start a big fight. Brother Wang Qingxian also It’s all talk but no intention, forget it.”

Without giving Fang La and Tian Hu another chance to sow discord, Jiang Hongfei said directly: "Let's go up the mountain. It's rare for the four of us to get together, so we should seize the time to talk about important things."

Seeing this, Tian Hu and Fang La could only follow Jiang Hongfei up Liangshan angrily.

Soon, Jiang Hongfei and his party arrived at the Juyi Hall.

Before entering the Juyi Hall, Jiang Hongfei said to Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing: "How about the four of us holding a top-secret meeting, each with only one person accompanying us?"

Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing knew that Jiang Hongfei was going to tell them something important and confidential.

In the end, Jiang Hongfei only brought Liu Huiniang to the meeting.

Tian Hu only brought Qiao Daoqing to the meeting.

Wang Qing only brought Li Zhu to the meeting.

Fang La only brought Chen Houtong to the meeting.

Other qi refining masters from all directions surrounded the Juyi Hall like an iron barrel.

Jiang Hongfei, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing sat on the four sides of a square table, while Liu Huiniang, Chen Houtong, Qiao Daoqing, and Li Zhu stood behind them.

Jiang Hongfei glanced at Fang La and asked Fang La with his eyes: "Can you tell me about your uprising?"

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei had created such conditions, Fang La felt that if he did not seize the opportunity, Manichaeism would have to fight against the Zhao and Song dynasties on its own.

Therefore, Fang La nodded to Jiang Hongfei, indicating that Jiang Hongfei could speak.

With Fang La's consent, Jiang Hongfei said straight to the point: "Brother Fang La will lead a Manichaean uprising to occupy the southeast in the near future. I hope that our three families can provide some help."

After Tian Hu and Wang Qing heard this, their expressions became more solemn, but they did not speak.

After letting Tian Hu and Wang Qing digest the news for a while, Jiang Hongfei said again: "I have already funded brother Fang La with 50,000 weapons, 10,000 sets of armor, 1,000 spiritual horses, and 200,000 shi of food. Look, you two Look, what help can you give Brother Fang La?"

Guessing that Tian Hu and Wang Qing would never help Fang La easily, Jiang Hongfei went on to clarify the stakes:

"The southeast is an important economic and food area for Zhao and Song. Once there is a change, Zhao and Song will do their best to rescue him. At that time, Brother Fang La will be under great pressure. Without reinforcements from our three families, how can he withstand the Song army's full encirclement and suppression? And once brother Fang La breaks out, the pressure on our three families will definitely be much less. Therefore, brother Fang La’s rebellion will be beneficial to all three of our families, and it is not appropriate for our three families to just sit idly by."

As soon as Jiang Hongfei said this, Wang Qing finally understood why Fang La gave all his sisters and daughters to Jiang Hongfei as concubines. The two families were actually united, and Jiang Hongfei was willing to support Fang La's uprising.

Tian Hu and Wang Qing were silent for a while.

Tian Hucai said: "Fang Yao, are you going to give us another false shot?"

Wang Qing also said: "In my opinion, we should wait for Fang Yao to revolt before sitting down to discuss the matter."

As early as a few years ago, there was news that Fang La was about to revolt. However, in the past few years, it was all thunder and rain, so that Tian Hu and Wang Qing already owned a large area of ​​territory, and there was no movement here in Fang La.

It's no wonder that Tian Hu and Wang Qinghui doubted Fang La.

In fact, Wang Qing and Tian Hu also didn't understand Fang La.

They have already been working hard, and Fang La is still using Manichaeism to secretly connect and gather poor people to hide without making any progress. Is this a rebellion? How can a rebellion be so grinding?

In fact, this is Fang La's brilliance and also the reason why Fang La is so petty.

It is said that Fang La was clever because Fang La did sufficient preparations in the early stage of the uprising and established a relatively complete organizational system. In addition, he also used Wang Qing and Tian Hu to attract the attention of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, so that he could fully develop the voice of the uprising in the future. It is bound to be bigger than Wang Qing and Tian Hu, and the cohesion is stronger than Wang Qing and Tian Hu.

It is said that Fang La is a petty person because after Wang Qing and Tian Hu are wiped out, Fang La will have to face the encirclement and suppression of the Song army alone. By then, no matter how powerful Fang La is, he will not be able to achieve anything. Sooner or later, he will be defeated. The fate of the Song army's annihilation was that the whole family had to be captured and cut into pieces in Bianliang City, Tokyo, just like in the original work.

Fortunately, the person who occupied the rise of Shuibo Liangshan was Jiang Hongfei, who was bent on taking over the Zhao and Song dynasties, and not Song Jiang, who was bent on being a lackey of the Zhao and Song dynasties.

Now, with Jiang Hongfei's efforts, the four major bandits are expected to unite to eliminate the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

This was definitely something the Zhao and Song dynasty had never expected.

Fang La said: "Our religion has made preparations. It won't take long before there will be an uprising. I hope that your three families can uprising together. By then, our four families will jointly divide the territory of Zhao and Song."

Jiang Hongfei supported: "We all know that Manichaeism believes that darkness is about to pass and light is about to come. They are born to change dynasties, so their teaching will definitely arise, there is no need to doubt it."

The so-called Manichaeism is actually the Mingjiao. Historically, Mingjiao rebellions often occurred in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui and other places.

Later, the Ming Sect was combined with the Maitreya Sect and the White Lotus Society, and evolved into the White Lotus Sect in the late Ming Dynasty.

It can be said that their religion was born for rebellion. If they don’t rebel, who will?

With Jiang Hongfei's "guarantee", Tian Hu and Wang Qing believed that Manichaeism was really about to start an uprising.

Just like Jiang Hongfei said, if Manichaeism started an uprising in the southeast, it would definitely attract a lot of firepower from the Song army, which would be beneficial to everyone.

Therefore, Tian Hu thought for a while and said: "Now that my family has held back the two powerful forces of the Northwest Forbidden Army and the Hebei Forbidden Army Zhao and Song, I have given Fang Yao the greatest help. Doesn't the others need my help?"

Wang Qing curled his lips and said: "Not sincere." Then he said to Fang La very enthusiastically: "Fang Yao, just tell me when you will take action, and I will send you 200,000 troops to help you in the uprising. How about it?"

Fang La looked at Tian Hu and said leisurely: "If I cause trouble, the Western Army and the Hebei Forbidden Army will go south. I will share the pressure for you, so you'd better think about it before talking."

Fang La looked at Wang Qing again and said, "Wang Sao, thank you. After my uprising, if you dare to lead your army westward to seize the southeastern prefectures and counties from me, I will not go eastward and will develop westward instead. I will wait for you and me." Let the two families decide the winner first, and then talk about destroying the Song Dynasty."

Speaking of this, Fang La looked at Jiang Hongfei and signaled Jiang Hongfei with his eyes: "You have to tell these two slickers clearly what they should do and what they shouldn't do, otherwise the four of us will not be able to reach a consensus at all..."

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