Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 3: Searching for Jade in the Gobi Desert [Please recommend and collect]

Last night, I fell asleep unconsciously, but Gu Hongyu was awakened by a pee before dawn. The other students in the tent were still sleeping, and there was only the lonely sound of the wind around.

Seeing that there was no one around, Gu Hongyu, who had just finished peeing, immediately flowed into the space. Of course, many weeds around the tent were also brought into the space by him. The growth of the fish yesterday had already made him dumbfounded. Gu Hongyu just wanted to see what kind of amazing effect the space had on plants.

The sky in the space was similar to that outside. There was still a foggy scene above, and the area outside the ten acres of land was similar. It seemed that something always prevented Gu Hongyu from exploring, but Gu Hongyu would not walk around in the unknown fog. Who knows what the consequences of doing so would be.

Planting the several kinds of weeds brought in casually on the dark land, although there was no vitality in it, it must be said that the soil in the space was fertile soil, and it seemed like oil would be squeezed out if you stretched out your hand and squeezed it.

In a short while, Gu Hongyu planted several weeds in a corner near the puddle. If space really has a stimulating effect on plants, then Gu Hongyu has other uses for the large piece of land.

There wasn't much to do, but Gu Hongyu's hands were still dirty. He walked to the pond and was about to wash his hands, but suddenly he was stunned.

Is it really against the will of heaven? The fish in the pond looked much bigger than yesterday. The fish, which were only a finger long, almost doubled to about ten centimeters last night, and doubled again this morning. This is too much. If it continues like this, it won't be long before the pond can't accommodate them.

Stopping the shock in his heart, Gu Hongyu turned his mind and always felt that something was wrong. Is there no limit to the growth of animals here? Maybe these fish will stop growing when they grow to a certain size!

Gu Hongyu didn't dare to stay in the space for too long with doubts. Maybe the people in other tents had already gotten up. Fortunately, the place where he entered the space just now was relatively remote and there was a tent to block him. After coming out of the space, Gu Hongyu looked around and walked towards the tent where he lived.

When he walked into the tent, his best friend was hurriedly putting on his clothes. Seeing Gu Hongyu coming in from outside, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Hongyu, where have you been? I didn't see you when I got up. I thought you..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Hongyu interrupted him: "What did you think? You are so old, what's there to worry about? It's just that you went out to pee. Why are you so excited!"

"So that's it. It's good that you didn't have a seizure..." Lin Yuantao said to himself.

Gu Hongyu was speechless to his best friend. They grew up together, fought together, and finally got admitted to the same university. They even chose the same major. Both parents told them to help each other when they were unfamiliar with the place.

Lin Yuantao's personality is more honest and simple. He looks strong and sturdy, but his courage and boldness are not close to his appearance. When Gu Hongyu is with him, he often plays the role of making plans and giving orders, and Lin Yuantao is naturally the best executor.

After putting on clothes, when most of the students walked out of the tent, the red sun in the plateau desert was already hanging on the horizon. Through the slightly cool air, people could not feel the heat of the sun at all, but ignored its power. At noon, no matter who is in such a place, they will avoid it. The unique geographical environment here creates a unique climate.

A common saying is very vivid: wear a cotton jacket in the morning and a gauze in the afternoon, eat watermelon around the stove.

After a simple fast food breakfast, the students skillfully dismantled the tent and sorted out their equipment. According to the schedule of the organizer Peng Minghao, they will go to the last self-driving scenic spot today, which is a Gobi.

The Gobi Desert is generally very desolate, with no human habitation within tens or hundreds of kilometers. Originally, we did not plan to go there this time, but we were all attracted by the Gobi jade mentioned by Peng Minghao.

There are several types of Gobi jade. One is the seed jade that is abandoned in the dry Gobi Desert after being formed by mountain stream jade. Or the Hetian jade mountain materials are scattered on the Gobi Desert, and after hundreds of millions of years of wind and sun, they absorb the essence of the sun and moon.

The other is that the already formed seed jade is transported to the Gobi Desert and the river where the seed jade originally lived dries up, and it is exposed to a waterless environment, and is impacted by wind, dust, sand and gravel again, and is formed after years of wind and sun. This kind of "Gobi seed jade" is first washed by water, and then exposed to the sun and rain. It has better texture and is more rare than the simple water-washed seed jade.

The production of Gobi jade is limited to a small area in northern Xinjiang, Xinjiang, and is mainly produced in the Junggar Basin in northern Xinjiang. The area of ​​100 kilometers around the Urho Devil City in Kela City in the Yadan landform, where the jade is of very good quality and extremely high value.

The place where we were going on this self-driving tour was still a long way from Xinjiang, but Peng Minghao was born and raised in this place and knew that there was a place with Gobi jade in the desert, so the students were fooled by him.

The long journey was a test of everyone's willpower. We started after packing up our equipment. It was just after 8 o'clock, but we walked for almost two hours until almost everyone was sweating and panting. Peng Minghao slowly told everyone that after crossing the large sand dunes in front, we would reach the Gobi with Gobi jade.

Indeed, Peng Minghao did not deceive everyone. When everyone gathered their remaining strength and climbed up the sand dune, the scenery before them was completely different from the previous one.

Although there were gravel and desert on the road they passed, it was still dominated by one sand dune after another. The endless place in front of them was all made up of pieces of gravel, slowly forming a very small slope that stretched to a very far distance.

"Finally arrived. If I hadn't arrived, I would have collapsed!" A classmate said exhaustedly.

"Fortunately, all the men came out this time. If they brought delicate girls, imagine the result, my God..." A classmate kept patting his chest and was very grateful.

"But when we present the jade we picked up to them, I think they will forgive us." The classmate who spoke was Kang Le, who left his girlfriend and set off alone.

"Haha, then you have to find a good-looking piece later, otherwise your Jia Jia will not forgive you!" Another classmate said jokingly.


"Okay, let's take a break. We'll have to work hard to find the jade later, so it's best to save our energy now." Peng Minghao finally stopped everyone from laughing.

But at this time, Gu Hongyu felt that the space fragment mark on his wrist began to heat up slightly...

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