Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 34 No money in pocket [Please recommend and collect]

(Thanks to ‘Big Erlang’ and ‘Xie Zhixiu’ for the reward, thank you very much!)

In the following time, Gu Hongyu was too busy to keep his feet on the ground. At first, the architectural drawings of the lakeside cabin came out. After he confirmed it, Peng Minghao immediately contacted a team that built wooden houses. Although he had no qualifications in building houses, The craftsmanship in building houses locally is indeed excellent.

While they were busy repairing the house, Peng Minghao contacted the company that built the vegetable greenhouse and the company arrived again. The man who had seen the wide cultivated land immediately gave Gu Hongyu his professional opinion. According to him, it was located at the other end of the grove. The cultivated land is the most suitable location for growing vegetables in greenhouses.

Gu Hongyu took a look at the CEO of the company that built the greenhouse. His surname was Mu. He was lean and lean. At first glance, he looked like a man who calculated everything carefully.

Gu Hongyu knew that the land that Mr. Mu pointed to was about a thousand acres. Gu Hongyu didn't want all the land to be used for greenhouses, so he asked instead: "Mr. Mu, What’s the price for your company’s vegetable greenhouses?”

Mr. Mu chuckled: "Mr. Gu, you are all Xiao Peng's classmates. For a large area of ​​land like yours, I suggest building a vegetable greenhouse with a height of 2.5 meters. The length and width should be according to your requirements. The price is the same as for others. It’s 35 yuan per square meter. What do you think if I give you 30 yuan per square meter?”

The price of thirty yuan per square meter is not different from Gu Hongyu's expectation, but if more than a thousand acres of land are used as vegetable greenhouses, even if Gu Hongyu doesn't spend a penny in the early stage, the 1.7 million yuan will be a waste of money. It's not even enough to fill the gap between your teeth.

It's easy to calculate. One acre is 660 square meters. At 30 yuan per square meter, it's 20,000 yuan per acre. If it's 1,000 acres, it's 20 million yuan.

In order to contract this land and the lake, Gu Hongyu signed a contract with the town and already sponsored 200,000 yuan for the road, and gave the town and villagers the first-year contract payment for the land, which was close to 300,000 yuan in real terms. Yuan, it will cost at least RMB 100,000 to build a wooden house, and install the greenhouse irrigation system in the future. Alas, these all require a lot of expenditure!

"Mr. Mu, there is no need to use all this thousand acres of land for greenhouses. I wonder if we can just build a few dozen acres first?" Facing Mr. Mu's generosity, Gu Hongyu could only feel depressed in his heart. In his opinion, one thousand acres is not necessary, but one or two hundred acres is definitely needed, but after calculation, the funds in his hand are still far short.

Mr. Mu may have understood Gu Hongyu's situation. How much start-up capital does a recent college graduate have? It would be great to be able to open such a large business.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "It's up to you to decide how large the vegetable greenhouse will be, but if you want to expand the size of the vegetable greenhouse in the future, you must choose our company!"

Gu Hongyu said straightforwardly without thinking: "What's the problem? We all have a good relationship with Minghao. As the saying goes, good things don't go to outsiders, right? I can rest assured that the project will be left to you."

"Okay, let's follow your request and make a 50-acre vegetable greenhouse plan first. If you think it's okay, then we'll sign the contract, right?" Mr. Mu said simply.

Once the contract is signed, according to the regulations, the fifty-acre vegetable greenhouse will be completed within one month. Gu Hongyu must also pay 50% of the advance payment, and the balance will be paid in net after the project is completed and accepted.

With electronic bank transfers and everything else, it is extremely fast. Mr. Mu is very confident about today's business. He has brought a laptop and a wireless Internet card to solve the network problem in a short time. The 500,000 yuan in it no longer belonged to him. Seeing that the remaining 600,000 yuan would not belong to him in a month, Gu Hongyu thought anxiously that he must find a profitable business as soon as possible.

When the contract here was finalized, Gu Hongyu's heart moved: "Mr. Mu, since you work in vegetable greenhouses, you must know someone who is involved in greenhouse vegetable sprinkler irrigation, right?"

"Why, Xiao Gu has to install even this high-tech gadget. This thing is good. It can save a lot of labor in daily management. In disguise, it saves a lot of labor expenses, but..." Mr. Mu said here Just stop talking.

Gu Hongyu understood the meaning of what he did not say. It did not mean that installing an automatic greenhouse vegetable irrigation device would cost a lot of money. However, Gu Hongyu still insisted: "This thing must be installed. This village is located in a remote area. There are not many manpower, let alone anyone working here, and only automated irrigation equipment can solve this problem. I will find a way to deal with money, but let’s be prepared first!”

"Xiao Gu is so courageous. I am actually a friend in this field. Fifty acres of vegetable greenhouses can be considered a big business. I think he will come over immediately when he hears the news. Please rest assured about the price. Friends won't randomly bid, you can also check this information on the Internet." Seeing Gu Hongyu's attitude, Mr. Mu took out his cell phone and made a call.

Gu Hongyu racked his brains and silently calculated in his mind, thinking about where he could earn a sum of money as quickly as possible. He would definitely not be able to get a loan from a bank now. It turned out that he seemed to be taking it for granted. Only after asking for the last time did he find out that he was To be able to meet the loan conditions, at least the land and the lake here have a fixed output. The leased land location is so remote. Unless the bank is mentally ill, it will not give you a loan.

Sometimes he also thought that there were still a few orchids in the space, and now they were growing better than the ones sold to Mr. Zhou. Otherwise, he could just find someone who knew the goods and sell one of the orchids. However, after thinking about it, such rare things would attract the attention of the industry. If he was suspected, he would have no way to defend himself. This kind of thing was very sensitive and had a high risk. In the end, he rejected it, thinking that he would not consider this matter unless it was a critical moment.

It was really a golden bowl in hand but still begging for food everywhere. Gu Hongyu was amused by his own thoughts.

The most appropriate way was to ask Niu Ming for some support if he really had no money. Even the two hundred thousand he said could not solve the urgent problem. Money, money, it was really a penny that made a hero fall. Gu Hongyu had a wild idea in his imagination, "It would be great if he could do magic."

Just when Gu Hongyu was lost in his fantasy, he saw Mr. Mu laughing and saying, "Xiao Gu, this is done. My friend happens to be free these few days. If you decide, he can come over tomorrow."

Speaking of this, no matter how poor you are, you have to do infrastructure construction. If you don't do it now, you will have to vacate the greenhouse in the future, which will affect the planting of vegetables. Gu Hongyu gritted his teeth and said firmly, "Ask your friend to come tomorrow. If the price is reasonable, it will be possible to build your steel frame greenhouse together."

"Okay, I'll give him a reply!"

Shaking his head, watching Mr. Mu walk aside and call his friend again, Gu Hongyu unconsciously pinched his five fingers together, and suddenly his heart was shocked and a plan came to his mind. He thought of a quick way to make money.

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