Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 176 Strange Saplings (Please order)

"Boss, how do I get to Yulin Nursery?" A young man parked a luxury car and asked a fruit stall vendor. _Point】Novel 23】x

The person who asked the question was naturally Gu Hongyu. He was currently on the outskirts of a small county below Nanzhou, the capital city of Gan Province. According to information obtained from the Internet, there were several relatively large nurseries here. He planned to come and take a look. Look.

The forty-year-old fruit stall vendor saw a stylish car parked in front of his stall and thought that a customer was coming. However, he never thought that it was just a question. Normally, this fruit stall owner would hardly be able to take care of it, but today maybe it was He was in a good mood and said patiently: "The boss wants to buy fruit seedlings. We have several large nurseries in Hong County. If you want to go to Yulin Nursery, just follow this road for 2 or 3 miles. Then you can go to the road." If you can see all kinds of saplings growing lushly on the side, you’re at the end of the field!”

Gu Hongyu usually didn't smoke, so he packed a pack when he went out to do errands today. He watched the fruit stall owner happily tell him the news, took out one and handed it over to express his thanks, then started the car and walked forward according to the fruit stall owner's instructions.

The fruit boss looked at the cigarette that Gu Hongyu gave him, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and sighed: "What a rich man! There must be several packs of these cigarettes, and just one cigarette is better than the whole pack I smoke." All expensive.”

After saying that, he put the cigarettes Gu Hongyu gave him into his own cigarette case. Maybe he planned to show off to others, but after just a brief encounter today, Gu Hongyu brought him the most important things in his life. opportunities.

That's something for later, let's not talk about it for now.

It only takes less than 3 minutes to walk straight along the highway. Sure enough, I saw various saplings next to me, planted very neatly on several acres of land. Some saplings were planted in larger areas. Gu Hongyu also found older saplings farther away from me.

After driving for a while, there were large vermilion characters for Yulin Nursery carved on a piece of landscape stone. Next to the stone carving was a passage that could pass large trucks. There were flowers and plants decorating both sides of the path. It looked like the owner of this house was pretty respectable. bit.

Gu Hongyu, the owner of Yulin Nursery on the Internet, had already memorized the phone number. He dialed the phone number reserved online. Not long after, he heard a low voice from the other party: "Hello. Who are you?" "

Gu Hongyu directly stated his purpose of visit: "Hello. I plan to buy a large number of fruit seedlings. I saw the scale and strength of your nursery online and came here today to have a look. Now I am at the gate of your nursery."

"Ah, you've arrived. I'll pick you up right away!" The other party became more enthusiastic when he heard that Gu Hongyu was a customer buying seedlings.

It won't take long. A young man about the same height as Gu Hongyu ran over from the nursery. When I walked in, I saw that the other person was no older than ten years old at most. He was wearing overalls with the Yulin Nursery logo on him and gloves on his hands. It looks very formal.

The other party could see Gu Hongyu standing alone at the gate. He walked over and took off his gloves, stretched out his hand with a smile and said, "Is it you who made the call just now? I don't know your last name?"

"If your surname is Gu, just call me Xiao Gu. This place is well-deserved. Walking along the road for several miles is your nursery. There are many saplings of all kinds!" Gu Hongyu responded with a smile.

The other party looked very cheerful and simply introduced the situation of the nursery: "Actually, we have roughly introduced the situation of Yulin Nursery online. These are true and there is no false report. Not only that, now our nursery has also introduced many foreign companies. There are many hot-selling seedlings. I have been busy recently and have no time to put them on the website. It is a coincidence that you came here this time! ”

"Haha, do you mind taking me to visit the nursery?" Gu Hongyu ran around and what he wanted most now was to see if there were any fruit trees he liked.

At present, he has determined the scope of planting fruit trees in that wasteland. One is products with high domestic economic added value, and the other is fruits that can be sold abroad and better domestically. If those fruit trees can be transplanted to his farm, Gu Hongyu will not let them go. of.

As for the investment in fruit trees, Gu Hongyu also has a clear scope in mind, but the money is estimated to be a lot. Just digging a tree pit has a budget of 2.4 million yuan. If all the wasteland is to be planted with fruit trees, the money will be at least more than 20 million yuan. Yuan.

When Gu Hongyu revealed the investment in the orchard construction, the family was surprised and overwhelmed at first. However, soon after, his parents began to object. They always felt that this investment was huge and had many risks. In their view, the family now People's conditions are good enough and it's not worth taking the risk.

Mei Ning didn't say anything, but looked at him with talking eyes. Gu Hongyu understood the meaning conveyed in her eyes. Was she asking him if he was sure?

