Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 236 Everyone has their own agenda

Fang La hoped that Jiang Hongfei would uphold justice and tell Tian Hu and Wang Qing what they should and should not do.

In fact, Fang La wanted Jiang Hongfei to divide the territory of the four major bandits.

To be honest, this is not an easy thing to do, because the four major bandits, including Jiang Hongfei, must all hope to occupy as much as possible, and would like to add the entire territory of the Zhao and Song Dynasties to their own territory.

Moreover, the four major bandits, including Jiang Hongfei, are extremely stubborn. If they cannot be persuaded to willingly accept their respective territories, they will definitely do so in the future.

But then again, if Jiang Hongfei and the other four bandits cannot divide their respective areas of territory, then the four bandits will have constant conflicts, and they will inevitably fight against each other, which may then allow the Zhao and Song Dynasty to benefit from the four bandits. The bandits were wiped out one by one.

Therefore, the division of territory among the four major bandits is actually very necessary.

Therefore, although this is not an easy thing to do, Jiang Hongfei still said without hesitation:

"All of you here are the leading heroes in the world. It is impossible that you don't understand the reason why a centipede will die but not freeze.

Yes, the Taoist emperors were extravagant and lustful, and the Zhao and Song dynasties had treacherous ministers in power. The path to self-destruction.

But you must not forget that the Qingtang area, which has been in the hands of Tubo for three hundred years since the mid-Tang Dynasty, was recovered by Zhao Song more than ten years ago.

In addition, in recent years, Zhao and Song have gained more and more advantages in the war against Xixia. If Liao had not intervened, Zhao and Song might have recovered Xixia.

I am saying this to tell you that Zhao and Song Dynasties are not without strong soldiers, and it is impossible for any of you to slaughter them at will. "

Hearing what Jiang Hongfei said, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing all fell silent.

Although Fang La and the other two had different opinions on the military strength of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, they had to admit that what Jiang Hongfei said made sense.

After a pause, Jiang Hongfei continued: "Today, it is impossible for any one of my four families to destroy the Song Dynasty. Fighting alone will only teach Zhao Song to defeat them one by one. If you want to complete the feat of destroying the Song Dynasty, the only way is to destroy the Song Dynasty." Our four families work together, just like during the Warring States Period, only when the six kingdoms first united to destroy the powerful Qin, could the six kingdoms compete in the Central Plains. Like the Three Kingdoms period, only when Sun and Liu first worked together to destroy the powerful Cao, could Sun and Liu not be defeated. They were destroyed one by one by the powerful Cao."

This truth is not difficult to understand. Who can become one of the four great bandits who cannot understand this truth?

The difficulty is that Jiang Hongfei and the four of them all have their own agendas and cannot really work together. Just like the six countries cannot always unite to fight against the powerful Qin, Sun and Liu cannot really always unite to fight against the strong Cao.

Jiang Hongfei knew this very well, and he had no hope that Fang La and the other three had been joining forces with him to conquer the Song Dynasty. Instead, he wanted to restrain the three of them for a period of time, and wait for everyone to kill the strongest Zhao and Song dynasty first. They also drained the blood of the strongest Zhao and Song dynasty first, and then fought with each other.

The territory division proposed by Jiang Hongfei is what Fang La, who started the latest and is currently the weakest, most wants to see. It is also what Fang La hopes Jiang Hongfei will come forward to solve.

Therefore, Fang La was the first to agree with Jiang Hongfei and said: "I agree with Brother Jiang Yanxian's proposal. No one who sits in this great country can teach the ignorant kings and traitors of Zhao and Song to sit again. Our four families can divide their respective areas according to Brother Jiang Yanxian's wishes." To avoid killing each other first, we should work together to destroy Zhao and Song. It is not too late for our four families to have a showdown."

Tian Hu said leisurely: "Divide the territory? How to divide it? I want Hedong, Hebei, Shaanxi Sixth Road, Xijing, and Nanyang. Do you agree?"

Wang Qing heard this and said with a smile: "Brother Jiang Yan, if he is willing to give Hebei to you, Fatty Tian, ​​I will not begrudge Xijing and Nanyang. How about that?"

Tian Hu heard this and looked at Jiang Hongfei, and then saw Jiang Hongfei looking at him with a half-smile.

Tian Hu was immediately laughed at by Jiang Hongfei until his scalp went numb.

Tian Hu is not a stick, how could he not know that if Jiang Hongfei wants to compete in the Central Plains, the only chance is to seize Hebei after seizing Shandong, and use Hebei and Shandong as the base to compete in the Central Plains, otherwise Jiang Hongfei will be in a dead end. In this case, if he competes with Jiang Hongfei for Hebei, Jiang Hongfei will definitely risk his life with him.

But then again, Hebei is important to Jiang Hongfei, but isn't it important to Tian Hu?

