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Piracy is rampant, and resolutely say "no" to piracy. Anti-theft sticks to the end. Let the pirated readers go crazy. O(∩_∩)O ha! )

Poof! A flying sword hole pierced Chen Jin's shoulder. The short battle was extremely tragic. The protective magic weapon on Chen Jin's body could not withstand the attack of the magic weapon Feijian; if not relying on the support of the Jindan period Zhenyuan, Chen Jin had already become a horse honeycomb.

"Run!" Without any hesitation, Chen Jin immediately made a decision, and broke out the real yuan suddenly, making the foothold of Yang Yishan and others unstable; Chen Jin took the opportunity to kill a weakest guard, highlighting the encirclement; and behind him Without going back, he rushed out of the surrounding circle of Anyang and out of the distance of one hundred feet.

At this time, Chen Jin had the opportunity to look back at the situation, and what he saw made him stunned. The battle was nothing more than tea time, but there were less than 3,000 people left on my side, and the soldiers of Anyang were forced to flee everywhere.

Chen Jin made a decisive decision, quickly gathered the remaining parts, gathered a part of the elite, formed a complete defensive formation, and retreated backward.

In front of the defensive formation, use real elements, implements, and seals to form several layers of defense, blocking Anyang's crazy attack. So he has been withdrawing from Sanlituo, and the defense line of Nanyang County can be seen from the rear, and Anyang only considered giving up the attack.

When the Anyang army could no longer see the figure, all the remnants of the Nanyang army, about 2,000 all the soldiers, were completely relaxed, and many people had fallen to the ground like noodles. The war time of less than a moment made many of the elite soldiers in Nanyang County look down.

Right General Chen Jin was also somewhat depressed, quietly watching the defeated soldiers under him. In the war of just one minute, there are only less than 2,000 people left in 6,500 elites. The army has not collapsed, and thanks to the comprehension, the will is still firm. If ordinary people had more than 60% casualties, they would have collapsed long ago.

Looking around, Chen Jin found that among the survivors, there were less than two hundred foundation periods! Obviously Anyang was actually a master of deliberately beheading the army of Nanyang County.

Suddenly, Chen Jin found someone shaking himself, "General General, Anyang is back!"

Chen Jin looked up, and I leaned, Anyang really came back!

"Continue to retreat! Keep the team!" Chen Jinqiang propped up his tired body and reluctantly commanded the battle. The shoulders and thighs were pierced, the magic weapon's breath raged in the meridians, the whole body was lacking, and Chen Jin was also the end of the crossbow.

Suddenly someone said: "General, let's send a distress signal to the rear!"

"Don't!" Chen Jin gritted his teeth, "Don't interrupt the layout behind."

In fact, there is no need to send a distress signal. Some people have seen the defeat of Chen Jin and others in the watchtower at the front of the Nanyang County frontier, and they have also seen Anyang kill again. It's just that the thirst can't be hydrolyzed; when the rear Nanyang County reacts, Anyang's second raid has succeeded.

After some killing, Chen Jin only had time to take away more than fifty masters of the foundation period to escape, and the rest were all beheaded. No one expected that Anyang would dare to kill a carbine in front of Nanyang County's border guard; the exhausted, slack defense and lax guard Nanyang County remnants had almost no ability to resist.

After Chen Jin returned to the Nanyang County defense line, he was faced with the anger from the east of Nanyang County. "I told you to fight guerrilla warfare, to harass the enemy, do you fight hard against the enemy?"

Yes, Kong Donglai asked Chen Jin to harass the enemy instead of confronting him. Some generals around, looking at Chen Jin, wanted to see how Chen Jin answered.

Chen Jinqiang endured exhaustion and pain, "Adult, we encountered halfway. Anyang has occupied the commanding heights and waited side by side. At this time, there is no second way to go besides hard confrontation. If you escape at this time, the casualties will only be more severe. ."

Kong Donglai was furious: "Will there be more than fifty people left?"

This sentence was too sharp to ask, and Chen Jin could not refute for a while. Yes, no matter what, six thousand five hundred elite, now there are more than fifty people left! The 1500 foundation-building masters who worked hard in Nanyang County have been wiped out.

Therefore, in any case, Chen Jin’s failure this time did indeed cause a huge blow to Nanyang County and damage a very important military force.

