Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 267 Internal strife

"Suppressing bandits, suppressing bandits, I really don't know who are the soldiers and who are the bandits? Although the Liangshan bandits are ruthless, they only deal with those high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry who are unkind for wealth. Moreover, the Liangshan bandits only want to get Their land, IOUs, and food, these soldiers and bandits are good at taking everything. I heard that a few days ago, in Xiangjiabao outside the city, the whole village taught people to kill good people and take credit for their merits. Teach these When the soldiers went to suppress the bandits, they were all scared to death. How could they dare to look at him? They bullied good people, but they were all like wolves and tigers. Alas, this is the way of the world!"

Those who can participate in cockfighting, especially those who can sit in a restaurant and watch cockfighting like Shijiedu, are all wealthy and well-off families.

But at this time, even they had begun to question the nature of the official army.

I have to say how bad the officers and soldiers behaved.

The Anping Jiedushi of Zhongshan opened his mouth to listen to the words, and sighed leisurely: "Alas! As I went south from Zhongshan Prefecture, I saw all the things I saw along the way. After the Liangshan bandits conquered a prefecture and county, in addition to canceling debts, dividing fields, and dividing grain, they also They will also set up numerous soup kitchens and rescue sheds to provide porridge and medicine, and implement various benevolent policies. There was a severe drought in Hebei last year, and there were people everywhere who could not survive. The place occupied by Shuibo Liangshan can be taught. , but no one died of starvation. In those areas that had long been occupied by Shuibo Liangshan, the people had enough food and clothing, and lived and worked in peace and contentment. Looking at my side of the Song Dynasty, it was like a hell on earth, but it was full of people who were knocking bones and sucking marrow. No wonder the situation collapsed. That’s it!”

Although other Jiedu envoys have not visited Hebei, they have been to the area around Liangshanbo several times. With their rich experience, how could they not see how big the gap is between Shuibo Liangshan and the Zhao and Song Dynasty? How could they not be worried about the dynasty they had fought for all their lives?

Wang Huan, the military governor of Henan and Hebei, had dealt with people from Shuibo Liangshan many times, both covertly and covertly, and knew that the situation in the Zhao and Song dynasties was not optimistic.

But the situation in the Zhao and Song Dynasties was already so bad, and there were treacherous officials like Gao Qiu who were accelerating the demise of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Wang Huan couldn't sit still anymore. He used his spiritual power and shouted outside: "Stop!"

As soon as Wang Huan finished speaking, the soldiers of the Song Army who were grabbing the fighting cock paused slightly, waiting for who was going to stop them from showing their prestige?

When the Song Army officers and soldiers saw that the person who stood up was just an old man with white hair and beard, they continued their actions in unison.

Seeing this, Wang Huan's soldiers shouted loudly: "My Jiedushi is telling you to stop, your ears are stuffed with chicken feathers?!"

After hearing this, the leading Song general made a symbolic military salute to Wang Huan, and said softly but firmly: "The last general is the commander of Wansheng's first army. He has been ordered by the Taiwei to collect food and grass for the army. If the old general has any questions, Please also go to the city to speak to the Taiwei, and do not hinder the general from carrying out his official duties!"

Wan Shengjun is Gao Qiu's personal army, and its nature is similar to Jiang Hongfei's personal bodyguard.

This Wan Shengjun is also the last guarantee for Gao Qiu's life safety. It goes without saying that he is close to Gao Qiu.

The soldiers of the Wan Sheng Army who have always been with Gao Qiu have also seen too many senior military officials paying respect in front of Gao Qiu. How can they be afraid of Wang Huan, the old military governor who has expired?

What's more, they really took the order of the general manager of Gao Qiu's house to prepare military rations for the Xuanfu Division today, which is equivalent to doing official business according to Gao Qiu's order. How could he be afraid of Wang Huan?

Wang Huan was angry that he refused to argue: "The thieves care about the people, but you guys have disgraced the officials. When we are here in the Song Dynasty, it will really bring disaster to the country and the people! I want to ask you, do you want to withdraw or not?"

When Wang Liang, the commander of the Wan Sheng Army, heard this, his face sank and he stopped pretending. He said calmly: "Please forgive me for not being able to obey the general's orders!"

Then, Wang Liang looked at the soldiers of the Wan Sheng Army who had stopped, and cursed: "What are you looking at? Why don't you continue to carry out Taiwei Jun's decree!"

