Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 177 Two kinds of eggplant (order required)

Gu Hongyu bought a lot of strange plants at home and abroad. His thoughts have changed a lot from when he first came here. That is, he does not plan to use all the wasteland in Honghu Village to plant orchards in the future. He plans to use these Build a fantasy plant amusement park with exotic trees.

In one of Boss Ma's nurseries, he harvested many precious species, such as rosewood, small-leaf sandalwood, huanghuali, agarwood... However, he did not dare to buy trees that had grown to a certain age. I just bought some saplings.

There are also many exotic tree species abroad, such as macadamia nuts, pistachios, baobab trees, bomb trees, sausage trees, and finally a dracaena and an egg tree growing in Europe. Most of these are not available in kind, but horse trees The boss patted his chest and promised to purchase it within 2 months.

After talking about those strange tree species, the next step is to talk about the cash crops grown in orchards.

Gu Hongyu had a purchase goal in mind, but at this time he couldn't help but ask: "Boss Ma, what kind of fruit trees commonly planted in the north of Qinling Mountains like ours are more economical?"

Boss Ma thought for a moment and said: "Like where we are now, the vast northwest and Loess Plateau lack vegetation protection, and the soil is barren and appears yellow or brown. Generally, fruit farmers grow jujubes, chestnuts, walnuts, cotton and rapeseed. If there is no shortage of water, there will be many choices of fruit trees to plant!”

"Can you tell me something?" Gu Hongyu didn't expect that Boss Ma had further research. Because he had the cheating tool of Xianyuan Space in his hand, Chuchu didn't care about it at all. Now I'm quite interested when I hear Boss Ma talk about it.

However, Boss Ma did not answer, but instead motioned for Gu Hongyu to follow him.

After walking out of the office and walking slowly along a road with a shelf above his head, Gu Hongyu raised his head and glanced. There was a plant on the shelf that had lost all its leaves, and it was hard to see what it was.

Boss Ma then introduced: "The above is the kiwi fruit grown in the farm. This kind of fruit is suitable for various places and is not picky about the land. By the way, after talking for a long time, I still don't know how much area of ​​fruit trees Brother Xiaogu plans to plant. ?”

This is the boss. Only now do I remember to ask the most important thing. Gu Hongyu would only know about it after telling him the specific fruit seedlings he purchased!

But this is no wonder Boss Ma. He was impressed by Gu Hongyu’s car and demeanor from the beginning. If such a person wants to take the road of agricultural cultivation, he will definitely not make a fuss. Then Gu Hongyu’s answer once again made people He was in disbelief.

"The area is only about 6 square kilometers!" Gu Hongyu replied calmly when asked by Boss Ma.

"6 square kilometers. Let me do the math. One square kilometer is almost 1,500 acres. The orchard you plan to build covers an area of ​​9,000 acres. This..." Boss Ma no longer knows what to say. This is a real deal. Big business.

Faced with Boss Ma's surprise. Gu Hongyu said with a smile: "Yes, it only amounts to 9,000 acres of land. I plant fruit trees according to the 4-meter spacing of ordinary fruit trees. The number of fruit trees I am about to purchase is large. I hope Boss Ma can give me a preferential price!"

"Wait a minute and let me do the math. 9,000 acres of land is almost 6 million square meters. If you plant fruit tree saplings at a distance of 4 meters, you will need 1.5 million saplings. Xiaogu, do you really need so many fruit saplings at one time?" After coming to the conclusion, Boss Ma asked stammeringly.

Gu Hongyu smiled again: "Boss Ma, there won't be so many fruit seedlings in this nursery, right?"

"Yes, how could it not be? Even if I have to go to a nearby nursery temporarily, I can get it together for you with guaranteed quality and quantity." Boss Ma said excitedly.

"Don't worry, there are not as many as 1.5 million fruit seedlings. We need to reserve enough spacious roads in the orchard, and build warehouses and other facilities. It is temporarily estimated that there are 1.2 million fruit seedlings. Didn't I just negotiate with you about some domestic fruit seedlings?" For foreign ornamental tree species and rare tree species, I am afraid that the final purchase of fruit tree saplings is around one million!" Gu Hongyu analyzed methodically.

But in the eyes of Boss Ma, the number of these one million fruit saplings was also very huge, and he immediately asked again: "Xiao Gu, as long as you buy fruit saplings from us, we will definitely give you the best price, but I don't know what you plan to do." What kind of fruit trees should I buy and how old are the fruits?”

Gu Hongyu thought for a while: "You just recommended several fruit trees to me, and I think they are good. I don't think it is necessary to plant cotton and rapeseed every year. In addition, I have no shortage of water sources there. Now I will consult you again." I wonder what species with high economic added value can be grown in such a place.”

"Don't worry, Xiao Gu, we'll be at the end of the field soon, and I'll make sure it's an eye-opener for you later!" Now it was Boss Ma's turn to show off.

The scenery that appeared in front of Gu Hongyu soon changed. The land that was all seedlings just now seemed to have entered a vegetable greenhouse, with some more exotic plants growing inside, many with small flowers and some with fruits. Gu Hongyu took a closer look and was shocked.

The fruit on a plant he saw was just like the ginseng fruit in the TV Journey to the West. The waist-high plant was full of fruits, ranging from dark green to bright white, ranging from thumb size to bigger than a fist.

