Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 1197: Consume them

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The Black Crow was the first to surrender, but perhaps the most depressed of the six Golden Immortals. Originally, the black raven's ability was to control death, but Shangguo had already done a similar defense, and all the treasures had the ability to prevent evil spells.

Don’t forget, Shangguo has gathered almost all the knowledge of the right way, evil way, devil’s way, side door and left way, etc. After these years of development, this knowledge has been basically digested and absorbed, and new. This has led to Shangguo’s technical system being very complete, not to mention that the products produced are “towards perfection”.

For example, at present, the black raven’s most powerful method, manipulating death, has no way to exert it. As a result, it can only use secondary means to fight-learning the melee as ordinary people, or using a flying sword to attack; although such an attack is also good, after all, it was originally Can it only exert 30% of its strength, but it is not very familiar after all.

Coupled with one or two auras interfering with bombs from time to time, watching the weird reddish gold weapon aim at himself again, and finally panicked.

Just a hundred kilometers away, the golden fairy's primordial spirit can be easily scanned-of course, seeing does not mean destroying.

At this point in time, the Black Crow surrendered, the first of its kind! Although it was a bit of a shame to surrender to mortals, the death crows are not human... well, this is probably an alternative ostrich mentality.

The Black Crow surrendered, willingly accepted the temporary seal, and what was waiting for him would be the "Seal God". Speaking of it, the gods are a reward. Shang Guo does not know how many people want to be gods. But for these golden immortals, the result of sealing the gods is a kind of bondage.

First of all, if God is sealed, it will inevitably leave traces, which is equivalent to a brand, a brand for a lifetime! Secondly, although the gods can get a strong power bonus, but this bonus is controlled by the merchant state, which can in turn control these gods-of course, this kind of means, the merchant state generally does not use And will never even be used. It's just that everyone knows it well.

The situation on the battlefield was completely overturned. Six Golden Immortals arrived in Immortal Territory after nearly two years, and then enjoyed a leisurely life for a month. Finally, on the battlefield less than half an hour, they fell four and left two. Support hard.

One is the human race of the peak of Jinxian, Xiu Zhenwu; the other is the Shura and Mogacro of the late Jinxian, which are close to the peak. The remaining two are not simple, especially the Shura clan is far superior to the human clan in combat talent; in other words, this guy can skip the battle!

Yan Zean looked at the remaining two hard bones for a while and then ordered: "Be careful, the remaining two are hard bones. We do this.

First, continuous attacks, consuming them.

Second, keep shouting ‘surrender and not kill’ and kill their will!

Thirdly, there will be three air and space carriers around to hold a sky party, where everyone can rest, enjoy, get supplies, etc., let those two golden fairy envy go! "

So in front of the battle, but in the back turned upside down, singing and dancing performances in turn, the wine and dishes are like running water, many masters even started to communicate; wine and food are full, of course, have to be active, go to the scene to attack for a while, come back and continue to feel!

Xiu Zhenwu and Mogacro are angry at Qiqiao, but they are helpless. They want to run, but they are often interrupted. Sometimes it will burst once, but at this time, a purple gold finger will fall out of thin air. Li Xian’s avatar is still very strong. Although each attack consumes a lot of money, the two Jin Xian and Xiu Zhenwu and Mogacro consume more, not to mention supplements and rest. .

The battle continued, the time passed a little bit, it was dark and bright again, the battle has been going on for a day, although the masters of the siege of Jinxian have so many unlucky deaths, but most of them are only injured and the worst. Escape from a Yuanshen; and Shang Guo has made a promise, even if Jiu Jie San Xian, there is hope to find the flesh, Shang Guo is studying.

With the guarantee of Shang Guo, coupled with the temptation of Jinxian, and of course hatred, fear, etc., everyone made a crazy attack.

In a blink of an eye, another three days had passed, and at that time, even a golden fairy such as Xiu Zhenwu and Mogacro finally began to fall apart. The fairy in their body has almost been exhausted, but the masters here in Shangguo are endless, and everyone has the spirit of fairy spirit to supplement consumption.

Finally, the first flying sword broke through the defense, leaving a scar on Xiu Zhenwu's immortal armor; although the top magic weapon made of nano materials could not break the defense, it still caused some damage to immortal armor; and then the second flying sword Come, continue to attack at the original wound...

Ding Ding Dang Dang's voice continued, and finally Feijian broke through the defense and plunged into Xiu Zhenwu's back.

Xiuwu Wu screamed, his movements were out of control, and more masters surged wildly. He surrounded Xiuwuwu in a flash.

But after a few breaths, a scream came, and then it was:

"I surrender!"

"Play first and talk again!" Yan Zean smiled coldly. These golden fairies are arrogantly unreasonable. To really convince these guys, gentle means is not enough!

After so much hardship, the masters of the siege were excited and hit a golden fairy! This opportunity is not much, hard!

Mogakruo of the Shura tribe next to him saw that Ji Ling Ling shivered, finally realizing the reality, and had to shout surrender. Feeling suffocated, like the endless sea, the retrograde ascension channel has gone through two years and experienced untold hardships, and has not yet had time to find a harem.

I am probably one of the most fascinating golden immortals in the history of Immortal Realm! Mogacro is only helpless or helpless!

But after shouting, Mogacro loosed his mind, and then the golden fairy made a classic movement: holding his head in both hands, curling up his body, waiting... to be beaten!

But Yan Zean is not a **** headed man, but he stopped everyone's attacks, and he also allowed Mogacro to board the sky carrier without any restrictions or seals.

"Please sit down." Yan Zean looked at Mogacro, whose feet had floated and looked like dead wood, and at the same time he sent an invitation and pushed a cup of fairy spirits in front of him.

Mogacro was also polite, and sat down angrily, swallowing the spirit of the fairy at once, his complexion instantly improved, his wrinkles spread out, and his face with dark complexion and strange texture was restored.

Mogacro looked at Yan Zean: "Are you afraid of me repenting?"

"Afraid!" Yan Zean said directly without any cover.

"Oh..." Mogacro's interest came, and Yan Zean's reply was a bit unexpected, "If I'm afraid, why should I do this?"

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