Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 254 Fortune tricks people

Capturing Yanggu County was a task that Yu Cheng took the initiative to lead.

In the past few years, Jiang Hongfei seemed to have forgotten Wu Song.

None of the Liangshan heroes were willing to mention Wu Song, or they had forgotten Wu Song.

But Yu Cheng did not forget.

Yu Cheng always remembered that his position as commander of the Fourth Infantry Army should have been Wu Song's.

Of course, Yu Cheng knew that Jiang Hongfei was very optimistic about him. Even if he was not made the commander of the Fourth Infantry Army at the beginning, he would definitely be made the leader of other armies, and then he could still be promoted to commander.

But then again, after all, there is Wu Song.

Therefore, Yu Cheng has always wanted to find an opportunity to compete with Wu Song, so that Jiang Hongfei and all Liangshan heroes know that he is stronger than Wu Song.

It was precisely because of this that Yu Cheng rushed to Yanggu County, where Wu Song was located, to see if he had a chance to fight Wu Song.

Who would have thought that just as Yu Cheng opened his posture, the city gate of Yanggu County opened over there, and then two people walked straight towards the Fourth Infantry Army holding a white flag.

Seeing this, Yu Cheng, who has experienced this situation several times, how could he not know that he would not have to take action this time?

The two of them came to Yu Cheng. One of them, a middle-aged man with a slight hunchback, bowed and said, "Leader Yu, do you still recognize me, Wu Song?"

Yu Cheng made a distinction and then said in surprise: "Are you Wu Erlang, the tiger hunter?"

Seeing that Yu Cheng didn't seem to be faking it, but that he really didn't recognize him, Wu Song smiled bitterly: "We haven't seen him for six or seven years. Wu Song has gained some weight, and his appearance is slightly different from before. It's no wonder that Leader Yu can't recognize him."

Wu Song's appearance had changed somewhat, but this was not the main reason why Yu Cheng did not recognize him. The main reason why Yu Cheng did not recognize him was that his temperament had changed too much.

The original Wu Song was a chivalrous, righteous, and unyielding hero. He was known for his innocence and straightforward character. He dared to solve problems with force. He hated evil as much as he hated his enemies. He was righteous and brave, dared to take action, and drew his sword to help when encountering injustice.

Wu Song now is submissive and has no heroic aura at all. He looks like the kind of little person who has been in the officialdom for many years and has no chance to make progress and gradually becomes smooth and sophisticated.

Yu Cheng shook his head, feeling that this was no longer a heroic Wu Erlang.

Despite this, Yu Cheng returned the courtesy politely: "It turns out to be Wu Dutou, long time no see."

Although Yu Cheng didn't pretend not to know him, Wu Song could still hear the alienation in Yu Cheng's words.

He recalled that when he first met Yu Cheng, Yu Cheng admired him very much and even asked him for boxing and kicking skills.

Later, after he was unwilling to stay in Shuibo Liangshan, Yu Chengcai, like other Liangshan heroes, distanced himself from him or even broke up with him.

Now, seeing that Yu Cheng is no longer as aggressive as before and can still talk to him properly, Wu Song knows that this does not mean that Yu Cheng forgives him, but that Yu Cheng is relieved and does not take him to heart at all.

Wu Song quickly responded: "Long time no see.", and then he didn't know what to say.

The county magistrate who came with Wu Song glanced at Wu Song and signaled Wu Song to get down to business.

When Wu Song saw it, he could only bite the bullet and ask: "May I ask Chief Yu, is there any Qu She in our Yanggu County?"

Qu's pardon is a kind of pardon. It does not pardon the whole world, but only pardons one, two or several places. It is called Qu's pardon.

Any pardon order must be issued only by the emperor, and the same is true for Qu Pardon.

Ordinarily, Jiang Hongfei is not qualified to issue a pardon.

But now, although Jiang Hongfei has not yet rebelled in name, and has not given himself the title of prince, in fact Jiang Hongfei has divided himself into one party.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Jiang Hongfei to issue a pardon in his own territory. No one dares to control Jiang Hongfei anyway.