You know, Tian Hu is now basically trapped in the Hedong area. He is determined to develop towards Guanzhong, but there is the most capable Western Army of the Zhao and Song Dynasties there. He simply cannot develop there. If he wants to go up, he will not be able to develop there. It is said that the Liao Empire has not yet been destroyed. The Zhe family army stationed in Fengsanzhou, Linfu alone is enough for Tian Hu to drink a pot.

Looking at it this way, if Tian Hu wants to avoid being trapped in Hedong, he must either develop towards Hebei and compete with Jiang Hongfei for territory; or develop downward and compete with Wang Qing for territory.

Therefore, the conditions proposed by Tian Hu may seem unreasonable, but they are actually Tian Hu's reasonable demands. At least in Tian Hu's view, his demands are reasonable.

By the way, Tian Hu knew that Wang Qing would never give him Xijing and Nanyang. Wang Qing was just trying to sow discord between him and Jiang Hongfei.

But Tian Hu knew that this was a trap and he had to jump.

There is no way, who let this be Tian Hu's path.

Let's put it this way, if everyone can't agree, if Tian Hu fights one against two and merges with Jiang Hongfei and Wang Qing on his own, Tian Hu will do it.

Jiang Hongfei did not immediately deal with Tian Hu's appeal. Instead, he looked at Wang Qing and asked, "What do you think?"

Wang Qing said with a smile: "My request is simple. Xijing belongs to me, and Jiangzhou and Hongzhou belong to me. It's okay if Fatty Tian and Fang Yao don't give it to me. I will send troops to get it myself."

If Wang Qing occupied Xijing and Luoyang on the basis of the existing territory, then Wang Qing could seize Guanzhong by marching westward, and then seize the Sixth Northwest Route of the Zhao and Song Dynasties. He could seize Hedong by marching north, and conquer the Central Plains by marching eastward.

In addition, Jiangzhou and Hongzhou are the two gates between Southeast and Jingxiang. If Wang Qing gets both of them, Southeast will be under Wang Qing's attack at any time.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Wang Qing gets his wish, then Wang Qing will be able to attack whomever he wants. The key is that it will be difficult for others to attack him, because after obtaining these important places, Wang Qing's territory will become easy to defend. It is difficult to attack and will become the best territory among the four major bandits.

After hearing Wang Qing's appeal, Fang La's face immediately sank!

The reason why Fang La wanted Jiang Hongfei to divide the sphere of influence of the four major bandits was mainly to guard against Wang Qing.

Fang La thought on his heels and could guess that as long as something happened on his side, Wang Qing would definitely send troops to occupy Jiangzhou and Hongzhou as soon as possible, firmly holding the door to the west in his hands.

In fact, not only Wang Qing would do this, but anyone in Wang Qing's situation would do this.

You know, with the territory Wang Qing currently controls, if he takes over the southeast, Wang Qing will almost take over half of the Zhao and Song Dynasty.

You can imagine how powerful this attraction is. Which person who aspires to become the world's leader would not fight for this opportunity?

But this is just from Wang Qing's perspective.

From Fang La's point of view, let alone Wang Qing of Jiangzhou and Hongzhou, even if Wang Qing is only allowed to occupy one, Southeast Wang Qing will attack him whenever he wants, and Fang La may be making wedding clothes for Wang Qing. .

This is definitely unacceptable to Fang La.

But then again, what if Fang La doesn't accept it?

After all, Fang La hasn't started an uprising yet, and he can't stop Wang Qing, who already has hundreds of thousands of troops, from occupying Jiangzhou and Hongzhou.

At this time, Fang La realized that he had been delayed in getting things done. Although he had done enough preparations and established a relatively complete organizational system, he also used Wang Qing, Tian Hu, and Jiang Hongfei to attract the attention of the Zhao and Song Dynasties. If his power can be fully developed, his future uprising will definitely be more powerful than Wang Qing and Tian Hu, and his cohesion will be stronger than Wang Qing and Tian Hu. However, he will also lose a lot of initiative.

Fang La could only place his hope in Jiang Hongfei, hoping that Jiang Hongfei would be able to force Wang Qing to give up Jiangzhou and Hongzhou, leaving at least one for him so that he could counterattack Wang Qing's territory when he became stronger.

Jiang Hongfei looked at Fang La and asked, "Brother Fang La, tell me what you think."

Fang La said: "All the south of the river belongs to our religion. I agree with Wang Sao's proposal to use Jiangzhou and Hongzhou as the boundary to the west, but Jiangzhou and Hongzhou must belong to our religion."

After Wang Qing heard this, he said honestly and politely: "Fang Yao, why are you fighting for Jiangzhou and Hongzhou with me, just because you gave your sister and daughter to Brother Jiang Yan?"

Then, Wang Qing blocked Jiang Hongfei's words with praise: "The reason why Brother Jiang Yan is highly virtuous and respected is because Brother Jiang Yan has always been fair and just. We will only obey him when he is dying."

