Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 1199: tough

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Sudden changes made Shang Guo a bit chaotic for the next time. The outbreak of war was a bit sudden!

Over here just defeated Jinxian, the auction has not officially started, and thousands of super masters are still circling in Shangguo, where a full-scale war has been launched? !

The super war involving two continents, a Divine State, and a main world actually broke out like this!

This can really be described as "a war to come". This war was prepared very hurriedly, even on the initiative to initiate the war, otherwise it would not be so sudden.

Of course, I have to say that adequate preparation is relative. In the case of almost no preparation on the commercial side, the rest of the countries still have some preparations.

But he said that at this time, Fang Shijing was a little stunned for a while. When the war began, he should go back and sit in the bright Star Group to ensure the supply of military supplies; but is the auction now closed? This is really a problem!

Fang Shijing has excellent ability in governance, but he has some deficiencies in strategy. In this situation, the one who needs the most is the one who has a great strategy!

Thinking about it, Zhang Pengfei continued: "Tai Shi (Xu Ren) said that the auction will continue. Although the outbreak of war this time is sudden, it is not completely unprepared. After all, we have already deployed a lot of missiles in the outer space and so on.

The auction will continue without any changes. The more this is the case, the better we will manage the auction and stabilize our hearts.

As for the production problems of the Bright Star Group, don't worry, some of the sealed production lines have already started. "

Fang Shijing quickly digested the information and immediately smiled: "You tell the Prime Minister that you will sell the auction better."

Zhang Pengfei retired, and Fang Shijing continued the auction: "Sorry, just a little thing just now, the surrounding countries are going to rebel, but these are all expected by Shang Guo.

The auction will continue below. The first auction is the Golden God's Yuanshen, the late Jinxian's Yuanshen; the King's luck avatar has completely touched the Yuanshen's will, leaving only enlightenment, rules, and energy.

The Yuanshen is complete without any damage; it is because the previous battle is too expensive, and it may require a lot of fairy spirit to repair it later.

Jinxian Yuanshen, possessing most of the spiritual insights of Jinxian, can be absorbed and refined into the second Yuanshen, or even used to build the foundation of heavenly heaven. "

A Yuanshen was taken out and sealed in a transparent bottle; through the large screen, everyone at the scene was clear.

In the next moment, the scene detonated again, and everyone did not care about the war or anything. Since Shang Guo said that he must be prepared, he must be prepared, and what everyone is most concerned about now is the price of this golden fairy.

With the attention of countless eyes, Fang Shijing continued: "The starting price is 50 billion two gold, and the price increase should not be less than 100 million each time."


Everyone is trembling, so expensive! But think about it, after all, this is the primordial spirit of Jinxian, and perhaps the first case since ancient times. It would be good to have this price.

It’s just that there aren’t many people participating in the auction. Naturally, someone immediately “suggested” — postpone the auction, auction something else first, and accumulate a little money. This is probably the most special auction in the history of the auction. The price is too high, but this price is also recognized by everyone.

Yuanshen was withdrawn, and then came the "Quankun Dharma", this treasure that can be used for the passage of Jinxian's retrograde ascension. It is a high-level fairy and has a powerful defense. It is a bit clunky and consumes a lot of energy; but it does not matter , Still being bought at a price of up to 16 billion two gold.

Then came the body of Jinxian, the body of Morro Agucci. Although it is just a corpse, it is after all the blood of Jinxian; and this thing can be cut. In the end, several martial arts from Yunzhou jointly photographed this corpse at a price of more than 26 billion yuan.

Then there is the primordial spirit of Mo Luo Aguqi, which has been broken and penetrated in the middle; but even so, it still sells a high price of 12 billion.

Since then, there are Moluo Aguqi, Wei Feilong's Xianbao, elixir, etc., each of which is sky-high, and no one has a price of 1 billion two gold.

In addition, there are some rare treasures of Shang Guo's own, as well as rare treasures brought by various Sanxian masters; the crazy transaction continued for more than two days, and finally Wei Feilong's Yuanshen was auctioned again; The transaction price reached 58 billion, which is the highest unit price in the history of the commercial state.

The auction is not over, there are many small transactions, and even the masters of Sanxian have to communicate with each other.

And after the auction is over, it's...split!

The auction link is actually not important, what is important is this sub-stolen link! Everyone fights so hard and so dangerous, there must always be something to gain. The previous reward is due, the big one right now!

Six Golden Immortals; all the auction proceeds of two Golden Immortals, up to 140 billion two gold, this is a benchmark! In other words, the "total value" of the six Golden Immortals is at least 420 billion gold.

The other four golden cents were gathered by Shang Guo, then Shang Guo would spend 280 billion two gold to give everyone a dividend. Of course, Shangguo itself also participates in dividends, but this procedure must go through again.

Shang Guo's side is very simple. Without saying a word, he directly took out the wealth of 280 billion gold. For Shangguo, the 280 billion gold wealth is really not a big number. Shangguo’s current wealth at the national level is calculated according to ‘trillions’, which is ‘trillions’.

Well, the next thing is the evaluation of the credit; the credit of the Sanxian masters who participated in the battle and outside the Shang Kingdom has already been evaluated, and everyone agrees. The question now is-how much contribution has Shangguo made?

This time there were at least a thousand masters participating in Shang Guo, as well as 25 air and space aircraft carriers, and even extraterrestrial weapon attacks. In addition, war supplies, magic weapons, etc., were all provided by Shang Guo, and the discovery of the crisis The call for manpower is also done by Shang Guo. So, what is the credit of Shangguo?

"We, account for half!" Yan Zean's tone is decisive, completely a tone that cannot be discussed!

If it is normal, Yan Zean may still discuss it, maybe it will need some more benefits; but at the moment, the frontline war has broken out, the commercial country is facing great pressure, and Yan Zean does not have so much energy to pull the skin, the best way It's just a quick knife, and it's okay to eat a little bit of a loss, so it's time to win over these masters.

The masters exchanged Yuanshen, and soon reached an agreement-Shang Guo's requirements are not excessive! And to say conscience, if there is no Shang Guo, everyone is still queuing up to be slaughtered-really the kind that cuts the head!

Of course, there are not few unreasonable or greedy people, but they are quickly stopped by their companions.

It should be said that this time, the Shangguo completely started from the standpoint of "everyone" and was recognized. When Yan Zean saw this, his tight face finally smiled. "Thank you for your understanding, but because the Shang State is at war, it is impossible to entertain you, and you can only grieve you for visiting the Shang State."

"Can we help?" A Sanxian suddenly said.

Yan Zean immediately said: "In the flashing Adventure and Mercenary Association, there are war missions, you can register mercenaries or adventurers, you can participate in the war. The mission has detailed rewards."

"Interesting, check it out!" Li Deye's ancestors turned around and walked out. At this time, the newly purchased mobile phone has received a text message reminder-your account has 570 million gold.

"Interesting country!" Li Deye tossed his mobile phone, went outside, drove his newly purchased flying car, and flew directly to the Association of Adventure and Mercenary. Coming to the renovated association, the first thing I saw was the war mission.

The war missions are very detailed, ranging from the rescue of the people, the beheading of the other's scouts, to the group wars, the assassination of the emperors, and the disruption of the divided countries.

"This is not just a war mission, but also an encyclopedia of national warfare!" Li Deye looked at the missions one by one, and was surprised once again. There are many missions here that are very thought-provoking. For example, to oppose the prince, to oppose the general, to oppose the prime minister, or even simply seek to usurp power, you can also find Shang Guo to provide support!

"Sure enough, it is a free and open country, and this can all be linked! So, do I take a mission and see on the battlefield?"

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