Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 249: Wait for work

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After Nangong Zhi left, Kong Dong thought for a long time and thought that Nangong Zhi's opinion was very good; but this person, once he doubted others, would be suspicious and always think that this Nangong Zhi's suggestion implied a trap. After thinking for a while, but distracted, Kong Donglai asked his two sons: Kong Yingzhi and Kong Yingcai.

In Kong Yingzhi's mind, he wanted revenge. I went to Anyang twice myself, once brightly and secretly, but both times damaged the closest person-one was my uncle, and the other was the chief of security. Now there is a chance, of course, to avenge, choose to take the initiative to attack, the army to suppress the situation and capture Anyang in one fell swoop. In other words, Kong Yingzhi agreed with Nangong Zhi’s first suggestion and conquered Anyang in one go.

Kong Yingcai doesn't have any ideas; if Kong Yingcai is allowed to negotiate and communicate, there is no problem, but if Kong Yingcai is allowed to decide national affairs, it will be difficult for some strong men. Therefore, Kong Yingcai promised Nuo for a long time, and only uttered a sentence: "I think the two suggestions made by the Nangong commander are very reasonable."

Kong Donglai frowned and said subconsciously: "Come here, please invite Mr. Guo Hongyan."

Kong Yingzhi reminded carefully, "Dad, Mr. Guo Hongyan sits in Nanyang Mansion."

Kong Dong came to smile awkwardly. Guo Hongyan is a literary man in Nanyang County. The scribe was born but he knew some military strategies. This is the expedition of the army. Kong Dong came to let Guo Hongyan sit in Nanyang, responsible for logistics and trivial matters, and did not follow the army.

Now if you send someone to ask Guo Hongyan, it will take a day to come back and forth, and it is too late. Under such circumstances, Kong Dong came to silence for a long time, and finally decided to gamble! Since you want to bet, just bet on a big one! That is, the whole army pressed on and attacked Anyang in one go.

However, due to the hesitation of Kong Dong, when Nangong Zhi received the "offensive order", it was already an hour, that is, two hours later. Only then received the order, Nangong Zhi sighed in the sky, "Military aircraft has been lost! How can it be!"

No matter what, but still have to raise troops to attack. Knowing that the opportunity has been lost, but because Kong Donglai was resolutely attacking; Nangong Zhi can only obey orders, after all, it is just a commander.

With an order, the 150,000 soldiers of Nanyang County, together with nearly 150,000 civilians, crossed the border and rushed toward Anyang.

At the same time, Nanyang County once again sent a messenger to inform Dongyuan County and Songzhou County: we have waged a full-scale war, you two will have to help by the side, otherwise we will fail, Anyang will not let Dongyuan County first, followed by Songzhou County, the last is our Nanyang County-because of the geographical environment, you two have to work hard.

This discourse is half threatening and half sentimental, anyway, the tone is very tough, and there is a bit of high taste.

At this moment, Nanyang County, Kong Donglai and others did not know that Songzhou County had fled without a fight; Gao Bin was also doing enough work, but he did not send someone to notify Nanyang County, so he ran away on his own. . As for the Wang Family and Wang Ping of Guangling County, they also ran very simply. They never thought they would send someone to inform Nanyang County.

Gao Bin’s thinking was simple: I must have offended Nanyang County if I fled without a fight; so, let’s talk about Nanyang County and Anyang County first; when you are beaten up in Nanyang County, you won’t be able to trouble me. Too. At that time, maybe I could turn your head and attack you in Nanyang County!

The result of Gao Bin's doing this is that after the hundreds of thousands of troops in Songzhou County retreated without a fight, Anyang's 30,000 soldiers drove straight in from the long wing; and Kong Donglai is now sending people to send letters. The person who sent the letter was naturally caught by the Anyang army.

As for the Dongyuan County, after occupying Luliang County, not only did they not continue to advance, but they began to arm and station along the route. The meaning is also very clear, and the same attention is played with Songzhou County-sit on the hill to watch the tiger fight, and then sit on the profit of the fisherman.

In addition, there is a good excuse for Dongyuan County-we are close to the seaside, and the five iron armored ships in Anyang shine at the door of our house every day.

"Don't dare to move, why did you promise to be so fast!" After receiving the letter from Dongyuan County, Kong Dong was angry with his eyes. This letter was sent the day before yesterday and was the last exchange of information between Dongyuan County and Nanyang County.

But it is too late to say anything. After receiving a letter from Dongyuan County, Kong Donglai could do nothing but get angry; now it is too late even if he wants to withdraw his troops.

Ahead, Nangong Zhi and Kong Zhiying led a mighty 300,000 army to Anyang. The 300,000 army, which stretches for more than forty miles, like the waves, seems to be crushing Anyang.

To be honest, in the face of the 300,000 army, even if there are only about 150,000 soldiers, Wang Jian, who guards the border, is also sweating. Wang Jian is also considered an old general, but Anyang was only a small place before, and the largest scale of war was only 30,000 to 50,000.

