Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 233 Mei Ning is a bridesmaid (please subscribe)

The team brought by Hall finally used the equipment and instruments they brought to conduct relevant tests on the vegetables grown by Gu Hongyu. It would have been fine if they hadn't tested them. Once they tested them, even they were shocked.

The data of the vegetables grown by Gu Hongyu were better than those of organic vegetables. Among them, the data of several antioxidants that can effectively resist cancer were much higher than those of ordinary vegetables.

At first, Hall couldn't believe the data of those vegetables and thought that there was something wrong with the equipment, but when he took ordinary vegetables for testing, the data of these vegetables were consistent with the data of ordinary vegetables in previous experiments. After several tests, Hall had to accept such results.

At this moment, Hall and his assistants began to feel uneasy. In fact, to be precise, Hall began to feel uneasy or regretful in his heart, because the data shown by these vegetables were so excellent, it would undoubtedly be very difficult for them to improve on this basis.

But this undoubtedly made Hall think of Gu Hongyu's evil thoughts of growing vegetables. If he had such high-quality vegetables in the United States, then his agricultural empire would be unshakable. Whether it was high-tech or agricultural, as long as it was a monopoly, huge profits would inevitably follow.

If you have such high-quality vegetables, money will come like snowflakes.

Hall fell into fantasy. He dreamed that his company would stand at the top of the pyramid in the United States, and others would have to look up to him.

"Mr. Hall, it's your turn to sign the agreement now!" Gu Hongyu looked at him with a smile.

The next day, Gu Hongyu invited Deputy County Chief Gao of the county government to sign a superficial cooperation agreement in the newly built office of Honghu Village, but only Gu Hongyu and Hall's team knew the inside. The two parties signed a bet agreement.

The two parties in the secret agreement were that if the research laboratory of Hall's company improved the vegetables planted by Gu Hongyu, they would pay 1 million US dollars to buy out Gu Hongyu's vegetable varieties. If they could not improve, they would help Gu Hongyu's vegetables enter the United States, occupy Hall's channel platform to enter the US shopping malls and supermarkets, and Hall publicly announced that he would help him build a high-tech agricultural cultivation and planting base for free.

It seems that Gu Hongyu will not suffer any loss no matter what the result is, because he can get a profit of one million US dollars at worst. But Hall had evil intentions. He just wanted to get Gu Hongyu's vegetable seedlings and bring them back to the United States to slowly cultivate their offspring.

Even if they admitted that they could not improve the vegetable varieties and put Gu Hongyu's vegetables into the United States this time, this was only temporary. They could immediately use the cultivated vegetables to seize all of Gu Hongyu's vegetable market share in the United States. It was not difficult for them to squeeze Gu Hongyu, an outsider, out of the United States. They still had the final say in the future market, which was equivalent to making a fortune out of nothing.

But it was obvious that Gu Hongyu had a trick up his sleeve. Their idea was like a dream that could never be realized!

In addition to inspecting Gu Hongyu's vegetable greenhouse in Honghu Village. The old guy Hall and his team also inspected Gu Hongyu's ranch and ten thousand mu orchard. Looking at the strong lambs on the ranch and the green grasslands in such cold winter temperatures, and the ten thousand mu orchard, many fruit tree seedlings actually grew out of season in winter, which made him and his teammates feel a lot.

Gu Hongyu was well aware of Mr. Hall's doubts, but he couldn't tell Hall the truth, so he could only lie and muddle through.

The green grass in the pasture is naturally the water from the irrigation system of the pasture, which contains space spring water, and the green grass has strong vitality. A little bit of spiritual energy will grow very rapidly, but the fruit trees in the ten thousand mu orchard are not the effect of space spring water. The diluted spring water is not so effective. The reason why it grows in reverse in winter is that the space was not fully stimulated by Gu Hongyu last time, and it thrives even in the cold winter.

Leaving some mysterious suspense, Hall and his team signed a cooperation agreement and rushed back to the United States.

Honghu Village seemed to be unalarmed. The villagers in the village were still happily buying household items, and the villagers who had jobs were energetic all day. The villagers who had nothing to chat about gathered together to talk about their feelings about moving into the new house. Anyway, the joy of moving into a new home has not completely dissipated.

Gu Hongyu also updates the karst landscape in the cave at any time. Every time he goes down the cave to deliver supplies to Director Wu and his team, Xiao Cao, who loves photography, always gives him some digital camera storage cards. As long as they have free time, the few people like Xiao Cao always like to explore the karst cave. The beautiful scenery inside is carefully preserved by them.

For this reason, Gu Hongyu is also very hard-working. He has purchased a lot of flashlights and lighting bulbs for these students.

Even so, not many people go to Honghu Village. One is that the last earthquake is still there, and the other is that the underground cave has not been opened to the public, and netizens have been watching.

However, Director Wu of the cave has already achieved preliminary results in cave exploration, and many theories are being gradually improved. It will be out of the cave soon. I believe that they will attract national attention once they come out.

