Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 232: Everyone is showing off their talents (Subscribe please)

The show begins.

Hall tried other dishes on the table, and after pretending to praise them at first, he frowned from time to time while trying other dishes.

Gu Hongyu secretly laughed in his heart, and cooperated with his performance silently, pretending to be anxious and asked: "Mr. Hall, how do you feel about these vegetables?"

"Well..." Hall pretended to be thoughtful: "To be honest, except for the first dish that surprised me, the next few dishes were far from my expectations. If the vegetables you are growing now are of this quality, we The United States will not cooperate with you!”

Hall had been paying attention to Gu Hongyu's expression when he was talking. He thought that as long as they acted tougher at this time, maybe Gu Hongyu would beg them to cooperate, and then Hall could take the opportunity to ask for more money. interests.

They are really familiar with this kind of thing. It is expected that a country bumpkin like Gu Hongyu who has never been abroad will start to worry.

However, Gu Hongyu still looked very calm and said to their surprise: "Since I can't meet your requirements, I don't think the next field trip is necessary. The scenery around Honghu Village is not bad, and I have leisure time." You can go around being angry and I won’t keep you company!”

Gu Hongyu had been enduring the old guy Hall's extravagant advances all morning. Since the newcomers didn't really want to cooperate, Gu Hongyu didn't need to continue playing with them.

Then the scene suddenly cooled down. Old Hall never expected that Gu Hongyu would follow their words and had no intention of begging them for help. However, their real thoughts in their hearts were that they valued Gu Hongyu's vegetables and planned to I cooperated with him. He was just thinking about getting more benefits. According to Gu Hongyu's current tone, wouldn't it be pornographic?

"No, no, no, Gu, Mr. Hall didn't say that there is no chance of cooperation, but your vegetables need to be improved. We can help you in this regard." The assistant who came here with Hall hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Yes. That's what I mean. There is still a lot of room for appreciation in the value of your vegetables. We are specialized in high-tech agricultural research and will be very helpful to you in improving and improving the quality of your vegetables. That is, It means that if you want to cooperate with us, these vegetables must be improved through our research.”

Hall looked at the assistant who had just spoken for him with great relief, and immediately took over and changed his words.

Gu Hongyu thought in his mind to test how greedy they were, so he pretended to be enlightened and said: "Oh, so that's it. That was my misunderstanding. Then let me tell you how these vegetables will be sold in the United States after I give them to you for research. How much profit can be gained?”

Hearing Gu Hongyu's question, Hall smiled in his heart: This is right. Chinese people generally only care about their immediate interests. These high-quality vegetables are sent to the laboratory for research. As long as the genes in these vegetables are understood, He has cracked the cultivation method, and by then he can completely kick Gu Hongyu aside.

However, he said generously: "As long as it proves that the vegetables you grow are of high quality among similar vegetables, after we improve them, they will be regarded as top-notch vegetables. The price of such vegetables in the American market is very expensive. It can reach tens or even more One hundred dollars per pound, how much is it worth based on your current scale and output?”

Gu Hongyu also searched online for vegetables sold in American supermarkets. In the United States, organic and inorganic vegetables and food are clearly marked with clear labels. Inorganic food and vegetables are relatively low-priced, while organic food and vegetables are relatively high-priced. If the vegetables he grows now are as expensive as Hall said, That said, a pound can cost tens or hundreds of dollars.

Hall's temptation seemed feeble in Gu Hongyu's eyes. Now that he knew it was a scam, Gu Hongyu felt that after understanding some of the situation, he had no intention of getting entangled with him. So he said seriously: "I'm sorry, I know the vegetables I grow best. You may not be able to improve the quality of the vegetables now. I'm not interested in the plan you just mentioned!"

What a joke, can they still improve this variety of vegetables watered by space spring water? Gu Hongyu absolutely didn't believe it.

Gu Hongyu's refusal made the smiles on the faces of Hall and others immediately freeze. In their opinion, it was a sure thing, but they did not expect that Gu Hongyu refused without hesitation.

"Gu, you have to believe us. I just said that we are engaged in high-tech agriculture, which is famous all over the world, not to mention the United States. If you give us the vegetables you grow, we will definitely make improvements based on the original ones. "

Seeing Gu Hongyu's still disbelieving look, Hall simply gritted his teeth and promised with determination: "If you can't improve these vegetables, we will help you promote them in the United States for free. But if we can improve the quality of these vegetables, we will help you promote them in the United States for free. What do you think about us paying you $1 million directly as compensation?”