Although Wu Song didn't think that such a good thing would happen to them in Yanggu County, Wu Song still held on to a glimmer of hope, hoping that Jiang Hongfei would remember his friendship with him in the past and give Yanggu County some slack.

But what Wu Song expected and made sense was that Yu Cheng didn't even hesitate and said, "I didn't receive an order in this regard."

After getting the affirmative answer from Yu Cheng, Wu Song smiled bitterly!

——He knew that this would be the result.

The county magistrate on the side did not expect that after they invited Wu Song over, the result would still be like this!

The county magistrate was usually a profit-seeking man who took bribes and took bribes, and often did things that put human lives at risk. If Jiang Hongfei did not grant an amnesty to Yanggu County, he might not be able to escape this disaster.

Therefore, when Yu Cheng said that there was no Qushe in Yanggu County, he immediately became anxious: "How come there is no Qushe in our Yanggu County?!!! Wudu Tou and Tian Dasheng are sworn brothers! How could Tian Dasheng do that? Don’t you grant me amnesty for Wudu’s hair? You lied to me, right?”

Originally, Yu Cheng could still face Wu Song calmly, but seeing that "Wu Song" dared to talk about his sworn relationship with Jiang Hongfei, Yu Cheng smiled coldly: "Ask Wu Dutou, my brother dares to recognize this sworn relationship. , does he dare to recognize this sworn relationship?"

From Yu Cheng's words and tone, the county magistrate could tell that it was definitely not as simple as they imagined.

The county magistrate quickly looked at Wu Song!

Wu Song was not embarrassed, but reiterated what he had said countless times: "Wu Song and Tian Dasheng have no friendship anymore. They are all nonsense from brothers. How can a big shot like Tian Dasheng and Wu Song be sworn brothers?" , even if you all teach me to come here, it will not help. Wu Song has told you before, telling you to find another way out quickly."

Only then did the county magistrate realize that Wu Song was not being humble before, but was really unsure about asking for a pardon for Yanggu County. They asked the wrong person. The rumors in the world that Jiang Hongfei and Wu Song were sworn brothers were not accurate. At least not comprehensively.

Yu Cheng on the side also saw that Wu Song was not blamed for this, but that the people in Yanggu County took it for granted.

Since Yu Cheng was not sure whether Jiang Hongfei still had feelings for Wu Song, Yu Cheng pulled back and said: "As of now, Yanggu County is no different from other counties. If we take the initiative to surrender, we will surrender." Put the evil box in Boliang Mountain, and after three days, those who have been reported will go to the public trial; if they resist to the end, all the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Yanggu County will go to the public trial."

When the county magistrate heard this, his legs felt weak!

After talking about business, Yu Cheng looked at Wu Song: "Wu Dutou, my position as the commander of the four armies should have been yours. It was because you were unwilling to stay on Liangshan to help my brother conquer the world, so my brother gave it to me. . Over the years, I have led the Fourth Infantry Army in southern and northern wars, and I have never taught any infantry commander to compare. I must be a qualified infantry commander. But I still want to fight you and understand my problems. Of course, I won’t force myself to do anything. However, if you dare to fight with me, I will still admire you as Wujiro, the hero who once fought against tigers; if you dare not fight with me, I will only regard you as my former self. Takejiro, the heroic tiger-fighting hero I knew, is dead."

After listening to Yu Cheng's words, Wu Song, who originally didn't want to fight Yu Cheng, suddenly felt a fire in his heart - seeing Yu Cheng who looked so much like him in the past, he really couldn't help but want to look for the lost person. of myself.

So Wu Song said: "Okay, then let me see how much progress you have made over the years?"

After saying this, Wu Song drew out his double swords.

Yu Cheng was even more happy. He turned around and hit Wu Song's head with the mountain ax in his hand!

There was wind at Wu Song's feet, and he used the Yuhuan Step to dodge Yu Cheng's blow lightly, then rushed forward and slashed diagonally with his two swords!

Yu Cheng blocked with his mountain axe!

Wu Song used his left hand knife to suppress Yu Cheng's mountain axe, and at the same time, his right hand knife quickly stabbed Yu Cheng's bottom path!

Yu Cheng retreated to avoid it.

Wu Song's right hand sword immediately caught up with Yu Cheng's attack, followed by a forward slash with his left hand sword, and then turned around and slashed horizontally!