As for Gu Hongyu, there is nothing to do recently, except doing some things that lovers like to do most when he and Mei Ning are free, that is, wandering around the village with their pets at home.

The parents are supervising the decoration of the villa in Hongfu Garden Community. In fact, Captain Huang is already concerned about it. Gu Hongyu's new home would not dare to neglect it even if he had a hundred courages. However, the villa It can be regarded as Gu Hongyu's first more formal house. It may be a new house for him and Mei Ning to marry in the future. As an old man, he is very concerned about it.

This afternoon, Gu Hongyu stayed at home and played with Mei Ning for a while. Just when he climbed to the top of the familiar road with his hands and planned to explore the beautiful valley, a phone ringing interrupted the beautiful scenery between the two of them.

Really, parents all set aside time for Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning to get along with each other. Who is going to disturb the two of them?

But one thing happened: Mei Ning looked so sweet and obedient when she answered the phone, Gu Hongyu didn't dare to complain. It turned out that this was a call from Mei Ning's home. Mei Ning's parents have almost retired, and now they have no jobs. Relatively leisurely. If anything happens, she will call Mei Ning to say hello.

After hanging up the phone, Mei Ning looked at Gu Hongyu with faint eyes: "Brother Yu, I may have to go back soon. My cousin is getting married and asked me to be the bridesmaid!"

Gu Hongyu smiled helplessly: "Okay, I wonder if letting you be the bridesmaid will steal the spotlight from the bride?"

"No, I've seen my cousin's girlfriend before. She's still very beautiful!"

"Are you leaving right away or when?"

"It's next weekend, there are still about ten days, but I want to go back to be a bridesmaid, so tell me to go back early!" Mei Ning is used to staying in Honghu Village, but actually Mei Ning doesn't really want to go back.

"There may be rehearsals or something, so I'll ask you to help me when I get back. Otherwise, you should go back early!" Gu Hongyu said thoughtfully.

Mei Ning kissed Gu Hongyu's lips and said softly: "Well, I'll go back tomorrow. I know you have something to do, so you don't have to follow me. Will Brother Chen and the others be back at the weekend?"

"Yes, Brother Chen came here to take a look at the development here. The commercial street in Honghu Village is about to start construction, and the ancient city ruins are also under urgent construction. But your cousin has to go to the wedding bedroom anyway. Why don't you go back early? Get there before the weekend next week!" Gu Hongyu suggested.

"Okay, let's just say it!"

"Well, it's settled. Then let's continue what we didn't finish just now..." As Gu Hongyu said that, a hungry wolf pounced on Mei Ning and pinned her down on the bed, and then there was the sound of Mei Ning's resistance (but don't Random thoughts. They didn’t do anything!)

Driving a Land Rover to the train station to see Mei Ning off, Gu Hongyu suddenly felt confused. They had been living together and they didn't even blush once. They got along well, and they were really not used to being separated this time. Woolen cloth!

After returning home, my parents went to the villa to supervise the decoration. Now only Gu Hongyu was left in the originally narrow wooden house. Feeling bored, he decided to go to space to dominate.

Accustomed to the abundant spiritual energy in the space and the feeling of controlling everything, he searched the space with his consciousness and found nothing abnormal. However, his powerful consciousness made all the creatures he noticed tremble. It was not until Gu Hongyu put away his consciousness that he could replied angry.

The space wandered around a bit. Gu Hongyu came to the edge of the reservoir quietly. The calm water surface in front of him was so wide that it could no longer be described as a reservoir. It was equivalent to a small lake.

There is a row of hydrophilic trees next to the lake. The blooming flowers of the trees are scattered in the wind, and there is something flying among the bunches of flowers.

Purple bee, really purple bee!

Gu Hongyu was very excited. Gu Hongyu collected these bees in the Five Elements Cave, but no trace of them was found later. He thought they perished in the spiritual energy storm. Unexpectedly, they were still there. They were on the shore of the lake at the moment. Working hard to collect nectar from the flowers on the trees.

Gu Hongyu's consciousness called the purple bees, and soon a swarm of purple bees buzzed in front of him. One of them, Gu Hongyu, was deeply impressed because they had communicated in the Five Elements Cave.

Following the direction of the purple bee's flight, Gu Hongyu also controlled his body to fly in the air, and soon arrived at the mountainside of the only mountain in the space. Now this mountain peak is beginning to take shape, and the stone tablet on the top of the peak seems to be inserted in There is a sharp sword at the top of the mountain. There are waterfalls on the mountainside, and there are pools and gurgling streams below the mountainside. The water gradually gathers in the small lake, forming a very natural three-dimensional picture.

The purple bee's nest is on an unknown big tree on the mountainside. It is a huge hive shaped like an oval. There are many purple bees flying in and out on the surface, making it a busy scene.

"This is your home. Your population has grown so much?" I was so surprised. There were not many of them when Gu Hongyu brought them into the space.

The consciousness of Zifeng, who was very familiar with Gu Hongyu, came over: "Yes, there is also our king inside. He must be very happy to see you!"

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