Of course Gu Hongyu was sure, and nodded to her calmly under her gaze.

His parents only said what they just said out of concern and traditional ideas. Gu Hongyu was well prepared for this situation. Facing his parents, he said confidently: "Mom and Dad, you have to believe me. It turns out that I I still don’t know anything about growing vegetables, but look at how vegetables can bring us tens of thousands of profits a month. Even if we fail to plant fruit trees this time, don’t we still have a chance to make a comeback? Don’t worry, I invested in the orchard this time. It won’t fail.”

In the final analysis, everything in Honghu Village was built by Gu Hongyu. His parents may not be able to keep up with the times, but they finally compromised. Gu Hongyu just said it very clearly. Even if he fails, he still has the vegetable greenhouse to support him. At most, he can recover the losses in more than a year.

Therefore, after discussing with his family, Gu Hongyu's father was fully responsible for managing the digging of tree pits by the villagers in Ma'ao Village, Mei Ning was responsible for the problem of capital turnover, and his mother was responsible for the logistics of the whole family. Gu Hongyu had the opportunity to purchase fruit seedlings this time.

Shuttled through the nursery, the nursery was not full of fruit trees, but also many precious and rare tree species. When Gu Hongyu saw a bare old tree, he asked the nursery owner Ma and found out that the inconspicuous old tree was actually a precious fir tree, which was worth tens of thousands.

This is nothing. It may be that Boss Ma is working hard to promote their nursery. He can also take Gu Hongyu to visit many precious species, such as yew, red sandalwood, ginkgo, metasequoia, huanghuali, dovewood, walnut... There are so many precious tree species that he can't keep up.

Here Gu Hongyu also saw many tree species transplanted from abroad, several of which attracted Gu Hongyu's interest, including baobab trees, macadamia trees, pistachio trees, and what impressed him more was a bomb fruit tree planted in a corner.

According to the nursery owner Ma, bomb fruit is a tree growing in the Amazon River Basin in South America, and the sap it secretes can be directly used as automobile fuel. This tree is very thick and the circumference of the trunk can reach 1 meter.

The local Indians can collect 15 to 20 liters of sap from each tree by drilling some small holes in the tree. According to scientific analysis, this sap contains a large amount of hydrocarbon compounds. If someone approaches these trees with a torch, this tree can really become a bomb.

At this point, Boss Ma also told Gu Hongyu about something: "Xiao Gu, in fact, there is another kind of bomb fruit in northern Africa, which is worthy of the name. The fruit of this tree is as big as a grapefruit, with a hard and yellow peel. Whenever the fruit is ripe, it will automatically burst open, and the sharp "fragments" will fly everywhere, with the power of a small grenade, and the lethality is very strong. Some shell fragments can even fly more than 20 meters. After the explosion, the bodies of birds killed by the explosion are often found nearby. Because this tree is too dangerous, people dare not build houses near it, and pedestrians dare not approach it."

There are such fruit trees in the world. Gu Hongyu immediately became interested after hearing: "Boss Ma, do you have a channel to get this tree here?"

Even though Honghu Village is very popular now, the activities that can be played are still too monotonous, especially for those tourists who are looking for seclusion and ancient exploration. It is still difficult for Honghu Village to satisfy their exploration needs at this stage.

If we introduce some interesting trees that have never been seen in other places, it is easy to imagine that bomb fruit will definitely attract countless tourists as long as it appears in Honghu Village.

Boss Ma thought for a while and said: "Xiao Gu, if you want a batch of goods, I can get it for you, but the cost is too small..."

Gu Hongyu immediately understood that these trees were brought from Africa. Maybe the trees themselves are not worth much, but the transportation cost is very high. If the quantity is small, it will be a blessing to have no profit.

"I see that baobab trees are also from Africa. When I buy a batch of baobab trees, you can also bring back some bomb trees, right?" Gu Hongyu suggested.

Boss Ma is also very active in doing business. He said, "Xiao Gu, I have other tree species from Africa. Many of them are not available in the farm, but the pictures are all here. If you like them, I will ship them back to you. In this way, you don't have to go to other nurseries to ask for prices. Our transportation costs are also much lower. It doesn't matter if I lower the price for you depending on the situation."

Boss Ma walked back to the office and took out a thick picture album from the desk and handed it to Gu Hongyu. He took it and saw that there were really a lot of things in it. After looking for a long time, Gu Hongyu finally selected a dozen interesting trees from Africa. Baobab trees and two types of bomb trees are among them.

In addition, there is a very strange sausage tree among the other tree species selected. Maybe Honghu Village will become a gathering place for strange species in the future.

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