Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 2 Crazy growing fish

"Hongyu, are you feeling better? The classmates didn't bother you just now, but they didn't mean to do it. Well, I have all the cans and chocolates they brought you in my hands. Just take them as nutrition. Come on!" The sturdy man just now was Gu Hongyu's best friend Lin Yuantao while shaking the guy in his hand.

"Go away, you can eat it yourself. I don't need these things!" Gu Hongyu, who was on the bed, was completely awake at this time. He couldn't keep pretending in a daze no matter what.

The honest and honest Lin Yuantao didn't notice Gu Hongyu's words, and asked again seriously: "If you really give me these things, then I won't be polite."

But when I thought about it, something was wrong. He looked at Gu Hongyu, and suddenly threw away the chocolate coat he was about to pull away and shouted loudly: "Hongyu, you are cured, you are fine..."

Gu Hongyu said dumbfounded: "You are the only one who is sick, will something happen to me?" He was really speechless at his hindsight.

But regardless of this, Lin Yuantao still looked at Gu Hongyu intently until he felt a little uncomfortable. Then he suddenly ran towards the outside of the tent. His voice came from a distance: "I'll make you well." The message is to tell the students to go..."

After a while, there was a buzz of people outside the tent. It seemed that Gu Hongyu had been caring about them. Gu Hongyu felt warm in his heart for no reason. The students organized this time all had good relationships. Seeing that they were about to graduate from college. Now that we have to go our separate ways, this trip can be regarded as leaving no regrets. Let me leave you all with a thought. In the future, the time to get together in different parts of the world will be very slim.

"Hongyu, are you okay? You don't know that what happened to you scared us a lot..." Before entering the tent, Gu Hongyu could tell who the speaker was. He was the one who organized this trip. Peng Minghao, one of my good college friends, is an organizing committee member in the class, but he has to rely on his unique loud voice to become an organizing committee member.

Gu Hongyu, who was sitting on the bed, smiled at the group of classmates who broke in: "It's okay. Maybe it's because of how long it took to get into the water. His head didn't turn around for a while, which made everyone worried!"

"Haha, it's fine. Tell me, how did you spend half an hour in the pool?" A very curious classmate asked the answer that had been in his mind for a long time. There were other students beside him. It was obviously too late to prevent the outcome.

After a period of revising and thinking, Gu Hongyu finally thought of a proper reason. Faced with everyone's expectations, he replied calmly: "Actually, it's nothing. My water quality is good. I have lived on the Yangtze River since I was a child. I can hold my breath for about 10 minutes during a dive on the other side. I dived very deep to catch up with a few big ones, but you don’t know that after passing a spring, there is a small cave on the other side. I just happened to be exhausted right there. I came out of the water and rested for a while, not wanting to give anyone a false alarm.”

"Then why didn't you tell us when you came back? We thought something had happened to you?" an outspoken classmate continued to ask.

Gu Hongyu explained: "It's not that I didn't say anything at the time. The spring water down here has a flow direction. It was easy when I went there, but when I came back I almost couldn't get through. After I came here, I was really out of breath. At that time I’m so dizzy, please forgive me!”

"Okay, okay, now that this is the case, everyone understands that as long as Hongyu is fine, that is our biggest gain. Let's all disperse and let Hongyu take a rest!" Organizer Peng Minghao came forward and said.

Peng Minghao still spoke with a certain authority, and soon the tent began to fall into silence again, but Gu Hongyu could only smile bitterly in his heart. Now that he is completely recovered, is it necessary to treat him like a seriously ill patient?

After finally staying up until night, and after repeatedly confirming that Lin Yuantao, who was in the same tent, was asleep, Gu Hongyu couldn't wait to get into the space. The space at this time was no different from when he first came in during the day, still bare and very empty.

The only thing that looked a little lively was the small puddle. During the day, I caught a few fish in the puddle and threw them into it. At this moment, I could actually see them swimming freely in the clear water, and jumping out of the water from time to time.

Suddenly, Gu Hongyu noticed the shape of the swimming fish. The several larger swimming fish he caught during the day had already entered the stomachs of his classmates during dinner. The size of the swimming fish caught in the space pond Both are much smaller.

But now Gu Hongyu visually inspected that the size of the fish in the pond was not inferior to the size of the fish for tonight's dinner, and even two of the fish were bigger than those eaten outside. After a short afternoon, the fish inside were The swimming fish must have grown by at least ten centimeters. What's going on? Space has the ability to promote the growth of animals and plants.

No, Gu Hongyu's heart suddenly palpitated. Since the space had such a big impact on the growth of swimming fish, would it also have an effect on him? He immediately looked around and didn't feel any discomfort or difference. , I felt a little relieved.

Gu Hongyu had no idea that the reason why he owned this space fragment was because he cut his finger on something while touching the fragment at the bottom of the pool. His blood was absorbed by the fragment and he was able to realize the space. Main function, otherwise this space would not be owned by him.

However, space does have a great effect on him, especially on his physical fitness. Other aspects are not as obvious and abnormal as the changes in animals and plants.

Unknown why, he observed again and again in the space, and even went to the puddle to use the reflection of the water surface to check his appearance. When he made sure that there was no obvious change, Gu Hongyu felt the desolation and silence of the whole space.

The fish in the puddle avoided Gu Hongyu early when he approached, and hid far away, away from Gu Hongyu, an unknown creature that was very threatening to them.

But Gu Hongyu didn't want to pay attention to them now. Seeing the crazy growth of the fish, Gu Hongyu was eager to bring other species outside into the space to see what kind of changes the space could bring to those plants.

But now in reality, everything is silent. When he came out of the space and lay on the bed, he opened his eyes and looked outside the tent area. There was only the light that drove away the beasts swaying on the bracket with the breeze.

At this moment, Gu Hongyu kept sighing in his heart, constantly sighing that the night was long and the night was so hard to endure.

Hu Si was thinking about this trip and initially was still choosing his future career path, but now that he has the space, his life path will probably become more colorful!

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