Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 268 Jiang Yan’s Nine Military Advisors

Chen Xizhen, Hua Rong, Luan Tingyu and others, who had escorted more than 60,000 prisoners and returned in victory, arrived at Shuibo Liangshan without any danger after marching for six or seven days. They were then divided into the First Shui Army, the Second Shui Army and the Sixth Shui Army. Delivered in batches to Liangshan Dazhai.

Xiao Jiasui and Chen Xizhen fought very beautifully in Yizhou.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xiao Jiasui and Chen Xizhen have eliminated a major concern and worry for Jiang Hongfei, allowing Jiang Hongfei to deal with Gao Qiu wholeheartedly.

It is precisely because of this that when Chen Xizhen and other heroes arrived at Golden Beach, Jiang Hongfei, who rarely went to greet people in person, came to welcome them up the mountain in person this time and held a grand celebration banquet for them.

Not only that, after a celebration banquet for Chen Xizhen and others, Jiang Hongfei announced that Chen Xizhen was appointed as the seventh military advisor in Shuibo Liangshan following Sun Jing, Zhu Wu, Xiao Jiasui, Xu Guanzhong, Gongsun Sheng, and Wu Yong.

The system of Shuibo Liangshan is that military advisors do not have the power to lead troops, and the power to lead troops lies with the generals below. However, military advisors have the power to command armies, and generals most of the time do not have the power to command large armies.

——Of course, this is only a temporary plan based on the fact that the current generals of the Liangshan Army are not suitable for controlling large army operations, and it will definitely change in the future.

Moreover, in some transitional times, the military advisors in Shuibo Liangshan not only had to manage the army, but also temporarily managed the politics of a place.

For example, today Sun Jing and Zhu Wu each lead a group of troops to capture cities and territories in Hebei, which is a matter of military and political control.

Xiao Jiasui was in charge of Shandong, and he was also in charge of the military and political affairs.

Xu Guanzhong was in charge of Daming Mansion and was responsible for the entire southern line of Hebei. He was also controlled by the military and government.

Even Wu Yong assisted Fang Baihua in handling all major military and political affairs in the southeast.

It can be seen how valuable the military advisor in Shuibo Liangshan is, and it is not difficult to see how much Jiang Hongfei attaches great importance to Chen Xizhen.

This is actually what Chen Xizhen pursues.

You know, Chen Xizhen is a very power-hungry person. His desire for power is actually comparable to that of Song Jiang.

Although Chen Xizhen has only officially entered the management of Shuibo Liangshan now, in fact Chen Xizhen had already invested in Shuibo Liangshan three years ago. How could he not pay attention to the power structure of Shuibo Liangshan as he is extremely thirsty for power? How could you not understand that as long as you become the military advisor of Shuibo Liangshan, it is equivalent to entering the cabinet of Shuibo Liangshan, and it is also equivalent to entering the highest level of power in Shuibo Liangshan?

Therefore, Chen Xizhen was very satisfied with Jiang Hongfei's arrangement, and even a little excited!

After the meal, Jiang Hongfei sent someone to call Chen Xizhen to discuss matters.

Chen Xizhen got the order and immediately came to the wing next to the Juyi Hall.

However, although Chen Xizhen was already very fast, when Chen Xizhen arrived at the wing of Juyi Hall, there were still three women in the room.

Chen Xizhen was not surprised by this, because these three women have been inseparable from Jiang Hongfei recently (or even most of the time).

This first woman is Jiang Hongfei's legal wife and Jiang Hongfei's number one bodyguard Gao Liang. At this moment, she is sitting in the corner. She does not speak or participate in politics. She is only providing personal protection to Jiang Hongfei.

The second woman is Liu Huiniang.

Before Chen Xizhen became Shuibo Liangshan's military advisor, people in Shuibo Liangshan usually only said that there were six military advisors, but in fact there were seven... no, eight.

The seventh military advisor is Liu Huiniang.

Moreover, Liu Huiniang is ranked seventh, not because Liu Huiniang is seventh in ability, but because Liu Huiniang is a woman and Jiang Hongfei’s concubine. There are some things that are inconvenient for her to do. In fact, in terms of ability alone, Liu Huiniang is almost Jiang Hongfei’s number one military advisor. .