Boss Ma picked off a few and handed one to Gu Hongyu with a smile: "Xiao Gu, try it, it tastes pretty good!" After saying this, he wiped the fruit on his sleeve for a moment and then bit off most of it. Immediately there was a crunching sound of chewing.

Gu Hongyu followed Boss Ma's example and took a bite of the fruit. An indescribable fragrance filled his mouth, and the crisp taste was very moist.

This is a very good fruit! Gu Hongyu immediately came to a conclusion about this fruit.

Seeing that Gu Hongyu was still not satisfied with the fruit, Boss Ma picked a few more white fruits for him. Gu Hongyu was not polite and swallowed a few in a row before he stopped. This was the first time he ate fruits outside the space so fiercely. If such fruits were planted in the space, how delicious would they taste!

Seeing Gu Hongyu's satisfied taste, Boss Ma asked while the iron was hot: "Xiao Gu, is this fruit okay?"

"Yeah. Not bad. What's its name?" Gu Hongyu is most concerned about the name of this fruit now.

"It's called ginseng fruit, but in some places it is also called melon eggplant, fairy fruit, fragrant pear, and beautiful fruit." Boss Ma gave the answer directly and straightforwardly.

In fact, Gu Hongyu is ignorant. Ginseng fruit is native to South America and was first introduced to China in the 1970s. It is a vegetable and fruit food with relatively comprehensive nutrition. Eating it can supplement the needs of the human body and has nutritional and health value. The flesh is fragrant and juicy, with no core in the belly, unique flavor, and has the characteristics of dietary fiber, low sugar, high protein, and rich in various vitamins, amino acids and trace elements.

Now there are places for planting in several provinces in China. Ginseng fruit belongs to the perennial herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae family. The peel of the fruit is golden yellow when it is ripe. It looks like a human heart. Its flesh has a unique taste, tastes crisp and juicy, and is not sour or astringent. It is a more popular fruit.

Ginseng fruit belongs to the Solanaceae family of vegetables, fruits and ornamental herbs. It is a perennial shrub in tropical and subtropical areas. It is cultivated as an annual in China and Japan.

As a relatively precious fruit. Gu Hongyu had never come into contact with it before. It must be very surprising to see the real fruit tree in front of him now.

After seeing and tasting the ginseng fruit for the first time, Gu Hongyu decided to take it back to plant. It seems that the domestic production has not been much. There is still a shortage of supply in the market, and its appreciation space is very large.

In addition, after the space spring water is used, this kind of fruit will probably be scrambled for once it is put on the market. Gu Hongyu thought about what will happen after the ginseng fruit is planted.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu made a decision directly: "Boss Ma, I have ordered this ginseng fruit seedling. The quantity is not busy for the time being. Let's talk about it after we see other tree species. What do you think?"

"No problem at all, let's go and I will take you to see other interesting fruit trees!" Boss Ma said with a smile on his face. Now Gu Hongyu is the God of Wealth to him. Now it can be regarded as the second business deal.

Before walking far, Gu Hongyu found another different plant in the ground. The stems and leaves of the plant are very similar to ginseng fruit, but the surface of the leaves has thorns, and the fruit is golden in color, and the appearance of the fruit is suddenly different.

"Boss Ma, what kind of fruit is this?" Gu Hongyu was like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and was very unfamiliar with every variety.

Boss Ma shook his head and said with a smile: "This is not a fruit. They are called golden fruit. They have strong ornamental and medicinal value. At present, there are several provinces in my country that have successfully grown one."

Seeing Gu Hongyu's somewhat confused look, Boss Ma said again: "You are very curious. I recommend this inedible golden fruit to you. The golden fruit is a unique plant native to the tropical regions of America. There are nipple-like protrusions at the base of the fruit, or nipple-like heads, or like fingers, or like cow horns."

"With the acceleration of human economic and cultural exchanges, the demand for ornamental plants is too great, because its fruit shape is peculiar, and the fruit viewing period is long. The fruit color is bright and does not change color or shrink for a long time. It is golden and shiny, symbolizing good fortune, five generations living together, and good luck. It is a precious fruit-viewing plant. "

"And its medicinal value is not simple. According to its chemical composition content, it is used to treat related diseases. It is found that golden fruit can have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, blood stasis and swelling effects after being used as medicine on patients. Medical scientists have found that it is used to treat lymphadenitis, sores, swelling and pain and other related medical diseases that most people are prone to. "

"Boss Ma is amazing! How do you know so much about golden fruit?" Gu Hongyu laughed strangely.

Boss Ma smiled bitterly this time and said, "I was the one who advocated the introduction of the golden fruit. I certainly know about it, but now there are no farmers around us who are willing to grow it."

"Boss Ma is going to throw away his burden. It seems that he has set his sights on me this time!"

"Xiao Gu, I am just recommending it. It is up to you to decide whether it is needed or not. But I think your thinking is completely different from that of other farmers. Besides, as long as this crop survives, the profit cannot be underestimated!"

Gu Hongyu did not entangle with him. He thought that since he was sure to grow the golden fruit, the land would be a killer to attract tourists in the future. Finally, he nodded and said, "I want this golden fruit too!"

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