Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 33 Building a house by the lake [Please recommend and collect]

Things went very smoothly. With Gu Hongyu's help, Niu Ming negotiated the price of the goods with the leather goods buyers in the town within two days. On the third day, he left happily with several large trucks full of them. This time he will go back. It's a great achievement.

Gu Hongyu is not idle here either. The towns and villages are very interested in his land contract, and the efficiency of all mobilization is surprisingly high. All the transferred land has been measured by a third party and there is basically no error. Gu Hongyu also Go to the site again to confirm everything is correct.

So the next step is to formally sign the Dahu and land contract. The content is no different from the initialed contract. The specific completion time of the government's road construction is also written in it. If the construction period is exceeded, the government will refund part or all of it. Return his sponsorship money.

After Niu Ming returned with a full load, Gu Hongyu simply evacuated the hotel in the town and stayed in Aza's old mud house. In order to welcome Gu Hongyu's arrival, Aza's branch secretary even bought linoleum to spread on the leaky roof.

There are only two old men and one grandson in Aza's family now. The eldest son has separated and lives on the other side of the village. One daughter has been married and rarely comes back. They live with the younger son. The emperor loves the eldest son and the people love the youngest son, which shows that the countryside the previous status quo.

The younger son and his wife work outside all year round, and the only thing left for the older couple is Xiao Hao, who just fell ill a few days ago. He is the pistachio and heart of Aza's party secretary and his wife.

He saw a strange uncle living in his house. At first, this boy was shy like a rural child, but then he gradually became familiar with him. In addition, Gu Hongyu had prepared a lot of snacks before coming to the village, and he 'lure' a little boy. The child has yet to be captured.

When a six- or seven-year-old child is most curious about the outside world, an uncle who is very friendly to him brings out a lot of delicious and fun things for his uncle. He also asks a lot of questions that no one else can answer, but this uncle The answer came quickly.

At this time, Xiaohao was completely captured by Gu Hongyu. If there was nothing else, he would usually follow him as a small follower. If he met other children in the village, he would constantly take out toys and offer treasures to other children. His companions looked at him with naked lust.

However, Gu Hongyu didn't bring many toys this time. Seeing the older children trying to snatch them away, Gu Hongyu took Xiao Hao back to his house.

When they returned home, Party Secretary Aza was already at home. He smiled happily when Gu Hongyu and Xiao Hao came back.

"Xiao Gu, are you not used to living in my house?" At first Party Secretary Aza called Gu Hongyu "Mr. Gu". After Gu Hongyu corrected him many times, he finally called Xiao Gu.

However, he also changed his name to Uncle Aza. After hearing his question about accommodation, Gu Hongyu responded with a reluctant smile: "I can still handle it. My family is not very wealthy. My grandma's family is also from a rural area. When I was a child, I like to hang out with them the most.”

Although he said this, Gu Hongyu was actually not used to living in Uncle Aza's house, because every household here raised cattle and sheep, and the cattle and sheep pens were right next to his house. He only stayed here for one night and the smell was overwhelming. Gu Hongyu fled in despair, but he was worried about the feelings of Uncle Aza's family and did not say anything.

"Haha, you young people are so tough-talking. Your expression is almost written on your face. I can't tell it, but this is the way this place is. We have dealt with cattle and sheep all our lives. It would be difficult for us to live without these animals!" Uncle Zha said with emotion.

Gu Hongyu scratched his head in embarrassment: "Let's deal with it for a few days. In two days, I will build a house by the lake. Once it is repaired, I will move there."

When he first came here, Gu Hongyu was fascinated by the lake. Since he was going to take root here in the future, he couldn’t treat himself badly in terms of living environment. There was no conflict between developing agriculture and enjoying life. Gu Hongyu was attracted by it at a glance. I took a fancy to the gentle location in the woods beside the big lake.

"Xiao Gu, I'm not driving you away. Just because you have contracted the lake and land in our village now, that's a great kindness to us. Also, we have all seen Xiao Hao during this period and said Nothing can push you out." Uncle Aza was particularly energetic when he talked about this.

Gu Hongyu laughed and said: "I understand what you mean, but I will be here for a long time in the future. I can be regarded as half a villager in Honghu Village. I can't stay here with you forever without my own house!"

Uncle Aza also laughed: "As long as you don't blame me, it's fine. I'm very much like saying words of gratitude to you, but I'm the dumbest and can't say them out. The culture is a bit lacking in these things. Please don't take offense!"

"No, no, Uncle Aza is well-known in the village. I understand your character. If I had said anything disrespectful to you that day, the villagers would have argued with me for a long time." Gu Hongyu said Just kidding.

Uncle Aza also chuckled and said: "Haha, now you are their food and clothing parent. I'm afraid if someone disrespects you, they will be criticized by other villagers."

Just as Gu Hongyu and Uncle Aza were complimenting and joking with each other, Aunt Aza had already prepared dinner. The young man in the house was running very fast, and he felt the crisp voices beside Gu Hongyu and Uncle Aza shouting: "Grandpa, Uncle Gu, Grandma made my favorite steamed buns tonight, let’s go eat them quickly!”

Before he could respond, he immediately turned around and ran into the house, leaving Uncle Aza and Gu Hongyu, who had not yet gotten up, laughing in the background.

Gu Hongyu was not used to the living here, but he felt that the food here was not bad. Although the steamed buns looked not very good, the original flavor would remind you of your childhood. This is the taste in your memory.

A few steamed buns with boiled mutton made Gu Hongyu's appetite open. The dipping sauce made of leeks collected from the grassland here was really unique.

After the meal, Gu Hongyu had to take a walk by the lake to digest the food. He could not help but come to the grove where the house was about to be built. The branches of the forest rustled with the breeze, and the surface of Honghu Lake was slightly rippled by the evening breeze. It would be a beautiful enjoyment to live here in the future.

This time, Gu Hongyu wanted to build a wooden house, but he still asked a buddy of Peng Minghao to design it. He would get the renderings in two days. According to his buddy, 7 or 8 wooden houses could be built in just ten days as long as the materials were ready.

But this is not the main thing he has been busy with in recent days. The land and lake belong to Gu Hongyu. He also handed over the first year's contract money of the land to the government. These land and lakes cannot be left vacant. Now he relies on Peng Minghao's relationship to contact a company specializing in vegetable greenhouses. They will come to the site for field investigation in the next few days, and then design vegetable greenhouses according to the terrain here.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner!

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