Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 255 Gao Qiu: I want to fight Jiang Yan!

After Wu Song followed the Bu Fourth Army into Yanggu County, he realized that Wu Dalang was completely different. He would not take the road to heaven, and he would come to hell without any door.

Originally, Wu Song told Wu Dalang to hide at home and never come out.

But Wu Dalang was worried about Wu Song and found the city wall.

By coincidence, the county magistrate came back and told the county magistrate and others that there was a problem with the relationship between Wu Song and Jiang Hongfei. Jiang Hongfei did not grant them pardon from Yanggu County because of Wu Song, and everyone was going to go to trial.

In fact, the county magistrate lied. He omitted the part about voluntary surrender and the setting up of evil collection boxes in Shuibo Liangshan. That is to say, he omitted the part about voluntary surrender that some people actually do not have to go to the public trial.

——In the view of the county magistrate, as long as there is no pardon, he who usually does many evil things will definitely not be able to escape the fate of going to the public trial, and then he will not be able to escape death, and his family will suffer accordingly.

For the county magistrate, the only chance of survival is to incite the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Yanggu County to resist the Liangshan Army's attack with all their strength, and then find an opportunity to escape with their families.

Just when the county magistrate was inciting the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Yanggu County to resist the Liangshan Army's attack, Wu Dalang ran to the city wall and, fortunately, asked everyone he met where Wu Song was.

Originally, the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Yanggu County were still hesitant about the county magistrate's words, and were hesitant to give it a try?

Wu Dalang ran over by himself.

Therefore, the county magistrate deceived Wu Dalang and said that as long as Wu Dalang told Wu Dalang the true relationship between Wu Song and Jiang Hongfei, he would tell Wu Dalang where Wu Song was?

Wu Dalang never thought that bragging and big talk would kill people.

Among those who hang out on the street, who doesn't brag, who doesn't use the banner to make a tiger's skin, and who gets into trouble because of it?

So Wu Dalang, who was eager to find Wu Song, told the true relationship between Wu Song and Jiang Hongfei.

Ximen Qing never expected that he, who had been shrewd all his life, would suffer miserably from Wu Dalang. , he was kicking the ball in the center, threw himself to the ground and fell down.

Seeing Ximen Qing kicking Wu Dalang down, other people who hated Wu Dalang for lying and killing their whole family gathered together to attack him and beat Wu Dalang to death.

After Wu Dalang was killed, some people began to fear that Wu Song would retaliate against them.

Ximen Qing calmed his mind and said: "Since Wu Song has nothing to do with the Great Sage, what are we afraid of him doing? He can kill us all by himself, and we killed the unjust Wu brothers for the Great Sage. Between the two of us, the Great Sage of Heaven may grant me a pardon from Yanggu County, but it’s not certain.”

Some people think that Ximen Qing's fallacy has some truth.

Just at that time, Wu Song came back, and Ximen Qing and others cut off Wu Dalang's head to show their break with Wu Song and put on a show for the heroes of Liangshan.

Wu Song found Yu Cheng, hoping that Yu Cheng could help him capture Yanggu County and let him take revenge.

It is Yu Cheng's mission to capture Yanggu County.

Therefore, Yu Cheng did not hesitate and prepared to attack the city.

But before Yu Cheng could take action, the magistrate of Yanggu County opposed the idea of ​​the county magistrate and a few others to attack the stone with an egg. He led those who did not want to use their arms as a chariot, opened the city gate, lowered the drawbridge, and welcomed Liangshan's army into the city.

After entering the city, Wu Song asked about the cause of Wu Dalang's death, and killed the county magistrate and Ximen Qing. He also killed and injured several people who participated in the death of Wu Dalang.

As for the others, they all follow the inherent procedures of Shuibo Liangshan.

All the evildoers in Yanggu County got their due retribution.

For example, the county magistrate, such as Ximen Qing, not only died, but their homes were also ransacked. All the men in their families went to the public trial, and few of them could walk down. The women in their families all became guilty wives, and they will be sentenced to death. Reassigned by Shuibo Liangshan.