More than 1,500 foundation-building masters, if they do not engage in confrontation, but harass behind the enemy, it will inevitably cause great turmoil in Anyang, but now everything is gone!

The handsome coach Nangong Zhi who arrived at the news and the left general Kong Zhiying also said nothing. From a military perspective, Chen Jin's failure was not only a personal failure, but also a military failure-the troop sent was unfavorable, affecting morale; instead, it encouraged Anyang.

Originally, the morale difference between the two sides seemed to be, especially in Nanyang County where morale was better; now it is good, the morale of Nanyang County is suddenly short. More than 1,500 foundation masters have just disappeared. What kind of blows will that cause? ! This is the master of the foundation period, not the gas refining period.

The main streets of the gas refining period are all one by one; but the ones in the foundation period are very rare, almost all the mainstays. Now the 1,500 main pillars have been cut, and the impact on the Nanyang County Army is unimaginable!

Chen Jin looked at the various eyes around him, his heart silent. There was no explanation, and I didn't tell everyone-all the magic weapons used in Anyang's foundation period.

At this time, I said to everyone that "anyang uses all magic weapons during the foundation period," and it will definitely be sprayed on your face-you are guilty of yourself.

With this in mind, Chen Jin stopped talking nonsense and silently endured all kinds of visions and all kinds of unpleasant words. In just this short time, Chen Jin was tagged with dozens of labels-cowards, fools, cowards, defeated, corpse meal...

Finally, Nangong Zhi sighed: "Adult, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. The veteran has so far failed 27 times, but the number of victory is only 22 times.

Kong Donglai is still angry, and successive failures and unsuccessful successes have pushed Kong Donglai to the limit. Kong Xiang, a wise man, is now detained by the Wang family, and Nanyang County lacks a top-level think tank; now he is attacking Anyang in a horizontal and horizontal direction, which is also a constraint. Seeing that this continues, it is not too far to stab the back of allies.

However, Nangong Zhi persuaded that Kong Donglai still had to give face, after all, Nangong Zhi was the commander of the three armed forces; although he was not from the Confucian family, such a commander could not be found in the Confucian family. The general is easy to find, the commander is hard to find.

The commander-in-chief, like the prime minister, really wants to find such talents.

It was not until this time that Chen Jin spoke, and said to Nangong Zhi: "General, the flying swords used by more than two thousand masters in Anyang during the foundation period are all magic weapons! The defenses on them are a set of advanced magic weapons."

Nangong Zhi's mouth twitched: Chen Jin, you are really confused. You should be talking to Kong Dong, not to me. You do this by putting the old man on the fire and baking, how would Kong Donglai think of me!

Without looking back, Nangong Zhi could feel the flickering maliciousness passing by behind him. This is the phenomenon most taboo in the army. There are no officers in the eyes of the generals, only commanders. What is this, this is a sign of rebellion! Scholars can't rebel for ten years; generals can rebel, and 30% can succeed; and if it is a commander rebellion, seven out of ten can succeed!

After Chen Jin left, Nangong Zhi clearly felt that Kong Donglai's attitude had changed slightly; he no longer believed in himself but was a little vigilant.

Kong Donglai took a deep breath and suppressed his inner irritability. "Mr. Nangong, what do you think we should do now?"

Nangong Zhi said without hesitation: "There are two ways. First, press on at any cost, and take advantage of the unstable Anyang army to attack now; so, we can win 70% of the time; but it may be miserable. Win.

Second, withdraw troops and make peace with Anyang. With Anyang's current industrial and commercial development strategy, we will not lose anything, and we can even draw closer to Anyang and get a lot of arms from Anyang to strengthen ourselves.

In the future, he will slowly explore Songzhou County in the north and Guangling County in the west; after taking Songzhou County and most of Guangling County in the west, Wuyang County will be recruited in the north and then attack the remaining Guangling County. In this way, for up to two decades, major events can be achieved. "

This second strategy is not only a military strategy, but a national development strategy, and also a real strategy. Nangong Zhi also wanted to save the crack between himself and Kong Dong.

"Then I think about it again." Kong Donglai did not directly adopt Nangong Zhi's suggestions as he used to.

Nangong Zhi was anxious in his heart, and the opportunity to fight was fleeting. How could he hesitate at this time. However, seeing Kong Donglai's slightly irritated expression, he finally sighed and quit.

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