Speaking of this, Wang Qing said loudly: "In the past few years, when you, Fang Yao, relied on my three families to fight against Zhao and Song Dynasties, how much advantage did you take advantage of our three families? Which of my three families has not been surrounded and suppressed by the Song army? Which one of our three families has not been surrounded by the Song army? The family has never suffered a large number of casualties. Which brother has not crawled through the mountains of swords and seas of fire? Now that the demon is ready and wants to revolt, I want my three families to give you room to develop. We are not your father, why should you be used to it? Following you?!"

Fang La was furious, and the shadow of a golden dragon immediately appeared and swam around him!

Obviously, Fang La was so scolded by Wang Qing that he couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to take action.

Wang Qing did not move, but Li Zhu behind him had already unsheathed his golden sword.

Seeing this, Qiao Daoqing took a step forward without leaving a trace and protected Tian Hu.

Jiang Hongfei saw it and said calmly: "What, are you planning to fight here?"

Although there was nothing unusual about Jiang Hongfei at this time, everyone present, except Liu Huiniang, felt tremendous pressure, and this pressure was getting bigger and bigger as time went by.

Wang Qing, who was the first to be unable to withstand the pressure from Jiang Hongfei, explained: "Brother, I am not rude in my words. He Fang Yao has taken advantage of me a lot over the years. This time I can't say anything." Give him neither Jiangzhou nor Hongzhou. If he wants it, no problem, just come and grab it."

Seeing that Wang Qing was talking to death, Fang La knew that Jiang Hongfei alone would not be able to make Wang Qing give up Jiangzhou and Hongzhou to him.

Fang La was also arrogant. He said: "Okay, then you and I will see the real deal in the future. I will leave my words here today. Today, if you don't betray Brother Jiang Yanxian's face, you must seize my Jiangzhou and Hongzhou. When I get ready to beat you someday, I hope you won't ask brother Jiang Yanxian to intercede for you, but even if you do, I won't let you go!"

Jiang Hongfei definitely didn't want to see Fang La and Wang Qing fighting like this.

But both sides are determined to conquer the world, and neither side is willing to give in. Jiang Hongfei has no choice.

And, to be honest, if Fang La and Wang Qing really get along well, Jiang Hongfei might have even more headaches.

Therefore, it is not a bad thing that there is an irreconcilable conflict between Fang La and Wang Qing.

Jiang Hongfei looked at Tian Hu and said with a smile: "Brother Fang La and Brother Wang Qingxian don't give me face, why don't brothers also give me face?"

Tian Hu laughed and said: "If a good brother is willing to give up Hebei to my brother, I will follow my brother's lead."

Jiang Hongfei said: "Qin, Han, and Tang all established unified dynasties with Guanzhong, the Golden Horn in the northwest, as their base camp. These dynasties also represent the pinnacle of our Chinese history, so Guanzhong is called the "Golden Horn of the World." Brother It is right next to the best place of Longxing, so why bother to compete with me in Hebei?"

Jiang Hongfei then said to Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing: "The four of us are no more and no less. Each of us can occupy a golden corner. Let us work together to destroy Zhao and Song Dynasties first, and then each will compete in the Central Plains according to his or her own ability. Why do you have to do so?" When the snipe and the clam fight, how can the fisherman of Zhao and Song benefit?"

After looking around, Jiang Hongfei said: "I know that there is a conflict between everyone, but can this conflict be dealt with after I kill Zhao Song?"

After hearing this, Tian Hu said: "I also know that Guanzhong is good, but the Western Army there is too strong and won't let me capture it."

Jiang Hongfei said excitedly: "If you can't even take away the brother Guanzhong who is so close, why are you talking about becoming the world leader?"

Tian Hu said firmly: "I will occupy Hebei or Luoyang first. When Longhu Mountain is stronger, we can go back and capture Guanzhong, can't we?"

Jiang Hongfei said with a half-smile, "Brother, don't you think that the Western Army is not easy to deal with, but we, the Liangshan Army, are easy to deal with?"

How could Tian Hu not know that Liang Shanjun was not easy to deal with?

But Tian Hu still said in a deep voice: "My road is laid out here. If you don't go west, you can only go east. Otherwise, if you help me go south and destroy Wang Sao, I will give up Hebei to you."

Jiang Hongfei shook his head decisively: "I won't do such stupid things as the snipe and the clam fighting each other to benefit the fisherman of Zhao Song."

After hearing this, Tian Hu spread his hands and said, "Then I have no choice. You and I can only see the real seal under our hands."

Jiang Hongfei thought for a while and said, "Then how about I trade one thing with my brother for Hebei?"

Tian Hu laughed: "What can be worth giving up on the river..."

Before Tian Hu could say the word "North", his voice stopped abruptly!


Just because Jiang Hongfei turned his hand, something appeared in Jiang Hongfei's hand.

Seeing this thing, not only Tian Hu was shocked and speechless, but also Fang La and Wang Qing stood up with excitement!

The next moment, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing almost said in unison: "How come you have this thing?!!!"

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