Chen Xizhen clearly realizes that compared with Liu Huiniang, his only three advantages are:

1. He is a man and can go out and take charge;

2. He knows magic and can complete tasks that other strategists who cannot use magic can't do;

3. He is thick and dark. He can be compared with Sun Jing and Wu Yong, and he can also do the dirty work for Jiang Hongfei.

But although Chen Xizhen also has many advantages of his own, Chen Xizhen cannot compare to Liu Huiniang, a super-intelligent demon who is gifted with a keen eye, a clever mind, good at making utensils, and knows all kinds of military battle formations, Qimen Dunjia, and Taiyi Liuren. Even a woman who could compare with Zhuge Liang was so admired that it was impossible to look down upon her.

As for the eighth strategist, Chen Xizhen has not met him yet, but if he guessed correctly, he should be the last rosy-faced woman in the room.

This woman has a soft appearance and pleasant conversation. The best way to describe her is "a charming smile and beautiful eyes." She is charming and graceful, noble and elegant, dignified and elegant. When she is not smiling, there is something A faint cool temperament; a slight smile, charming and charming.

This woman is Mrs. Jia, the wife of Zhang Ji, the former Shandong Zhenfu general.

Chen Xizhen heard that when Mrs. Jia was first captured by Jiang Hongfei, she would rather die than surrender and her attitude was very determined.

As a result, Jiang Hongfei favored Mrs. Jia for seven days in a row. In addition, after the Liangshan army captured Dongchang Mansion and captured Mrs. Jia's family, Mrs. Jia surrendered half-heartedly and ended up in Liangshan.

By the way, what impressed Chen Xizhen most about Jiang Hongfei was that Jiang Hongfei was really unscrupulous in order to achieve his goal!

Just like Mrs. Jia.

Who in Shandong doesn't know that Zhang Ji was frail and cowardly, but even so, Mrs. Jia still tried her best to assist Zhang Ji, making the useless Zhang Ji become the general of Shandong.

Moreover, what is commendable is that Mrs. Jia is still pure and self-loving, and there has never been any scandal at all. Even though she has been married to the sick man Zhang Ji for ten years, she has never conceived a son and a half. She is definitely a chaste woman and deserves to be chaste. Archway.

In order to get Mrs. Jia, and to have Mrs. Jia assist him like he assisted Zhang Ji, Jiang Hongfei disregarded face, had no lower limit, directly ruined Mrs. Jia's reputation, and threatened Mrs. Jia with Mrs. Jia's family, forcing him to Mrs. Jia obeyed herself.

In terms of character, at least from Mrs. Jia's perspective, Jiang Hongfei can be said to be despicable and shameless.

But if you look at it from the perspective of success, you can be smart and alert since childhood, read poetry and books, have a wide range of knowledge, and have a clear understanding of worldly affairs. Especially, you are born with a pair of eyes, and you can tell the difference between the 100 people in the house at a glance. Mrs. Jia is a virtuous and traitorous person, and all of them will come true in the future. She is a good helper inside and can control Mrs. Jia outside. It is understandable that Jiang Hongfei uses such methods. After all, this country is won by fighting, calculating, and fighting. Rather than being a good person and others giving it to you.

Chen Xizhen had already heard about it, and since Mrs. Jia became pregnant, she had accepted her fate and offered several strategies to Jiang Hongfei as "vouchers of fame."

Chen Xizhen glanced at Mrs. Jia's unchanged belly without leaving any trace: "Now everything has become a certainty."

Chen Xizhen bowed to Jiang Hongfei solemnly: "Meet my lord."

Jiang Hongfei did not blame Chen Xizhen for being too polite, but continued to look at the documents and said casually: "Just find a place to sit for a while. When brother Wang Lunxian and brother Gongsun Shengxian arrive, we will start discussing things."

After Chen Xizhen heard this, he bowed his hands to Gao Liang and Mrs. Jia in the room, and nodded to the junior Liu Huiniang.

