Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 178 Gu Hongyu's Concept (Please Order)

A kind of kiwi fruit that is relatively cold-resistant and drought-resistant, several new grape varieties adapted to the northwest wilderness, and common fruit trees with high yields such as apples, pears, and jujubes... The number of varieties finally selected reached more than 30 kind.

These do not include the rare tree species selected at the beginning, including baobab trees, bomb trees, etc. Gu Hongyu estimated in his mind that there are at least 7 or 80 species, but this is not over yet. Gu Hongyu still feels that these tree species Too little, not reaching his initial budget.

The cultivated land area exceeds 6 square kilometers. If necessary, the town can continue to contract more wasteland plots. In addition, there is no shortage of funds, and he still has a cheating weapon in his hand. Gu Hongyu can do it this time. It's considered a sufficient investment.

Because the fruit saplings Gu Hongyu wants are all one or two years old, ordinary fruit saplings are actually not expensive. Slightly more expensive fruit saplings only cost 2 or 30 yuan, and ordinary fruit saplings only cost 4 or 5 yuan.

At this price, it seems that Gu Hongyu needs a lot of quantity. Boss Ma also took the initiative to lower the price. In his words: "Since Xiao Gu found his nursery, it is considered a fate, so I have to give you the cheapest price on the market. "

Gu Hongyu took these words purely as a joke. No businessman would do a loss-making business. The reason why he offered a low price was mainly because the price offered by Gu Hongyu could be purchased in surrounding markets, so he could make a small profit if the quantity was large. Business people are very smart about selling more and recovering a certain cost in a short period of time.

In addition, Boss Ma is still counting on Gu Hongyu to make a fortune from foreign saplings. Besides, Gu Hongyu thinks that he is spending a lot of money to buy saplings. There is no doubt that he will get other business from him in the future. Anyway, it would be beneficial to him to have a good relationship with Gu Hongyu.

After basically walking around the orchard, Gu Hongyu went through the number and planting distribution of fruit trees in his mind, and finally finalized the deal with Boss Ma.

Putting aside those foreign saplings, Gu Hongyu is currently buying 200,000 ginseng seedlings, golden seedlings, kiwi seedlings, and various grape seedlings from the Yulin Nursery owned by Boss Ma. The spacing between these saplings is the same as the tree pit he is digging now. There is still a big gap. When planted, it will be much denser, so the number seems to be large, but the area of ​​land planted is relatively small, accounting for only about 1 square kilometer.

The remaining ordinary saplings include pear, apple, jujube, chestnut, walnut, apricot, bayberry, etc. The number of these fruit trees ranges from hundreds of thousands to thousands, and the total number is still close to 1 million.

In addition, there are some rare saplings such as pistachios, pecans, figs, blueberries, hawthorns, and wolfberries. The total number of these saplings is almost tens of thousands. As long as Gu Hongyu nodded and said that he wanted to buy the fruit seedlings, Boss Ma would happily respond from the side. In Gu Hongyu's eyes, he almost deserved a beating.

In the end, even if Boss Ma gave Gu Hongyu the lowest discount, the total amount of saplings shocked him. The total sum of ordinary and rare fruit seedlings is 8.17 million yuan. This business is equivalent to most of his Naeba's annual net profit.

But this was not beyond Gu Hongyu's imagination. On the contrary, it was much lower than he expected. The amount saved was the age of the fruit seedlings. If he purchased a fruit tree that was more than three years old. This amount needs to be doubled at least.

There are also rare foreign tree species ordered in the future. When Boss Ma ships back those trees, Gu Hongyu will bleed again. In addition, Gu Hongyu still needs some tree species. In total, the amount of money he will spend on buying saplings is expected to be 12 million yuan, this amount of money alone is more than ordinary people can earn in their lifetime, and now it is just an investment by Gu Hongyu. You can imagine what a shocking scene it will be after the orchard is built.

After the matter was discussed, Boss Ma asked: "Xiao Gu, when will you need these saplings?"

Gu Hongyu smiled: "When is the soonest you can get it together for me?"

"Although I still have some fruit saplings to check for shortages, it only takes a few phone calls to find a batch. The most important issue at the moment is when the tree pits at your place will be dug. Otherwise, it won't be harmful for me to send you saplings. You?" Boss Ma said with a serious face.

How could Gu Hongyu not understand such straightforward words, but a strange smile appeared on his face: "You don't have to worry about it. I think otherwise, just send the saplings to me in batches. Those trucks transporting saplings only need to drive to the place designated by me and unload the goods.”

This was the first time that Boss Ma met a customer like Gu Hongyu. When they sell saplings, they usually have to plant them at their doorstep. Although he was very puzzled, there was no reason why Boss Ma would not agree to such a cheap thing.

"Okay, anyway, you have surprised me enough, I will do as you say!" Boss Ma finally accepted with a smile.

