Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 23 Heading to the grassland [Please recommend and collect]

Gu Hongyu satisfied his curiosity and followed the crowd outside the exhibition hall. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhou stopped him: "Xiao Gu didn't expect you to be here too. It's rare that young people nowadays are so interested in gardening flowers."

"There are some, but it's too insignificant if I can't compare with you." Gu Hongyu scratched his head and said shyly.

At this time, Mr. Zhou chuckled and said to the elder: "Well, this young man sold me the orchid I just got."

"Oh, young man, the orchids you sold to Lao Zhou really grew in the wild in a pure natural environment. The orchids really changed the flowering season..." Zhou Lao just introduced him about the orchids. At this time, when he met the principal, Zhang Lao opened his mouth and said Asking questions like a machine gun.

Gu Hongyu didn't know how to answer his many questions, and he finally thought about it again and said vaguely: "I also bought these orchids at our local flower and bird market, but unexpectedly they were moved to Flower stems soon grew out of the flower pot, and the flowers bloomed very beautifully. Then I started to pay attention to the variety and market of orchids, and took it to the exhibition to show off. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhou immediately paid a high price to buy it. I bought it, but I don’t know much about the rest.”

"Where did you buy the orchids? Why don't you take us to the place where you bought the orchids?" Mr. Zhang is over fifty years old, and he still works in a hurry.

Mr. Zhou grabbed Mr. Zhang and said, "Okay, your character and temper will never change in your lifetime. Do you think you can talk like this?"

Mr. Zhang calmed down and said dejectedly: "Hey, the research just failed and now you have given me some hope, can I not be anxious?"

Although Gu Hongyu really wanted to go back to his hometown, there was a more important thing waiting for him to do now, which was to engage in agricultural development in the town where Peng Minghao took office. Facing the anxious Mr. Zhang, he said directly: "Orchid is mine. I bought it at the flower and bird market in the mountain town. I have other things to do during this period. If you guys have been there recently, I can't spare the time. But it's the same thing if you go there yourself. You can tell by asking at the flower and bird market. Maybe you still have some. What other discoveries are there?”

Mr. Zhou said quickly on the side: "Haha, Xiao Gu has something to do with you in advance. Lao Zhang just said it. Even if we go there in the future, we will contact you. You should be a member of Lao Hu's flower friends group." Bar?"

"Well, that's right. As long as you find Mr. Hu, you should be able to contact me!" Gu Hongyu replied.

After chatting for a few more words, Mr. Zhang hurriedly took Mr. Zhou's hand and walked out of the exhibition hall. It seemed that he couldn't wait to see Mr. Zhou's orchids.

"It's really a child's temper. It's rare to see a 5 or 60-year-old person with such a character." Gu Hongyu watched them move away and saw Mr. Zhang walking in the wind without sighing.

After lunch, Gu Hongyu rushed to the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China where the check was issued. When it was his turn to handle business, when he handed the check for 1.5 million to the bank staff, he felt extremely uneasy. He was deeply afraid that this check might have something to do with it. What's the problem? Although I believe that there is nothing wrong with Mr. Zhou's check, it is inevitable that he has other ideas in his mind.

However, the counter staff soon verified the validity of the check and asked Gu Hongyu whether he had opened a special bank account to transfer the money, or whether he had deposited it into an account he already owned.

Gu Hongyu quickly took out a bank card, which contained nearly 200,000 yuan for selling vegetables. He thought about it and said, "Is it okay if I deposit it into several separate accounts?"

The bank staff at the counter said expressionlessly: "No problem, but we will charge different fees for depositing to other banks."

Just collect the fees. ICBC is not the only one to do this. Gu Hongyu can figure it out. He knows both his family’s bank account and his younger brother’s bank account. He helped handle the family’s bank account. As for his younger brother’s bank account, he used to work as a study student. I remitted the remaining money to my brother.

He deposited 1.45 million yuan into his card, withdrew 20,000 yuan in cash, deposited 20,000 yuan into his family's passbook, and deposited another 10,000 yuan into his brother's card. Everything was done. Gu Hongyu walked out of the bank happily. , now he is a so-called millionaire.