At this time, Wang Huan's five hundred pro-army troops also arrived here uniformly.

Wang Huan asked Wang Liang: "I'll ask you again, can't you stop?"

Wang Liang didn't even raise his eyelids and said calmly: "I'm sorry, but I obey!"

Wang Huan didn't talk nonsense, but said calmly: "They are all tied up! If there is resistance, we will kill without mercy!"

Wang Huan's generals listened to the order and hurried to Wang Huan's side to persuade him in a low voice: "My lord, they are following the order of Captain Gao..."

Wang Huan repeated: "We are all tied up! If anyone resists, we will kill them without mercy!"

To be honest, originally Wang Huan just wanted to scare these Gyeonggi Forbidden Army who were all cowards who only dared to show off their power to their own people and went to the battlefield, but unexpectedly these cowards started to tremble.

Who is Wang Huan? At that time, the Xia thieves who were fighting outside, the strong bandits who were fighting inside, and the people who were killed in the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​​​blood were ranked first in the Ten Festivals based on their military exploits and prestige. How could they retreat at this time? Not to mention that his vitality is not weak at this time, but the experience gained from leading soldiers for many years also tells him that he must not be soft at this time, otherwise his energy will be dampened.

Therefore, Wang Huan did not listen to the advice of his subordinates and insisted on punishing Gao Qiu's pro-army troops.

The general is the soul of the soldier. Thinking that Gao Qiu is only half a rank higher than his own Jiedushi, is he afraid of a ball? !

All the generals under Wang Huan drew their swords one after another and shouted loudly: "In accordance with the military orders of the Prime Minister, rebellion is suppressed. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"

Wang Liang was shocked when he heard this. He never expected that Wang Huan, an old man like Wang Huan, would dare to attack Gao Qiu's personal soldiers like them? ! ! !

Wang Liang thought to himself: "I have more than three thousand people here, and he only has four or five hundred. If this is the case, and this old guy has the upper hand, the Taiwei will definitely be angry with me and lose his prestige. I am afraid that my position of control will be for nothing." At the end of the day, and this old guy doesn’t take me seriously because he is the military governor, that means he doesn’t take the Taiwei seriously. If I don’t teach him to know me today, when I go back, I Where is there any place to stand?"

Thinking of this, Wang Liang said loudly: "We are preparing military rations for the Xuanfu Division under the order of Taiwei Jun. If anyone dares to cause trouble, you are allowed to defend yourself and fight back!"

How could Wang Huan, who had been fighting all his life, not understand the principle that the brave will win when meeting on a narrow road? And there are so many more people on the opposite side than on our side.

Therefore, without saying a word, Wang Huan directly waved his hand and motioned for his soldiers to take action.

Seeing this, Wang Huan's soldiers immediately pounced on him!

Wang Huan was truly a veteran who emerged from the bloody sea of ​​swords and mountains, and the soldiers under him were naturally bloody soldiers who had experienced life-and-death battles.

The so-called Wansheng Army is actually a military meritorious army composed of a group of scoundrels and yamen of wealthy families in Bianliang City, Tokyo.

The combat effectiveness of the two sides is simply not the same.

Let's put it this way, both sides have already started fighting, and many soldiers of the Wan Sheng Army are still holding chickens in their hands. I wonder if they should help?

How could such a battle be suspenseful?

That is to say, the generals under Wang Huan were quite sensible. After seeing what kind of people these "elites" of Wan Shengjun were, they secretly passed on the order to use the back of the sword and turn the head of the gun.

In this way, too many people in Wan Shengjun were not really killed, but a few hundred people were injured, and the others all turned into birds and beasts and dispersed.

Seeing this, Wang Huan was not happy at all.

In fact, it was just the opposite. In Wang Huan's heart, there was only a kind of sadness that the hero was old!

At the same time, Wang Huan was even more worried about the Zhao Song Dynasty!

Think about the glory and glory that this group of ten heroes had when they met the late emperor and were favored by God. They worked hard to prepare for the danger, trained their troops diligently, and pointed their swords at the north.

I don’t want to be ignored by Zhao Ji for so many years, and now he is reduced to a paper door god in the eyes of his descendants. He can only be used as decoration. Not to mention that he can’t even scare a dog. How dare these guys take advantage of Gao Qiu, a jester. Jun Zhi came to pretend to be a tiger, trying to block his mouth.