It is worth mentioning that all the ten friends in the meeting were wiped out, but the magistrate of Yanggu County, who had always tried his best to maintain the security of Yanggu County and finally withstood the pressure to sacrifice the city, was not killed because he protected the safety of the people in the city. Not only that, he was also absorbed by Shuibo Liangshan and continued to serve as the magistrate of Yanggu County.

After Wu Song buried Wu Dalang, he went to Liangshan and met Jiang Hongfei, whom he had not seen for six or seven years.

What Wu Song never expected was that after not seeing each other for six or seven years, Jiang Hongfei not only did not age like him, but instead became younger and younger as he lived. Now he looked like a muscular young man in his twenties, not at all like a man who was already in his thirties. Fifteen year old.

And Jiang Hongfei didn't expect that Wu Song, who was only thirty years old, had already become this old.

Jiang Hongfei looked at Wu Song and sighed, and heard that Wu Dalang died unexpectedly, so Wu Song was sad and resigned.

Jiang Hongfei asked Wu Song to rest for a while, and then went to the Ninth Infantry Army, which was the infantry army that originally entered Jeju Prefecture and was under the control of the brothers Zhao Neng and Zhao De, as deputy commander, helping the army increase its strength, and also Stabilize the morale of this infantry army that has not been under the control of Shuibo Liangshan for a long time.

Generally speaking, Jiang Hongfei is no longer as close to Wu Song as before, but Jiang Hongfei still misses his old feelings, treats Wu Song well, and gives Wu Song a good way out.

With Wu Song's ability, if he worked hard for a year or two and convinced Zhao Neng and Zhao De, he might be able to become the commander of the Bujiu Army.

As for letting Wu Song be the commander directly, that is impossible. Others have worked hard for Jiang Hongfei for so many years or made great achievements before they got the position of commander. Why do you, Wu Song, become the commander as soon as you come? What does this make others think? ?

Wu Song was very satisfied with Jiang Hongfei's arrangement. Isn't this much better than when he nominally commanded a hundred people but actually only commanded twenty or thirty people?

To be honest, the main reason why Jiang Hongfei arranged Wu Song in this way was that Wu Song was a first-class qigong practitioner with a relatively stable temperament. It would be a pity not to use it, and the abilities of Zhao Neng and Zhao De were really not enough to support a team. The infantry is coming.

Anyway, Jiang Hongfei can't push out a talent he already has, especially at this time of employment.

There was nothing to say. Wu Song was grateful to Jiang Hongfei for ignoring the past grievances and not taking a break, so he went with the Bu Jiu Army to capture the city and territory for Shuibo Liangshan.

Before Jiang Hongfei Ren came back from Quanzhou, he ordered Sun Jing, Zhu Wu, Xiao Jiasui, and Xu Guanzhong to take action and immediately capture Shandong and Hebei.

Now that Jiang Hongfei is back, most of Shandong has become the territory of Liangshan, and the remaining areas that are still stubbornly resisting will have to wait and see, so we can't rush.

The focus of the next stage is to capture Hebei, and the two important towns that will bear the brunt are Kaidefu and Damingfu. Then we will continue to fight upwards and seize the time to seize the entire Hebei...

During this period, Wang Fu shuttled back and forth between Chongzheng Hall and the Capital Hall almost every day.

There was no other way. The four major bandits launched an attack at the same time, seemingly intending to carve up the territory of the Zhao and Song Dynasty. The country and the country of the Zhao and Song Dynasty were on the verge of collapse.

Zhao Ji really didn't understand why the Zhao and Song dynasty, which was originally so good, suddenly became like this?

After dinner that day, another piece of unfortunate news came: Deng Xunwu, a minister of the Privy Council, had passed away due to illness.

Deng Xunwu was a veteran of the three dynasties who firmly opposed the alliance with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty and regain the Yanyun Sixteenth Prefecture. He was also one of the few ministers in the Zhao and Song Dynasty who knew military skills, and was considered one of the mainstays of the Zhao and Song Dynasty.

