Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 1198: Sudden war

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The sudden outbreak of the Golden Immortal War ended in just a few days. Although it caused a lot of attention from beginning to end, it did not cause much disaster.

Only less than twenty masters died, and hundreds were seriously injured; the rest happily participated in a commemorative event of beating the Golden Immortals. Xiu Zhenwu was finally sealed up and awaiting processing.

And when the staff of the Shang State in the front began to count the credit, Yan Zean in the rear was feasting on the Mogacro of the Shura tribe; although this feast was only a cup of fairy spirit.

At this time, Yan Zean was looking at Mogacro, and for a long time, Yan Zean laughed: "It is because of fear that we can show our sincerity!"

With that said, Yan Zean stood up, walked over to the bow of the ship's bow, looked down at the ground, and said again: "In addition to showing sincerity, there is also a responsibility. As the prime minister of the Shang State, I need to take on the responsibility entrusted to me by this country.

Mogacro, I, Yan Zean, as the Prime Minister of Shang Guo, formally invited you to join Shang Guo to join this miracle country.

Not as a captive, but as an equal.

I firmly believe that it won't take long for you to be proud of being a member of Shang Guo. "

Mogacro looked at Yan Zean with a tilted head, and for a while, Mogacro smiled aloud: "If I refuse?"

"You will be beaten!" Yan Zean smiled, a little dangerous.

"Is Shangguo so domineering? Okay, I agree."

"Then let's go, next, everyone will accept the book of Shang Guo and get the ‘God’.’

A group of people returned to the Anyang City of Shang State in a mighty way. A grand auction and exchange event will also begin.

This time the six Golden Immortals, except for the Aguro of the Moro Clan, the rest are either alive or surrendered.

Wei Feilong left a Yuanshen and a broken body;

The black tiger demon, the black wind daxian, has a languorous primordial body and **** body;

The dead crow Black Crow, Xiu Zhenwu, and the Shura Mogacro surrendered.

This time, Jinxian sent by Immortal Realm, Dongfang Jade Wantian and Qiankang Xianguo to destroy Shangguo, but turned back to increase the power of Shangguo. Increase five golden fairy in one breath! This is a golden fairy!

Wei Feilong's Yuanshen was released, Yan Zean, Xu Ren, etc. stepped forward to persuade the surrender alone. As a result, as Xu Ren expected, this guy was untamed. Immediately was sent to the Temple of Heaven, Li Xian's avatar shot, the person's consciousness was abruptly worn away, leaving a golden fairy's Yuanshen ready for public auction!

The Black Wind Daxian of the Black Tiger Demon Clan knew the current affairs and immediately expressed his surrender.

On the evening of the same day, Shang Guo held a grand feast of gods. Xiu Zhenwu, Mogacro, Black Wind Daxian, and Black Raven, under the leadership of Li Xian’s avatar, won the Zhou Tianxing fighting seal. The combat power within the country has more than doubled. The realization of the law of heaven and earth has an additional means and is much quicker.

But they also paid a price-the price is that there will always be the brand of Shang Guo! From now on, it is difficult for them to get rid of the influence of the merchant country.

"Is this the god?" Mogacro quickly changed his mind and regarded himself as a member of the Shang Kingdom.

Compared to the other four Golden Immortals who are a lot of concerns, Mojakro, a Shura, is more likely to accept weak meat and strong food and change the door. So, soon began to experience a new power.

The law obtained by Fengshen allows him to exert 50% of the power in the world, which has reached the power of the general mid-century of Jinxian, far more than Jiujiao Sanxian.

There is also the ability to recover. Relying on the powerful national strength and strong national luck of the merchant country, Mogacro no longer has to be afraid of fatigue and besieging-the previous beatings have almost left a psychological shadow. So that the dazzling Jinxian even squatted with his head at the last moment, now it is a little embarrassing to think about it~~~

Turn around and look at the side. Because of the gods, the black tiger has been restored. Although he was seriously injured before, he has not fully recovered, but at least the foundation is preserved; with the resources of the Shangguo side and strange Technology can be fully restored in up to a month!

As for Xiu Zhenwu and Black Crow, if we remain silent for a while, we may not be able to fully accept the situation at the moment. Confident came to the world, but the result was surrendered by the people who looked down on the world. In particular, Xiu Zhenwu finally surrendered, and was beaten up by fat, too... awful!

In the midst of thinking, the secretary next to Yan Zean and Zhang Pengfei came and invited four Jinxian to the prepared venue of Shang Guo.

The venue is not in Anyang City, but in Beidoucheng, it was originally used as an exhibition hall; probably only here can accommodate all people!

The battle to intercept Jinxian is over, but the subsequent benefit sharing has just begun.

In any case, this defeated and captured six Golden Immortals, and the benefits involved were unimaginable. Obviously, even a merchant country cannot afford to monopolize this interest.