Soon he received a call from his younger brother Gu Hongchen: "Brother, you gave me money just now. Why is it so much this time? Didn't you just graduate from college?"

When faced with the remittance, Gu Hongchen was not surprised but deeply confused. He immediately called to find out what was going on.

Regarding his younger brother's tuition expenses, Gu Hongyu still trusted him not to mess around. He explained with a smile: "A friend of ours in the same class founded a trading company before graduation and made a lot of money with his father's connections. , I’m going to help him for a while, this guy is also generous and has given tens of thousands to every classmate who helped him in the past.”

He paused and then said: "You can just spend the 10,000 yuan on your own. In college, I knew that without money, you can't stand up in many ways. I also sent 20,000 yuan back to my family. Now your brother and I can earn it after graduation." If you have enough money, you can go home and stay with your parents this summer and don’t work any more part-time jobs!”

"Brother, are you not going back this summer?" Gu Hongchen asked on the phone.

There will be no summer vacation after graduation. He has to start a business and has no time to go home. But he still said: "Now I have a job, but I will go home when it becomes more stable, and then the family will be reunited."

"Well, okay, let's do that. Long-distance calls are very expensive!" After saying that, the voice on the other end of the phone went silent.

Children from poor families become wise early. Even though he just received 10,000 yuan, Gu Hongchen is still very frugal. This is something that his parents have always been proud of. Their son is both good in character and learning, and is sensible and well-behaved. Seeing that the family's financial burden is getting heavier and he has to work part-time while going to college, especially since Gu Hongyu has been persisting for 4 years and now he is finally getting through it.

After chatting with his brother, Gu Hongyu was busy calling his family again. The bank card at home was not bound to the mobile phone, so it was better to let them know in advance.

Gu Hongyu called his father and asked gently: "Dad, have you eaten?"

This is probably the most frequently used greeting among Chinese people. The father on the other side of the phone did not answer immediately when he heard Gu Hongyu speak. Instead, through the phone, Gu Hongyu heard his father call his mother: "Honey, Xiaoyu called, do you want to say a few words to him first? "

Immediately after that, my mother's kind whisper sounded on the other end of the phone: "Xiaoyu really didn't think of calling us now. You should have graduated by now. Do you have a job? When will you have time to go home... "

A series of questions were full of concern, and Gu Hongyu felt warm and warm in his heart: "Mom, I have graduated now, everything is fine, and I have a job. I just transferred 20,000 yuan to your bank card. Please check to see if you have received it. Now that I have graduated and my family needs to spend money, I must not save and use it!”

"Twenty thousand? Where did you get the money?" Like his younger brother, the first thing his parents thought of was the origin of the money.

Gu Hongyu patiently told his parents what he said to his younger brother, and his mother was very moved: "Okay, okay, you have made money, don't just take care of the house, and keep more for yourself outside." , otherwise I’ll call you back and I won’t be able to use it at home now.”

"I still have some here, and I'll send some to my brother. Don't worry about where he is from now on. Just use it with peace of mind. I'll take you all over and live there after I get a stable job." Gu Hongyu said what he was thinking.

The mother was a little choked, and the father answered the phone and said calmly: "Okay, work hard outside. My son, I believe you have the ability to make a difference."

I don't know when to hang up the phone in the end. Gu Hongyu has been thinking about his parents' earnest teachings. Yes, he will definitely make a breakthrough and let the whole family live a happy life.

About to go to a remote grassland with difficult conditions, Gu Hongyu spent the afternoon shopping at major markets and basically spent all the 20,000 yuan in cash he had.

Early the next morning, he packed up all his equipment, and the entire dormitory became as empty as when he first entered the campus. He closed the door, picked up the package, and then handed the key to the dormitory custodian. From then on, he set foot on the big world of society. furnace.

When he stepped on the train to Gansu Province, all he wanted to do was shout loudly: I'm coming to the grassland.

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