But at this critical moment, Deng Xunwu died.

Zhao Ji felt even more uneasy after hearing the news.

Fortunately, Tong Guan and Liu Yanqing led their armies to move south quickly, first occupying Zhenjiang, and then fought bloody battles to capture Jiangningfu and other important towns along the Yangtze River, holding on to the natural dangers of the Yangtze River to prevent the rebels from the southeast from moving north and threatening Bianliang City in Tokyo.

Tong Guan issued a reward order in Zhenjiang in the name of Zhao Ji: Anyone who captures or kills Fang La or Fang Baihua will be rewarded with an official position as a defense envoy, a hundred thousand spiritual stones, and ten thousand pieces of silk each.

Unfortunately, this gained little.

Tong Guan came back with news that the reason why Southeast was able to launch such a large-scale riot was actually caused by Hua Shi Gang. The people in Southeast have been troubled by Hua Shi Gang for more than ten or twenty years, causing all industries to wither and people to resent.

Zhao Ji did not expect that the catastrophe in the southeast was caused by his small hobby.

After receiving Tong Guan's report, Zhao Ji immediately issued an edict to remove Zhu Ming, his son, and their relatives from their posts.

But the people in the southeast didn’t buy it.

In order to absolve Zhao Ji, Wang Fu and others said: "The rebellion in the southeast did not start because of Hua Shi Gang at all. It was actually because Taifu Tong was not able to suppress the bandits, so he was entrusted to the officials."

Tong Guan's suppression of bandits in the southeast was indeed not smooth. It can be said that one step at a time.

Zhao Ji chased Tong Guan closely, and Wang Fu and others in the court also gave Tong Guan eye drops.

Tong Guan had no choice but to hand over the "Zhu Family Crime Record" distributed by Jiang Hongfei to Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji took a look and found that the Zhu Meng family not only had more than 300,000 acres of land deeds, but also spiritual stones, spiritual weapons and other properties (not counting antique calligraphy and paintings and other treasures whose value is difficult to calculate). A rough calculation turned out to be less than 20 million yuan, and no less than silk. 200,000 horses, more than 400,000 dan of grain, no less than 10,000 sets of sophisticated soldiers and armor, more than 3,000 fine horses, and tens of thousands of livestock. Zhu Meng alone had hundreds of wives, concubines, and maidservants, including Zhu Meng's brothers, nephews, and nephews. There were more than 2,000 wives, concubines, and maidservants in total. Even the slaves of the Zhu family were all dressed in fine clothes and jade belts. Zhu Meng's home was almost like a palace.

Let’s look at the numerous crimes Zhu Meng’s family committed in the southeast by collecting Hua Shi Gang for him.

Wang Fu and others could no longer speak for Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji finally knew how much trouble his little hobby had caused.

Soon, the news that Tian Hu obtained the imperial seal also reached the capital.

Tian Hu widely publicized the Jade Seal of the State and that the Zhao Song Dynasty had lost its national destiny and that he would replace it with the Zhao Song Dynasty. He deceived a large number of people to follow him in the uprising, causing his strength to increase dramatically in a short period of time. Now he is actually There are 600,000 soldiers and horses, which are said to be one million. Not only have they occupied most of the areas east of Hedong, they have also begun to cross the Yellow River and develop towards Shaanxi, aiming directly at the Guanzhong Plain.

At the same time, Wang Qing was also expanding his power to the Sixth Northwest Route, and seemed to intend to occupy the Guanzhong Plain first.

Wang Qing currently occupies almost a quarter of the territory of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, has 300,000 troops, and has great war potential.

Although Jiang Hongfei did not proclaim himself king or hold high the banner of rebellion, he had already begun to conquer Shandong and Hebei.

These four bandits turned the Zhao and Song dynasties upside down.

Zhao Ji carved the names of Jiang Yan from Shandong, Wang Qing from Huaixi, Tian Hu from Hedong, and La from Jiangnan on the walls of Ruisi Palace. He suffered from insomnia almost every day and became haggard.