Zhang Pengfei took the four golden immortals Xiu Zhenwu, Heifeng Daxian, Mogacro, and Heiya to the meeting place. Among them, Heifeng Daxian was still sick and sick, but after turning into a humanoid figure, he could barely come out.

Mogacro looked at the world on both sides of the car, looked at the bustling merchant country, and felt the bustling world. Here, it is even more prosperous than fairyland and full of hope. I don’t know why, seeing such a merchant country, Mogacro has a certain hope in his heart-I hope that one day he will be able to return to the fairyland again, and cultivate it for further progress!

The flying car took two hours to reach the venue. Instead of going in a straight line along the way, it took four Jinxian to see a lot of special scenes. Take them to feel the power, wealth, freedom and openness of Shang Guo before finally coming to the venue. The venue is already overcrowded, and Noda's venue is crowded with almost 300,000 people, which can be said to be crowded.

Shang Guo has achieved an unprecedented victory and defeated the Golden Immortals from Immortal Realm. This is a great thing; besides, Shang Guo is about to hold an unprecedented distribution of stolen goods...cough...an auction meeting, and unprecedented spiritual exchanges will be held next Yes, any thing is a big thing that shocks the whole fairyland!

Zhang Pengfei brought four golden cents directly to the backstage of the auction house, where a large number of goods have been neatly arranged and final proofreading. Relevant personnel are busy with their feet. The host of this auction turned out to be the Minister of Commerce of Shang Guo, the head of the Bright Star Group, and Fang Shijing.

Seeing this scene, Mogacro suddenly asked, "We, how are you going to deal with it?"

Zhang Pengfei said with a smile: ‘Seniors, rest assured that you are now citizens of Shang State, and you have all the rights and interests of citizens. ’

Mogacro nodded; Mogacro's biggest worry was to put himself and others on the auction stand to bid, which would be shameful and thrown home, and after all they surrendered and essentially had no rights. With Zhang Pengfei's assurance, the four golden cents were relieved.

But then everyone felt a strange feeling rise-when did Jinxian so low and low? !

The auction soon began. Four people from Mogacro sat in the four corners of the meeting place. Although everyone had just fattened and beaten six Golden Immortals before, it was the result of concerted efforts and strong support from Shang Guo; especially the appearance of Li Xian's avatar was decisive.

If there is no Shangguo, even if there are tens of thousands of Sanxian masters, it is still not the opponent of Jinxian! People can't beat but can run! So as soon as we saw four Sanxian sitting here, everyone was honest. No one is a fool who has mastered the practice, and everyone is an elite who was killed from the blood of the corpse mountain.

Fang Shijing walked out slowly, ushered in a lot of cheers as soon as he appeared; and behind Fang Shijing, there were also several ceremonial ladies, but these ceremonial ladies were all actresses of Shang Guo, which made the scene even more lively.

Fang Shijing waved his hand and said aloud: "Today, on behalf of Shang Guo, I would like to thank all the masters who are not far away from hundreds of millions of miles for coming to help. All the seniors who came to help can obtain Shang Guo’s citizenship.

Please join the battle of 2121 masters on stage to receive your glory. If serious injuries cannot come, or are sacrificed, they can be led by relatives and disciples on the spot.

Don’t worry if you can’t come. Later, you can go to Shangguo Prime Minister's Office to claim it. "

After receiving the prize, each person has an identity certificate and a savings card. The savings card is a bonus converted into credit, and one credit is 100,000 or two gold; the masters participating in the main attack can basically get tens of millions of gold, which can be bought in commercial countries. thing.

At the end of the award presentation, Fang Shijing spoke again, his face and tone were very serious: "This war is gratifying and congratulatory. This is also our first counterattack against the fairyland, but it is by no means the last.

This time, some people's performance was disappointing. A total of two hundred masters who signed up and received awards did not appear on the battlefield. Shangguo formally issued a reward to these people, regardless of life and death, the reward amount of each person is 120 million gold, and a quota of citizens of Shangguo; the booty Shangguo will not be recovered.

Please check the official website of Shangguo for information about these people. "

The news spread, and it was immediately an uproar; but soon everyone immediately went away. It was a shameful thing to escape on the scene, let alone run away after being promised and received a reward. This is already a bit disgusting. And the rewards are too generous, and many mercenaries in the merchant countries are heart-wrenching!

As for the masters who took part in the battle, they were more emotional and angry-to escape, this is a betrayal and an insult to their comrades-in-arms, which is absolutely intolerable!

This matter was noisy again for a while. Fang Shijing suppressed the noise and said, "Let's go into the auction. The first thing to auction is..."

However, at this moment, Zhang Pengfei suddenly rushed to Fang Shijing: "Excuse me, it's not good. Just now I received the news that the coalitions of nations have waged war. The Holy Land, the countries of Yingzhou and the countries of Haozhou, let's do it together!"

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