Gao Liang and Mrs. Jia stood up to return the courtesy, while Liu Huiniang directly arranged for Chen Xizhen to sit in the guest seat aside.

Not long after, Wang Lun and Gongsun Sheng also came one after another.

Seeing this, Chen Xizhen stood up and stood in front of Jiang Hongfei with Wang Lun and Gongsun Sheng.

Seeing that everyone was here, Jiang Hongfei put down his pen and memorial.

——Shuibo Liangshan’s early official documents did not have certain rules and procedures, and were not included in the official official documents. Officials and generals from all over the country, regardless of their official position, as long as they have Jiang Hongfei's favor and special permission, even low-level officials, or even just grassroots captains, can write "memorials" to Jiang Hongfei. But these too many styles caused a lot of trouble for Jiang Hongfei to review. Later, Jiang Hongfei felt that the written memorials made by officials in the Qing Dynasty to the emperor were much more efficient and formal than those at that time, so he imitated them.

Jiang Hongfei said straight to the point: "In Hebei, the Northern Expedition Left Army and the Northern Expedition Right Army are progressing relatively smoothly. The biggest problem at present is the lack of civil servants. Military Advisor Sun and Military Advisor Zhu have asked me more than once for the talents to act on behalf of heaven and the talents to govern. ”

Wang Lun said with some embarrassment: "Since the Southeast Uprising last year, Shuibo Liangshan has expanded greatly. Southeast, Shandong, and now Hebei combined, there are more than 40 states and more than 260 counties. Well, all the talents we trained earlier can do the work of several people, including the literati recruited from Shandong, Southeast, and Hebei. After only simple training, they were all assigned. Now I have no redundant literati at all. ."

Jiang Hongfei also knew that the recent expansion of Shuibo Liangshan was too fast, and it was normal for the reserve talents to be exhausted.

But we can't just let it go.

Jiang Hongfei emphasized: "Hebei will be the cornerstone of our Shuibo Liangshan Mountains, and there is no room for any mistakes!"

After hearing this, Wang Lun thought for a while and said, "How about we transfer a group of key personnel from Shandong, Liuqiu, and Southeast, and then select some officials with good performance from the officials of Zhao and Song to go to the emergency first?"

Jiang Hongfei pondered for a moment and said, "Treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Hongfei said: "Let's hold an imperial examination and spread the publicity as much as possible. Regardless of region or origin, we will only choose based on merit."

Wang Lun's eyes lit up, and he immediately responded: "I will first dispatch a group of backbones from Shandong, Liuqiu, and Southeast and select a group of Zhao and Song officials to Hebei for emergency response, and at the same time hold the imperial examination."

Jiang Hongfei waved his hand, indicating that Wang Lun could go and do these two things, and the rest had nothing to do with him.

Wang Lun didn't show any nostalgia, bowed to Jiang Hongfei, then turned and left.

Chen Xizhen was very excited when Jiang Hongfei said that Shuibo Liangshan was going to hold an imperial examination. He thought to himself: "Shuibo Liangshan is becoming more and more like a political power."

At the same time, Chen Xizhen discovered one of Jiang Hongfei's characteristics, that is, he is decisive in dealing with things, never procrastinating, and he responds quickly and methodically.

After Wang Lun left, Jiang Hongfei said bluntly: "I hope Gao Qiu can fight me again after I capture Hebei, but if I think about it from my perspective, unless Gao Qiu is really stupid, he will definitely not give me Opportunities like this.”

Gongsun Sheng said: "Even if Captain Gao is really like this, none of his staff will be like this. What's more, those ten Jiedu are all veteran generals who have experienced battles for a long time, and they will definitely not make such a low-level mistake."

Chen Xizhen used every opportunity to express himself: "Gao Qiu has a staff member named Wen Huanzhang. This person is not as resourceful as Sun Junshi, but their styles are very different. With this person, Gao Qiu will definitely not make such a mistake. ."

Jiang Hongfei knew Wen Huanzhang's ability, so he nodded: "Let's prepare for the worst. Let's think about it, how can we fight Gao Qiu in a decisive battle that is most beneficial to me?"

