Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 22 The truth is not that complicated [Please recommend and collect]

Gu Hongyu really couldn't stand it anymore. As the organizer of the flower show, he was still the young man's superior. Naturally, he should protect the interests of his employees and explain to the outside world, but Manager Zhang not only didn't To protect him, he even took the initiative to use his employees as scapegoats. It looked so damn disgusting.

Some tourists who were still stranded in the exhibition hall couldn't stand Manager Zhang's arrogant behavior, and took the initiative to help the young employees: "Now you should think about how to make up for your mistakes at work, instead of blaming it on your subordinates here."

"It's just that I've never seen anyone act like a leader."

"Gentle scum..."

"If we were in our company, people like this would have been kicked out a long time ago. There is absolutely no need to allow people like this to be in high positions."


The tourists' comments made Manager Zhang's fat face immediately darken. He thought he could squeeze out the water. He was worried that making the matter bigger would be detrimental to him, so he immediately said to the young man who was still standing opposite him. : "Why are you still standing there? Go and get the records of the past two days of serving Camellia. If it's your problem, let's see how I deal with you."

Gu Hongyu was very interested in this matter. What kind of top-quality camellia made the organizer feel like they were facing a formidable enemy. Several tourists who were also interested in camellia came with him to the one that had lost a few petals. In front of the tea tree.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes seemed to have studied camellia. Before he even walked to the tea tree, he exclaimed: "Oh, isn't this Zhuangyuanhong? The plant is growing so completely and the flowers are blooming so beautifully. It's really amazing. The wonder of creation.”

Hey, this man was so full of emotions that Gu Hongyu and the others were all speechless towards this middle-aged man at this moment.

"Brother, how much does this tea tree cost?"

"Yes, this is a top flower exhibition hall. How can such a tea tree cost tens or millions?"

"Hmph, just a few hundred thousand will make you want to buy a successfully cultivated tea tree here. Even the one that hasn't bloomed is not something you can buy. Looking at the color and shape of the flowers, I guess it's almost two million!" The man in a suit said He raised his chin with his hand and spoke his estimate.

"The camellias are not very expensive. I just heard that one orchid sold for more than one million in other exhibition halls, and the top-grade orchids cost tens of millions." A tourist immediately expressed his interest in the top-grade orchid in the top exhibition hall. Flowers are somewhat looked down upon.

At this time, Manager Zhang from the flower organizer said arrogantly: "Other exhibition halls can sell flowers at sky-high prices, but every potted flower in this exhibition hall can be sold for tens or millions, and the camellias also have top-notch buyers." It’s not like it’s worth tens of millions, you’re so rare!”

Everyone has seen the arrogant look of Manager Zhang just now. The tourists who belittled the camellias also remained silent at this time. It seemed that they were shocked by Manager Zhang.

At the beginning, the man in a suit was still surrounding the tea tree. After looking at it for a while, he said with regret: "Oh, it is true that the situation of this tea tree is not good. Not only are some of the petals of the open flowers falling off, but some of the flowers are not blooming. The petals seem to be a little loose, just like people who are not energetic. "

The situation is indeed as the man in the suit said, no matter how valuable a tea tree is, if there is a problem with the flowers it blooms, the value will be greatly reduced. According to the current situation of the tea tree, if it is really an employee error that caused this situation, then the flower arrangement can be Take a lot of responsibility.

As for Manager Zhang, many people understood his impatience, but the way he took his subordinates to jack up the cylinders was very disdainful.

At this time, the young man who had just gone to get something came back. He handed a record book to Manager Zhang with both hands. Manager Zhang took it in his hand casually without saying anything. The kind of mental oppression on the young man kept making him nervous. He lowered his head.

After looking at the detailed process of taking care of the tea tree for a while, Manager Zhang still had no clue. The above operation process seemed to be correct, but why did the tea tree lose its petals for no reason, and some of the remaining petals were still intact?

At this time, a few people hurriedly walked outside the exhibition hall. The leader seemed to be in his 60s. He might have walked in such a hurry that he was still breathing heavily.

He was also wearing a dark gray tunic suit. He looked like an ordinary old man at ordinary times. However, as soon as Manager Zhang changed his attitude of reprimanding employees, he immediately greeted the visitor with a charming smile and said: "Mr. Zhang, this is what you said a few days ago. The tea tree that was sent here has some problems with Xiaoxiao, so I really trouble you to take the trouble to make this trip!"

The man known as Mr. Zhang ignored Manager Zhang's flattery at this moment and ran to the tea tree he had delivered to the flower show a few days ago. Looking at the current condition of the tea tree, he murmured to himself: "Sure enough, it turned out like this..."

"Mr. Zhang, the accident that happened to the tea tree this time must be something we did wrong. We will definitely deal with the employees who take care of this tea tree seriously. In addition, our company will make certain compensation to you. You see..." Manager Zhang avoided the important and took the easy. Testing Mr. Zhang's bottom line.

Mr. Zhang didn't seem to hear what Manager Zhang said. He waved his hand to stop him and said to the person behind him: "Move the tea tree back immediately. We will take a closer look at the condition of the tea tree when we get back."

Hearing Mr. Zhang say this, Manager Zhang said happily: "Mr. Zhang, you have agreed to my proposal just now. Okay, I will fire the employee who took care of your tea tree. In addition, our company will definitely compensate you according to the maximum amount." loss."

"Enough, stop talking. Who said I want to fire this employee? Who said I want you to compensate for the loss of my tea trees? I will talk to your leaders about these things myself. It has nothing to do with you. Just do what you should do!" As expected, Mr. Zhang was very dissatisfied with Manager Zhang's approach.

The person following Mr. Zhang observed the tea trees that had not been moved away and said in confusion: "Mr. Zhang, your camellia was not originally in this season. You forced the tea trees to change their flowering period. Now it seems that this research direction is wrong."

Hey, it was Mr. Zhou who spoke just now. Didn't he buy the orchid and go back? Why is he back again now? When Gu Hongyu was surprised, Mr. Zhou also saw Gu Hongyu mixed in the crowd and nodded to him as a greeting.

Mr. Zhang was still immersed in the failure of his research. He didn't notice what Mr. Zhou had just done and said in annoyance: "You are right. Everything cannot change its growth law by force. However, after studying for so long, it is hard not to feel uncomfortable to see that there is a little hope but it is ruthlessly shattered."

"It is common for us to fail in this kind of research. Let's look at it more positively!" Mr. Zhou said comfortingly.

"Oh, by the way, today I bought an orchid that changes its season of flowering. Let's see if this orchid can help your research. From this orchid, we can see that everything is possible. There are still many things that can be fundamentally changed, but we have no way of understanding them yet."

Listening to their conversation, many tourists around understood that the champion red tea tree sent here for exhibition was the research result of Mr. Zhang in front of him, but it seemed that the research failed, and the withering of the petals had nothing to do with the staff.

The truth is that simple!

Gradually, the tourists lost interest in this matter and soon disappeared, but Gu Hongyu was thoughtful. It was difficult for Mr. Zhang to change the seasons of blooming of these flowers, but it seemed that it was not a problem for him who had the space. If he could use this technology, he might be able to make a fortune!

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