In the end, the two parties signed a purchase contract for the saplings. Gu Hongyu also paid a deposit. In addition to the precious saplings from abroad, Boss Ma shipped the rest to Gu Hongyu in three batches. The earliest batch was shipped three days later. , and the latest batch will not exceed ten days.

As the sun set in the evening, Gu Hongyu drove his car back home, where meals had already been prepared.

Gu Hongyu couldn't help but pick up the chopsticks and pick up a piece of boiled fish when he looked at the delicious food. He didn't want to be hit on the head by his mother with a smile: "You can't wait until you are so big. Go and wash it quickly." handwashing!"

Before the meal, the father sitting at the table did not move his chopsticks but asked Gu Hongyu about his experience today: "Hongyu, did you gain anything from your trip?"

Seeing that his father did not move his chopsticks, Gu Hongyu could only stop, and saw that Mei Ning beside him was trying to hold back her laughter but her face was flushed.

"Dad, I'm so hungry after running around today, I can't eat anymore!" Gu Hongyu actually used his big~ method of acting like a spoiled child.

In the end, it was the mother who made the final decision: "Hurry up and eat, it won't taste good if it gets cold. After you finish eating, I'll make you a pot of hot tea and we'll talk slowly later."

Soon the family sat on the platform outside the wooden house, and a group of pets rushed out from nowhere and entangled with Gu Hongyu affectionately. As a result, Lightning was too big, and the two wolf cubs renamed by Gu Hongyu, one called Golden Lion and the other called Silver Lion, were also not small in size. They were all pushed outside by Gu Hongyu to play by themselves, and they were rewarded with some food. In the end, only the parrot Coke stood on Gu Hongyu's shoulder as if he was going to participate in a family discussion.

"Now can you tell me, did you get any results from going out today?" Father sipped his tea in a comfortable manner, and now he looked much better than when he was in the mountain city.

Gu Hongyu smiled and said, "After a round of walking outside today, we basically settled all the saplings we want to plant. There are only a few that I asked the nursery owner to find for me. They are in the business of saplings, and they are much better than me, a layman!"

"Then tell us quickly, what fruit trees have been bought, and when can they be shipped back? Let me tell you, hundreds of villagers from Ma'aozi Village came today, and more than 30,000 tree pits were dug in one day. At this rate, all of them can be dug in a month. The money earned... I want to go down and dig a few." Mother was still distressed about the money spent on digging tree pits.

Gu Hongyu said patiently: "Mom, making money saves effort. Just think about it, the villagers dug more than 30,000 tree pits today, and we saved a lot of time. It's already late autumn. The sooner we plant the fruit trees, the sooner we can harvest them."

"That's the truth, I've told your mom many times today!" Father suddenly interrupted at this time.

The mother immediately showed her status as the head of the family: "Okay, let's listen to Xiaoyu's talk about the fruit seedlings?"

Transplanting flowers and trees, Gu Hongyu likes this kind of family atmosphere very much. When he saw that his family members had stopped playing, he immediately said: "This time I mainly bought fruit trees that are adapted to the soil and climate of the north, such as apples, pears, walnuts, chestnuts... There are also some improved fruits such as grapes and kiwis. There are also ginseng fruits and golden fruits that you have not seen with your own eyes. A lot of them will be planted this time!"

"Xiaoyu, did you buy too many fruit varieties? How many people are needed to take care of these fruits? And you bought so many without knowing whether they are suitable for the conditions here. I really don't know what to say to you!" As a mother who also changed from an agricultural to a non-agricultural person, she is not lacking in agricultural knowledge at all, and what she said is all on point.

But no one knows that Gu Hongyu has a cheating weapon. With the fairy source space, all problems can be solved. It's just that when doing it, as long as it is not too conspicuous, it will be fine.

Gu Hongyu said confidently: "Mom, haven't I thought about these things clearly? I have asked the nursery owner in detail about those varieties of fruit seedlings. They have been improved for several generations on this land, and there is no problem adapting to our land."

"Well, that's good. These fruit trees are planted in an area of ​​several kilometers. You can't be careless at all!" His father finally instructed.

Gu Hongyu nodded again. He was very sure about the seedlings. When his family asked when the seedlings could be shipped back, Gu Hongyu lied: "I bought fruit trees about three years old this time. How can all these seedlings be gathered in one nursery? So I asked the nursery owner to send them to me in batches in a month to ensure that they are planted before the land freezes."

The fruit seedlings were agreed with Boss Ma to be delivered within ten days, but why did Gu Hongyu lie this time?

It turned out that Gu Hongyu wanted to use the special ability of space and the five elements magic he learned to promote the growth of these fruit trees, and strive to promote all the one-year-old fruit trees to grow to his satisfaction within a month. It would be best if they could be planted this year and bear fruit next year.

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