In fact, Jiang Hongfei, Liu Huiniang, Gongsun Sheng, and Mrs. Jia have discussed how to fight Gao Qiu many times. Even Sun Jing, Zhu Wu, Xiao Jiasui, Xu Guanzhong, and Wu Yong have all given memorials and strategies to Jiang Hongfei.

The reason why Jiang Hongfei mentioned this matter again was mainly to hear if Chen Xizhen had any better suggestions, and also to give Chen Xizhen a chance to express himself.

When Chen Xizhen saw that others had no intention of speaking, he expressed his thoughts:

"Although the soldiers of our Liangshan Army are extremely capable, how can it be cost-effective to kill one thousand enemies and lose three hundred to ourselves? Waiting for work while waiting for work, using advantages to counteract disadvantages, is the best strategy for using troops. The reason why our Shuibo Liangshan ranks first among other forces is largely due to Because I have a water bank of 800 miles, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. If the decisive battle is placed on this water bank, it will be of great benefit to me and harmful to the Song army. Moreover, the villain knows a kind of spiritual eye. On the day of the decisive battle, open your eyes to our soldiers, and I, Gongsun’s military advisor and several magician leaders will be able to defeat the Song army at the same time."

The eight hundred miles of water is definitely one of the biggest advantages of Liangshan. If they can fight the Song Army here, the Song Army will definitely have no chance of victory.

It can be said that Chen Xizhen's proposal is definitely no problem in theory.

So Jiang Hongfei first affirmed Chen Xizhen's proposal: "A decisive battle on the water is indeed the most ideal, but we still have to sit down and discuss this matter in detail, hoping that it will come true!"

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei confirmed his opinion, Chen Xizhen was overjoyed, but he felt that Jiang Hongfei's words had a bleak flavor, as if there were loopholes in his suggestions?

Chen Xizhen is now also one of Jiang Hongfei's military advisors and one of Jiang Hongfei's father-in-law. There is no need to waste time making random guesses. He asked straightforwardly: "But what's wrong with a decisive battle on the water?"

Jiang Hongfei did not hide anything from Chen Xizhen. He said: "Your plan is good, but you only know one but not the other. A decisive battle on the water is the best. Unfortunately, I have a weakness. If Gao Qiu catches it, I will We can only passively fight him on land."


Chen Xizhen was stunned for a moment.

After reacting for a while, Chen Xizhen asked: "But the people of Liangshanbo?"

Jiang Hongfei nodded, and then said leisurely: "I received information that Gao Qiu came to attack Shuibo Liangshan. Wang Fu only gave him one million spiritual coins and one hundred thousand stones of grain. Recently, he was sending people to Xingren. The government harasses the people in the name of raising food."

After a pause, Jiang Hongfei continued: "The people here in Liangshanbo are richer than the people in Xingren Mansion. Every family is full of food. It is impossible for Gao Qiu not to know. The reason why Gao Qiu has not come to harass him before is just Because his soldiers and horses have not yet gathered together, and the warships have not been built yet, he does not want to provoke our Liangshan army. After he has built the loach boats and is ready for the decisive battle, he will definitely come to plunder my people in Liangshanbo. Once he comes to raise funds Food, grass, military expenses; secondly, force our Liangshan Army to leave Liangshanbo, the battlefield that is most beneficial to our Liangshan Army, and fight decisively on a battlefield that is beneficial to him."

Based on Chen Xizhen's understanding of Gao Qiu, Gao Qiu would definitely be able to come out and rob the people here in Liangshanbo.

And with Jiang Hongfei's consistent character design, even if the Liangshan Army suffered some losses, the Song Army could not be allowed to rob his own people.

The key point is that when Jiang Hongfei reaches this position, he can no longer only consider military affairs and not politics.

——In the final analysis, the military always serves politics, otherwise the military will be meaningless.

Chen Xizhen slowly came back to his senses.

If you think about it clearly, it is almost impossible for the Liangshan Army and the Song Army to have a decisive battle on Liangshanbo. Jiang Hongfei just said this, but he was actually showing mercy to him.

Of course, Jiang Hongfei was not lying. He really hoped that the decisive battle would take place at the eight hundred miles of water.

However, this possibility is too low...

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