Wu Song's double swords are cruel and spicy. They are completely different from Gaoliang and Hu Sanniang's sun and moon swords. However, they are somewhat similar to Yan Zhengu's double swords.

Yu Cheng could see that Wu Song was old just because of his mentality, not his martial arts. He himself was still a first-class Qi practitioner.

Yu Cheng is not afraid of rejoicing.

At this moment, Wu Song attacked again!

Yu Cheng turned around and slashed horizontally, then took the mountain ax and chopped.

Wu Song blocked with the knife in his left hand and chopped with the knife in his right hand at the same time!

I blocked it with a horizontal axe.

Seeing this, Wu Song immediately stabbed with the knife in his left hand and protected with the knife in his right hand!

Yu Cheng retreated again.

Wu Song chased after him, first feinting with the sword in his left hand, and then swung the sword in his right hand to chop off Yu Cheng's leg.

The left hand knife thrust forward, the right hand knife thrust downward!

Cut with two swords!

The two swords slashed diagonally continuously!

Wu Song's sword skills are so exquisite and sharp!

This allowed Yu Cheng to see a trace of Wu Erlang, the former tiger fighting hero.

The more Yu Cheng fought, the more excited he became. He immediately opened and closed, lowered his strength ten times, slashed and slashed Wu Song fiercely, then used his body skills to go around to Wu Song's left, and slashed Wu Song continuously.

Three consecutive right chops.

Three consecutive cuts from the left.

Whirlwind Ax.

Seeing that Yu Cheng's mountain-breaking ax is big but not stupid, his ax skills are sharp and his fighting style is fierce. If he charges into battle, he can definitely kill everyone.

When Wu Song saw it, he was not afraid of the reaction and used his two swords to swing and slash continuously.

Yu Cheng blocked and retreated, dodging Wu Song's five swords in a row.

But when Wu Song's sixth sword attack came, Yu Cheng was really unable to dodge.

But Yu Cheng didn't panic, instead he struck Wu Song's head with an ax in a desperate manner!

This is the determination of a soldier. As long as Wu Song dares to chop down his sword, Yu Cheng will dare to trade his life with him!

Wu Song still cared about Wu Dalang in his heart. Furthermore, he was just competing with Yu Cheng, not fighting Yu Cheng. How could he choose to trade his life with Yu Cheng?

So Wu Song quickly withdrew his long sword.

Seeing this, Yu Cheng struck out axe after axe, one axe faster and the other axe. Wu Song could only rely on his speed to be faster than Yu Cheng and keep dodging.

In order to win, Yu Cheng transformed into a half-bear, half-human, half-orc, which made him a lot more powerful. He completely embarked on the path of opening and closing, defeating ten groups with one force, and Wu Song could not fight back. Chance.

Wu Song, on the other hand, used his Yuhuan Step to fight Yu Cheng slowly and patiently, preparing to wait until Yu Cheng's spiritual power was exhausted before defeating Yu Cheng.

The two fought for 1,560 rounds in one breath, but still couldn't decide the outcome.

Luan Tingfang was afraid that Yu Cheng would miss something due to lack of spiritual power, so he stepped forward to block Yu Cheng's mountain axe with the knife in his right hand, and forced Wu Song away with the knife in his left hand, and then said: "That's it, I want to compete. You can find another opportunity to compete in the future." , don’t delay the business.”

Seeing this, Wu Song felt a little regretful, because if he had another forty or fifty rounds with Yu Cheng, he would probably be the victor.

What Wu Song didn't expect was that Yu Cheng admitted defeat openly and said: "No need to compete anymore, I lost."

Then, Yu Cheng did not hesitate to praise: "Wu Erlang is Wu Erlang after all. He is really capable and has a stable mind. No wonder my brother is so fond of you."

Wu Song hurriedly said humbly: "You and I are actually evenly matched. This battle is considered a draw. How about it?"

Yu Cheng said displeasedly: "If you lose, you lose. I will practice hard in the future and I will compete with you again in the future. Why should you give in?"

Wu Song smiled after hearing this and didn't insist anymore.