Now, the two sides add up to 500,000 troops, and the war pressure caused by this is not ten times, but one hundred times! Half of Anyang’s army military power is in Wang Jian’s hands; if it fails, Anyang will most likely fail.

"The pack of wolves surrounds, Anyang can only win and cannot be defeated! As long as Anyang shows little power, he will be besieged by pack wolves!" The county army has tension and passion.

Yang Yishan came: "General, 500 artillery is ready, 80 aircraft and 20 aircraft are also ready. 200 machine guns have been built.

There are also a total of 5,000 people and five guerrillas from the foundation stage masters, which have already ambushed in the periphery. "

Wang Jian took a deep breath and finally waved his hand: "Well, order all the artillery, aim at the enemy, and wait for the enemy to enter the range of one kilometer, then launch the carpet bombing."


Officers around, big and small, started to get busy, especially soldiers and officers in artillery and machine guns. The artillery sold by Anyang has an attack distance of about three kilometers, that is, about 1.5 kilometers; but the artillery used by Anyang itself has an attack distance of more than 3 kilometers! The reason why the enemy is attacked after putting them within a kilometer distance is to paralyze the enemy.

The artillery was ready, and the dark muzzle was aimed at the mighty soldiers from Nanyang County. A machine gun, even a cannon, was also prepared. But compared to Zhang Yang's artillery, machine guns are well hidden.

However, the soldiers in Nanyang County only saw the scalp tingling when they saw the row of gun barrels on the front line of defense; everyone saw the power of the artillery more than once. When attacking Wuyang City, the imperial capital, the sight of 50 or 60 guns roaring together made many soldiers unforgettable. And now, there are not fifty or sixty artillery in Anyang, but five hundred in all sizes!

It's just that the military order is issued, and it can't go back. Coupled with the fact that they have not been hit by shells in the front, many people still have some fluke in mind.

On the other side, Wang Jian observed quietly, watching the soldiers in Nanyang County gradually enter the demarcated, one-kilometer line, and his eyes began to squint. Hand, wave hard!

At this moment, the Anyang border defense line seemed to shake neatly, and then heard a roar explode, as if the thunder rolled on the ground, and five hundred artillery fired at the same time. The smallest was the rapid fire of 47 mm caliber and 57 mm caliber Cannon; the largest is a 150 mm caliber cannon.

There was a scream in the sky, and then I saw the blossoming flowers blooming in the army of Nanyang County. Although the 500 shells are large and small, and although the speed is different, the landing sites are basically arranged in a straight line. Thousands of soldiers in Nanyang County made a local plane instantly.

A tidy bombing made Nanyang County soldiers hesitate to follow in the footsteps. Many soldiers on the edge of the explosion were even scared. Individuals responded slowly, and their heads swayed with the broken body flying.

However, once the attack started, the artillery fire on the Anyang side continued one after another. The 47 mm and 57 mm artillery fired continuously, reaching a firing speed of ten to fifteen minutes, and each shell fell into the "carpet" of Nanyang County. At least several casualties can be brought at a time.

105mm is slightly slower, but every time it can bring great shock.

150mm is the slowest to fire, but after a volley, the 150mm artillery no longer joins the volley camp, but specifically targets some places with flags, where people gather, and where there may be headquarters. Ten 150mm artillery guns, each salvo is a disaster-disaster in Nanyang County.

A 150-mm cannonball exploded less than ten feet away from Nangongzhi. The shrapnel directly killed Nangongzhi's horse. Nangong Zhilen looked at the camp after the explosion. Among the ten huge craters, smoke was billowing around, and there was a mess around him, and the broken limbs were paved.

"Oh..." Nangong Zhi Changxiao screamed and pointed at his own captain: "Chen Feihu, you led five thousand personal soldiers, turned into nothing, touched the Anyang defense line, and destroyed Anyang's artillery at any cost!"

"Yes!" Chen Feihu responded, turned around and ordered 5,000 alert personal soldiers, one by one using the escape technique, almost stealthy, and quietly touched the front.

The artillery overhead shrieked, and the surrounding explosion continued, and the army of Nanyang County rushed forward. Chen Feihu and the 5,000 alert personal soldiers also made rapid advances, and soon passed the army forward and entered the blank area. Entering here, the five thousand personal soldiers immediately turned to zero and used the simplest and most convenient earth escape technique to advance.

The five thousand people were completely dispersed, and there seemed to be no regularity, that is, they touched it carefully, quietly, and quickly.

Moving carefully, seeing that it was only about thirty feet from Anyang's border defense, that is, about one hundred meters, Chen Feihu took a deep breath and knew that it was the critical moment.

After breathing a sigh of relief, he will continue to use the earth escape technique to move forward, but he doesn't want to feel as if he has hit the iron plate with a dizzy head.

"No, it's Desha King Kong, or Desha King Kong spells!"

After changing several directions in a row, Chen Feihu could not cross the line of defense and only hit the dizziness.

But at this time, a voice came from above Chen Feihu's head, with a sneer in the loud voice: "Well, mice, grandpa have been waiting for you for a long time!"

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