The simultaneous riots of the four major bandits disrupted Zhao Ji's strategic plan of sending troops to the Northern Expedition to recover the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, and made Zhao Ji worried about the instability of the country.

Zhao Ji summoned Wang Fu and other important officials to discuss strategies to eliminate the four bandits every day.

After analysis by Zhao Ji and his ministers, although Tian Hu and Wang Qing are now quite strong and powerful, their opponents are the most capable Western Army in the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

There were four forbidden armies in the Zhao and Song Dynasties, namely: the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army, the Hebei Forbidden Army, the Northwest Forbidden Army (i.e. the Western Army), and the Jiangnan Forbidden Army.

According to the initial assumptions of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, the Western Army should be weaker than the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army and the Hebei Forbidden Army, both in terms of numbers and combat power, but only slightly stronger than the Jiangnan Forbidden Army.

However, with development and historical changes, the Western Army was only numerically weaker than the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army and the Hebei Forbidden Army, and even weaker than the Jiangnan Forbidden Army. However, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Western Army was undoubtedly the strongest among the Song armies.

Over the years, the Western Army has also produced many good generals, such as Di Qing, Zhong Shiheng, Zhe Kexing, Wang Shao, Zhang Kai, Zhong E, Wang Hou, Zhong Shidao, etc.

The Western Army not only expanded the border area of ​​Hehuang for the Zhao and Song Dynasty, opened up Longyou, restored the Silk Road, opened up more than 3,000 miles of territory, and defeated millions of enemy troops, it also almost destroyed Xixia.

There are four main reasons why the Western Army is so strong:

First, the biggest difference between the Western Army and other Song armies is that the military system implemented by the Western Army is not the general method of war and the garrison method, but an exception that allows generals to command an army for a long time and allows an army to be stationed in a place for a long time. area, there is no need to regularly transfer defenses to other places and garrison the capital.

In this way, the generals and soldiers of the Western Army know each other very well, are very familiar with the local customs and geographical transportation, have high execution ability and general prestige, and have a strong sense of belonging. The army is like a big family, so that they can Maintain strong combat effectiveness.

The generals of the Western Army can also be passed down from generation to generation, which is completely different from other Song armies where "the generals do not know the soldiers, and the soldiers do not know the generals". From this, several famous families who have led the army for generations have gradually formed, such as the Zhe Jiajun, Yang Jiajun, Zhong Jiajun, Liu Jiajun, Xin Jiajun, etc.

Secondly, although the troops of the Western Army came from all over the country, they were mainly composed of young and strong people from Shaanxi and Guanzhong. In the later period, the proportion of Guanxi and Shaanxi became larger. They were rough, tough, hard-working, and many of them were from the same county. , even people of the same race and village, their social relations are close and strong, they fight very bravely and tenaciously, and they are not afraid of sacrifice.

For the soldiers of the Western Army, the fight against Xixia is to defend their hometown. Therefore, they are highly motivated and enthusiastic to join the army. In addition, there are many famous generals, well-trained and well-equipped, and the rewards are often very generous. Therefore, the Western Army often dares to penetrate thousands of miles into the vast sea and desert. , to carry out large-scale roundabout and interspersed maneuver operations, quite like the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties!

Thirdly, the Western Army and Guan Shaanxi where it is located are martial arts. Many families have served in the Western Army for life for several generations. All their lives and property are in the Western Army barracks. After the death of a father, his son succeeds him, life and death continue. Many men live At the age of thirty, just as the Yang family described the twelve widows marching to the west, a bunch of young widows in the Western Army gathered together everywhere, relying on each other and taking care of each other.

It should be noted that the Western Army comes from many sources, not all Han soldiers, but also many Tibetan and Qiang soldiers, as well as local soldiers, rural soldiers, hunters, etc. It is a joint military defense mechanism, but the core of its combat effectiveness is the young and strong soldiers of Guan and Shaanxi. The Western Army formed.

This army is almost invincible when fighting on the mainland. They can even make the old, weak, women and children go into battle to kill the enemy.