Immediately, Yu Cheng's tone changed and he said: "However, don't think that you are amazing if you beat me. With my strength, it's hard to say whether I can still be ranked among the top thirty in the village. The strength in the village is stronger than mine." There are a lot of people here, and now my brother has many masters, there are only five first-class Qi Refiners, and there are even more near-super first-class Qi Refiners, and there are a lot of first-class Qi Refiners like you and me."

Wu Song, who was a little complacent at first, couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing Yu Cheng's words!

Wu Song has been collecting news about Shuibo Liangshan in recent years.

In fact, even if Wu Song didn't collect it, he often heard people say that the four super first-class qi masters, Du Bo, Lu Junyi, Sun An, and Shi Wengong, were all conquered by Jiang Hongfei. As for who the fifth super first-class qi master was, although Wu Song He didn't know, but he believed that Yu Cheng would not do anything wrong.

Therefore, without Yu Cheng's explanation, Wu Song also understood that even if he went to Bo Liang Mountain now, it would be just the icing on the cake at best. There is really no shortage of a first-class Qi practitioner like him in Shui Bo Liang Mountain.

Perhaps impressed by Wu Song's skill, Yu Cheng said: "The recent actions were all arranged by several military advisors. My brother has not returned to the mountain to take charge of the overall situation, so he has not taken any special care of you in Yanggu County, but now he should You have returned to the mountain. If you want to ask for Qu's amnesty for Yanggu County, you should quickly go to the mountain village and ask your brother in person. Your brother is nostalgic and generous, so he may agree to you for the sake of his past kindness. If you came to ask me directly before, of course I will reply to you according to the order I received. Set up the evil collection box, and you will have three days to relax. If you go and come back quickly, you should be able to make it in time."

After receiving Yu Cheng's suggestion, Wu Song was overjoyed and immediately bowed to Yu Cheng and said, "Thank you, Leader Yu!"

Wu Song, who finally had an account with the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Yanggu County, hurried to find the county magistrate.

But Wu Song looked around, where is the county magistrate here?

Wu Song hurriedly asked: "Can you see the county magistrate who came with me?"

All Liangshan heroes said that they were only watching the competition between Wu Song and Yu Cheng, and did not pay attention to the unimportant person.

After asking for a long time, one person said uncertainly: "He seems to have returned to the city."

Wu Songzhong immediately had a very bad thought in his mind.

Wu Song hurriedly said goodbye to Yu Cheng and other Liangshan heroes, and then returned to the city and shouted: "Put down the suspension bridge on the city to help me enter the city."

Someone in the city had already seen Wu Song, so they beat drums and shouted.

Seeing that the situation was bad, Wu Song shouted: "I am Wu Song, why don't you let me into the city?"

I saw the county magistrate, Ximen Qing and others standing by the parapet on the city, shouting: "Wu Song, your two brothers have made me miserable! How can you not know shame! How dare you come back and die?!!!"

Wu Song shouted: "Everyone is wrong. I have already agreed with the heroes of Liangshan to allow me three days to visit my sworn brother, the Great Sage Tian, ​​and ask for forgiveness. Let me enter the city quickly. I will tell you the whole story in detail." !”

Ximen Qing shouted: "Don't try to deceive me anymore. Wu Dalang has already confessed that you and the Great Sage Tian are sworn brothers. However, you are not loyal and refuse to serve your sworn brother. You only want to be innocent and surrender to Zhao Song." The imperial court has despised the Great Sage of Heaven. If the Great Sage of Heaven will no longer interact with you, how can you survive?! Now you hope to open the city gate to get your eldest brother Wu Dalang, but you are wishful thinking. Wu Dalang has been killed by us. If you don't believe it , let’s see with you.”

As soon as Ximen Qing finished speaking, a sergeant picked up Wu Dalang's head on the gun and showed Wu Song to see it.

Wu Song looked up and saw that the head didn't belong to Wu Dalang, so who did it belong to?

Wu Song felt sad in his heart, and his chest was filled with anger. He couldn't explain it, he could only cry out in agony and humiliation.

Before Wu Song could say anything more, crossbow arrows rained down from the city!

Wu Song had no choice but to escape and fled to the Fourth Bu Army...

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