Forget it, the key point is that the Wansheng Army, which was supposed to be the strongest Song army, turned out to be extremely useless, like a chicken and a dog. It can only bully others and has no combat effectiveness at all. It is expected that such an army will destroy the powerful Shuibo. Liangshan, save the Zhao and Song dynasties, are you kidding me?

That Wang Liang was captured before and after Wang Huan's body, he said with serious expression: "We, the Wansheng Army, were ordered by Taiwei Jun to prepare military rations for the Xuanfu Division. Your troops attacked our soldiers without any reason and caused many casualties. Let's see how you explain to the Taiwei. ?”

Wang Huanzhong snorted: "Hmph! Apart from the current officials, who do I need to answer to?"

Then, Wang Huan ordered that the fighting cocks be returned to the people.

Seeing this, those who had been robbed of the fighting cock knelt down to thank Wang Huan.

Wang Huandao: "This generation uses chicken feathers as arrows to oppress the people. They cannot represent the soldiers of the Song Dynasty. Not all good men of the Song Dynasty are like them. Get up, I will take them to be punished."

After that, Wang Huan ordered his people to capture all these hundreds of people, tie them into a bunch, and take them to see Gao Qiu.

Several Jiedu envoys in the restaurant couldn't help but shake their heads when they saw this!

Wang Wende, the envoy of Hongnong Festival in northern Beijing, said bluntly: "Brother Wang is still so impulsive at his age."

Xu Jingze, the governor of Shangdang Taiyuan, had a different opinion. He said: "I don't blame Lao Wang. In war, the right time, place, and people are important. Now the time, place, and people are not with me. If we lose people and people again, how can we fight this war?" ?”

Yang Wen, the governor of Lingling in Jiangxia, said leisurely: "It is better to offend a gentleman than a villain."

Everyone is an old fox, how can they not understand what Yang Wen means?

Li Congji, the governor of Hanyang in Longxi, said calmly: "My old guys are already buried up to their necks in loess. If we don't serve our country with loyalty, why bother to come here?"

Jing Zhong, the governor of Qinghe Tianshui, was named "Jingnan Gang". He rose to power by currying favor with powerful people. He smiled sinisterly and said: "You are old, but don't forget that you still have children and grandchildren. Gao Taiwei won the official position." Family favorite, offend him, hehe..."

As soon as Jing Zhong said this, several old military envoys couldn't help but shut their mouths.

Not to mention that each of the other nine festivals has its own thoughts.

It is only said that Wang Huan carried Wang Liang to the front of Gao Qiu's Chinese army's tent, and there was a group of phoenixes dancing and singing, and the cheers continued.

It turned out that Gao Qiu was entertaining people from the Xuanfu Division, and the thirty singers and dancers he had specially brought were dancing for everyone.

Gao Qiu was tall, handsome, and intimidating. He no longer looked like the gangster he once was on the streets.

At this time, his fair face was frowning and frowning, as if it were covered with dark clouds, and his eyes were like ice balls, emitting cold light; his lips were moving but he could not say a word.

Gao Qiu just heard that Wang Huan had beaten his own soldiers.

When beating a dog, it depends on the owner. If Wang Huan doesn't give Gao Qiu face, how can Gao Qiu not be angry?

However, Gao Qiu took a deep breath, then waved his hand to signal the thirty singers and dancers to get down, and then said: "Please come in, General Wang."

When Wang Huan came in with Wang Liang, Gao Qiu immediately walked down the platform to greet him with a smile on his face.

Before Wang Huan was in trouble, Gao Qiu said bluntly: "Old general, there is no need to speak, I already know what happened."

Then, Gao Qiu issued an order: "Take Wang Liang down and chop him down."

When Wang Liang heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that Gao Qiu would not only not save him, but also help him avenge him, he would also kill him!

Wang Liang said hurriedly: "Lieutenant, I am wronged. I was ordered by the senior manager to prepare military rations for our Xuanfu Division..."

Could Gao Qiu not know that Wang Liang was "unjustly accused"?

But first, Wang Liang was stupid. When Gao Qiu desperately needed Wang Huan and other ten Jiedu's services, he offended the leader of the Ten Jiedu. This alone was enough for Gao Qiu to kill Wang Liang.

Secondly, Wang Liang led 3,000 men but couldn't defeat Wang Huan's 500 men. They were extremely useless. If Gao Qiu didn't take the opportunity to rectify Wan Sheng's army, their group of useless people would sooner or later lose his life. After all, this This is not in Bianliang City in Tokyo. They only need to bully the helpless people. This is on the battlefield. The Liangshan bandits will not stand there and let them fight. On the contrary, if the Liangshan bandits see them, they will have to scream. There is no way he can catch up. By then, with this group of wine bags and rice bags, Gao Qiu will definitely be dead!