As for the last reason, the Western Army has been fighting in the north and south for many years. Their combat experience is extremely rich, which is far beyond the comparison of other Song armies who have not heard of fighting for a hundred or two hundred years.

With the Western Army supporting them, Tian Hu and Wang Qing should not be able to make too big a wave in a short period of time.

Tong Guan, who has experienced many battles, has led the Zhao Song Dynasty's most capable army south. Judging from the current situation, even if Fang La and Fang Baihua cannot be wiped out in a short time, the rebels in the southeast will not go north to threaten the Zhao Song Dynasty. .

Looking at it this way, the only person who can really pose a fatal threat to the Zhao and Song Dynasties is Jiang Hongfei. After all, whether it is Shuibo Liangshan, Shandong or Hebei, it is too close to the capital area.

On the third day of the third month of the third year of the reign of Emperor Xuanhe of the Song Dynasty, at three o'clock in the morning, all the important ministers of the Zhao Ji Dynasty gathered in the Shiban Pavilion. When the drum sounds, everyone will follow their orders and line up their Danqi. The worship, dance and daily life have been completed, and the civil and military classes are arranged under the jade steps.

Zhao Ji said in a deep voice: "Jiang Yan, this bandit is a serious problem that must be eliminated. Who will share my worries?"

After saying that, Zhao Ji looked at Gao Qiu.

Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while.

Over the years, Zhao Ji often praised Gao Qiu, making Gao Qiu from a rogue to the commander of the palace of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, and also gave him the official title of Taiwei.

Now, Zhao Ji needs someone to share his worries, and Gao Qiu is in charge of the 800,000 Central Forbidden Army, so he is bound to help Zhao Ji solve his problems.

Gao Qiu knew this.

Moreover, Shuibo Liangshan and Gao Qiu had deep personal grudges.

Gao Qiu also felt that it was time to end things.

Therefore, Gao Qiu went out to the class and said: "I am a humble minister but I am not talented, so I am willing to work like a dog and horse to suppress this bandit. I will obey the imperial edict."

Zhao Ji was very pleased and said: "Since you are willing to share your worries with me, I will let you choose your troops and horses and go to war as soon as possible."

Gao Qiu also reported: "The area around Liangshan is more than 800 miles, and it is impossible to move forward without boats. I asked the imperial edict to stop near Liangshan, cut trees and plants, order craftsmen to build ships, or use official money to buy civilian ships for war expeditions." .”

Zhao Ji said: "Assign your ministers to take charge and follow your orders. Do whatever is feasible, and be careful not to harm the people."

Gao Qiu said: "How dare I, a humble minister! I only tolerate tolerance in order to succeed."

Zhao Ji ordered people to get brocade robes and golden armor, gave them to Gao Qiu, and chose an auspicious day to set out.

On that day, all the officials retreated, and Gao Qiu summoned Zhongshu Shengguanfang, the governor of Guanfang, to pass on the imperial edict and decide to mobilize the army.

To be on the safe side, Gao Qiu specifically told the Privy Council: "The former has ten military envoys, many of whom have made great contributions to the country, either conquering Guifang Kingdom, conquering Xixia, and conquering Jin, Daliao and other places. They are skilled in martial arts. Please surrender." Instruct and send generals..."

In addition to the ten festivals, Gao Qiu also recruited Zhang Shuye and his son who were good at conquering and fighting, Shan Tinggui and Wei Dingguo, two generals of water and fire, and Yun Tianbiao, who had a big feud with Shuibo Liangshan. He had been clamoring to destroy Shuibo Liangshan's Yun. Xu Huai, the county magistrate, Zhengyi Village, a civil force in the Qingzhou area, and Yuanbizhai, an armed force in the Yizhou area of ​​Shandong, are Jiang Hongfei's cheap father-in-law Chen Xizhen, etc...

It can be seen that Gao Qiu worked hard this time and organized all the forces he could mobilize to rebel against Boliangshan and prepare for a decisive battle with Jiang Hongfei...

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