They are still convinced that there will be no problem if Gu Hongyu's vegetables are improved. By then, they will make quite a lot of profits, and the mere US$1 million given to Gu Hongyu is really nothing, even if they can't improve it. If you can get the plant specimens of these plants and study them, Gu Hongyu will not have a monopoly on vegetables. In the United States, their company has the final say on many things.

The idea is very cruel. Whether these vegetables can be improved will basically have no loss to them. On the contrary, Gu Hongyu is equivalent to the dough in their hands, and they can knead it however they want.

But there is a fact that they never expected, that is, Gu Hongyu's vegetables are actually cultivated from the most common seeds. The only way they can improve their quality is through space spring water. Without space spring water, these are still the most common vegetables.

Gu Hongyu has also done research on this, that is, the seeds produced by vegetables cultivated by space spring water will immediately return to ordinary vegetables as long as the space spring water is cut off. In other words, their descendants will still be ordinary vegetables. Space spring water The effect is only for cultivated modern vegetables.

Listening to what Hall said, Gu Hongyu's heart moved. This was really a sleepy pillow. It would definitely make Hall, a guy with ill intentions, steal the chicken and lose the rice.

Gu Hongyu laughed when he thought of this: "Mr. Hall, do you mean what you said?"

"Of course, just because we are the most authoritative company in agricultural research in the United States, there is no such thing as going back on our word!" Mr. Hall was extremely confident.

Well, I hope you won't regret it when the time comes, Gu Hongyu secretly smiled in his heart.

"Mr. Hall, let's assume for a moment that if you can't improve the quality of my vegetables, how will you promote our vegetables in the United States?" Gu Hongyu asked a question that made Hall and the others unhappy.

Mr. Hall and his assistant were indeed annoyed by Gu Hongyu's questions, but they endured it for the sake of the vegetables in Gu Hongyu's hands.

Old Hall said forcefully: "If we can't improve your vegetable varieties, we will put the vegetables you grow on the shelves of any supermarket or hotel that cooperates with us in the United States; and Mangu asked me to come over this time." Is it just to help you build the most advanced high-tech vegetable cultivation base? I promise you that these greenhouses or cultivation centers only require the price of raw materials and we will help you build them for free, right? "

Sell ​​vegetables directly to the United States, and also use Hall's company's platform channels. Gu Hongyu's heart began to beat rapidly. This condition could not be said to make his heart beat. Then Gu Hongyu was also quite satisfied with the second condition. In terms of high-tech agriculture, China is far behind. In the field of high-tech, foreign countries are strictly guarding against China and do not allow these high technologies to flow into it. Now if Hall cannot improve vegetables, then Gu Hongyu will be able to obtain a high-tech vegetable cultivation base. There is also the most professional construction team to help him build it. How can there be such a good thing in this world!

If you don't do it, you'd be a fool!

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu suppressed the excitement in his heart and said calmly on the surface: "I agree with this matter, but if there is no basis for it, should we sign an agreement first so that both parties will not default on the debt later!"

Looking at Gu Hongyu, he seemed to insist that they could not improve vegetables. Old Hall also lost his temper: "Sign it, why not sign it? We will sign this agreement immediately after we see your vegetable base. Now we have to confirm it." Are these vegetables produced by you? Can the vegetables in the greenhouse reach the quality we eat for lunch? "

"Okay, if you don't mind, everyone should leave now. My vegetable greenhouse is not very far from here!" Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, he stopped his knife and fork and listened to Gu Hongyu and Hall arguing. Everyone was fascinated by them. Attracted.

The original Honghu Village construction team is demolishing it. Without the obstruction of the houses, you can see the vegetable greenhouse standing not far away when you walk to the top of the hill beside the lake.

Bomangu pointed to the greenhouse in the distance and gave Hall a detailed introduction. He had been in Honghu Village for some time and was very familiar with many places.

Entering a large shed at will, Gu Hongyu suddenly felt a burst of warmth rushing towards him.

The growth of vegetables in the greenhouse is still quite gratifying. What is grown in this vegetable shed is cucumbers. There is still a layer of white frost hanging on the clear cucumber strips, and the flowers that have been cut off at the ends of the cucumbers are still hanging on them. Everything is beautiful. So vivid, just looking at it makes people feel appetizing.

They stepped forward to pick a few cucumbers for Hall and the others to try, but before Gu Hongyu could take action, these guys picked a cucumber and started eating it themselves.

At this moment, Hall's heart was also extremely shocked. He never expected that such a remote village could grow such perfect vegetables. This made the greed in his heart expand infinitely, and he wanted to take this vegetable as his own.

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