Therefore, before Wang Liang finished speaking, Gao Qiu waved his hand and ordered Wang Liang to be taken down for execution.

Wang Huan, on the other hand, hesitated: "Although Wang Tongzhi made a mistake, it's not like he should be beheaded?"

Gao Qiu said: "Hey~! In an emergency, how can An not use heavy rituals?"

After saying that, Gao Qiu took Wang Huan's hand and explained: "Now the Fang La brothers and sisters have occupied the southeast and cut off the economic and food supply of the Song Dynasty. The country is in trouble. I came to suppress the bandits in Liangshan. Wang Xianggong only approved one hundred spiritual coins." Tens of thousands of warships and one hundred thousand dan of grain. A veteran general is a man who knows how to fight. How can my army of hundreds of thousands be supported by just this small amount of grain and grass? What’s more, the Liangshan bandits have always insisted on refusing to go to war. The Liangshan bandits have deep roots in Shandong and Hebei. , it’s not something that can be eradicated in a day or two, so how can I not make long-term plans and prepare in advance?”

Wang Huan knew that what Gao Qiu said was not a lie, and he was indeed in trouble.

However, Wang Huan would not be deceived by Gao Qiu's words. How could he not know that the court's money and food supply were tight, but Gao Qiu had made a lot of money in recent years through real estate development and corruption and bribery?

If Gao Qiu was as loyal and patriotic as he said, why didn't he spend some money on his own military expenditure?

Wang Huan retracted his hand without leaving a trace, and said: "Even if the army is temporarily short of food, we can't send troops to disturb the people. Doesn't this destroy the people's support? It is said that the gang of thieves in Liangshan know how to win over the people. Could it be that we, the officers and soldiers, are not as good as him?" ?”

Seeing that Wang Huan was not getting enough food and salt, Gao Qiu also became angry. He said in a deep voice: "Then please teach me, General Wang. Is there any good plan to teach my army not to suffer from lack of food?"

Wang Huan is just a general who leads troops to fight, how can he solve this kind of thing? Therefore, facing Gao Qiu's rebel general, Wang Huan was immediately speechless.

Seeing this, one of Gao Qiu's staff immediately spoke up and said: "In emergency situations, we cannot deal with common sense! When the army breaks through Liangshan, the Taiwei will make his own decision. Since Lao Jiedu was ordered to mobilize the Taiwei's subordinates to listen to Just follow the orders of the Taiwei, please respect yourself and don’t ruin the important task of suppressing bandits!"

Immediately, another staff member stood up and asked Wang Huan: "If there is a mutiny due to lack of food and grass in the future, I dare to ask Lao Jiedu, can he bear this responsibility?"

Wang Huan got angry with these sharp-tongued and confusing aides. As soon as he pressed the sword on his waist, he actually had the idea of ​​killing all these aides.

At this moment, Liu Qi came to Wang Huan, grabbed Wang Huan's knife-holding hand, and said: "Old general, please calm down. We are all here to suppress thieves. This time, the Taiwei has risked all his wealth and life, and The culprit has been killed, the old general should listen to the captain!"

Liu Qi's words reminded Gao Qiu how important it was to him to suppress Jiang Hongfei this time.

The key point is that now that Zhang Ji and Yun Tianbiao have been wiped out by Jiang Hongfei, the only ones Gao Qiu can count on are Shijiedu and Xu Huai. At this time, if Gao Qiu gets into trouble with Wang Huan, the leader of Shijiedu, it will delay his suppression. Jiang Hongfei, then he may be in big trouble.

This is actually one of the reasons why Gao Qiu killed his own confidants as soon as he came up to settle the matter.

Therefore, Gao Qiu, who had reacted, immediately stopped talking: "I will ask the court for some money and food later, and I will also teach the people below to raise food to pay attention to the methods."

Gao Qiu first killed Wang Liang and then made such a promise, which was already a big step back.

Furthermore, Liu Qi grabbed Wang Huan's hand and prevented Wang Huan from moving.

Wang Huan could only look coldly at the two staff who had already passed through the gate of hell, broke away from Liu Qi's big hand, hugged Gao Qiu with a fist, and then withdrew...

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